Giving, it s what we do! Government of Canada Workplace Charitable Campaign

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1 TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 25, 2018 Volume 60, #18 Cpl Joey Beaudin Giving, it s what we do! Government of Canada Workplace Charitable Campaign The 2018 Government of Canada Workplace Charitable Campaign (GCWCC) was launched at 19 Wing Comox on September 14 at the annual Terry Fox Run. The 38th annual event raised $2,600 in support of cancer research, with over 200 participants walking or running the 5km course through local trails around the 19 Wing Comox Fitness and Community Centre. While planning for the largest and most successful workplace fundraising campaign in Canada the government-wide GCW- CC is still underway, the D/WComd stepped up to host a GCWCC Golf Day on September 20 at Glacier Greens Golf Course. More than $1,200 was raised while participants enjoyed 18 holes of golf despite the winter-like weather. From a national perspective, the Defence Team is consistently the largest contributor, raising more than $3.6 million nationally in According to a message from Deputy Minister Jody Thomas and Chief of the Defence Staff Gen Jonathan Vance, this allows charities to make a real difference in our community, offering hope and support to countless Canadians, sometimes members of our Defence Team. Continued on page 2 Approved Service Provider to the DND Integrated Relocation Program Royal LePage In the Comox Valley Val Wright RAVEN ROAD, COURTENAY THIS 2,000 SQ.FT. EXECUTIVE RANCHER sits on nearly 1/2 an acre in the much desired Seal Bay Park area. 9 and vaulted ceilings, natural gas fireplace, air conditioning, hot water on demand, hardwood and ceramic tile floors and granite counter tops. Ample room for RV parking or a shop and a carriage home, which zoning allows for. $899,900 # Comox Road, Courtenay, B.C. V9N 3P6 Bus: Toll Free: Fax: 209 PANORAMA PLACE, COURTENAY HANDY MAN SPECIAL / INVESTOR ALERT, 1,767 sq. ft., 3 bed, 2 bath home with in-law kitchenette on a large.24 ac cul da sac lot with RV covered pad. Expansive deck with Mountain Views. Semi hedged & large private rear yard with Garden storage shed & excellent exposure for gardening beds. $398,000 Mark Fleming

2 2 SEPTEMBER 25, 2018 TOTEM TIMES TotemTIMES MANAGING EDITOR Camille Douglas , ext 8752 GRAPHIC DESIGNER Gillian Ottaway Querin EDITORIAL ADVISOR Capt Brad Little DISTRIBUTION Michael Pearce A Division of Personnel Support Programs 19 Wing Comox, PO Box 1000 Stn. Main, Lazo, BC V0R 2K0 The Totem Times is an unofficial publication of 19 Wing Comox, BC. The Editor reserves the right to edit copy and reject advertisements to suit the needs of the publication. Views expressed are those of the contributor unless expressly attributed to DND, CAF, or other agencies. In case of typographical errors, no goods may be sold and the difference claimed against this paper. The paper s liability is limited to a refund of the space charged for the erroneous item. Material may be reprinted with attribution. Published 22 times a year, every second Tuesday, with permission of Col Mike Atkins, 19 Wing Commander. Publications Mail Registration No Printed by Ladysmith Press, Ladysmith, BC. Circulation: Continued from page 1 19 Wing Comox GCWCC team The 2018 campaign at 19 Wing Comox is beginning to pick up steam, with the 2018 co-chairs, Maj Michèle Bury and MWO Dany Potvin, leading the GCWCC team. As the campaign progresses, all members of the 19 Wing Defence Team are encouraged to take part in the events and activities that will be offered through until November. The duration provides for a campaign of choice, as participants can choose to give to one of the many military-linked charities, or to any registered charity in Canada. Any member of the GCWCC team can help participants choose which charities to support, or outline how to contribute. Each unit has a GCWCC representative who will sit down to discuss how a personal donation could support local social programs through the United Way Central and Northern Vancouver Island, or outline the Health Partners program, explained Maj Bury. Our goal is SISIP and CANEX give back Two divisions of Canadian Forces Morale and Welfare Services, SISIP Financial and CANEX, presented a cheque for $ 86,948 to 19 Wing Comox as a testimony of their ongoing commitment and support of the 19 Wing community. Every dollar spent at the 19 Wing CANEX or through acquiring services from SISIP Financial contributes to generating growth and support to Non Public Property beneficiaries - CAF serving and retired, and their families. I refer to it as boomerang money, explains Karrie Lee from SISIP Financial. A member comes to the SISIP office to buy an insurance policy or goes to CANEX to purchase a fridge and a portion of the profits are returned to 19 Wing Comox. Round and round the money goes, with everyone benefiting! These two divisions enhance the quality of life of the military community no matter where members of the Canadian Armed Forces (CAF) are serving - by contributing to the activities and programs within the Non- Public Property framework. The donation from CANEX and SISIP supports events like REXSPO and No Sno Fest, provides holiday care packages for deployed members, and funds many to achieve 100% canvassing of 19 Wing personnel meaning that we aim to ensure that all personnel understand the campaign options. The GCWCC team includes: MCpl Daniel Lewis, 12 MP Flight; Cpl Melissa Walsh, 19 AMS; Sgt Krystle Sloan, 19 MSS; Capt Alexander Kisielius, 19 OSS; Lt Jason Kelsey, 21 CF H Svs & Dental; Capt Nelson Berry, 407 Sqn; Capt Marc Archambeault, FWSAR; Capt David Prochera-Best, 442 Sqn; Avr Juanito Pello, CFS- SAR; Cpl Jesse Callejo and Pte Hart, D/WComd; Lt Chase Evans, RP Ops. The GCWCC team is comprised of motivated volunteers, each working within their units to come up with new and innovative ways to lead the campaign, shared MWO Potvin. Also, this year members can choose to support Soldier On or Support Our Troops including Boomer s Legacy through the GCWCC. There is no campaign without you. Stand shoulder-to-shoulder as the Defence Team, supporting those in need. other services that improve the morale and welfare for members and the families, adds Andy Moorhead, Senior Manager Personnel Support Programs at 19 Wing Comox. In addition to supporting base fund events, SISIP and CANEX engage throughout the year by sponsoring SCAN seminars, the annual welcome brief, unit family days, the Terry Fox Run, and Camp Boomer to name a few. We are pleased to help with any unit or 19 Wing event that we are asked to assist with, explains Lee. It is our pleasure and we enjoy being part of this wonderful community! The cheque presentation at REXSPO each year serves as a reminder to all CAF members that these funds are possible thanks to their patronage at CANEX, including, and the services they subscribe to through SI- SIP Financial. (Top) Christy Hartman, Comox Canex Manager, and Karrie Lee, Comox SISIP representative, present a cheque to 19 Wing Base Fund. (L-R): CWO Keith Sexstone, Christy Hartman, WComd Col Mike Atkins, and Karrie Lee. (Bottom) CANEX 50th anniversary celebrations. Terry Fox Run kicks off giving season at 19 Wing

3 SEPTEMBER 25, 2018 TOTEM TIMES 3 78th anniversary of the of Battle Britain Pilot divine, and Lord of all on high Thine are the starry squadrons of the sky! Lead us whose wings for freedoms sake now soar, Into our hearts thy faith and courage pour Oh hear our prayer. Set Thou our course whose trust is laid in Thee! Oh Thou who chartest all eternity! Through cloud and sunshine, through darkest night, Guide Thou our wings who battle for the right Oh hear our prayer. Father and friend, in whose almighty name We dedicate our lives to freedom s flame, Bless now our wings as on through space we wend. Bless us who to Thy care our souls commend Oh hear our prayer. Col (ret d) Ted Gibbon and CWO (ret d) Daniel Coutu lay a wreath during the Battle of Britain commemorative ceremony at 19 Wing Comox on September 16. Museum loans historic Air Force tartan The Deputy Wing Commander branch gathered for a mess dinner on September 13 at 19 Wing Comox, so Camille Douglas, CFN manager and Capt Lynn Barley, director of the Comox Air Force Museum (CAFM) embraced the occasion by attending in unique Air Force tartan attire, loaned by the CAFM. Ms Douglas wore a tuxedo jacket that had been donated by the estate of Air Vice Marshall (ret d) Bill Vincent who passed away in 2007 in Comox. Following WWII, Bill remained in the RCAF until 1977; he served as Commanding Officer of 409 Sqn Comox in 㔀䈀䌀漀洀漀砀刀搀 䌀漀甀爀琀攀渀愀礀 Ⰰ 䈀䌀嘀㤀一アハ ート倀㠀 䌀䄀一䄀䐀䤀䄀一䴀䤀䰀䤀吀䄀刀夀倀䔀刀匀伀一一䔀䰀刀䔀䈀䄀吀䔀倀刀伀䜀刀䄀䴀 䌀伀䴀䔀䤀一伀刀䌀䄀䰀䰀唀匀䘀伀刀䴀伀刀䔀䤀一䘀伀刀䴀䄀吀䤀伀一 ⴀ 㔀 アハ ートアハ ート㠀 㜀㜀㘀 㔀 刀䔀䈀䄀吀䔀漀渀愀渀礀渀攀眀䠀漀渀搀愀

4 4 SEPTEMBER 25, 2018 TOTEM TIMES Winter camping available at Tee Pee Park Tee Pee Park will be offering 20 full service campsites from November 1 to February 28 this winter, so if storm watching throughout the winter excites you, mark Monday, October 15 on your calendar to book your front row seat! The full service campsites may be booked for daily, weekly or monthly camping, and priority bookings are as per the current 2017 Tee Pee Park SOP for Priority Bookings. Beginning on October 15, sites can be booked by contacting the Tee Pee Park Campground office at , via at, or in person. Other services available throughout the winter include the sales of firewood and beach parking passes, and the Tee Pee Park Campground office will handle all cabin reservations, check in, and check out. Building 205 will be open to provide washrooms and laundry, but the sewage dump station will not be open. Winter camping rates Regular Ordinary Associate Daily $29 $31 $35 Weekly $173 $190 $207 Monthly $430 $460 $490 䄀吀吀䔀一吀䤀伀一䴀䤀䰀䤀吀䄀刀夀䴀䔀䴀䈀䔀刀匀 䌀漀洀攀漀甀琀愀渀搀琀爀礀漀甀爀渀攀眀愀洀愀稀椀渀最氀礀搀攀氀椀挀椀漀甀猀愀渀搀栀攀愀氀琀栀礀匀琀漀渀攀最爀椀氀氀䐀椀渀椀渀最䔀砀瀀攀爀椀攀渀挀攀 吀栀椀猀甀渀椀焀甀攀 ᰠ 搀爀礀挀漀漀欀椀渀最 ᴠ 洀攀琀栀漀搀椀猀爀攀挀漀最渀椀稀攀搀愀猀戀攀椀渀最漀渀攀漀昀琀栀攀栀攀愀氀琀栀椀攀猀琀洀攀琀栀漀搀猀愀瘀愀椀氀愀戀氀攀琀漀搀愀礀 匀椀洀瀀氀攀 Ⰰ 栀攀愀氀琀栀礀 Ⰰ 搀攀氀椀挀椀漀甀猀愀渀搀昀甀渀 䌀漀洀攀戀礀愀渀搀攀渀樀漀礀琀栀攀戀攀猀琀猀琀攀愀欀 Ⰰ 栀愀氀椀戀甀琀漀爀猀愀氀洀漀渀礀漀甀洀愀礀攀瘀攀爀琀愀猀琀攀 アハ ート㔀㔀䴀愀渀猀昀椀攀氀搀䐀爀 Ⰰ 䌀漀甀爀琀攀渀愀礀 㔀 ⴀ アハ ートアハ ート㐀 ⴀ 㐀㔀眀眀眀 眀栀椀猀琀氀攀猀琀漀瀀瀀甀戀 挀漀洀 䰀椀瘀攀䔀渀琀攀爀琀愀椀渀洀攀渀琀䘀爀椀 匀愀琀 䈀攀攀爀愀渀搀圀椀渀攀匀琀漀爀攀 䄀氀氀漀甀爀挀漀氀搀戀攀攀爀愀渀搀猀瀀椀爀椀琀猀愀爀攀猀漀氀搀愀琀氀椀焀甀漀爀猀琀漀爀攀瀀爀椀挀攀猀漀爀戀攀氀漀眀

5 SEPTEMBER 25, 2018 TOTEM TIMES 5 Scientists and soldiers test cutting-edge technologies in Montreal Lt Etienne Dion-Marcil, 2nd Canadian Division and JTF (East) Public Affairs Officer During the first three weeks of September, Montreal served as host to over 150 scientists from five countries and nearly 100 members of 3 Battalion, Royal 22e Régiment (3 R22eR) to test over 50 new technologies on the streets of the city s downtown core, on the Belvedere at Mount Royal, at an out-of-commission grain silo in the Old Port, and around an armoury on Côtedes-neiges. Known as the Contested Urban Environment experiment 2018, or CUE 18, Defence Research and Development Canada (DRDC), the Canadian Armed Forces (CAF), and partners from the United States, the United Kingdom, Australia and New Zealand tried to answer the following question: what do we need to know about a city in order to operate effectively? The objective of the experiment was to test new technologies in a dense and complex city, similar to the types of conditions in which future armed forces will have to operate. Why pick the city of Montreal? Chosen because of its varied terrain urban canyons of street corridors flanked by high rises and houses, the panoramic peak of Mount Royal overlooking city, and the gritty historic sites of the Old Port, Montreal set itself as an ideal location to run this year s experiment. The director of the experiment, Patrick Maupin, explained the relevance of testing these new technologies in an urban context, The most interesting thing about CUE is that it brings together technologies that would otherwise only be tested in labs or in separate countries. On De la Montagne Street, those strolling down the street had a chance to see soldiers wearing or carrying some of the technologies such as laser range finders that determined the distance of objects, infrared goggles, and exoskeletons. The summit of Mount Royal provided the ideal venue for scientists and deployed soldiers to test their long-range observation and sensing technologies and thermal night vision optics during the night. However, it was at Silo No. 5, a former industrial complex and current heritage site, where the most impressive technologies were tested. The soldiers had the opportunity to familiarize themselves with the use of optical sensing systems, vehicle barriers and perimeter security systems, while researchers used various unmanned aerial and groundbased vehicles to scan and analyse the area. The final stage of the experiment took place around the home base of the Côtedes-neiges armoury, where the technologies came together to be tested in one final showdown. Mar Kim Bériault, commander of B Company, 3 R22eR, summarized how important it was for CAF members to participate in these experiments. What I like most is that soldiers are being asked for their feedback on the technologies such as the usability and challenges that come with deploying them in this type of urban setting. Although it is still too early to determine which technologies may be useful to the CAF in the future, most of the troops agreed that they were particularly impressed by a radar that made it possible to see through walls. The Contested Urban Environment experiment is in its second year. The first experiment was held in Australia in November 2017, and the third one will be held in the United States in The final one slated for the UK is in the planning stages for 2020.

6 6 SEPTEMBER 25, 2018 TOTEM TIMES Join the SkyHawks! Rejoindre les SkyHawks! MCpl Antoine Collette, SkyHawks demonstrator As a busy 2018 season winds down for the Canadian Armed Forces parachute team The SkyHawks - the team is recruiting for next year! The SkyHawks travel from coast to coast each summer putting on thrilling parachute performances and meeting with Canadians as ambassadors of the CAF. Being a member of the team is a great opportunity to nationally represent your unit, your element, the Canadian Armed Forces, and Canada. The team is open to any trade across the CAF: all elements, reserve force or regular force. Applicants must be either a Second Lieutenant or a trade-qualified Non-Commissioned Member. In order to apply for the team, you must have skydiving experience. Candidates must be qualified as a military freefall parachutist or have a US/ Canadian Sport Parachuting Association A license with a minimum of 50 freefall jumps. Finally, each applicant must be recommended by their unit Commanding Officer. As SkyHawks members are representatives of the CAF, it is expected they uphold a high standard of dress, deportment, physical fitness, and personal conduct. So, if you re an outgoing CAF member that is interested in joining this tight-knit team for the 2019 season, ensure you apply before November 30. For more details contact the SkyHawks via at Check out videos and photos from an amazing 2018 season on Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter by searching La saison 2018 tire à sa fin et l équipe de parachutiste des Forces armées canadienne recherche des membres pour la saison Rejoindre les SkyHawks est une excellente opportunité de s épanouir dans le parachutisme et de rencontrer les Canadiens et Canadiennes partout au pays. C est aussi une grande fierté de pouvoir représenter son unité, son élément, les Forces armées canadiennes et le pays, au niveau national. Afin de pouvoir postuler sur l équipe, il se doit d avoir une certaine expérience en parachutisme. Le postulant doit être qualifié en chute libre militaire ou avoir un minimum de 50 sauts en chute libre avec un brevet A de l Association canadienne de parachutisme sportif ou de la United States Parachute Association. Il faut également être un membre du rang qualifié sur son métier ou un Sous- Lieutenant. Le postulant peut provenir de l Armée canadienne, de l aviation royale canadienne ou de la Marine royale canadienne, de la 㘀 㔀䴀椀氀椀琀愀爀礀刀漀眀 Ⰰ 䰀愀稀漀 Ⰰ 䈀䌀 㔀 アハ ートアハ ート㤀 㔀㔀㔀アハ ート force de réserve ou de la force régulière. Afin de pouvoir postuler sur l équipe, le membre doit obtenir la recommandation de son commandant. À leur arrivé au Centre d instruction en guerre supérieur de l Armée canadienne à la BFC Trenton, les candidats doivent réussir le test d aptitude physique des parachutistes qui comprend une course d un mille à réussir en sept minutes et 30 secondes ou moins, sept tractions à la barre fixe et 31 redressements assis. Les candidats qui ne réussissent pas le test seront retournés à leur unité d appartenance. Alors, si vous voulez passer votre été à faire d excitantes performances en parachute et rencontrer les Canadiens et Canadiennes partout au pays, contactez-nous! Les candidatures peuvent être envoyées numérisée par courriel à l adresse skyhawks@ au plus tard le 30 novembre. Pour des photos et vidéos de l équipe, SkyHawksCanada sur Facebook, Instagram, et Twitter.

7 SEPTEMBER 25, 2018 TOTEM TIMES 7 12 MP Flt active shooter response training 12 Military Police Flight (MP Flt) conducted active shooter response training scenarios at 19 Wing Comox and HMCS Quadra on September 13. These scenarios are designed to hone member skillsets and abilities to further the 12 MP Flt commitment to providing a safe and secure workplace for the CAF. Members train in all aspects of emergency response on a continuous basis in order to provide the best service possible as Canada s front line police service. Need a Second opinion? If the markets are giving you sleepless nights, it may be time for a second opinion. Contact me for a complimentary review of your portfolio. REMI TRAN, Financial Advisor Raymond James Ltd. 1255C Cliffe Ave., Courtenay, BC V9N 2K Member Canadian Investor Protection Fund SEAMLESS TRANSITION CP connects veterans with competitive pay, benefi ts and potential advancement opportunities. Connect to a rewarding career. Apply now at

8 8 SEPTEMBER 25, 2018 TOTEM TIMES Pte Jordan Oakley The joint team of soldiers from Second Battalion, Princess Patricia s Canadian Light Infantry and The Canadian Scottish Regiment (Princess Mary s). From left: Sgt Lance Bevan, MCpl Lucas Roy, Pte Mike Albrecht, Pte Donovan Scott, MCpl Jed Jackson, Cpl Nicolas Cazelais, Pte Matthew Dimmers, Pte Carlee Smith (kneeling), Cpl Jonathan Dick, Cpl Matthew Rees, Cpl Devin Barett, Cpl William Cable, Lt Evan Machin (kneeling), MCpl Denis Byrne and Pte Jordan Oakley. Honouring valour at Schjelderup Lake Soldiers from The Canadian Scottish Regiment (Princess Mary s) and Second Battalion, Princess Patricia s Canadian Light Infantry honour LCol Roger Schjelderup Lt Cameron Park, The Canadian Scottish Regiment (Princess Mary s) Public Affairs Officer Soldiers from The Canadian Scottish Regiment (Princess Mary s) and Second Battalion, Princess Patricia s Canadian Light Infantry (2 PPCLI) returned from a joint excursion to Schjelderup Lake on August 31. The purpose of the five day trek was to replace a damaged marble plaque at the lake dedicated to LCol Roger Schjelderup. Led by Lt Evan Machin of The Canadian Scottish Regiment (Princess Mary s) and Sgt Lance Beavin of 2 PPLCI, the team moved through complex, mountainous terrain to Schjelderup Lake. Carrying a fortyfive pound bronze plaque and the myriad of tools required for the replacement and mounting, the joint force of regular force and reserve personnel integrated quickly to draw on their varied strengths. The route itself was challenging on its own. It s a huge infiltration to just get to the actual lake itself to replace the plaque, said Sgt Beavin. Cpl Matthew Rees of 2 PPLCI agreed. I kind of underestimated MCpl Denis Byrne of the Canadian Scottish Regiment (Princess Mary s) checks his work as he mounts a new bronze plaque at Schjelderup Lake honouring LCol Roger Schjelderup. what the mountain would look like. I thought we would go up one steep embankment and ride a ridge all the way down into a valley and then see the mountain but that wasn t the case. The ridge turned out to be a series of what I would call mountains, being from Manitoba. The time spent moving through the challenging terrain gave members of the expedition time to reflect on the challenges faced by LCol Schjelderup during his wartime service. Born in Smithers, LCol Schjelderup grew up in Comox. In 1937, at the age of 15, he summited the nearby Golden Hinde after camping at the lake which now bears his name. Serving with The Canadian Scottish Regiment (Princess Mary s), he landed with C Company on Juno Beach on D-Day on June 6, Wounded in the fighting, he was awarded the Military Cross for valour. Upon recovering from his wounds, he rejoined the regiment as it fought through Holland. During the assault across the Leopold Canal in October of that year, he was wounded and captured during a German counterattack. Escaping from captivity, Capt Schjelderup and a small number of other soldiers were sheltered by members of the Dutch resistance. After over three months behind enemy lines, and intermittent encounters with German forces, he managed to lead members of his group to link up with British forces. I think that we drew some inspiration from his story for sure, said Lt Machin. Not only was he in at that lake as a fifteenyear-old before there was a trail and with the hiking technology of the 1930s which would have been a challenge in itself but also of course his adventures in World War II. The escape from the Germans and slogging through the icy fields of Holland; it s a really incredible story, so it s something that s neat to be a part of. Drawing on the technical expertise of MCpl Denis Byrne of The Canadian Scottish Regiment (Princess Mary s), the group carefully removed the damaged plaque and mounted the new one. Having previously placed a plaque in a remote setting, MCpl Byrne was enthusiastic about joining the team. He pointed to the

9 SEPTEMBER 25, 2018 TOTEM TIMES 9 Lt Evan Machin Members of The Canadian Scottish Regiment (Princess Mary s) and Second Battalion, Princess Patricia s Canadian Light Infantry move along Phillips Ridge en route to Schjelderup Lake on Vancouver Island. benefits found in a challenging trek. The tradition of mountaineering builds fighting skills, like teamwork. It helps you on the battlefield. It s very intimate, like you re living together and enduring hardship. The shared challenge was valued by the team. The best part was the camaraderie. You re going up a hill a steep hill, and everybody gets to the top and everybody s winded. But, you re at the top and guys start cracking jokes about that hill and how to get up the next one over, said Cpl Rees. Lt Machin had similar thoughts. The bit that I enjoyed was just how well everybody came together. There were some very heavy loads, and people were tired, but any time we took a break, within thirty seconds of stopping the guys were laughing and cracking jokes. The expedition also created the opportunity for the regular and reserve force soldiers to learn about each other s strengths. Having trained with reserve soldiers before, Cpl Reese pointed to the advantage of working together. It s always nice - especially coming out to where they know the area roughly. They know certain things about the terrain that we wouldn t. Sgt Beavin observed other benefits. I think it gives good perspective for both units to see what level each work at. We got a better perspective on how the reservists work and then for them, they got a knowledge of how we work. In the scheme of this, the two units came together to complete one mission which was really nice. With the war over, LCol Schjelderup continued to serve with the Canadian Army in a variety of posts, including command of Second Battalion, Princess Patricia s Canadian Light Infantry. While still serving, LCol Schjelderup passed away in 1974 due to illness related to his wartime injuries. He lies today in Sandwick Cemetery in Comox. The remains of the damaged plaque were retrieved to be shared with the two units and LCol Schjelderup s family. Lt Machin summarized the team s participation in honouring the valour of one of Canada s most decorated soldiers of World War Two. It was a challenge but because it was a challenge there s a sense of accomplishment that comes with finishing it. I think everyone enjoyed the experience and in the end had a good time. It was something everyone was very proud to be a part of. (Right) Cpl Matthew Rees of Second Battalion, Princess Patricia s Canadian Light Infantry displays the new bronze plaque placed at Schjelderup Lake. Cpl Rees carried the forty-five pound plaque during the joint expedition.

10 10 SEPTEMBER 25, 2018 TOTEM TIMES Comox Military Family Resource Centre 1575 Military Row Microsoft Excel - Level 1 Become competent in basic Microsoft Excel skills from facilitator, Sharon Pickthorne. Learn how to enter data,edit spreadsheets, use simple formulas, and more. Including Microsoft Excel training on your resume can help you land you re your next job, become more proficient at your current job, or create a home budget. Working knowledge of the Windows environment is preferred. Please bring a memory stick. Tuesday to Thursday, Oct a.m. to 12 p.m., Computer Lab 19 Wing Fitness & Community Centre $70 Military/$80 Defence Team/ $90 Civilian Employment tip: Does your resume have dust on it, or will this be your first time making one? The Comox MFRC is here to help. Bring your current resume, even if it s outdated, and anything else that shows your education, experience and skills (certificates, letters of references, training materials, your MPRR). The MFRC doesn t offer a resume service; instead, we will show you how to create a resume, CV, cover letter, LinkedIn profile or whatever else you need to show potential employers that you are a candidate they shouldn t overlook! Microsoft Excel - Level 2 Become competent in advanced Microsoft Excel skills from facilitator Sharon Pickthorne. Excel Level 2 expands on the skills from Level 1 and includes skills such as formatting charts, auditing, database filtering, sorting, subtotals, linking sheets, pivot tables and advanced functions such as IF and VLOOKUP. A working knowledge of the Windows environment is preferred. Please bring a memory stick. Tuesday to Friday October a.m. to 12 p.m. Computer Lab 19 Wing Fitness & Community Centre $90 Military/$100 Defence Team/$110 Civilian Girl Guide cookies sent overseas The 7th Komux Brownies have been very busy with their cookie campaign this year and some lucky 19 Wing members have been the lucky recipients of this endeavour. Guides from the Comox Valley District meeting jumped in to help gather the donations community members bought the cookies during the Cookie Blitz weekend, and when they sold at malls and grocery stores to have them donated directly to the MFRC for distribution. Guiders made up signs and stickers and although it was a new idea people did embrace it. My unit, the 7th Komux Brownies had a veteran stop by and buy 4 boxes because he remembered having cookies donated when he was overseas and how much he appreciated it said Zoë Baker, former leader of the 7th Komux Brownies. To date, 48 boxes of Girl Guide cookies have been generously donated to the Comox MFRC Family Separation and Reunion department (Deployment Services). These boxes of cookies have been sent to CF members serving overseas, with the hopes it will bring a smile to the faces of those who have received them. Thank you to all who participated in this campaign, it was greatly appreciated by all who received them. Flu season is just around the corner! Drop in flu clinics will begin at 21 CF Health Services Centre Comox on Monday, October 15. Flu shots are available to all regular and reserve force personnel during the clinic hours of 8:00 to 11:00 a.m. Monday to Thursday. No appointment is necessary; contact Cheryl Lamoureux, at for more information. NOTE that a 12-hour mandatory grounding is required for aircrew. FITNESS SPORTS & RECREATION Located in the 19 Wing Fitness and Community Centre at 1575 Military Row Monday to Friday: 6 a.m. to 9 p.m. Saturday and Sunday: 8:30 a.m. to 6 p.m. Statutory Holidays: 8:30 a.m. to 6 p.m. Military users only: 6 8:30 a.m. and 11:30 a.m - 1 p.m., Monday to Friday Fitness, Sports and Recreation: , local 7173/ 6989 Sports Stores Counter: , local 8315 The Comox Valley s newest small animal hospital is set to open in October, as recently retired MCpl Neil Rainford joins his wife Dr. Robin Rainford in establishing RainTree Veterinary Hospital. Dr. Robin has worked in the animal health care field since 1998, starting out as a registered veterinary technician and then graduating from the Ontario Veterinary College in Guelph, Ontario in In 2007 she moved to the Comox Valley and met Neil, an aviation systems technician at 442 Squadron. Neil later went on to become a flight engineer and returned to 442 Sqn where he completed 19 years of dedicated service before retiring in Neil is pursuing accounting as a second career, and is in the final year of his degree. Loving the Comox Valley, the pair decided to combine their knowledge and experience We are committed to providing relevant, comprehensive and professional medical care throughout the life of your companion, shared Dr. Robin. I take great pride in ensuring that each client and pet feels listened to and cared for, which results in individualized health care. I am dedicated to continuing education for my team. After several years of patients presenting with orthopaedic conditions due to injury or illness and a lack of knowledge to really help, Dr. Robin attended the Canine Rehabilitation Institute to earn her certification in rehabilitation therapy in Since she has been devoted to enhancing post-operative recovery, injury management, and helping geriatric pets move and feel better for longer. RainTree Veterinary Hospital is located in downtown Comox at Port Augusta. Choosing a veterinarian for your companion is an important decision. Come, sit, stay, heal at RainTree Veterinary Hospital. Greenwood Trunk update One day of paving on Ryan Road for the Greenwood Trunk project will take place on September 26, resulting in single lane alternating traffic. The sewer main is complete and once the paving is finished, there will be no further construction along Ryan Road. Construction is still underway around Military Row/ Rose Avenue and Hardhack Street (near Glacier Gardens arena and the neighbouring park) and is expected to continue through September. Little traffic disruption is expected during this time. Visit the project site at to learn more.

11 19 Mission Support Squadron MEMBER PROFILE Cpl Kristy Rowe enrolled in the naval reserves in 2000 and spent 17 years working on Maritime Coastal Defence Vessels. In 2017 she switched over to air reserve and became a welcome part of the 19 Wing Foods family! Cpl Rowe mixed cupcakes that were enjoyed by 19 MSS at the firehall on September 22. Employment opportunity at 19 Wing: language teacher L école de langues La Cité Inc. est à la recherche d enseignant(e)s d anglais langue seconde, à temps partiel ou à plein temps, à partir d octobre Les cours seront donnés aux militaires de la base de Comox. Les candidats retenus seront bilingues et posséderont: une formation universitaire en éducation, ou Bac.+ expérience en enseignement de l anglais Taux horaire compétitif. Veuillez communiquer et faire parvenir votre curriculum vitae à Yannick Le Goff à l adresse ci-dessous par courriel. L école de langues La Cité Inc. is presently accepting applications for English as a second language teachers, part time or full time positions, starting in October The courses are given to military personnel of 19 Wing Comox. The successful candidates will be bilingual and will have: a Degree in Teaching, or a Bachelor degree + experience in teaching English. Competitive hourly wage. Please forward your résumé to Yannick Le Goff by . , poste/ local 8828 Our Lady of the Sacred Heart (RC) 19 Wing Chapel Playing Favourites with Ken Lavigne stops in the Comox Valley on September 29 at Comox United Church as part of a week-long Vancouver Island tour. We all have our favourites; the lyrics, harmonies, rhythms and beats that somehow timelessly thread together chapters of an evolving life in ways that that only music can. This show features my Deserted Island go to list, Ken says. If I could only take three songs with me, these would be them. Of course, there are more than three songs on Playing Favourites show, each one a tried and true favourite with audiences. I get a sense being on the stage of what people enjoy by the universal and democratic clap-o-meter, Ken says with a playful grin. I get a sense of what they are really into and they come to hear their favourites. This tour is about reconnecting the audience with some of the great songs they ve grown to love. Music has the power to move people, from one emotional place to another and part of that, Ken says, is meeting the audiences where they are. On tour you start to recognize where the audiences are at and you will morph and adapt to where they are, and from that place you can start to lead. It s a duet between the audience and the performer. I always strive for that, a synergy. When that happens, you can emerge renewed and transformed. Playing Favourites will include Ken s renditions of songs from Andrea Bocelli, Elton John, Billy Joel, Leonard Cohen and David Foster, to name a few. He has been exploring some of the great music from country artists like Hank Williams, Roy Rogers and Johnny Cash. It s great to take an audience on a new ride, share stories and new musical obsessions but it s important to remember that people want to hear what they ve grown to love. This concert features the favourites of all the favourites. Tickets are available at Sunday Mass: 10:00 a.m. Weekday Mass: 11:00 a.m. Tuesday and Thursday Sacrament of Reconciliation: upon request. Padre s Corner SEPTEMBER 25, 2018 TOTEM TIMES 11 Ken Lavigne is playing favourites WIN TICKETS! Win a pair of tickets to Playing Favourites! Send an to totemtimes@ with FAVOURITES in the subject line. The winner will be notified by 3pm on September 28. Recruiting for cadet staff and volunteers! Cadet units in Comox and Campbell River are seeking dedicated individuals - either in a military or civil capacity - to assist in delivering training to cadets. Planning your release? Perhaps you d like to continue serving on Class A reserve service with Cadet Organizations Administration and Training Service (COATS). Many options are possible. For more information, contact Officer in Charge (Vancouver Island), Regional Cadet Support Unit (Pacific), Maj Darryl Rolfe at St. Michael and All Angels Protestant Chapel Sunday Worship: 10:00 a.m. Protestant Communion: celebrated on the first and third Sunday of each month. Bible Study: please contact Chaplain for the dates and times. Marriage preparation: please contact the Chaplain at least six months prior to date of wedding. Baptisms: please make an appointment with the Chaplain. For information contact the chaplains office at , local NOTICE: The protestant community is gathering at the Rose Annex during the chapel renovations. How can you help your newspaper? Advertising pays for your free paper, so: Let our advertisers know you saw them in the Totem Times. Tell other businesses about your newspaper. The Longest Running Newspaper in the Comox Valley

12 12 SEPTEMBER 25, 2018 TOTEM TIMES 19 Wing Comox Yacht Club hosts open house 19 Wing Comox Yacht Club (19WCYC) held an open house on September 15 at HMCS Quadra to share the benefits of membership with the 19 Wing Comox Defence Team. MS Roxanne Wood represents the 19WCYC volunteer executive as their communications officer. Thank everyone who volunteered their time to make our annual open house event a great success. Your efforts are very much appreciated and your selfless dedication to our club has not gone unnoticed. The weather had us nervous but the clouds held fast, allowing visitors to try out the keelboats Peter Duck and Wild Side along with the paddleboards and kayaks. The BBQ went off without a hitch and generated boatloads of interest in our upcoming training from potential new club members. A special thank you to Charles Hawkswell, Canadian Power Squadron (CPS) Cape Lazo Commander, who offered valuable boating safety information along with the opportunity to anyone wanted to challenge the Pleasure Craft Operator Card (PCOC) or Restricted Radiotelephone Operator Marine ROC(M) exams. The learn more about the benefits of membership with the 19 Wing Comox Yacht Club visit

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