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1 1f This book is not to be taken from the Library The Notre Dame SCHOLASTIC ^ ' " ' %. % MAY 14 '32 ^4- Si' i 15 Cts. a Copy $3X)0 the Yew M a y

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5 May 13, 1932 Three THE SCHOLASTIC is published weekly at the University of Notre Davie. Manuseripts may be addressed to THE SCHOLASTIC, Publications Office, Main Building. The Notre Dame Scholastic Disce Quasi Semper Victums Vive Qimsi Cras Moriturus F O U N D E D 186 Entered as second-class matter at Notre Dame, Indiana. Acceptance for majling at special rate of postage. Section llos, October S. 1917, authorized June 25, 191S. NEIL C. HURLEY Editor-in-Chief HENRY B. ASMAN Managing Editor WILLIAM W. CORR Departmental Editor Associate Editors Department Editors Features Staff GRANGER WEIL JAMES CARMODY The Week WALTER JOHNSON Features Editor LESLIE RADDATZ MYRON CRAWFORD ^,.^., JOHN PICK College Parade HARRY BURCHELL WILLIAM KENNEDY News Staff JOHN CONLEY Campus Clubs STEPHEN HAWXHURST TIGHE WOODS EDMUND STEPHAN News Editor john RYAN il/usic and Draina EDWARD J. O'BRIEN BRYAN DEGNAN PATRICK COnCORAN. Ass stant News Editor, ^. «^x, MITCHELL TACKLEY. Assistant News Editor ^0^^^" ^^^^^^^ ^'^^ -^' "^' «0Y SCHOLZ LOUIS HRUBY AVALTER KENNEDY ROBERT DILLON c. r.. ^. ^ ^ BERNARD COUSINO WILLIAM DREUX ^'""''^ ^'"-^ ^"^'"^^^ ^'"^ LARRY DUNDA MICHAEL WIEDL JAMES S. KEARNS SpoHs Editor ANDREW McGUAN Circiu'ation Mgr. JOHN McELLIGOTT RAY WATERS T. EDWARD CAREY IRVING B. HALPER RAYMOND J. NABER,.-iss't. Circulatuni Mgr. PAUL FOLEY PAUL HOST JOSEPH MORPER l^^^ If^^lf^r^r^'n^"' :^'^:^^^^^^ ROBT. FITZSIMMONS. Asst.Advertising Mgr. Desk Editors JAMES PICK EDW. VAN HUISSELING JQHN P. HESS JOSEPH SBION GEORGE DUQUETTE LLOYD TESKE JOSEPH ICURTH J.. ALBERT SMITH HARRY McGOWAN J. DON SULLIVAN WILLIAM FLYNN JOHN F. STOECKLEY....Graduate Manager VOLUME LXVH. MAY 13, 1932 NUMBER 25. SUMMARY COMING EVENTS NEWS Preparations complete for Bengal Stage Show and Movie; Perone all set with "extravaganza" program 5 John Cahill swept into office as Grand Knight of K. of C; succeeds Jim Collins 5 Class of 1932 makes final social bow tonight when Chairman Dyniewicz presents Ball 16 Werner, Condon, and Breen are named to head Senior, Junior and Sophomore classes respectively by record vote 6 New Hurley College of Commerce building to be dedicated Tuesday; Father O'Donnell to give address ^ FEATURES Men About Campus Frank Reilly reads books, does all his papers; Frank O'Neill grew gray hair at age of thirteen 12 SPORTS Irish baseball team downs Northwestern, 5 to 3, in rain and mud as big Ed Lagger, Joe Sheeketski, and George Kozak colaborate with pitching and hitting ^ 20 Golf team returns to winning ways with 14% to 3% triumph over Iowa in final home meet of year 20 Blue football squad wins from veteran Green eleven, 7-0, as Mike Koken and Al McGufF divide honors 21 First round matches of SCHOLASTIC handicap golf tourney completed; second round to finish Saturday 22 Chicago tennis team blanks Irish net squad Wednesday in dual meet on Maroon's coui'ts 22 FRIDAY, May 13 SCHOLASTIC meeting: editorial staif. Publications office, 6:30 p. m.; news and sports staffs. Publications office, 7:00 p. m. Concert orchestra practice, Music hall, 6: 0 p. m. Movie, Will Rogers in "Business and Pleasure," Washington hall, 6:45 and 8:15 p. m. Senior Ball, Palais Royale, 10:00 p. m. SATURDAY, May 14 Track, Notre Dame vs. Pittsburgh, at Pittsburgh. Golf, Notre Dame vs. Pittsburgh, at Pittsburgh. Senior Tea Dance, South Bend Country Club, 2:00 p. m. Baseball, Notre Dame vs. Michigan State, at East Lansing. SCHOLASTIC Bengal Benefit Movie and Stage Show, Washington hall, 6:45 p. m. SUNDAY, May 15 Masses, Sacred Heart Church, 6:00, 7:00, 8:00, and 9:00 a. m. Interhall Golf Matches. Interhall Playground Ball, 9:00 a. m. Soccer, La Raza Club vs. Sociedad Latino Americana of Michigan University, 9:30 a. m. MONDAY, May 16 Meeting of the Bookmen, Law building, 8:00 p. m. Spanish Club Banquet, Oliver Hotel, 7:00 p. m. TUESDAY, May 17 Concert orchestra practice, Music hall, 6:30 p. m. Scribblers' meeting, Howard "rec," 6:30 p. m. Movie, Richard Dix in "The Lost Squadron," Washington Hall, 6:30 and 8:15 p. m. Monogram Formal, Palais Royale, 9:00 p. m. WEDNESDAY, May 18 Movie, "Romance of Drugs," Washington hall, 8:00 p. m. THURSDAY, May 19 Spectators' Banquet, Oliver hotel, 6:30 p. m. Wranglers' Banquet, Oliver Hotel, 6:30 p. m. Symphony Orchestra Concert, Washington Hall, 8:00 p. m.

6 Four The Scholastic WEEr By James Carmody IT has been recommended that we say nothing at all of the Senior Ball, which is being held tonight. Perhaps it is best. As some may have guessed, there was some to-do about the whole, affair, what with the downward drop in the collegiate allowance chart and the corners of the collegiate month, there was some reluctance among the seniors to lay it, as they say, on the line, whether they had the money or not. But things have smoothed themselves out, and up until press time there was every assurance that there would really be the customary soft lights and sweet music. There is the danger in talking about the Ball that placated principals will be again aroused; we'd better not say a word. -* - OiNCE the events at hand are generally known hereabouts, we don't think we are violating any secret by setting them down. It appears that that part of the "poor are always with us," which lives in the adjoining jungle, was being neglected in the bread lines here and elsewhere. The reasons for the neglect are probably good and sufficient, but not for certain, humitarians in the student body who found a need and determined to satisfy it. As a result, nightly, little knots of fellows trudge out of the dininghall with packages of sandwiches made from the bread and meat they have done without for the sake of charity; moreover, they carry the food a half mile or so without a grumble. If this story were meant to be at all funny we'd say that the hobos complain petulantly about the quality of the bread and the age of the meat; but as a matter of fact, they eat every crumb gratefully, even if the stuff did come from the dining hall. OLITICS are over, and the news is the best of the week. The whispering business gets to be a great bore, even for the whisperers; and its good to hear a normal voice again. Now that the battle arrays have been withdrawn, the winners can shrug shoulders and say: "Well, we got it. Now what?" And the losers can go through the same motions, with "There's nothing in the political racket after all, and it's good to be out of it." It's a sure bet that if the new officers are visited with any such nightmare as were the lot of this year's destiny-directors, they'll wish sincerely, in spite of hopes concerning ever more doubtful accruement, that they'd been on the short end of the count. It looks very much as though the hot water into which the outgoing lads were dropping regularly will be still boiling next year. Sometimes it pays to be a loser, and we have a hunch that this week would have been one of those fortunate periods. - - W, HEN all the lights in Sorin and Walsh went out the other night. Bob Gorman remarked, with words that sounded a doubt as to our diligence, that electrical defects would probably write The Week this time. As a matter of fact, although the entire "sub" flocked upstairs to gape at a ray of light that came through the front door, nothing humorous was said, and there was none of the typical Sorin quaintness of action that was worth recording. The few cracks made about the desirability of pa3dng light bills were ill-received, and the crew all went back to the dark more or less quietly. There is a suspicion prevalent now that the ranks of the formerly spry blowers of French horns have been invaded by that demon, tapeworm, or by some such enervating force. Such things are said, even if they're effective in stopping noise. For one thing, they stop The Week from being written by events.

7 May 13,1932 HYDE GIVES TALK TO BOOKMEN CLUB MONDAY Worthiness of Modem Types of Fiction Discussed. The place of detective fiction in modern literature was the subject of Samuel Hyde, president-elect of the Bookmen, at the meeting of the club last Monday evening. Hyde differentiated in his talk the various tjrpes of such fiction and suggested that while books by S. S. Van Dyne might be worthwhile, those detective stories found in cheap magazines have no place in the literature of today. He went on to tell what class of people read the better type of mystery story. From the statistics given he concluded that the stories coming under the general heading of detective fiction are today the "literature of escape" for the better educated people. He Wouldn't Talk The speaker withheld his opinion as to the exact literary merit of this type of story, but did say that it would undoubtedly occupy in the future an important place in the twentieth century contribution to literature, either directly or through its influence. Many of the members disagreed with the conclusions arrived at by Hyde, and as a result one of the most lively discussions of the year was carried on. The regular meetings of the term closed last Monday with the admittance of six new members: John J. Hayes, John Sullivan, David Powers, Edward Kilmurry,' Ben Beyrer, and John McKean. Activities for the year will conclude with a banquet next Monday evening. Ha! Student Raids Dining Hall By Intercollegiate Press. Williamsburg, Va., May 12. ^Practically the" entire male student body of William and Mary College went on strike last week when college authorities expelled four freshman students who had made a raid on the college dining hall. i> The raid was made in an effort to seize a student waiter and toss him into a pond. Leaders of the freshman class said the student had been autocratic in his treatment of firstyear students. CAPACmr CROWD EXPECTED FOR BENGAL STAGE SHOW AND MOVIE SATURDAY MTE ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^p^^^^^^^^^^f^^^^^^^^^^^i^ Voting Landslide Sweeps Cahill To K.C. Election Win After a vigorous campaign, John Hugh Cahill, a junior in the Commerce School, was elected Monday ev- JoHN CAHILL A Knight Is Made Grand. ening to the office of Grand Knight of the local Knights of Columbus council for the ensuing year. He was opposed by Frederick Paul Becklenberg, a junior in the Arts and Letters school. Cahill will succeed James K. Collins, the present grand knight. A total of ninety votes were cast. Winners of other offices were: Edward L. (Bob) Barrett, deputy grand knight; Charles Bolger, chancellor; John Cary, warden; Arthur Cavender, recording secretary; James Gerend, treasurer; Ernest Haberkern, advocate; Michael Coyle, inside guard; Ralph Schewe, outside guard; Harold Stone, outside guard. Edward Barrett and John Cary were unopposed in the elections. The latter held the same office during the past year. All other offices were.secured after decided campaigning. The new officials will assume their respective duties on July 1. John Cahill has been a prime factor in this year's success of the Knights of Columbus. Five THE CAST IS COMPLETED John Perone Declares That All Is in Readiness For ''Extravaganza." By Neil C. Hurley One of the largest crowds ever to pack into Washington hall is scheduled to be on hand tomorrow evening for the running of the Bengal movie and stage show. Last minute preparations were made today. All is in readiness for the first such event in Notre Dame history. Actors All Set John Perone, who will officiate as the Master of Ceremonies, wound up his troupe of actors this afternoon, and pronounced the show ready for the crowd at 6:45 tomorrow night. The stage events will be held first and will last for nearly an hour. Following this the movie will be flashed on the screen, with the usual side attractions of news events and comedies. The Reverend George Holderith, C. S. C, who is in charge of Washington Hall activities, has personally attended to the motion picture arrangements. All other events on the program are sponsored by THE SCHO LASTIC. Only One Performance There will be but one performance, it was announced this morning, due to the length of time that the affair will take. Special sections are being reserved for down town visitors, and for Seniors who may attend with their Ball guests. Only one row of faculty seats will be reserved, due to the large number of tickets already sold for the performance. The curtain will be raised at exactly six-forty-five. The doors will be opened at six-fifteen. Tickets will be sold at the door.

8 Six Werner Downs Rohrs for ^33 Presidency in Record Ballot S. A. C. SUPERVISES Joseph Condon and John Breen Win Junior and Sophomore Elections Respectively. By Peter Jensen Francis Werner, New London, Wisconsin, was elected president of the senior class at the University elections FRANCIS WERNER Trades a band uniform for a gavel. held Monday afternoon in the dining halls. Joseph Condon, Brockton, Mass., and John Breen, Chicago, 111., won the junior and sophomore presidencies. Turnout at the polls show that an increased intei-est in campus politics was in evidence. The largest number of votes in the history of the school was cast Monday. Werner, a junior in the College of Arts and Letters, defeated George Rohrs by a majority of nine votes. In the junior election, Condon defeated Hugh O'Neill, receiving 294 votes to 147. Breen eked out a five-vote majority over Walter Brown in the sophomore contest. The newly elected senior president has been an active figure in campus activities. He has served on numerous committees and holds a prominent place in his class. Condon's popularity among the second year men was evidenced by the large majority of (Continued on Page 15) Boys Eat Meat; Girls Offer It Up For Bengalese While one of our seniors is munching down a juicy tenderloin steak in one of South Bend's most distinctive eating houses Saturday evening, hio best girl Senior Ball Date will be hungrily looking on, relishing the thoughts of dried up shrimp salad and burned halibut. Because Saturday is a day of fast and abstinence immediately preceding the Feast of Pentecost, Catholics are not permitted to eat meat. Through a special dispensation of the Bishop of Fort Wayne, Notre Dame seniors attending the ball Friday night may eat even hamburgers if they wish. This dispensation, however, does not affect the girls. Hence, the difference in the menu. Boy Guidance Department Host To Two Lecturers The Boy Guidance department of the University was host this week to two guest speakers: Superintendent J. R. Michael of the Glenwood School for Boys at Chicago, and P. H. Salzgiver, director of recreation at the same institution. Both of the speakers presented talks on various phases of boy guidance work to the regular classes in the department. Professor Raymond Hoyer, head of the Boy Guidance department, announced at the same time that Paul J: Malholchic, a boy guidance student at Notre Dame, will be the student chosen this year to continue his studies and participate in field work at the Glenwood School for Boys. Father McGinn Visits Campus Reverend John McGinn, C.S.C, professor in the Bengal Foreign Mission Society, Washington, D. C, visited the University last week. Father McGinn taught at Notre Dame several years ago in the department of sociology. The Scholastic "ABRAHAM LMCOLriS DRAMATIC BIOGRAPHY Forty Characters In Cast of Last Student Production. Rehearsals for the forthcoming presentation of John Drinkwater's "Abraham Lincoln" by the University Players are well under way. The play, selected for its high dramatic quality, will be a fitting climax for the season of the University Theater. Forty characters will participate in the production, four of which are female parts. Settings for the play are in keeping Avith its histoi'ical background. The action takes place in six scenes. Critic Praises Play Thomas H. Dickinson, noted critic, and author of An Outline of Contemporary Drama, says: "In Abraham Lincoln, Drinkwater has done far more than write a dramatic biography. He has delivered in terms of poetry a message on spiritual values to his age, showing these values instinct in a great man. Poetically, the work is of high order; as a piece of stagecraft, it is a masterpiece." Such historical personages as William H. Seward, Edwin M. Stanton, General Grant, General Meade, and Robert E. Lee will be rejuvenated by the campus actors. The play itself is different from others in that it emphasizes less than does the conventional drama, the element of "conflict" or "struggle." Opposition that Lincoln was forced to meet and overcome, doubts and misgivings that assailed him from not always, being sure he was right, form the nucleus of the plot.. Banquet To Honor Senior Members of 'Jersey' Club A six- course steak banquet will be held by the New Jersey club, Wednesday, at 6:30 p, m. in the University Club dining room in the Citizen's National Bank building. The banquet is being arranged by James B. Clark and Gene Rau, co-chairman, and will be in honor of the senior members of the club. Professor Daniel O'Grady, of tha philosophy department, will be toastmaster, and Professor Clarence Manion, of the College of Law, will be the principal speaker. The tax for the evening will be one dollar.

9 May 13, 1932 PROBATION SOCIETY RE-ELECTS PETTIT Assistant Sociology Professor Will Serve Second Term. Maurice L. Pettit, assistant professor of- Sociology and Director of Field and Probation Work at Notre Seven Commerce Building Will Be Dedicated Here On Tuesday Boyle, O'Meara Win Elections In Wranglers RITES TO BE SIMPLE E. N. Hurley Will Be Present For Ceremonies; Father O'Donnell To Soeak. MAURICE L. PETTIT They wanted him again. Dame, was re-elected president ot the Indiana State Probation Association at its Spring Conference held May 6 and 7. At the conference several Notre Dame men addressed the members of the group. The meeting opened with an address by the Reverend Raymond J. Murray, C.S.C., head of the Department of Sociology at Notre Dame. Father Murray's subject was "Positive Values of Probation." Raymond A. Hoyer, head of the Notre Dame Boy Guidance Department, spoke on "Organizing the Community in Support of Probation." Following the talk by Professor Hoyer Friday afternoon the members re-assembled for the Conference dinner at the South Bend Y. M. C. A. During the course of the evening Professor Leo Kuntz, head of the Department of Education, delivered a talk entitled "The Educative Process of Probation." At the same evening conference Dr. Patrick Weeks, M. D., Continued on Pajje 27) James Boyle, a junior in the College of Arts and Letters, was elected to the presidency of the Wranglers yesterday, to succeed James B. O'Shaughnessy. Thomas O'Meara, who served as secretary this year, was re-elected to his office. Coincident with the political maneuvers, was the announcement that nine new members had been elected to membership. Twenty-five undergraduates had previously applied. Those chosen are John Clancy, Hugh Fitzgerald, John D. Heywood, Louis Hruby, John H. Logan, Barney A. Monaghan, George Reilly, Arthur L. Korzenaski, and Richard J. Ballman. This is the largest representation that the group have ever elected Lo membership. The quota of the organization is limited to twenty. "The reason for the large enrollment," declared James Boyle, newly elected president, and chairman of the membership committee, "is because the applicants were by far superior to any previous group applying for admission." NOTICE! The Faculty Board of Publications will receive applications from undergraduates of the University for editorships to the following publications: THE SCHOLASTIC, the Juggle?; Sciiji, the Dome. The applicant must submit his name in writing to the Chairman of the Faculty Board of Publications, the Reverend L. Broughal, C.S.C, Administration building, within one week from the publication of this notice in THE SCHOLASTIC of May 13. Only those applications which are received by mail will be considered. Letters of application must be mailed before 4 p. m. on May 19. The Commei-ce building u-ill be dedicated at Notre Dame this Tuesday afternoon at 2:00 o'clock. The Reverend Charles L. O'Donnell, C.S.C, president of the Univei-sity, made this announcement' to THE SCHOLASTIC yesterday afternoon. Simple ceremonies will sun-ound the dedication program. The Board of Lay Trustees, following their routine meeting at Notre Dame, will be conducted to the lobby of the new building. There they will meet the faculty of the Commerce school, dressed in their professorial caps and gowns. Classes Called Off The students of the college, who, in honor of the occasion, will be allowed the afternoon free from classes, will surround the lobby on the balcony and in the corridors. Mr. Edward N. Hurley, donor of the building, will not speak on the pi'ogram, but will be in attendance together with his wife and immediate family. Father O'Donnell will officially speak for the University in thanking Mr. Hurley for his gift and in making the formal acceptance. Just who will make the presentation is not known at the time THE SCHOLASTIC goes to press. Mr. Albert R. Erskine, as chairman of the Board of Lay Trustees, will probably preside over the ceremonies. The program will not be long, but in keeping with the dignified tone of the arrangements will be brought to a short termination. Father Walsh Undergoes Appendicitis Operation Reverend Matthew J. Walsh, C.S.C. professor of History and former president of the University, underwent an operation for appendicitis at the St. Joseph hospital, Tuesday morning.

10 Eight SYMPHONY ORCHESTKA TO GIVE 2ND CONCERT Selective Program Is Planned For Thursday Evening. Washington Hall will be the scene of a concert to be given by the Notre Dame Symphony Orchestra on Thursday evening, May 19, at 8:00 o'clock. Professor Richard H. Seidel of the School of Music will act as conductor. Featured on the program will be a piano solo by John Sharpe, a student in the music school. He will play "Concerto No. 1," by Mendelssohn. Second Appearance of Orchestra Other selections which will be played by the orchestra include an overture, "Tha Merry Wives of Windsor," by Nicolai; "Symphony" (G Minor), by Mozart; "Allegro Molto, "Andante," "Menuetto"; "Shepherds Dance-Morris Dance," by German; and an overture, "Calif of Bagdad," by Boieldieu. Next Thursday's presentation marks the second appearance of the orchestra on the campus. Twenty-eight students comprise the pei-sonnel. They are: FIRST VIOLIN George M. Eiehler, concertmaster; Robert J. Klaiber. Thomas Paradise. Joseph Petritz. and George W. Barber. SECOND VIOLIN Michael Yriberry, Wilbur Bernard, Uoyd Teske, James J. Reilly, Otto Reymer, Louis Grosso. VIOLA Professor W. L. Groom, John B. Beyrer. CELLO Professor F, H. Ingersoll. CLARINET Edward Zimmers, Paul Locher, Jerome Boyle. TRUMPET Urban Daly, John F. Murphy, Roy Scholz. TROMBONE Joseph C. Evans. SAXOPHONE Alfred J. Heigel, Lawrence Bugni, Charles Albert. PIANO James A. Kaufman, Leonard Kenkel. Ball Song On Air The theme song of the Senior Ball of 1932, written by Miss Olga Melchione, and entitled "A Night in May," was broadcast over a nation-wide hookup, through station WBBM, Chicago, last night. The song was featured on the Hart, Schaffner and Marx hour, and was played by Victor Young and his orchestra. Daughter Bom to Prof. Snyder Professor Raymond Snyder of the Department of English and Mrs. Snyder announce the birth of a daughter last Monday. STATESMAN Mr. Oiven D. Young, nationally known World War economist and outstanding statesman, tvho will deliver the Commencement address here on June 5th. Baker Gets Nomination For President at Princeton By Intercollegiate Press. Princeton, N. J., May 12. At a model national convention staged at Princeton university by the Democratic club here, Newton D. Baker, former secretary of war, was nominated for the presidency. Former Governor Harry Boyd of Virginia was nominated for the vice-presidency. Governor Roosevelt of New York led on the first ballot, but on the second ballot a Smith boom developed, placing Baker in the lead by cutting down on Roosevelt ballots. More than the necessary two-thirds majority was gained by Baker on the next ballot. Women To Be Trustees By Intercollegiate Press. New Brunswick, N. J., May 12. For the first time since the founding of the university in 1766, the charter of Rutgers university has been amended to-allow the election of women to the board of trustees. The purpose of the amendment is to give the New Jersey College for Women, which is part of Rutgers university, representation on the board. The charter under which the university functions dates from 1770, when it took the place of the original charter granted by King George III of England for the establishment of Queens College. The earlier charter was lost. The Scholastic ENGINEERS WUl FROLIC Picnic To Be Given May 21 At Lake Christiana. Announcement was made early this week that the annual picnic of the Engineers club will be held at Lake Christiana on Saturday, May 21. Members of the club will be charged twenty-five cents, while students of the College of Engineering who are not members will be assessed sixtyfive cents. Plenty of entertainment and fun is promised to those who attend the picnic. Boating and swimming, as well as golf, will be on the program. Interdepartment baseball games have also been arranged and should arouse the interest of many of the students. Tickets for the frolic may be obtained from Raymond Pfeiffer, president of the club, at 102 Corby hall, any time until Monday, May 15. Those attending the picnic should meet at the Post Office at 8:00 o'clock on Saturday morning. President Pfeiffer also announced that a meeting of the club will be held on Tuesday evening, May 17, in the Engineering building. Two wellknown engineers from Detroit will address the members on that night. Election of officers for will be held on Tuesday, May 24. Members are urged to attend both of these meetings. Spanish Club To Banquet "The Spanish Club will continue its custom of climaxing the year with a banquet,'' President Howard DeVault announced at the last meeting. He appointed Frank Slough general chairman in charge. The affair will be held at the Oliver Hotel on May 16, at 7:00 o'clock p. m., central standard time. Entertainment will be of a novel order, as this banquet will be the last meeting of the year. Professor Pedro de Landero, faculty moderator, said that the year has been highly successful with a large attendance at weekly meetings. Preregistration Is Large According to the records in the office of Registrar Robert B. Riordan, of approximately twenty-one hundred students eligible to pre-register for next year well over two thousand have already done so.

11 May 13, 1932 H. S. SENIORS ADVISED MAN ABOUT Riordan Gives Talk To Boys of South Bend School. A group of the faculty visited the Central Senior High School of South Bend last Monday to aid the boys of the graduating class in preparing for college. Registrar Robert B. Riordan delivered a talk in which he dealt with many, of the problems in connection with entering college. Following his talk. Dean McCarthy of the College of Commerce advised the group of boys who were interested in commerce, while Instructor Stephen Bosckei took care of the science group. Assistant Dean Paul Fenlon took charge of the arts and letters section, and Professor Walter Shilts gave advice to the embryo engineers. Professor Edward G. Mahin Edits New Chemistry Text A new edition by Professor Edward G. Mahin of the Department of Analytical Chemistry and Metallurgy, is to make its appearance some time this month, according ot an announcement received from the publishers this week. The work, which bears the title "Quantitative Analysis," has had three previous editions, and has been adopted as the standard text in about 140 colleges and universities. In the new edition, the entire book has been gone over in an effort to incorporate into it the most recent discoveries and advances in the chemical field. Analytical exercises have been enlarged so that closer attention may be paid to details of the work. Of the nature of the more important changes made, the author says: "A few minor eliminations have resulted from the revision but in numerous other instances the discussion has been considerably amplified. The discussion of the analysis of steel, water and oils has been greatly enlarged." Donald S. Wees, Harvard Univer-.sity Museum staff member who entered the Grand Desert of Paraguay in February, has not been heard from, although he promised to return to civilization by April 15. Harvard authorities, however, express no anxiety over his long absence. Frank Reilly, the sort of man college presidents like to produce, has his life laid bare bij an intimate friend in this week's "Man About the Campus." [Story on Page 12] Science Group Hears Bunch; Plans Anniversary Meeting The regular meeting of the Academy of Science of Notre Dame was held Monday evening. May 9, in Science hall. Rollin Bunch, a junior, presented an interesting paper on "Leonardo da Vinci's Anatomical Methods." Plans were discussed for the seventy-fifth anniversary meeting of the Academy on May 23. The Reverend Charles L. O'Donnell, C.S.C, president of the University, will present the Key of the Academy to fourteen members who have fulfilled the requirements. Attendance at the meeting will be limited to members and their friends. St. John's College To Be U. By Intercollegiate Press. Brooklyn, N. Y., May 12. St. John's College, founded in 1870 with twenty-seven students, is making plans to change its name to St. John's University. It was recently announced that courses leading to the degree of doctor of philosophy would be added to the curriculum of the school. The Michigan Tech Lode, student publication, urges editorially that graduates this June who cannot find jobs, do any kind of work available, even without recompense, to avoid becoming stagnant. Nine PHYSICAL EDUCATION CAMP STARTS TODAY Ninety Students Under Cooper, Scannell Off For Corey. Ninety freshmen and sophomores in the Department of Physical Education left this morning for their annual camp at Lake Corey, Michigan. The camp is to be disbanded on May 22, when the students will return. The trip, which will be under the direction of Professors John A. Scannell and George A. Cooper, is intended to fit the students for work as instructors in boys camps. Regular classes in Archery, Trap Shooting, Rifling, Stone Carving, and Leather Working will make up the curriculum of the course. "The camp," Professor Scannell said, "has as its aim, to concentrate into a short time all the benefits of a full summer at camp. The classes will be in session every day, and we expect to accomplish much in the line of outdoor crafts." The direction of the work will be taken care of by upperclassmen who have had the camp experience necessary for such instruction. The entire work of the camp, however, will be supervised by members of the Physical Education faculty. Camp Eberhart is situated about fifty miles from South Bend, near the city of Three Rivers, Michigan. Villagers To Elect Officers The election of officers of the Notre Dame Villagers for will take place in the Off-Campus office next Monday, May 16, from 8:30 to 4:30. Nominees are: for president Jim Ash, Phil Konop, John McNamaraj for vice-president Paul Boehm, Aubrey Boyd-Snee, Dick Gillen; secretary Louie Chreist, Gene O'Brien; treasurer Ed Beahm, Bill Case, Bill Martersteck. John McNamara, general chairman of the dance committee, announced the committee for the Villagers' Spring Formal, to be held at the Hotel Whitcomb, St. Joseph, Mich., on June 4. The committee includes Bill Case, Aubrey Boyd-Snee, Louie Chreist, Charles Marbaugh, Forrest Hazen, Gerard Hodges, Charlie Hafron, and Myron Puterbaugh.

12 Ten ^Santa Maria\ K.C. Annual, Will Be Issued Tomorrow HALLINAN EDITOR Year Book Gives Fine Picture of K. C. Life At Notre Dame; Lopker Draws Frontispiece. By Neil C. Hurley It's getting to be a habit for THE SCHOLASTIC editors to review Paul Hallinan's year-books. Last year bald-headed, cynical Emil Telfel sat at this same jerky typewriter and cut loose with a round of superlatives to laud the Dome. And now Paul, after a month of scribbling and picture-borrowing, has handed this year's editor his second effort ^the Santa Maria, official yearbook of the Knights of Columbus. 77 Pages I have just finished reading it, from one end of its gray covers to the other. It's a book, 77 pages in width, which does the local K. C. delegation a world of credit. There are the expected pictures, and some unexpected stories. There is, most of all, a splendid frontispiece of Christopher Columbus from the talented brush of Joe Lopker. Worthwhile in the line of stories are the splendid tales of Joe Petritz and Bob Gorman. Laudatory, too, I suppose, is the Senior photo section, with the campus Knights garbed in the customary caps and gowns. "Craftsmanlike" Emil last year declared that Paul's Dome was a craftsmanlike product. Well, The Santa Maria is no Dome, but it's none the less craftsmanlike, and none the less a year-book. It has always been the personal opinion of the writer that Paul Hallinan could turn out the finest kind of any publication humorous, news, or review. After reading The Santa Maria that view of mine hasn't changed a bit. I would point out that to cultivate art, to love it and to foster it, is entirely compatible with those qualities which make a successful business man. Otto H. Kahn. MANAGER Bernard Rothelle, office manager of the Publications Department, whose ivork this year has surpassed the fondest hopes of Graduate Manager Stoeckley. Former University.Professor Writes New Religious Book Professor Burton Confrey, formerly a student and later a teacher at this University, now dean of Catholic Junior College, Grand Rapids, Mich., has written a new book. Faith and Youth. The volume consists largely of source material, much of which is based on the religious bulletin under the direction of the Reverend John F. O'Hara, C.S.C. Its purpose is to corelate religion and the teaching of English. Nearly every Catholic institution of learning has its own method of supervising the religious life of its student body. But this is probably the first time that a particular system of religious training has been published in book form. It has the additional merit that it has been used with success. Each chapter is devoted to a special phase of the subject, and is supplemented with the written reactions of the students to the means employed. All creative art is Magic; is evocation of the unseen in forms persuasive, enlightening, familiar, and surprising. Joseph Conrad. The Scholastic FELDMAN IS ELECTED TO HEAD DETROITERS Breen, Fisher, and Gargaro Are Also Honored. Ted Feldman, junior in the College of Arts and Letters, was elected president of the Detroit club at a meeting of the club held Tuesday. Fred Laughna and Edmund Moriarty were the other candidates for the office. Officers elected to assist Feldman for the coming year include Jack Breen, vice-president; John Fisher, secretary; and Ernie Gargaro, treasurer. Retiring officers are Kenneth Mc- Leod, president; John S. Wittliff, vice - president; Edmund Moriarty, secretary; and John Laughna, treasurer. Following the election, plans were discussed for a party to be held this summer in Canada. A committee is to be appointed to arrange for this. N. D. Bandsters Score Hit At Annual Blossom Fete Presence of Notre Dame's concert band at the annual blossom festival held at Benton Harbor last Saturday caused considerable favorable comment. The band members were especially complimented on their fine playing and intact formation. Upon arriving at Benton Harbor, the bandsters were entertained with a dinner at the Central Restaurant. The parade began at 1:00 o'clock. Leading the honor float which held the queen of the festival, the Notre Dame musicians marched the three miles from Benton Harbor ot St. Joseph along the shores of Lake Michigan, In the evening the band members were gn^^sts at the Mardi Gras ball given at the "Shadowland." The dance called the "Night of Nights" concluded the week of festivities. Over one hundred thousand people attended Saturday's program. With a cluster of colored petals swajring in the breeze, one may at times bridge centuries or span the earth. William Beebe. Scientists have recently estimated that a billion tons of radium are stored in the deepest parts of the Pacific Ocean.

13 May 13, 1932 GERMAN STUDENTS TO GET NOVELS AS PRIZES Fine Selection of Literature To Be Given To Members. Through the efforts of Professor Dr. Paul Menge, the German Club of Notre Dame has been fortunate in obtaining a number of beautiful modern German novels from the German Academy of Munich and other literai-y societies of Germany. "Buddenbrook," the 1931 Nobel prize winner of Germany, written by Thomas Mann, and translated into English, is among the selection. The novels will be given to the best students of the various German classes taught by Reverend Bernard 111, C. S. C., Professor Menge, and Professor Wack. All the remaining books will be presented to the University library through the courtesy of the club. Prizes will be awarded at the final meeting of the organization to be held Thursday, May 19, at 6:30 p. m., in the basement of Walsh hall. The nomination and election of officers for the school year will also take place at this meeting. All members who are interested in the club are asked to attend so that old business can be taken care of and plans made for the coming year. 120 Students Registered As Freshmen In Law School According to pre-registration figures as announced by Dean Thomas F. Konop of the College of Law, there will be 120 freshmen in that school next year. The dean is in his office every afternoon from 2:10 to 4:30 o'clock. Those who have not as yet pre-registered are asked to see the dean during those hours. Photo of Pluto Found The Harvard Observatory reports that it has uncovered a photograph of the new planet Pluto taken in 1914, which remained unrecognized on the slide for nearly eighteen years. The photo was taken during the life of Dr. Percival Lowell, who predicted Pluto, and who was ridiculed by other astronomers for his belief in the existence of such a planet. He died, however, before the discovery was recognized. Eleven Gerend Wins Presidency of S. A. C. In Stormy Sessions PRESIDENT Joseph Condon, next year's Junior class president, tvhose plurality of 1U7 in this week's election is indicative of something or other. Clean Politics Is Motto of University of Maryland By Intercollesriate Press. College Park, Md., May 12. Fraternity politics in student elections, long the bane of student life at the University of Maryland, was done away with this year when representatives of fourteen fraternities on the campus signed the following pledge: "We, the following representatives of the undersigned social fraternities, do hereby agree to absolve ourselves from any political "hook-ups" cr cliques of any nature whatsoever in the forthcoming Student Government and Senior Class elections. We further agree that we shall do everything in our power to eliminate any suggestion of such policies of predesignation of candidates in future years. We declare ourselves as thoroughly in favor of the complete elimination of the so-called practice of "fraternity politics." Jewish leaders of four nations joined last week in celebrating the seventh anniversary of the founding of the Hebrew University in Jerusalem. FINNERAN IS LOSER Victor Wins When Lee Swings In His Favor and Ffrench Fails To Vote. James Gerend was elected chairman of the Student Activities Council last night after two of the stormiest political sessions in the history of the group. He defeated John Finneran, president of the Junior class, by a vote of 9 to 8, after innumerable ballots had been taken. The council met yesterday noon, but after a deadlock at 9 to 9, voted to hold a recess until evening. At this meeting John Ffrench, who during the day was reported to have supported Finneran, failed to put in an appearance. This resulted in the final outcome of 9 to 8. Maurice Lee, the other candidate for the office, polled three votes in the first afternoon ballot, with Gerend scoring 6. At this time Finneran kept his nine-man organization intact. Lee, however, tied the score by throwing his votes to Gerend. If Ffrench had been in attendance, and the vote had still been deadlocked with no hope of a break, Chairman John Kramer had made plans to urge the members to allow the retiring council to participate in the balloting. The failure of Ffrench to appear, however, broke the deadlock and gave Gerend the requii'ed majority. Texas Club Elects Officers Charles Borbeck was elected president of the Texas Club this week to succeed James Simmons. Charles Dulin was named vice-president. At the meeting Professor William Langford, of the foreign language department, spoke to the club, wished the new officers well, congratulated the old. More than a mile and a half of dress material will be required to clothe the participants in the May Day Festival this month at Temple University.

14 Twelve Men About the Campus The Seholastie "ROMANCE OF DRUGS" ON SCREEN WEDNESDAY Because of the short time left until graduation, and because of the many Seniors vjorthy of a position in this column. THE SCHOLASTIC is following the policy of running ttvo undergraduates here each iveek. [Picture on Page 9] When Frank Reilly, fresh from Boston and the New York Central, first poked his bag inside the door of Freshman hall, one of the men who had already been there for two hours, and was hence a veteran, shouted "Rosy!" and it's been that ever since. It's been at times "Doc," after his father, who is first a wit and then a dentist, but the red hair usually sways the choice of a name. Frank showed up in a suit when the green wave of freshmen bounced out to do or die for Bull Poliski and stayed long enough to play a good tackle and give the best imitation of Bull giving a pep talk with his mouth full of chawin'. Aversion for Cream Puffs By the time his cronies had also learned that trick, Frank remembered that he had gone to the oldest prep school in the country, Boston Latin, and that something big was expected of him by dear old Latin; he settled down to being an English major, without, however, losing his taste for red beef and his aversion for cream puffs. Between themes he serves rations to the priests quietly, and he is, perhaps, the only waiter who always has a clean coat and a haircomb at the same time. Once on a time he wore overalls and dungarees as an able seaman on a boat that plied between coast and coast, but the nearest he has come to that inelegance since then is having a hole in his old shoes. A Sense of the Niceties Frank is the sort of person whom college presidents wish their institutions would consistently produce. He actually reads the books that are required, he does all his papers, and he has the grace of real intelligence, a rarity. He has a sense of the proprieties and the niceties ^the sort of person who is embarrassed at the discomfiture of others, and shuns making or seeing a faux pas while possessing (Continued on Page 31) By James Carmody One fall when the Fall River Independents trotted out on the gridiron for the first game of the season, the populace was surprised to find at end a stocky lad with a shock of FRANK O'NEILL Like the little colored girl, it just greiv. graying hair, whom they had hitherto known only as a soloist with the town's best choir. They were further surprised when the short one proved to be very much in the way of the other team, and they made sure to learn the new star's name. As it happened, it was Frank O'Neill, taking a little vacation for a semester or so and getting a bit of exercise for lack of something else to do. He admits that he was an Independent partly for the sake of dodging his relations by marriage, who are strong opponents of unemployment. Can't Explain Gray Hair Why the gray hair neither Frank nor anyone else knows. Like the little colored girl, it just grew, starting at about the age of twelve or thereabouts. It serves no purpose, really, except to accentuate his individuality, and to make him easily distinguished (Continued on Page 13) Instructive Movie Produced By Eli Lilly Company. "The Romance of Drugs," a motion picture, will be shown next Wednesday night in Washington hall through the courtesy of the Eli Lilly Company of Indianapolis, manufacturers of biologicals. Costing more than $35,000 to make, the picture, a talkie, shows the various processes incident to the manufacture of serums, pills, and other biologicals. All the "shots" were made in the laboratories of the Eli Lilly Company, and the incidental music is played by the Detroit Symphony orchestra. There will be no admission charge to the showing next Wednesday evening. The running time for the picture is approximately fifty minutes. K. C. Fonnal Draws Crowd About three hundred couples were present at the annual formal dance of the Notre Dame council, Knights of Columbus, last Friday night at the Palais Royale. Jan Garber and his fourteen-piece band were the hit of the evening with their novelty offerings and slow numbers. The solos of "Rudy" Rudsley, the piano-player, were outstanding. During the intermission the orchestra presented Paul Whiteman's arrangement of the "Rhapsody in Blue." The decorations arranged by Len Donaghue and committee, consisted of a large seal of the Knights of Columbus, which was suspended from the ceiling directly over the heads of the orchestra, and large banners bearing the names of Notre Dame's football opponents were placed about on. the walls. The blue and gold favors with brass covers bearing the seal of the Knights of Columbus added to the general color of the dance. The Student Council of the College of St. Thomas voted last month to discontinue work on the 1932 Acquinas, college year book, because of a lack of support on the part of the student body. It was decided, however, to publish a Senior Acquinas.

15 May 13, 1932 'Kinr GORMAN WINS CHI CLUB PRESIDENCY BAND LEADER Thirteen PAUL HOST IS NAMED CHAffiMAN OF DANCE Gleason, O'Shaughnessy, Angsten Also Elected. and Monogram Formal To Be Held Tuesday Evening, May 17. Thomas "Kitty" Gorman was elected president of the Chicago Club last Tuesday evening at the annual election of officers. Gorman was supported by Ed Gleason, Ed Angsten and John O'Shaughnessy for vicepresident, secretary and treasurer respectively. The campaign was unique in Chicago Club politics for its quietness. The election, while fairly close, was orderly. The nominations were opened by Paul O'Toole who gave the keynote speech for John Poynton and George Higgins, who formally placed "Kitty" Gorman before the club. The results of the voting were as follows: President Thomas Gorman 119, John Poynton 95; vice-president Edward Gleason 117, George Beaudin 95; secretary Edward Angsten 117, Robert Hanley 97; treasurer John O'Shaughnessy 135, Dick Hosteny 76, Erwin Kiep 2, Vince Ponic 1. MEN ABOUT THE CAMPUS (Continued from Page 12) them, too; he forms instant dislikes, but tells no one. He doesn't like anyone to say so, but he's that rata a vis, a gentleman. He has had to be, to live for four straight years with that semi-maniac, Joe McCabe. That combination, incidentally, has been marked by strong friendship and the merging of two good heads and two expensive senses of humor. This Bostonian, in the face of possible jeers from the local unintelligentsia, admits a yen for the theatter, and he doesn't mean the Colfax. He's been an intelligent amateur critic since the days when he ushered at Boston's Colonial and stood in the orchestra when the job gave out; he's seen such veterans as Gilette, Courtenay, and Vivienne Segal when they were at their height. His collection of programs of famed and forgotten plays is immense. It stands as a fact that he boosted "Of Thee I Sing" for honors long before the Pulitzer prize was awarded. Add the fact that he is an authority on Thackeray without.-1/ Stcivart, leader of the Notre Dame Jugglers, who wil he on the Washington Hall stage tomorrow night to aid in the Bengal show. An Atlantis Expected By Intercollegiate Press. ROME, May 12. Atlantis may again rise from the South Atlantic Ocean. This at least is the opinion of Professor Ugo Mondello, Italian geologist, who predicts that a new island, probably a small continent much like Australia, will soon rise from the sea as a sequel to the volcanic disturbances in South America. throwing it in your face at every opportunity, and you gather that Frank has not been vaccinated against an education nor has he acquired immunity. Which doesn't make him an aesthete, but rather lends an air to his amiability and to his faculty for making himself well-liked by anyone who has the good sense to get at him under all his reserve and halfdiffidence. Somebody once said: "There should be more like him," and that says everything quite adequately. Paul Host, captain-elect of the football team, was this week appointed general chairman in charge of the annual Monogram Club Formal, by NordofF Hoffmann, president of the club. Along with the appointment came the announcement that the dance itself will be held in the ballroom of the Palais Royale on the evening of May 17. MacBeth Heads Committee Arrangements for an orchestra are being made by Frederick MacBeth, chairman of the Music committee. Departing from its usual custom, the Monogram club is having invitations printed for the first time and a small fee will be charged for the tickets. The dance will be limited to the members of the Monogram Club and their friends. About 175 couples are expected to attend. The progi-am of entertainment will be supplied by the candidates who are applying for admission to the organization. The membership of the various committees is as follows: MUSIC Frederic MacBeth. chairman : Joseph Pivarnik. George Kozak, Brant Little. Allan Schumacher, John Baldwin, John Scan- Ion, Charles Kelly, Henry Wunsch. PROGRAM Alvin Culver, chairman: Hugh Devore. Lawrence Vejar, Emmett Murphy, William Newbold. Thomas Burns. Charles Mannix, James O'Connor, Thomas Gorman. Regis Kuhn, Dennis O'Keefe. PUBLICITY Joseph Kurth, chairman : Alex Wilson, Edwin Kosky, Edward Krause, William Lomasney, George Melinkovitch, Nick Lukats, Edward Massa, Joseph Russo, Charles Weiss. ARRANGEMENTS Tom Yarr, chairman: Joseph Sheeketski, Winston Bradley, Ben Alexander, Frank LaBorne. Norman Greeney. James Leonard, John Ross, Joseph McKean. DECORATIONS William McCorraick. chairman : John Colville, Joseph Kennedy, William Pierce, Eugene Howery. BALLROOJI Charles Palt, chairman: John Grams, Edward Gough, Stephen Banas, James McGrath, James Harris. INVITATIONS Norbert Crowe, chairman : Raymond Brancheau, Arthur Parisien, Clarence Kaplin, Clay Johnson, Joseph Voegele. Le3 Crowe. One of the chief requirements for becoming great, according to Dr. Charles F. Thwing, president emeritus of Western Reserve University, is a long life.

16 Fourteen PROFESSOR MORAN IN FACEH aub TALK Speaks on Modem Scientific Granunarians and Language. Francis E. Moran, assistant professor in the English department, in speaking before the members of the Arts and Letters Lay Faculty Club at the meeting held at Oak Knoll, Monday night, chose as his topic "Some Notes on Language Study." In his talk he outlined the trend of the modern "scientific grammarians" who are distinct from the old class of grammarians "who attempted," he said, "to prescribe what was right in the form of speech." "There is no authority in grammar," said the speaker, "that is prescriptive. It is the distinguishing merit of the scientific linguist that he desci'ibes, upon investigation, what forms are being actually accepted as good." "This is done," he said, "by reading, observing and setting down authentic examples from the educated writers and speakers as set forth in drama, the novel, orations and actual speech." "Should Language Change" Answering the question, "Should language change?". Professor Moran said, "Change, being a human habit, may be rightfully called the first law of language." But he went on to say, "It is the rapidity of this change that we must be concex-ned with." "The cultured can restrain unsalutary change by adopting a conservative attitude in the matter, which will insui-e such change being moderate, almost unnoticed, and yet will allow language to keep pace with our de- felopment an absolute necessity." Professor Daniel O'Grady, of the Philosophy department, acted as chairman of the meeting. The arrangements for the meeting were made by George J. Wack, assistant professor of German. New Comets Shine By Intercollegiate Press. Cambridge, Mass., May 12. Twice in as many days last week discovery of new astronomical objects were reported to the Harvard university laboratory. Both are believed to be comets. The first was Carrasco and the second Kreinmuth, both named for theirdiscoverers. Both were discovered by European astronomers. INNOVATOR Paul J. Hallinan, who has recently completed the editing of the first annual "Santa Maria," K. of C. jmblication. Escudier Speaks To Press Forum on Country Papers Kermit Escudier, senior in the School of Journalism, spoke before the Press Forum, Wednesday morning on "Problems of the Country Paper." He outlined a program by which the small town editor might successfully compete with the metropolitan dailies that are branching out into rural districts. The speaker was of the opinion that the people of small towns are more interested in local news than in national events. "Rural people," said Escudier, "like to see their names in the paper. They like to think of themselves as persons of importance; special short features about going on in their midst will be more favorably received than news of the latest political movements." Big city papers, he stated, have managed the business so efficiently that they in some instances get their editions to rural people before the smaller papers of those districts. Country papers must, if they want to keep up their circulation, give prompt and efficient service, and pay more attention to attractive make-up and original news. The Journal, student newspaper at the Washington State Normal School at Cheney each week publishes a list of students whose birthdays fall in that week. The Scholastic SEMINAR HEARS TALK Tree Trade Opposed To TariflF' Subject of Clark's Paper. "The protective tariff system has a relation to agriculture which it has to few other interests,"- James B. Clark read in a paper "Free Trade as Opposed to Tariff" presented before the Economics seminar at its meeting Tuesday evening. "Agriculture is the unprotected industry," he continued. "The growers of wheat and beef, or cotton and tobacco get none of the fostering they help to pay for. They are not shielded under the wing of 'protection' wherefore should they render tribute? Surely not for gratitude on their escape. What then is the reason? It is this: the very essence of protection is the support of weak industries by a tax on the lusty industries. Agriculture is a lusty industry." Clark brought out the problems presented by the tariff and a discussion of them by the club followed the reading of the paper. At the close of the meeting it was announced by John Wilson, chairman of the seminar, that there would be a banquet held for the seminar members Tuesday evening at Oldenburg Inn. New Jersey Shore Club is Organized Wednesday Eve. Last Wednesday evening the Shore Club of New Jersey was officially organized. The opening speech delivered by Francis McClain enumerated the purposes and aims of the club, emphasizing the fact that the club is in no way antagonistic to the New Jersey Club. Following this a quiet election was held, Richard C. Carton being elected president. Nick Lukats and Edwin V. Kennedy were elected vice-president and treasurer respectively, Jim Donnelly being elected secretary. The next meeting is to be held next Thursday at which plans for a summer dance will be discussed. For however inspiring a fuublooded American may be, the most distinguishing feature of his character is surely not humility. William Lyon Phelps.

17 May 13, 1932 Guests Of The Senior Ball OF 1932 Fifteen WERNER DEFEATS ROHRS FOR CLASS PRESIDENCY Mary Ruth Fairman, Oak Park. Illinois Mary Karcher, Louisville, Kentucky Harriet Wilson, Chicago, Illinois Virginia Geurink, Cleveland Heights, Ohio Marybelle Denny, Chicago, Illinois Ramona Weigel, River Forest, Illinois Katherine McManus, Louisville, Kentucky Catherine Knapp, New York City Doris Brockmeyer, Oak Park, Illinois Evelyn Way, River Forest, Illinois Wilma Harvey, Wilmette, Illinois Marjorie Hunt, New York City Betty Nesbit, Pittsfield, Massachusetts Mai-y K. Walters, South Bend, Indiana Grace Pierce, South Bend, Indiana Martha Martens, Mishawaka, Indiana Betty Mulhall, Columbia City, Indiana Harriet DeJoughe, Chicago, Illinois Dorothy Dugan, Indianapolis, Indiana Helen Crofoot, Mishawaka, Indiana Jane Quinn, Chicago, Illinois Betty Proctor, Elkhart, Indiana Mary Elinor Morrison, South Bend, Indiana Mary Mahin, South Bend, Indiana Gladys Scior, Chicago, Illinois Lydia Peeling, Joliet, Illinois Mary E. Kelly, New Rochelle College Edith Slattery, Chicago, Illinois Bennita Durham, Chicago, Illinois Catherine Meade, Chicago, Illinois Corbelia Blommaert, Chicago, Illinois Sara McFarland, Joliet, Illinois Florence McManus, Milwaukee, Wisconsin Eleanor Sproul, Grand Rapids, Michigan Helen Fitch, Chicago, Illinois Arlene Coufal, Madison, Wisconsin Kathryne Monteith, St. Louis, Missouri Isabel Edelen, Arcadia, Missouri Joan CoUendar, Naperville, Illinois Katherine Shields, Grand Rapids, Michigan Sally Long, Elkhart, Indiana Betty Short, Elkhart, Indiana Margaret Katholing, Chicago, Illinois Marion AVinslow, Chicago, Illinois Margaret Smith, Cleveland, Ohio Margaret Uprichard, Cleveland, Ohio Madaline Peacock, Evanston, Illinois Jane Fitzpatrick, Detroit, Michigan Catherine Lord, Chicago, Illinois Mary Scranton, Detroit, Michigan Helen Cei-mak, Chicago, Illinois Thelma Kizer, Elkhart, Indiana Marcella Connevs, Fort Wayne, Indiana Mabel Montgomery, Erie, Pennsylvania Margaret Delmore, St. Louis, Missouri Beth De Groote, South Bend, Indiana Ruth Burner, Veedensburgh, Indiana Elizabeth Link. Norwalk, Ohio Jan Zahner, La Porte, Indiana Ruth White, Muin, Michigan Lodema Grinter, South Bend, Indiana Mary Noi-mes, New Orleans, Louisiana Robylee Spence. West Frankfort, Illinois May Ryan, South Bend, Indiana Mai-y Rynor, St. Joseph, Michigan Marian Smith, South Bend, Indiana Helen Lafferty, Niles, Michigan Alice Mahoney, Chicago, Illinois Fern Fouts, Canton, Illinois Betty Lennon, Sioux City, Iowa Betty O'Neil, Chicago, Illinois Frances McCoy, Kansas City, Missouri Miriam Stephan, New York City Teresa Rouse, Chicago, Illinois Lenore Healy, Crystal Lake, Illinois Rosanne Garman, Mendota. Illinois Josephine Lorimer, Crystal Lake, Illinois Norma Keegan, Oak Park, Illinois Patricia Magee, Buffalo, New York Margaret Kelley,-St. Mary's College Alice May Hettiger, St. Mary's College Genevieve Kasper, Flint, Michigan Mary Muelelr, River Forest, Illinois Mary Durm, Niles, Michigan Catherine Schoiield, Chicago, Illinois Margaret Watson, Peoria, Illinois Margaret Tooraey, Binghamton, New York Margaret Horea, Canton, Ohio L. Kochanowski, South Bend, Indiana Maxine. Clay, South Bend, Indiana Mai-y'Ryan", Detroit, Michigan Peg Burke, Milwaukee. Wisconsin Dorothea Hipskurd, Richmond, Virginia Mary E. Dacey. Duluth, Minnesota Regina Comerford, Melrose Park, Illinois Eileen Banser, Detroit, Michigan Jane Burke, Flint, Michigan L. Bourgeois, Chicago, Illinois Marge Teller, Oak Park, Illinois Helen Sweeney, South Bend, Indiana Cecilia Werner, Appleton, Wisconsin Mary E. Feeney, Evanston, Illinois Josephine Patricia Murphy Margaret Costello. Binghamton. New York Florence McCarthy, Chicago. Illinois Myrth Gaylor. Mishawaka, Indiana Kay Burke, Chicago. Illinois Bernice Mason, South Bend. Indiana Hope Myers. Mishawaka. Indiana Lucille Philion. South Bend, Indiana Louise Burke, Chicago, Illinois Alice Braunsdorf, South Bend. Indiana Moke Robbins. Havana, Cuba Laura Costello, St. Mary's College Irene Burger, Galena, Michigan Helen Campbell, Watts, California Maxine Ferguson, Indianapolis, Indiana Helen DePaepe, South Bend, Indiana Corolyn Hinshaw, Indianapolis, Indiana Mary Dolores Bedford, Jefferson City, Missouri Mary Condon, Rockford, Illinois Lucille Gerl, Manitowac, Wisconsin Thelma Lewis, South Bend. Indiana Jane Mullen. Beverly Hills. California Alice O'Toole. Chicago. Illinois B. Plotzke. Detroit, Michigan Margaret Walker, Birmingham. Alabama Mary Paumier. Worcester, Ohio Marion Lusk, Minneapolis, Minnesota Natalie Chiera, Detroit, Michigan Donna Richardson, Detroit, Michigan Mary LaSalle, South Bend, Indiana Eleanor Kirby, Indianapolis, Indiana Mai-y Loss, Oak Park, Illinois Honor Chudleigh, East Orange, New Jersey Mary Ellen Hogan, Chicago, Illinois Ralheta Davenport, South Bend, Indiana Eleanor Mason, South Bend, Indiana Mary Helen Shea, Indianapolis, Indiana Ethel Peterson, Arlington, New Jersey Wanda Kulpa, Chicago, Illinois Margaret Quatman. Indianapolis, Indiana Helen Morgan, Chicago, Illinois Irene Harringer, South Bend. Indiana Ruth Friedman. Chicago, Illinois Mrs. McDonald, Mishawaka, Indiana Irene Stark, South Bend, Indiana Elsa Brickacek. River Forest, Illinois Jean Mulvihill, Rockville Center, N. Y. Marie Hoffman, South Bend, Indiana Elsie Goethals, South Bend, Indiana Winifred Moriarity, Joliet, Illinois Victoria Steinkohl, South Bend, Indiana Katherine Murphy. St. Joseph; Missouri Dorothy Plotz. Chicago, Illinois Helen Feely. Joliet, Illinois Mary Lou Savage. Chicago, Illinois Muriel Ziegler, Chicago, Illinois Condon and Breen Elected By Sophomores and Juniors. (Continued from Page 6) votes he received at the polls. The complete summary of the results Monday are as follows: Senior president Werner 225. Rohrs 216: vice-president Scanlon 239, De Lay 216: sec- JOHN BREEX Will run a Cotillion next fall. retary Sullivan 239. Blake 201 ; treasurer McGrath 310, Kurth 129. S. A. C: Arts and Letters Lee 116. Ba'dwin 100: Commerce, Aug 83, Travers 46: Engineering Rap,er 35, Leroux 30 : Science Ebert 26, O'Brien 7. Junior president Condon 291. O'Neil 147 : vice-president Flynn 233, Rocket 202: secretai-y Carey 184, Desnoyers 248 ; treasurer Robinson (uncontested) Two-year S. A. C. Shields 226, Finkel 225, Licalzi 138. Dalton. One-year S. A. C. Grundermann 293. Alberts 141. Sophomore president Breen 290. Brown 288 ; vice-president Schroeder 366. Matthews 214 : secretary Kelly 372, Beltner 205: treasurer Guimont 299. CoIIeran 277: S. A. C. Pfefferle 395. Toumey 182. South Bend Attorney Speaks Before Juniors and Seniors Eugene Knoblock, who graduated from the Notre Dame College of Law in June, 1927, delivered a lecture to the junior and senior lawyers Monday afternoon. "Patents" was the subject of his speech. Attorney Knoblock has been engaged as a patent lawyer, in South Bend since his graduation from the law school.

18 Sixteen The Scholastic Summer Scenes, Arnheim, Blues Singer -AA^ President Connelly And Chairman Casimir Dyniewicz Predict Active Week-End By Walter Kennedy This evening at ten o'clock, the senior class \vi\\ bid adieu to their college social activities when they hold the annual Senior Ball at the Palais Royale. This year's Ball bids fair to be one of the most successful ever held, and the various committees who have been working hard to this end are confident their work will mean success. Summer Decorations John Geddes and Richard Oelrich, chairmen of the decorations committee, have made arrangements for a setting of natural aspect as a background for the Ball. The entire ballroom is to be walled with lattice work, which will be in- WEEK-END PROGPwAM Friday 10:00 p. m., Senior Ball of 1932, Palais Royale ballroom. Saturday 2:00 p. m., Tea Dance, South Bend Country Club (Fred Waidner to play). Sunday 2:00 p. m., Informal Parties, South Bend. MISS MARY O'LEARY Chicago, Illinois tertwined with lavender and white wisteria. Natui*al flowers and shrubbery from the surrounding country side will lend a decided summery effect to the dance. It is trite to say that the favors committee has laid claims to the title of "novel and unique" for their selection, but this time these two adjectives fit the description as no other adjectives could. Keeping in mode with the times, the committee, with a peculiar taste for feminine whims, have selected a favor that they declare, will meet the approval of the guests.. White washable leather pocketbooks, of a handsome French design, are the favors this year, and the boys say they are the latest thing CASIMIR DYNIEWICZ General Chairman from the French fashion city. The programs also are of white leather, and are adorned with the University seal. Gus Amheim to Play With Gus Amheim's "Ace Band of Movieland" supplying the musical touch to the formal, that part of the program is sure to be taken care of in a satisfactory manner. Amheim gained an enviable reputation on the Pacific Coast before coming east to continue on his winning ways. He has been proclaimed by listeners as one of the best orchestras on the air today, and this fact can well be testified by Notre Dame men who have heard him. Amheim will bring his complete sixteen-piece orchestra to the Ball, and also will include three high class entertainers to keep the seniors and their guests in gay spirit during the intermissions. Amheim will have as entertainers his famous "Three Rhythm Rascals" and also Dorothy Thomas, his wellknow blues singer. Directly after the

19 May 13, 1932 Seventeen As Seniors Stage Their Grand Finale South Bend Country Club Is To Be Scene OF Tea Dance Saturday Afternoon Honorary Committee EUGENE CONNELLY President of the Senior Class Ball, Arnheim heads for Chicago where he will open an all-summer engagement at The Dells. Tea Dance Saturday Saturday afternoon the seniors will be found at the South Bend Country club where they will dine and dance to the soft strains of Fred Waidner and his orchestra, direct from Chicago, where Waidner has been playing at the country clubs in and around the Windy City. The tea dance is to take place from two to five, standard time. The hours of the Ball are from ten to two o'clock, standard time. As usual many out of town guests are in evidence. The local hotels have reported a decided increase in registration during the past two days. Saint Mary's of the Woods, as usual, leads the out of town delegation in the matter of numbers, and some say, in pulchritude. Casimir Dyniewicz, chairman of the Ball, will escort Miss Mary E. O'Leary of Chicago. The senior class I ^aai'iiiiiiii ii" 'i'"ri'< II ^.'i Miss DOROTHY LEDDY Elmhurst, Long Island president, Eugene Connelly, will escort Miss Dorothy Leddy, of Elmhurst, Long Island. Special Parties Planned During the weekend many informal parties will take place in private residences about the city. As usual special privileges have been accorded seniors, in keeping with traditional custom. Cars may be used from Thursday evening until Monday afternoon, with special permission from hall rectors. On the night of the Ball an extended permission until three-thirty will be in effect, with the rest of the student body in their place of residence at nine o'clock. No weekend permissions will be given to undergraduates this week. An honorary committee, in addition to the usual Ball committees, has been named, which includes many of the campus luminaries. This committee has Herbert Giorgio as chairman, and includes: Robert Gorman, editor of The Juggler; John Kramer, chairman of the S. A. C; John Perone, chairman of the Blue Circle; Thomas Yarr, captain of football, 1931; Paul Host, captain of football, 1932; Joseph Kennedy, head cheer -leader; William McCormick, track captain; Norbert Crowe, captain of basketball; Charles Hitzelberger, president of Presidents' council; Francis O'Malley, president of Patricians; John Grams, manager of football, 1931; and Neil C. Hurley, editor of THE SCHOLASTIC. 'A NIGHT IN MAY" By (Ball sons:) OLGA MELCHIONE A night in May. an hour or two, A star-lit slcu, a dance with you; Noio you are near, I womder dear. Is this the thing they call Love? There must be a reason, perhaps it's the season Of starlii/ht and romance in blue; It may be the fioicers I've ta'kcd to jor hours. But I think, Another dear, my dear, that it's you. dance, another kiss, I love you remember; This is our niaht in May. tve found the way To the thing they call Love...

20 Eighteen The Scholastic PAGE MADELON CLAUDET A Chicago man, undoubtedly a mighty clever plumber, has confessed that he stole 118 bathtubs in order to keep his son in Harvard. BYRON ON IN-LAWS Don't marry a genius, and don't have your spouse's relatives living with you, a professor of English at Evansville college advised his class had finished studying the English poets, Byron, Wordsworth, and Coleridge. POLITICS WITH A STING One student at the University of Minnesota was expelled last week because he threw acid, which injured six students, in the second election in the Arts College to elect student representatives. INDUSTRY REWARDED A series of dawn dances from six till eight in the morning was held at Alabama University for the benefit of those students who studied late at night and could not attend those held during the evening. RISING AMBITIONS At Stanford University a student helps pay his tuition fees by climbing the 215-foot flag pole twice a year to give it a coat of paint. Getting up in the world, you might say. NE PLUS ULTRA A student at Lehigh has reached the acme of perfection as far as collegiate athletics are concerned. This young man, after having played varsity football, basketball, and baseball for three years, has been elected captain in all three for this year. IN BOSTON According to the Boston University News a theology student, working part time as a hosiery salesman, achieved such marked success that he was offered a permanent position with the firm, but he preferred to continue in the ministry. HO HUM A lung fish has been asleep for three and a half years at the New York University medical school, and Dr. Homer W. Smith hopes to keep the fish in the bonds of Morpheus for 18 more months. CULTURE A new class has been introduced to the students at Michigan Tech called "The Theory and Operation of the Slide Rule." EFFICIENT The Spanish are one up on us even when it comes to passing difiicult courses. Recently, fifty students at Vallapain, Spain, locked two professors in a room until they promised to pass the whole class without an examination. Let's have some of this "old world culture." OLD "The History of the Oldest. University in America" is a work that has just been published by the National University of Mexico. The chief source of information for the publication was an original manuscript in the Garcia library. It is called "The Chronicle of the Royal Pontifical University of Mexico, " SHAME Twelve Harvard undergraduates were arrested last week in a riot in which the Harvard student body virtually took control of Cambridge streets until 2:00 a. m. GANGSLANGUAGE "This twist was an owl mob's front. Young, pretty and flash. Had mumbly legs that would make a preacher blow his kip. She would make ads for some nifty dames s. o. s. and with phony refs she would get placed." No, you're wrong. We are not trying to write modem poetry, nor have we been pecking the wrong typewriter keys. But the foregoing paragraph is an excerpt from gangland's language gathered by David W. Mauer of the Department of English at Ohio State University in his studies of underworld argot.

21 May 13, 1932., Nineteen CIDIT C'/ PAGE UNDERGRADUATE POLITICS The folloiving editorial tvas published in THE SCHOLASTIC last year. It is reprinted here this week because the present editors believe that conditions advocated in the editorial have not beep, remedied. Before the campus blotters have absorbed all the bombast of campus politics, THE SCHOLAS TIC wants to advance a few opinions. Before the mud which has been slung has properly dried, it wishes to protest loudly and heartily against the present mode of electioneering, both class and club. America, it has been said many times, needs more statesmen and fewer politicians, more actions and ideals and less cigar smoke and cheap slogans. Campaign pledges in our national and state elections are as lasting as campaign buttons. New men and new methods are needed. Where shall these come from? If we want a peculiarly rotten sham and grovelling sycophancy, it will come from beer parlors and hotel rooms. If we want statescraft based on a cultured outlook, and statesmen who are correctly trained in the sociological, economic and moral practices, they should come from colleges and universities. THE SCHOLASTIC fears that this need is being frustrated by the cheap devices employed in the campus politics of today. Such training can lead only to the multiplication of political charlatans adroitly performing dubious parlor-tricks with the responsibilities entrusted to them. Campus politics at Notre Dame are an example. They are too much in the spirit of outside politics. The shady practices of oustide politicians are aped. As a result, low methods and disgusting abuses prevail in the class elections. Sly "can-i-see-ya-just-a-minnit?" advances by the fourteen or fifteen morons who have been rendered ecstatic by the promise of the dance chairmanship; scurrilous mimeographed letters which state this and insinuate that; totally unnecessary bills for blotters and match papers (which someone has to pay for) that sort of politics should have no place here. Clean, interested members of class and club will find it a decided pleasure to strangle slowly the throat of the first Ghibelline who begins to whisper, "Now McSnargle is all right, BUT." Francis Bacon spoke wisely when he said, "By indignities, men come to dignities." And The Week was even wiser when it said: "If the gentlemen who eventually win out would only pursue this diligence in fulfilling the duties of their office, there might be more honors and importance connected with their positions than there is at present. The fly in the ointment apparently is the tradition whereby so much enthusiasm is wasted on winning an election that there is none left to carry through the folloiving year." WRANGLERS MAKE A PREDICTION This week twenty undergraduates, applying for admission, spoke to The Wranglers. In the opinion of the club's leaders they represent the finest group of candidates in many years. Their worth will actually be realized when it becomes known that nine of these twenty, or almost half, were voted to membership. This represents the largest group ever to be admitted to The Wranglers in one body. Yet the departure from custom is justified on the grounds of the actual unusual ability of the candidates. The Wranglers are one of Notre Dame's finest extra-curricular organizations. Their judgement in the past, as now, has never been conservative, but it has been tempered with sane, cool reasoning. This almost wholesale admittance to the club is a splendid comment on the worth of undergraduate speakers. James O'Shaughnessy, president of The Wranglers, declared this week that he had never heard a more proficient body of underclass orators. The judgement of these men may be taken as an omen of successful debating teams in the future, for it is a matter of record that most debaters are first sighted and encouraged by The Wranglers, and later developed by the forensic coaches.

22 Tioenty The Scholastic Irish Defeat Northwestern 5 to 3 Lagger's Pitching, Hitting by Kozak And Sheeketski Bring Win In Rain George Gets Tw^o Triples, Joe Triple, Double, Single, For Five of N. D.'s Six Hits. By Joseph A. Morper Two more football men took it upon themselves to avenge the scoreless tie played with Noi-thwestern last October 10th, and Notre Dame defeated the Purple sluggers, 5 to 3, last Tuesday ^in the rain. The tavo men who added their names to that of Ed Krause, who stari-ed in the basketball victories over the Evanston school, were catcher Joe Sheeketski and outfielder Geo. Kozak. Out of the six hits made off of Harris and Farber these two men made five, for a total of 12 bases. Northwestern Scores First Northwestern scored the first run in the first inning, on two errors, an infield out, and a single by Auguston. In the Irish half of the inning, first baseman Crizevsky let Kane and Denny O'Keefe get on through errors. George Kozak brought both runners in on his long triple to right center. The lead was short-lived, howevei', as Northwestern counted another run on Potter's triple and Auguston's second single in the third. Joe Sheeketski put the Irish in front again in the fourth, by scoring on a passed ball by Potter after getting a triple to right. Kozak's second triple after Al Russo had walked in the seventh, accounted for Notre Dame's fourth run. With the progress of the game the rain seemed to get heavier. Northwestern made a vain attempt to tie the score in their half of the eighth. Jakie Sullivan walked and Potter drove him in with his second threebase hit of the game. His mates, however, couldn't push him across. By way of clinching the contest the Ramblers scored their fifth and final run in the eighth. Cummings walked. Bill Lomasney laid down a sacrifice bunt and Cummings took second. Joe Sheeketski drove Leo over a moment later with his third hit of the game, a double to right. Box score: NOUTH\\"ESTERN (3) AB II P A Sullivan, If Remus, 2b Potter, c Evans, rf J'drich, rf Aug'son, ss Crizevski, lb Fencl, cf Mellin, 3b Harris, p Farber, j NoTiiE DAME (5) AB H p A Kane, ss O'Keefe, 3b Russo, cf Kozac, rf Powell, 2b Cummings, lb Lomasney, If Sheeketski, c Lagger, p Northwestern Notre Dame ' * 5 Runs Sullivan, Remus, Potter; Kane, Russo, O'Keefe, Cummings, Sheeketski. Errors Kane (2), Crizevski (2). Two-base hits Powell, Sheeketski, Crizecski. Three-base hits Sheeketski, Kozac (2). Potter (2). Sacrifice hits Mellin, Kane, Lomasney. Stolen base Cummings. Hits off Harris, four in four innings. Bases on balls Lagger (2) ; Harris (2). Farber (3). Struck out Lagger (8) ; Harris (3), Farber (2). Wild pitches Farber, Lagger. Passed ball Potter. Hit by pitched ball Powell by Farber. GOLFERS SWAMP IOWA IN HNAL HOME MATCH Stage Rally After Purdue Loss; Hawkeyes Fall I41/2-31/0. By T. Edward Carey Notre Dame's golf team staged somewhat of a comeback last Saturday when they overwhelmed Iowa, 14% to 3%, at the University course. The Fighting Irish lost their first match in three years to Purdue two days before the Iowa contest, but it evidently did not discourage them greatly for the Saturday scores were the lowest that they have carded all season. Bill Veeneman, who went off his game during the Purdue match, was shifted from No. 1 position to No. 4, and proceeded to show the public that one bad round couldn't whip him by turning in the best round of the match, a 75, to trounce Beck of Iowa, 8 and 6. N. D. Makes Clean Sweep Notre Dame scored a clean sweep in the doubles in the morning round to insure an early lead. Captain Redmond and Fehlig turned in a best ball score of 75 to defeat Van Epps and Beck, who carded 81, 3 to 0. Montedonico and Gostisha won by a like score, for their best ball 76 was good enough to beat the 79 round of Loufek and Ottesen. Gostisha turned in the best individual card in the morning round, a fine 77, made possible by remarkably consistent putting. Redmond and Veeneman swept through their matches in the singles with little difficulty, both winning 3 to 0. Montedonico was able to secure no more than an even break in his match with Loufek, and Vince Fehlig, who was badly off his game, dropped his match to Van Epps, 2 to 1. Summary: DOUBLES: Redmond and Fehlig, 7S (ND). defeated Van Epps and Beck, 81 (I), 3 to 0. (Continued on Page 29)

23 May 13,1932 TENNIS TEAM DOWNS DETROIT SQUAD 4 TO 1 Rain Halts Matches After Singles; First Irish Win. A greatly improved Notre Dame tennis squad met Detroit University here last Friday and chalked up the first win of the season, 4 to 1. Rain, which threatened to cause the postponement of the contest, broke loose as the final singles match was drawing to a close and prevented the doubles teams from going into action. The match was called at this point. The victory was given to the Irish, however, because two Detroit wins in the doubles play would not have changed the final result. As thrilling a match as has been staged here this year was played by Louis Chreist, No. 1 player and SCHOLASTIC champion, and Leon of Detroit. The former had little trouble in winning the first set but when Leon broke through Chreist's service in the final set, things began to look cloudy. Only by a series of brilliant shots was the local player able to come back and straight-set his opponent, 6-3, 9-7. Tom Meade made short work of Singelyn, although the latter was a flashy bit of tennis player. Meade's shots into the back court helped a great deal in bringing him out on top. Kelly and Staley played steadily and accurately to come up with the remaining Irish victories. J. George turned in the only Detroit win of the afternoon; his victim being O'Hanlon. With George behind at the end of the first set, it looked like the Irish might sweep the singles matches, but George came back strong with some sparkling play to win. Summaries: Twenty-one Blue Grid Team Wins From Veteran Green Eleven 7 too s^^k^^^/w^^^^^^v^^^^^^^/^^^^sy^^^^^^^^^^^m^^ LEADS NET TEAM Louis CHREIST Aids in first Irish tvin. Staley (ND) defeated Ryan (D), 6-1, 6-3. Kelly (ND) defeated Thornton (D), 6-4, 6-3. Chreist (ND) defeated Leon (D), 6-3, 9-7. Meade (ND) defeated Singelsm (D), 6-2, 6-0. George (D) defeated O'Hanlon (ND), 4-6, 6-4, 6-4. Spartans Trim N.D. Runners In Meet of Surprises Last Saturday Michigan State College completely overturned the expectations of Notre Dame tracksters by eking out a victory from the Irish at East Lansing, 65% to 65 ^i.. Notre Dame, however, also upset the State team's anticipations by taking first places in all of the field events. The slim margin of victory came as a result of a few upsets on the track, Michigan winning the halfand two-mile events and scoring second and third places consistently thi'oughout the meet. The honors for high point man were divided in a four-way tie. Joe Egan, new sprint ace of Notre Dame, along with the Michigan State hurdlers. Liberty and Bath, and LaFayette, sprint man, copped a first and second on the track. Covering the 220-yard distance in 21.4, Egan pulled up to the tape to defeat LaFayette of Michigan and Alex Wilson, who finished third. Charley Kelly, fleet-footed Irishman, whom Coach Nicholson was banking on in (Continued on Page 24) AL M'GUFF SHINES Rookie Back Runs, Kicks, and Passes Well For Losers; Penalties Mar Game. A seven-yard jaunt around right end in the closing seconds of the first half with Mike Koken lugging the ball brought a 7-0 victory for the blue-clad "rookies" over the greenshirted "old-timers" in the spring grid finale last Saturday in the stadium. Veteran Green Team The Green eleven, with several of last year's stars in the lineup, controlled the play through most of the first two periods but failed to score when the Blue stopped their strongest drive eight yards from the goal. Al McGuff, playing left half for the Green turned in the outstanding offensive exhibition of the first half. On the first play of the game he tore off forty yards around his left end from pvmt formation. On the next plays he tossed passes to Kosky and Banas for a first down on the Blue eight yard line but the attack stopped there. The Blue touchdown offensive came after a series of passes had moved them down the field in long strides. Two throws from Koken to Melinkovich and Jaskwhich gave a first down on the Green 25-yard line. Koken's next throw went over the goal, and the Green took the ball on the 20- yard marker. Koken Scores Melinkovich's intercepted a pass from McGuff on the second play and ran it 20 yards to the 25-yard stripe. He next snagged a toss from Koken on the Green seven-yard line from where Koken dashed over for a touchdown. Jaskwhich place-kicked the goal. A flock of off-side penalties that marred the entire game broke out in full bloom in the third quarter with Al Culver leading the offenders. After the series of mis-plays had slackened up a bit the teams settled down to better football but neither could manage to score. (Continued on Page 29)

24 Twenty-two MAROON TENNIS TEAM PLANKS IRISH 6 TO 0 Notre Dame Team Wins But One Set In Chicago Meet. Chicago, Big Ten tennis champions of 1931, handed the Fighting Irish their third beating of the season on the Midway courts Wednesday. The Maroons made a sweep of all the matches and lost but one set to win, 6 to 0. Meyer and -Meade Win Set Meyer paired with Meade to bring the Irish as close to victory as they got during the afternoon. They forced Schmidt and Reis to the limit before going down. The Chicagoans won the opening set, a real thriller, by a nose, 11 to 9. The second set went to the Irish, 2-6. The Maroon pair coasted in from here to win the match. Paul Stagg, son of the famous Maroon mentor, was responsible for two wins. His play in the singles match against Louis Chreist was so near perfection that the Irish No. 1 player was able to win only one game in the two sets. Later on he paired with Davidson to defeat Chreist and Kelly, 6-1, 6-4. Kelly Loses 6-1, 6-1 Prospects for a Blue and Gold victory in any singles match were never very bright. Kelly, w^ho has been improving steadily during the past two weeks, \vas helpless before the flashy play of Davidson, 6-1, 6-1. Reis and Schmidt completed the route of the locals with rousing wins over Mayer and Meade. Summaries: SINGLES Stagg (C) defeated Chreist (ND), 6-1, 6-0; Davidson (C) defeated Kelly (ND), 6-1, 6-1; Reis (C) defeated Meyer (ND), 6-3, 6-1; Schmidt (C) defeated Meade (ND). 6-1, 6-1. DOUBLES Stagg and Davidson (C) defeated Kelly and Chreist (ND), 6-1, 6-4; Schmidt and Reis (C) defeated Meyer and Meade (ND), 11-9, 2-6, 6-3. Tjrpewriter Wanted A used typewriter is wanted at a reasonable price. Anyone interested may see Eddie Mahon at the store room, second floor of the Chemistry building. The Scholastic First Round Matches Are Completed In Golf Tourney ^S^^^'^'\/\/N^^»i^V\/\/\^/\/^^^^\/N^^^^^^WN*S^\^^^^^^ Initial Results Of Matches In Scholastic Meet The results of first round matches in THE SCHOLASTIC Handicap Golf Tournament are as follows: Corcoran defeated Cole, default. Kotte defeated McCarthy, 4 and 3. Guimont defeated P. Crowley, 4 and 3. Sheedy defeated Kempf, 3 and 2. Gleason defeated Becklenberg, 6 and 5. Becvar defeated Como, 1 up. Stephan defeated Suite, 3 and 1. Spalding defeated Zimmers, 4 and 3. Ray Fox defeated Schmidt, 4 and 3. McMonagle defeated Sander, 8 and 6. Martin defeated Moscow, 5 and 3. Flanigan defeated Nelmes, default. Kunz defeated Pugliese, 3 and 2. Osweiler defeated Brugger, default. Lehan defeated Butler, 5 and 4. Koontz defeated Maloy, default. LaLonde defeated Landers, 5 and 4. O'Brien defeated Wilson, 5 and 3. Olson defeated J. Henry, 2 and 1. Siegfried vs. O'Connor, double default. Leonard defeated O'Melia, 2 up. Pahlman defeated Albert, default. Kolb defeated Robert Fox, 5 and 4. Moore defeated Beaudin, 6 and 5. Powell defeated Reese, 1 up. Hechinger defeated Roney, 1 up. Clarke defeated Slough, 5 and 4. Bernhardt defeated Nagelsen, default. Tarasovic defeated Eichler, 4 and 3. Melchione defeated Meade, 4 and 3. Powers defeated Salvaty, 4 and 3. Consolati defeated Dan Heniy, default. German President Urges Preservation of Faith By Intercollegiate Press. BERLIN, May 12. "Forward in God!" This was the motto suggested to the German Students' League by President Paul von Hindenburg, who addressed the league last week. "I shall continue," he said, "with all my strength to help the nation on the upward path. But it is necessary, too, that youth preserve its faith in God." TROPHYDISPLAYED Eight Men Default, Others Fall In Stiff Battles; Second Round Ends Saturday. By Henry B. Asman With all first found matches completed and more than half of the second round results turned in, play in THE SCHOLASTIC Handicap Golf Tournament has settled down into a stiff battle for the beautiful trophy to be awarded to the winner. The initial round in the tourney was marred by the defaulting of eight matches. A few of the pretoumey favorites were among those to be dropped for failure to play. Included among these were Cole, O'Connor, Dan Henry, Maloy, and O'Connor, all better - than - average golfers. Favorites Meet Defeat Other favorites who met their equal in playing the eighteen-hole round, and fell by the wayside, were Pugliese, O'Melia, Reese, and Zimmers. The latter, a member of the freshman squad, met defeat at the hands of Joe Spalding when the big Indianapolis mashie-wielder shot even par on the second nine to end the match on the fifteenth green after being one down on number nine. Art Becvar fought an uphill battle on the second nine to defeat Como one up. Tony Pugliese found five strokes a bit too much to give up, and dropped a heart-breaker to Koontz by a 3 and 2 count, in what was, perhaps, the biggest upset of the first round. Powell and Reese put on a great battle before the for- _-mer finally won. 1 up on the eighteenth green. Trophy at Clubhouse The winner's trophy, which has been on display at the clubhouse all this week, is a beautiful silver humidor with the figure of a golfer on the top. It is without doubt one of the most beautiful and most useful trophies ever offered for permanent possession in student competition at the University. The prize for the runner-up in the tournament will be (Continued on Page 29)

25 May 13, 1932 Twenty-three After the Ball is Over» you*ll still want to loolc your best during these late Spring and Summer months. Whether you're through at Notre Dame in June or still have three years of Scholastic ^ endeavor before you, you'll find it still worth ^ while to investigate the Gilbert set-up be- ^ fore leaving town.»»»» Our tip for today buy Florsheim shoes at $8 One more moment of your time ponder on Florsheim Shoes at $8 and S9. BILL (TYPICAL) SENIOR "Neat but not gaudy." And if you're shopping-wise you'll look into our other standard brands of merchandise at depression prices. Chte mm/ Je^ OttOiAei// 8I3'8IS 5. Michigan St. Be Notre Dame Minded ask for BiH Cerri, *32

26 Twenty-four INTRODUCING A little over a year ago, a Notre Dame two-mile relay team was defending its championship at the Illinois indoor relays. A slim, bespectacled Irish runner went to the starting line with a mass of opponents and when the pack swept away on the turn, he bumped along with the leaders. About a minute and a half later he was pounding around the oval in fourth or fifth place with a novel red pattern carved in his right shin by three spikes of someone's shoe. He started moving up at this point, found the going crowded, and switched into the pole. Three More Holes Here he scraped by on the inside, the only means of getting to the front, in a great exhibition of maneuvering. In the course of the next thirty seconds, three more holes were drilled in the shin, but when Joe Quigley came up the final stretch of his 880, Notre Dame was 25 yai-ds out in front. It wasn't anything new for Quigley to be running two-mile relays. The year before he had been a member of the quartet of Abbott, Wilson, Little, and Quigley that had raced to a Drake championship, a record and a title at Ohio, a win at Illinois, a triumph at Millrose, in short, to a victory every time they stepped on a track. In the Millrose games the team was the first in history to break 8:00 on the Garden track. Joe Quisley Runs Special 1000 After that record trip in New York, Coach Nicholson moved the group across to Newark, and Quigley had his first fling at 1000 yards in the Jersey handicap. Two men were listed at scratch: One was Phil Edwards, and the other, Joe Quigley. With other runners scattered ail along the track, Edwards and Quigley ran by all of them except one lone entrant who had had a 35-yard start. Edwards was second, and Quigley third. The 1,000-yard affair was just one of dozens of distances for the hard working runner. Captain of the cross-country squad his junior year, he covered most of northern Indiana at one time or another. He could and did, on occasion, run everything from a 440 to five miles. In the Illinois meet last year he forced Dean Woolsey to a new armory record of 4:22 in the mile. Quigley was last at the three-quarters post that day but a JOE QUIGLEY They almost carved initials in his shins. 60-second quarter brought him within inches of Woolsey at the tape. Joe, who is the second of Notre Dame runners named Quigley, started running a bit as a freshman. His brother Tom was running with the varsity at that time and turning in consistently high-class 440's. Joe won his numeral at the 880, and turned out for cross-country in his sophomore year. After running on pavements in Milwaukee, fairways at Urbana, and bridal paths in Madison, he turned into a half-miler for the indoor season. He ran few individual races, though, seeing most of his action as a relay man. He won his first monogram with a 1:59.4 half against Michigan State in the final outdoor meet of the year. The next season was the year of the relay triumphs. Last year, his final in competition, Quigley ran relays and individual races ad infinitum. Of him and his three years on The Seholasixc SPARTANS UPSET IRISH (Continued from Page 21) this event, pulled a muscle before the half-way mark to disappoint Notre Dame supporters. Liberty and Bath of the Spartans shared the, hurdle honors. Bath placed first in the high hurdle race and second in the lows. Liberty did the reverse by winning the low hurdles in the excellent time of :23.4, and placing second in the highs. Summary: ONE-MILE RUN Won by Kins (ND) ; Pongrace (M), second ; Wissner (M), tliird. Time 4: YD. DASH Won by Wilson (ND) ; Keast (M), second; Scanlon (ND), third. Time : YD. DASH Won by Lafayette (M) : Egan (ND), second; Kibby (M), third. Tims : YD. HIGH HURDLES Won by Bath (M) ; Liberty (M), second; Fagan (ND), third. Time : YD. RUN Won by Warren (M) ; Little (ND), second: Wilson (M), third. Time 1: YD. DASH Won by Esan (ND) : Lafayette (M), second; Wilson (ND), third. Time :21.4. TWO-MILE RUN Won by Small (M) : Howery (ND), second; Cobb "(M), third. Time 9: YD. LOW HURDLES Won by Liberty (M) ; Path (M). second; MacBeth (ND), third. Time :23.4. ONE-MILE RELAY Won by Notre Dame (Scanlon, Kuhn, Obergfall, Wilson) ; Michigan State, second (Hovey, Pongrace, Warren, Keast). Time 3:23.3. POLE VAULT Slattery, Behrman. Rohrbach (ND) and Moulthrop (M), all tied for first. Height, 12 feet. HIGH JUMP Won by Darling (ND) ; Schumacker (ND), and Kleinheksel (M), tied for third. Height, 6 feet, 2 inches. SHOT PUT Won by Finkel (ND) : Dill (M), second; McNutt (M), third. Distance, 43 feet, 6% inches;. DISCUS THROW Won by Groves (ND) ; Pflug (M), second; Dill (M), third. Distance, 123 feet. 8 inches. BROAD JUMP Won by Gough (ND) ; Liberty (M), second; Kleinheksel (M), third. Distance, 22 feet, 4% inches. JAVELIN THROW Won by Christman (ND) ; Pflug (M), second; O'Connor (M), third. Distance, 157 feet, 8 inches. the varsity, Coach" Nicholson opines: "I've never had a runner who worked better or fought harder than Joe Quigley." This spring, he is winding up his Commerce course after a switch from Engineering in his freshman year. Despite the fact that his college track career is over, Quigley continues to work out. daily in preparation for summer competition. While he has not yet extended himself, he appears to be in the best shape he has ever reached.

27 May 6, 1932 Twenty-ftve WE'LL GIVE ^25,000 to settle this argument! Write a "blurb"-464 prizes this month! HERE PH(L- I WANT TO GIVE YOU A uesson IN SHAVING ' JUST TRy THrS PALMOLIVE ON, YOUR WHISKERS THANKS, AAAC- VE GRADUATED LEARNED ALL THERE WAS TO KNOW ABOUT 5HAVI NQ CREAM WHEN i DISCOVERED COLGATE'S VE AH? WELL >wait TiLi. yoo see THB QUICK LASriNQ LATHER I GET AND I ANOTHER THING, PHIL., MV FACE IS QOING TO FEEL LIKE A MILLION DOLLARS.' MEBBE SO, MAC, BUT GIVE ME I COLGATe'5 FOR A CLEAN. CLOSE, CASTING SHAVE. MV PACE WICU BE AS CLEAN TONIGHT AS IT IS RIGHT NOW! THINK THAT OVER,OLO TOPPER Come OM yoh stavers get in on ttis $25,000 ARGUMENT Mac wants you Palmolive users to say yonr say. Phil says "Stick with me you Colgate useis." If you don't use either, start now and take a shot at this teal money Ralmelive Users Colgate Users r-^i f'** THOSE are "blurbs" men those words coming out of Phil's and Mac's mouths. Read em over. Who do you side with Phil or Mac? What's your choice Palmolive or Colgate's? Write a "blurb" of your own in your own words. Help Phil out-or help Mac out. Send in your boost for Colgates or Palmolive. We're putting up big money for the best "blurbs" sent to us. Get yours in! All over the country you'll find men like Phil and Mac. Millions boosting for Palmolive. Millions pulling for Colgates. In ict more men use these famous shaving creams than any other. They lead a field of 176 competing brands. Think of it! Which side are you on? In one of the empty "blurb" spaces to the right (or on a separate sheet of paper) write your "blurb" in favor of Colgate's or in favor of Palmolive «<>/ both. Write it now! Here are the prizes for each month ^^ in all! hrlmtmiit* "Mrts" 1st....$SM IKL, % 125 Sri Mrt 25 2iaMt.. It 2tS Mrt S 'ikhrbsr* 1st....$SN 2ad rt t 4-MKI tMlt.. It 2it ml. 5 HERE ARE THE CONTEST RULES MAIL-your "blurb 'with name and address to Contest Editors, Dept.CN-i90.Pa Box Chicago, Illinois. The prize money (totaling $23,000) is divided into six sets of monthly prizes (each set totaling $4200) At the end of each month prizes are awarded (see list at right) for the best "blurbs' received during that mondi, as follows: Feb. 29, $4200 Mar.31,$4200 April 30, $4200 May 31,$4200 June 30, $4200 July 31,$4200 {Contest closti July ^U 1933/ Contest is open only to resi«dents of the United States and Canada. Employes of the manufacturers and their families are not eligible to compete. In event of a tie. each tying Hi- FREE SAMPLES contestant will be awarded fltll amount of the prize tied for. Decision of the judges shall be final Some bints to help you win Here are some taxxs. about the world'stwolargestsellingshaving aeams Colgate's and Palmolive. Here are some of the reasons why men prefer these famous shaving creaiiis PALMOLIVE a. Multiplies itself in lather 250 timesk, 2. Softens the beard in one minute. 3. Maintains its creamy fullness for 10 minutes. 4. Hne after-effects due to olive oil content. COLGATE'S a. Breaksupoilfilmthatcoverseachhair. 3. Small bubbles get down to the base of the beard, hold water against eadi hair at skin-line and soak it soft where the razor works 3. Gives a dose. skin-iiae shave doe to small bubble action. 4. Gives a lasting. 24..lMMirtli«v«. Men! A beautiful gift box containing generous trial tubes of both Colgate*s and Palmolive Shaving Creams, as. well as other useful toilet products, is being distributed. If you fail to get your^ ask the business manager of this paper why.

28 Twenty-six TWENTY TRACKMEN TO MAKE PITTSBURG TRIP Face Panthers Tomorrow With Small Squad; Scanlon Out. Twenty Notre Dame trackmen will leave tonight for Pittsburgh where the two universities will engage in a dual meet tomorrow. The University of Pittsburgh has a much improved team over former years and wall prove to be a formidable opponent for the Irish. EYES EXAMINED GLASSES FITTED J. Burke,i"<^- OPTOMERIST and MFG. OPTICIANS 228 So. MICHIGAN ST. Est 1900 SPEGIAI< mducements TO N. D. STUDENTS Although the travelling squad is small. Coach Nicholson believes that the trackmen will return victorious. The team has had an exceptionally good season thus far, having won all their dual meets except last week's unexpected setback when Michigan State edged out Notre Dame by onehalf of a point. The relay quartets this year have, with very few exceptions, been undefeated. Coach Nicholson is banking his hopes for a win against the Panthers on the fact that every man will persist in coming through with a good place if not a win. Alex Wilson is slated to run the 220-yard dash and either the 440 or 880-yard run. Wilson can be counted on to win in one of his events, Joe Egan will be the only sprinter for both of the shorter dashes, running both the century and the furlong. Coach Nicholson will depend upon Eddie King and Joe Young in the one-mile run and Gene Howery in the two-mile distance. Mickey MacBeth and Rudy Obergfall will step the low hurdles. This will be Obergfall's first race in competition over the low sticks. The SeholasHc Rege Kuhn will take to the starting blocks in the 440-yard event. Notre Danae will miss Jack Scanlon in the quarter due to a torn ligament contracted in a short sprint Wednesday. Charley Kelly will also be out of the line-up because of a similar mishap last Saturday in the Michigan State College meet. Brant Little and Clyde Roberts are slated to run the half-mile, while in the high hurdles the Irish will look for a first place from Poredon or Jim Fagan. In the weight events Finkel is the outstanding man for Notre Dame. Finkel has been throwing the shot up to 45 feet consistently all season. Groves, who won the discus event in the Michigan State meet, w-ill assist Finkel in both events. In the high jump Notre Dame has a real point man. Bob Darling. Schumacher will also jump for the Blue and Gold.- Gough is the only Irish entry in the broad jump, while Norb Christman is the lone entry in the javelin throw. Rohrbach and Behrman are expected to place in the pole vault. Both men are good for 12 feet. Men's $8 to $10 Oxfords Formerly Selling $8 to $10 Crawford Osteo-Patik others we cannot advertise $4.85 Practically all sizes and widths in lot. Toall probamy bay 2 or 3 pairs. For the young well as the older man. All sizes in others at $1.85, $2.95 and $3.85. GIL-BRO'S 330 S. Midiisaii SL Hello Men! Smith 'i Cafeteria IU E. Jefferson Blod. Shetland Bldg. ^he Favorite Eating Place of Notre Dame Men The place that makes you glad you're hungrjf

29 May 13, 1932 GOLF TEAM TO PUY PITTSBURG TOMORROW Veeneman Beats Redmond To Retain No, 1 Ranking. The golf team plays in Pittsburgh tomorrow against the University of Pittsburgh linksmen. As the result of the weekly challenge rounds severl changes will appear in the Notre Dame lineup and only four men will invade the Panther stronghold in quest of season victory Number 6 for the Fighting Irish. A group of four including Captain Bill Redmond, Bill Veeneman, Vines Fehlig, and Johnny Montedonico are slated to make the trip. Veeneman will be at No. 1 again as a result of his 3 and 2 victory over Redmond in the first challenge round played Wednesday. Redmond and Fehlig were scheduled to meet yesterday for the No. 2 place. Fehlig moved into No. 3 position Tuesday afternoon with a stirring 20- hole victory over Montedonico. Fehlig dropped a long putt for a birdie four to square the match on the 18th, and followed with two pars to win on the 20th green. Montedonico maintained his position in the first four by defeating John Gostisha in the second challenge round one up. Cold and rainy weather prevailing throughout the week forced the medal scores for the challenge matches higher than usual. Notre Dame defeated a brilliant Pittsburgh team headed by Sam Parks, 14^/^ to 3%, last season. Pettit Re-elected Head of Indiana Probationists (Continued from Page 2) special lecturer in Criminology at Notre Dame, and psychiatrist of the Indiana State Prison, discussed the "Relation of the Probation Officer to the Penal Institution." The visiting members were conducted about the campus, noting the various points of interest. They witnessed a special display of literature in fields of probation, delinquency and crime during their trip through the Wightman Galleries. Other speakers at the conference were Mrs. Florence Riddick Boys, State Probation officer; George B. Walls, Chief County Probation officer. South Bend; Dr. Clayton J. Ettinger, M. D., Ph.D., professor of Sociology at Western State Normal college and Consultant Psychiatrist of the State of Michigan; the Hon. Daniel Pyle, judge of the Circuit court of South Bend; Hon. Frank Sheehan, Referee of the Lake County Juvenile court; Harry Hill, Chief Probation officer of the Chicago Ju Twenty-seven venile court;' and Dr. Herbert Williams, Ph.D., Chicago Regional director of the "Big Brother and Big Sister Movement." At times disputants think they are in accord on principles, merely because their disagreement is hidden under ambiguous language. William Tnifant Foster. Talk Honae'virard'-ii... and it begins to seem like au age since you last saw Mother and Dad and all the rest of the family... just walk to the nearest telephone and hear the home-folks talk. A telephone call home is really so inexpensive... yet adds immeasurably to the pleasure of living for everyone concerned. Yes, charges may be reversedtothe hometelephoneif you say the word. INDIANA BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY

30 Twenty-eight The Scholastic By Irving B. Halper BASEBALL St. Edward's won the championship of Group I of the Interhall league when Ben Kane, "Minims" pitching ace, allowed Badin one hit and no runs, St. Edward's winning, 14 to 0. Licalzi, Bud Carroll, Kane, and Alberts did most of the heavy hitting that brought in the fourteen runs. Badin St. Edward's x 14 Batteries: Freeman and Louis; Kane and Albei-ts. Dillon sprang a surprise and downed Alumni, 7 to 3, the juniors' first defeat of the season. This put these two teams and Howard in a tie for 3 a mile to EUROPE and return, including meals and berth $35 (up) One Way $ 5Q(»P) Round Trip Four gteat siiips Mitma'aska, Minnetonka, Pennlatid and JVestemland, on which Tourist is die highest dass catried. The only linets of thdr kind in the world. Also delightfid Tourist Qass on sudi femous linetsas A a/ri(ic,world'slaigestship; Olympic, Homeric, new Georpc and Britanmc, Belgenland, and many others. For fhat trip to the EUCHARISTIC CONGRESS Dublin, June 1932 Weddy sailings of the White Star Line's "Big Fout^ direct to Cobh. Veiy moderate rates. WHITE STAR LINE RED STAR LINE fertenmfimal Marcaatil* Marin CMvaay 180 N. Michigan Ave., Chicaco any aiithodied steamshq> ^ent. INTERHALL SPORTS first place in the second division. Collins, Dillon hurler, pitched a good brand of ball. Alumni Dillon x 7 Lyons defeated Sorin, 9 to 4, to continue the series of lacings that Sorin has received this year at the hands of other interhall teams. Thus far the seniors have not once placed a win after their name. Oakes, Lyons catcher, again starred for the westenders. Sorin Lyons x 9 Batteries: Sandura and Oakes; Kennedy and Streb. Morrissey, weakened by the absence of a few of their regulars, lost to Sophomore, 8 to 4. Sophomore tallied two runs in each of four innings and had little difficulty in downing the juniors. Kiep starred for the losers. Sophomore Morrissey Batteries: Novak and Emmerly; Kiep and Brennan. With but one more week of play before the championship game (May 22) the standings are as follows: GROUP I w i- J^T. St. Edward's Corby S Lyons Sophomore Morrissey Badin Sorin GROUP Walsh II w L per GOLF Sunday morning at 8:30, Alumni and Dillon hall golfers will tee off to decide the winner of the interhall golf championship for Both teams have some of the best interhall golfers ever to play in the league. The proaable lineups are as follows: Alumni: A. J. Pugliese (captain), A. J. O'Brien, C. Sheedy, R. D. Powell. Dillon: Thos. La Londe (captain), A. R. Martin, William Cole, Daniel Henry. Last Sunday in the championship flight, saw Dillon beating Badin, 12 to 6, and Alumni downing Brownson, 14 to 4. In the latter match, Pugliese, captain of Alumni, became the first interhall golfer to break 80 this year, shooting a 79. Two other members of Alumni's team shot under 90. Dillon, led by Zimmers and Martin, had things fairly easy with Badin, although Captain La Londe, with an 86, was beaten by Meade of Badin, who shot an 83. Walsh and Sophomore won the right to fight it out for the consolation title. The seniors defeated St. Edward's, 11 to 7, and Sophomore overwhelmed Howard, 16 to 2. EVERy HOUR ON THE HOUR WEEK-END EXCURSION South Bend to Chicago AND RETURN CHICAGO, SOUTH SHORE & SOUTH BEND RAILROAD s Leave Sooth Bend statimi, Michigan and La- Salle streets, any train Noon Friday to Nocm Sunday. Return on any train up to and including 11:45 P. M. train, Monday. Same rate in effect from Chicago. For information phone South Bmd

31 May 13, 1932 BLUE GRID TEAM WINS (Continued from Page 21) Midway through the third period, Al McDuff climaxed his outstanding playing of the afternoon with a seventy-five yard punt across the Blue goal line. The kick covered the full distance in the air. McDuff's kicking stood out throughout the game. A brief Green attack failed when Devore of the Blues dropped Murphy for a huge loss while the latter was attempting a pass from the Blue 25- yard line. The Blue' major threat of the half came late in the final quarter when Koken and Jimmy Leonard tore through a new Green line for a 70-yard advance. The gun halted the fracas when Leonard was downed a yard from the goal. Lineups: GREEX (0) BLUE (7) Kosky Culver IiE LT Canale Krause Harriss Yarr LG C Wunsch Alexander Hoffmann KG Greeney Kurth RT Roach Host RE Rascher Murphy QB Jaskwhich McGuff LH Koken Cronin RH Brancheau Banas FB Melinkovich Touchdown: Koken. Point after touchdown: Jaskwhich (place kick). Substitutions: Blue Devore for Rascher, Boland for Jaskwhich, LaBorne for Koken, Tobin for Brancheau, Leonard for Melinkovich, Flynn for Greeney, Duwan for Roach, Ledinff for Krause, Quinlan for Canale, Shrenker for Wunsch, Witucki for Alexander: Green Lesko for Hoffmann, Jehle for Yarr. Referee: Lipp. Umpire: Hogan. Head linesman: Klein. First Round of 'Scholastic' Golf Tourney Is Completed (Continued from Page 22) a dozen golf balls of a well-known make. Second round matches must be completed by Saturday evening at 6 Twenty-nine p. m. The third round will be played on Sunday and Monday, and the fourth round on Tuesday and Wednesday. The thirty-six hole semifinals must be played by 6 p. m. on Saturday, May 21, with the finals on tap for Sunday, May 22. All matches must be played before the deadline here set by the committee in charge, unless inclement weather interferes. In such case, however, bulletins will be posted giving the changed deadline. GOLFERS DEFEAT IOWA (Continued from Page 20) Montedonico and Gostisha, 7S (ND), defeated Loufek and Ottesen, 79 (I), 3 to 0. SINGLES: Redmond, 78 (ND), defeated Ottesen, 84 (I), 3 to 0. Montedonico. 78 (ND), tied Loufek, 77 (I), 1% to 1%. Van- Epps, 79 (I), defeated Fehlig, 81 (ND), 2 to 1, Veeneman, 75 (ND), defeated Beck, 85 (I), 3 to 0. '" bedtime hunger DROP in at your regular eating place and order a bowl of Kellogg's Com Flakes. It's great for a late snack. So easy to digest it encourages restful sleep. How much better than hot, heavy foods! Kellogg's Com Flakes are also dehghtful for lunch. Try them with sliced bananas or preserved fruit. Crisp, toasted flakes with ''the flavor that tempts your taste" ^that's Kellogg's. The most popular cereals served in the dining-rooms of American colleges, eating clubs and fraternities are made by Kellogg in Battle Creek. They include ALL-BRAIN, PEP Bran Flakes, Rice Krispies, Wheat Krumbles, and Kellogg's WHOLE WHEAT Biscuit. Also Kafiee Hag Coffee real coffee that lets you sleep.

32 Thirty ALLERTON HOTEL. make this your Chicaso Headquarters Get full enjoyment out of your visit to Chicago by coming here. Billiard and card rooms, gymnasium, indoor golf course, 8 tennis courts, library. R-C-A Radio speaker with choice of stations in each sound-proof room. A year-round social program with something doing every night if you want to join in. Overlooking Lake Michigan. Quiet surroundings. All rooms are outside rooms. A short walk to the Loop. Two blocks from the Cathedral. For a week-end or a month, or a year, you will be glad you chose the AUerton.' 1932 RATES Single $10.50 to $25.00 weeuy Double $8.50 to $12.50 weeuy, per person Transient $2.00 to $3.00 daily, per peratm Philip E. Cobden, Manager ALLERTON HOTEL Chicago 701 NiMth Michiaran Avenoe U RAZA CLUB TIES MICHIGAN BOOTERS Soccer Tilt Played At Ann Arbor; Game Here Sunday. The first of a two-game soccer series between the La Raza club of Notre Dame and the Sociedad Latino Americana of the University of Michigan was played at Ann Arbor last Sunday morning. Two penalty kicks provided the only scoring in the one to one tie. This is the first time any soccer team from either of the two universities engaged in an outside game, and the fact that this series has been arranged between the two Latin clubs indicates the degree of enthusiasm prevalent among the undergraduates of both Notre Dame and Michigan for the game. Game Well Played The game was fast and the playing was very good. Those who turned out to see the game at Ann Arbor saw a worthy exhibition of soccer. Tense moments and thrills were the order of the day, with both teams alternating in carrjring out well organized attacks which put their opponents' goal in extreme danger on numerous occasions. Captain Ed Roxas of the Notre Dame eleven acquitted himself brilliantly in the defense of the Rambler's goal. G. Valdes, at the fullback position, also starred. The rest of the La Raza team functioned smoothly and showed excellent teamwork both.on offense and defense. Brias Scores La Raza opened the score in the first half, on a penalty booted by Leo Brias. Thereafter, in spite of the strong wind against them, they held the lead until the end of the half, and throughout the greater part of the second. As the g^me was drawing to a close, action was intensified and the most dangerous attacks of both teams took place. One short powerful kick from Arce, alone in front of the Michigan goalie, struck the upright. A short while later a high Michigan shot at the comer of the Notre Dame goal was barely tipped out by Roxas. The score was tied on a penalty in Michigan's favor, by Valverde. A' few - dangerous runs by Gamarra, Michigan left outside, and ihe game ended :with.the score tied at A- ;,»:. - The Scholastic The La Raza Club played with the following men: goalie, Ed Roxas; fullbacks, G. Valdes, W. Forsbach; halves, Marenco, M. Yriberry, Muniain; forwards, Rodriguez, Melian, Brias, Arce, and Singson. In the second half Melendez substituted for Muniain. The Michigan team will play at Notre Dame Sunday morning at 9:30. Since the first game was tied, this second game will be the deciding one of the series. Indiana Science Academy To Have Three-Day Meet Indiana Academy of Science will hold their annual spring session at Turkey Run State Park, southern Indiana, May 19, 20, and 21. Professor Edward G. Mahin, Chemistry Department of the Notre Dame College of Science, is chairman of the program committee. The session will be opened with a lecture Thursday evening by Paul Weatherwax on "Trip to Guatemala." Friday morning will be devoted to a bird hike, and an exploration of the park under the direction of Stanley Cain, E. R. Smith, and L. A. Test. On the afternoon of the first day, the group will make an excursion to Pine Hills and a dinner will be served at Park Hotel at 6:30 o'clock. A business discussion, followed by a talk by President Femandus Payne, will be given in the evening. Saturday will be devoted to an excursion to the Shades of Death. Request Army-Navy Grid Game For Bi-Centennial By Intercollegiate Press. Washington, May 12. Members of Congress have requested President Hoover to make arrangements for an Army-Navy football game this year as a part of the year-long celebration of the Washington bi-centennial. It was suggested by Representative Britten of Illinois that the game be held in Washington. Said Mr. Britten, in suggesting that other athletics between the schools should be urged: "There is nothing I would like better than to see a young naval middleweight knock the spots out of a young army middleweight." Replied Representative Goss of Connecticut, an army sergeant in the World War: "There is nothing I would like to see more than the army mule kick the;navy goat in.the face."

33 May 13, 1932 MAN ABOUT THE CAMPUS (Continued from Page 12) the ability to give it a saving grace. He invites confidences, and can give in the front row as he lifts his voice with the Glee club. As for "the singing, he's been a mainstay of the club for five years, with never a sour note, and with the added distinction of having once openly insulted the great Kopecky with a sneer. Outside his activities in the various clefs, he's been incurably lazy, with NOTICE All Crew Members, Supervisors, Team Captains and Student subscription salespeople who wish to avail themselves of the opportunity for free scholarship made possible through the courtesy of the leading Magazine Publishers again this year are requested to apply to the national organizer, M. Anthony Steele, Jr., Box 244, San Juan, Porto Rico, stating qualifications fully. really nothing more to his credit than a lot of good wisecracks and a proficiency in the dance, thereby supporting the editor's views on the uselessness of extra-curricular g3rrations. His book shelves are empty by preference, he says, by reason of indiiference, and he'd trade a set of Conrad for a set of Boswell records. As this is being written there is a rumor about that Frank is having a sunburn race with Father Farley, who is a shade to the bad thus far, this in spite of the fact that he has more forehead. Sorinites are casually interested, but give the crown to Frank, who has had a red face even longer than he's had gray hair. And it doesn't disappear with the winter, either. Altogether he's a typical five-year man about the campus. He's old enough so that his enthusiasms are well-directed and not easily aroused; the acid has all worked out of his tongue by now, and has been supplanted by irony, administered impersonally. When he's bored he shuts up like a clam, and is just as stolid; the fact that he has never been known to Thirty-one flinch emphasizes this. He surprises one and all every now and then by swimming with some diligence. When he's in a good mood he sings "The Song of the Bayou," and when he does, you listen. In a cap and gown he looks like a parson, and in double breasted suits, lousy.. As Tighe Woods would say so originally, this Massachusetts delegate is a great guy. Dedicate 12,000 Volumes By Intercollegiate Press. Philadelphia, Pa., May 12. The University of Pennsylvania has formally dedicated in its library the Horace Howard Fumess Memorial, a collection of 12,000 volumes of Shakespearean and Elizabethan dramatic literature. The collection represents the working library of two generations of Shakespeare scholars, and was bequeathed to the University by Dr. Horace Howard Fumess, Jr., as a memorial to his father. The American has an innate love of conversion. Benjamin De Casseres. MAGAZINES UNIVERSITY CAFETERIA and SODA GRILL PAPERS Refined Atmosphere- Courteous Service- Sanitary Equipment- And an honest desire to please, gain and hold student trade DAILY SPECIALS CIGARS Open 6:30 a. m. to 9:40 p. m. CIGARETTES The Oliver Hotel Barber Shop 203 West Washington Avenue

34 Thirty-tivo Phone Office Residence Dr. E. S. Lucas Dentist SOUTH BEND 702 J. M. S. BUILDING Opposite Oliver Hotel XRAT INDIANA 0. A. CLARK'S RESTAURANT N. Michigan St. South Bend's Oldest and Most Reliable Eating House. Catering to NOTRE DAME MEN for over thiri;y years. For a real man's meal drop in any time. WE HAVE NO KEY On Down the Line :With Joe Morper; OHIO STATE university plants a tree in honor of each student selected on the All-American football team... Notre Dame ought to plant a forest too... Although EARL SANDE has won 1,000 races and almost $3,000,000 in purses and stakes, he has never led the list of winning jockeys at the close of any season... L-A.CROSSE is the oldest North American team game... Indians played it in the early nineteenth century.... V KING LEVINSKY'S real name is HAROLD KRAKOW... 75% of the male students at the University of Colorado take part in intra-mural athletics... 50,000 spectators witnessed the annual PENN relays.. This is said to be the largest crowd ever to witness a track and field event... MIKE McTIGUE is the only native-born Irishman ever to win V. world's boxing crown... He took the light-heavy title from BAT TLING SIKI in Dublin on a St. Patrick's Day.... V The average age of the CHICAGO CUBS, excluding pitchers, is only 25 years... BABE RUTH has received?700,000 in salary from the Yankees in the last dozen years... HERMAN BRIX, Olympic shot-put hope, performs in the low eighties on a golf course... He says golf aids the muscles he uses putting the shot... Is that right, Mr. Finkel?... MICK EY COCHRANE is the only catcher who has performed in more than 100 games per season for the "past seven years.... V Only 250 fans turned out for a recent baseball game between the CLEVELAND INDLA^NS and the ST. LOUIS BROWNS... GARLAND BRAXTON pitched in 59 games for Washington in 1927 but did not pitch a full game... STANLEY FER GUSON, a night mail flyer, takes a golf lesson every other day at Columbus, Ohio... And playis every other day at Kansas City, Mo.... BURGOO KING was the first Bradley horse ever ridden by EUGENE JAMES... And as you know the "KING" won the Derby.... The Scholastic No wonder men smoke PIPES! EVERY PIPE SMOKER has the satisfaction of knowing he has one masculine right that the women won't take away from him. Th^ do leave our pipes alone. And though the girb may not know it, they're leaving us one of the finest smokes a man can have. The ftvorite smoke of college men There's something calm and soothing about a pipe and good tobacco. It leads to clear-headed thinking. Perhaps that's why the leaders the real men of the world are pipe smokers. College men like a pipe packed with cool, slowburning Edgeworth, the favorite pipe tobacco in 42 out of 54 colleges. It's cut especially for pipes, to give a Ap^^nocthe cooler, drier smoicefiirgirl* smoke. You can buy Edgeworth wherever good tobacco is sold. Or for a special sample packet, wnite to Lams 6C Bro. Co., 103 S. 22d St., Richmond, Va. EDGEWORTH SMOKINO TOBACCO Edgeworth is a blend of fine old hurleys, widi its natural savor enhanced by Edgeworth's distinctive and exclusive devendi process. Buy Edgeworth anyw^iete in two forms Et^eivotthReady- Rubbed and Edgeworth PlugSlice. All sizes, 15^ pocket package to ^1.50 pound humidor tin.

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