322 (City of Ryde) Squadron Australian Air Force Cadets

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1 AUSTRALIAN AIR FORCE CADETS 322 (CITY OF RYDE) SQUADRON 322 (City of Ryde) Squadron Australian Air Force Cadets Unit Standing Instructions M. G. Thompson Squadron Leader (AAFC) Commanding Officer 322 (City of Ryde) Squadron Australian Air Force Cadets Date of Issue: 03 Feb SQN AAFC Unit Standing Instructions 2016

2 322 (CITY OF RYDE) SQUADRON AUSTRALIAN AIR FORCE CADETS UNIT STANDING INSTRUCTIONS SQUADRON LEADER (AAFC) M.G. THOMPSON COMMANDING OFFICER General. The following Unit Standing Instructions apply to all members of 322 (City of Ryde) Squadron (322SQN) whilst on duty at the Squadron premises and at all other activities organised by 322SQN. It is every member s responsibility to ensure that they are familiar with this document. All officers, instructors and NCOs are responsible for the implementation and execution of these instructions. Any member not complying with these instructions will face possible disciplinary action. Any queries relating to this document are to be directed in the first instance to the Squadron Executive Instructor (SQNXI). 2. Duration. The following Unit Standing Instructions will commence on the 03 Feb 16 and will apply until an amendment or new Unit Standing Instruction is officially released by the Commanding Officer. 3. Commanding Officer s Commitment. The Commanding Officer (CO), SQNLDR(AAFC) M. G. Thompson is committed to the safety and wellbeing of all cadets and staff of 322SQN. This is discussed further in the Occupational Health and Safety statement found in ANNEX A, CO s Policy Statement. 4. A RAMP or Risk Assessment and Management Process has been completed to ensure the safety of cadets and staff during Squadron parade nights. Refer to ANNEX B for further detail. All members are to ensure that any hazards or near misses are reported as soon as practically possible to the Unit Safety Coordinator or the nearest staff member. 5. Squadron Parade Night. The hours of operation for 322SQN on a Wednesday night are from 1800h to 2130h. Staff members are often present at the Squadron outside of these hours for administrative reasons. Refer to ANNEX C for timetable details for a Wednesday night parade. 6. Staff and NCO Meetings will occur at regular intervals throughout the year. Attendance is compulsory for the applicable members. Items to be discussed in the NCO meeting should be added to the agenda by the Cadet Squadron Warrant Officer (CSQNWOFF). Other duties, including Duty Section duties should be arranged prior to the meeting. Refer to ANNEX D for time and dates of the meetings. 7. Parading will occur on a weekly basis except during the school holidays to cover all aspects of home training in accordance with AAFC Manual of Ground Training. Refer to ANNEX E for Squadron Home Training Program. All cadets (other than staff) are to vacate the base NLT 2200h. Any cadet that is still on base after 2200h is to make their way to HQ to wait for their parent/guardian. The gate will be opened for the departing cadet to meet with their parent/guardian once they have arrived outside of the gate SQN AAFC Unit Standing Instructions 2016

3 8. Travel. Cadets are to ensure they make travel arrangements to and from all parades and activities PRIOR to attending. Carpooling between cadets is encouraged. It is expected that if a cadet cannot secure their own transport they will try all avenues to arrange for another cadet to assist them. If there are still issues, the cadet is to see the CSQNWOFF for assistance. Cadets driving themselves to the Squadron are required to submit to Discipline Section a Driver Permission Form. Any cadets travelling as passengers of cadet drivers are also required to submit this form as well. Any cadets, driver or passenger, under the age of 18 must have their parent or guardian sign this form. A cadet that has been given permission to be driven by another cadet must have the driver drop them off at home or a pre-specified point as determined by the parent or guardian. The Driver Permission Form can be found on the 322SQN website, or refer to ANNEX F. 9. Formal Compliments are to be made to the CO, by staff members and NCOs at the first opportunity on each evening and again at the last opportunity of the parade night. Compliments are to be paid to all members of staff and NCOs by cadets. They will be addressed by their appropriate ranks or titles at all times, including whilst working in HQ. In the case of Officers and CUOs, a salute will be given and they will be addressed as either Sir or Ma am. CWOFF s are not saluted, but are addressed as either Sir or Ma am. Warrant Officers can be referred to as Mr or Miss by their superiors. Civilian staff are to be addressed as Mr, Mrs or Miss followed by their surname as appropriate. All members of 322SQN are to observe the paying of compliments to all Army and Army cadet personnel encountered whilst on base. Refer to ANNEX G, Guide to Protocol, for further detail. 10. Saluting / Non-Saluting Areas. Excluding Army personnel, who are to be saluted anywhere on the base, the following areas are designated as non-saluting areas: a. Anywhere inside the HQ building, including offices, toilets, hallways, stairwells and SQN storage areas, with the exception of first and final compliments to the CO for each parade/activity and sit/stand fasts for classes, b. Anywhere inside Building 2 with the exception of sit/stand fasts and for final parade and classes. 11. Any other remaining areas are designated saluting areas. These include: a. Parade ground, b. Any roadways, pathways or car parks, c. Areas around the front gate, both inside and out, d. Any other areas outside buildings around base. e. Inside any other building cadets may enter for any reason. 12. The RAAF Ensign will be raised each parade night by the Duty NCOs. Correct protocol is to be observed by all members in regard to the RAAF Ensign. Members should be particularly aware during raising or lowering ceremonies at the entrance to the base. 13. Squadron Daily Parade will be held at the beginning of the night as shown in ANNEX C on the Parade Ground, CO s parade will be held before drinks break. Should that location be unsuitable for use, parade will be held in the main car park behind 8 Brigade Headquarters. All cadets will attend the Squadron Daily Parade. All cadets and staff will attend the COs parade (Refer to ANNEX H for dates). Weekly inspection of cadets will be conducted by the CSQNWOFF, SQNXI or Duty Officer. Any cadets who are sick are to form up on the side of the parade ground and stand at ease for the remainder of the parade. Cadets who are late are to also form up on the side of the parade ground and stand at ease for the remainder of the parade. 14. Roll Call of members is called every parade night by the Parade Warrant Officer on Squadron Daily Parade. Members will be marked as Present, on Leave or Absent. It is each individual cadet s responsibility to ensure their name is marked off correctly, whether they are late or believe they were incorrectly marked. Cadets are to check CadetOne often to ensure that their attendance is correct. If a cadet is marked absent more than once a term, then you will be required to parade before the SQNXI and CSQNWOFF to justify continued enrolment at the Squadron SQN AAFC Unit Standing Instructions 2016

4 15. Sick Parade. Any member suffering from a medical condition or illness, which disables them from performing their normal duty, is to produce a medical certificate or letter from their parent/guardian to the SQNXI prior to the Squadron parade. Refer to ANNEX I for an example letter from a parent/guardian. 16. Canteen Break is the responsibility of the Duty Section. Refer to ANNEX J for further details. Cadets are to congregate on the hard stand opposite the Squadron store during canteen break. Littering or unruly behaviour in this area will not be tolerated and will result in the loss of this privilege. Cadets are not to loiter in any way that congests the area immediately outside the Squadron storeroom. In the case of wet weather, Canteen break will be held in building 2. No food or drink is to be taken to class following drinks break. 17. Stand / Sit Fasts. All class instructors will be given either a stand fast or a sit fast (as appropriate) at the start and finish of each lesson. To avoid disrupting the class, if an Officer/Instructor/Cadet of a higher rank has entered the room after the class has commenced, a stand/sit fast is not necessary. 18. A sit fast and salute will be given at the start and finish of final parade to acknowledge the presence of the dismissing officer. 19. Final Parade. Final parade will be run by the CSQNWOFF, or if unavailable, the SQNXI or delegate. Any cadet wishing to address the Squadron is to do so at drinks break. No cadet is to address the Squadron at final parade unless they have permission from the CSQNWOFF or SQNXI. The purpose of this is to ensure that the final parade runs to time. 20. Attendance and Leave. All staff and cadets are expected to attend regular Wednesday night parades and other Squadron activities or parades held throughout the year (Refer to Annual Schedule attached at ANNEX K). 21. Leave is applied for as far in advance as possible for both Wednesday night parades and other compulsory Squadron activities. Cadets are only entitled to two (2) weeks of indiscriminate leave a term for Wednesday night parades. Any further leave must be accompanied by a sufficient reason (as deemed by Discipline Section) and is to be applied for in writing via or in person to the SQNXI or CSQNWOFF, or leave will not be granted. Any leave for compulsory activities must be applied for in writing via or in person. All leave is granted at the discretion of the CO. Any leave greater than three (3) consecutive Wednesday night parades requires approval from the Officer Commanding 3 Wing. Cadets are still encouraged to attend ALL parade nights. 22. All leave for Wednesday parade nights is applied for via the Squadron websites electronic Apply for Leave form. Leave must be applied for no later than 1730h. If for unforeseen circumstances this is not achievable, then the following procedure is to apply: Wednesday Parade Nights: 1. Ring the Squadron on (02) before 1800h and leave a message with your name and reason for non-attendance. 2. Ring the Squadron on (02) between 1800h and 1830h and ask to speak to the ADMINO or CADMINO. 3. Ring the LAC(AAFC) Jack Hampton (SQNXI) on , leave a message or speak to the SQNXI giving your name and reason for non-attendance. 23. If you have applied for an activity and subsequently cannot attend, you must ring one of the emergency contact names at the bottom of the activity handout. If you do not inform the staff member in charge of your absence, your ability to be selected for the next activity may be compromised. 24. Leave will not be taken after 1830h and failure to follow this procedure will result in an absence being recorded, an to the SQNXI with an explanation of absence will be required by the following 4 322SQN AAFC Unit Standing Instructions 2016

5 parade night. Refer to ANNEX L for an example Explanation of Absence Any member arriving late for parade is to report to the SQNXI or CSQNWOFF. Failure to report will result in an absence being recorded. If running late for any other activity, you are to contact the emergency numbers on the handout or joining instruction so that arrangements can be made. Failing to attend, arriving late or not reporting correctly to either the SQNXI or CSQNWOFF may result in us incorrectly marking your status on the roll and/or us contacting your parents. 26. Training Program. A copy of the Training Program can be located on the Squadron notice board, Squadron website and with each class roll. It is also detailed at ANNEX E. The program may only be varied with the authority of the CO or Home Training Officer (HMTRGO). 27. All cadets in stages MUST attend their allocated classes during a Wednesday training night. If working cells require cadets to help at certain times, authority must be sought from the CO, HMTRGO or SQNXI. Cadets found absent from classes without the correct authority will be subject to appropriate disciplinary action. 28. Movement by all members is to be restricted to the roadways, footpaths or other dedicated walkways. Two cadets will march side by side. Three or more cadets will march as a flight with one cadet acting as the Flight Sergeant (FLTSGT). Cadets marching large flights are to march on the left side of the road and are to exercise caution at all times. The FLTSGT is to cover off from the trailing file whilst marching. Conversation whilst marching in a flight is not permitted. When cadets move between classrooms/parade ground or headquarters building, all cadets below the rank of CWOFF will use the roadway and not cut behind the mess past the base armoury. The Duty Member and Duty Corporal are the only exceptions to this rule. All members, when moving around on base will march, exercising a high level of self-discipline and professionalism at all times. At no time, except for the purpose of PT, are cadets to run anywhere on base. 29. HQ Building. The 322SQN HQ building and every room within has a very specific purpose. These rooms are not to be used for any other reason besides their specific purpose. The HQ building is out of bounds for all cadets during parade nights unless they are appointed with a specific duty i.e. Training, Administration, Discipline, Logistics, etc. The door nearest to the COs room, at the end of the corridor is a fire door and is not to be used for any reason other than in the case of an emergency. The building is not to be used under any circumstances as a social gathering point. It is to be a workplace of high efficiency and productivity at all times. CUOs and CWOFFs are the only cadets permitted to be in the HQ building prior to parade. NCOs are not to be in the HQ building unless they are placing their belongings at their desk or are under the direction of a staff member. 30. Should a cadet need to speak to a staff member or NCO for any particular reason, they are permitted to do so during the canteen break or after Final Parade. The cadets should go to the entrance of the HQ building and acquire the location of the desired staff member from the staff in the orderly room. Having located the staff member, the cadet will halt outside the appropriate office, knock, state name and business and then wait for permission to enter. 31. Levels of non-productivity through ruckus and inefficient behaviour from both cadets and staff in the HQ building will not be tolerated. Noise levels will be kept to an absolute minimum with certain exceptions. This is to ensure that a productive and non-disruptive working environment is maintained at all times. 32. The Chain of Command can be located on the Squadron notice boards, Squadron Website and is also detailed as ANNEX M. 33. Out-of-Bounds Areas. The following areas are out of bounds to all cadets; a. The parade ground, unless in a formal drill lesson, b. The Q store & armoury, unless under direction, c. The car park adjacent to building 2 unless on parade or formal drill, d. The area to the rear of the parade ground that includes the pool, e. All operational areas/buildings other than 322SQN, Building 2, or other classrooms, 5 322SQN AAFC Unit Standing Instructions 2016

6 f. The COs room, Training room, Admin room, Public Relations room and Discipline room, unless you have direct business to be there, g. The Orderly room, past the service window, unless employed there, h. The corridor outside these rooms past the orderly room door, k. The 8 CSSB conference room, unless under direction, l. The upstairs area unless, attending a class, m. The upstairs kitchen, n. Behind the HQ building. 34. Speed Limit. Members are reminded of the base speed limit (10 km/h) applying to all vehicles whilst on base. Duty personnel in charge of moving flights on roadways are to take extra precautions and be alert for vehicular traffic. 35. Roads. Marching cadets have right of way at all times. No vehicle is permitted to overtake marching cadets whatsoever. Infringement of this policy may result in the driver being banned from driving on base (parent or cadet). All members are encouraged to report any infringement to the SQNXI and to (if possible) include vehicle make, model and licence plate number. 36. Parking. Cadets are limited to parking in the main car park behind 8 Brigade Headquarters. Staff parking is available in the car park located behind the 322SQN HQ facility and in the Q-Store area. Visitors are requested to park in the main car park and report to the orderly room to be escorted on base. 37. Drop Off and Pick Up. ANNEX N sets out the correct manner in which vehicles are to move when dropping off or picking up cadets at the beginning or end of the night. No parents/guardians are to exit their vehicle whilst waiting to pick up their children due to Commonwealth security protocols. Parents are reminded not to come excessively early or late to pick their children up. There is to be NO variation to this procedure. 38. Security. Due to increased Commonwealth security requirements, access to the base will be further limited than in the past. On a Wednesday Night Parade, the gate will not be opened before 1730h. The gate will be locked again at 1820h. If cadets believe they will be running late, they must contact the SQNXI. Cadets who arrive after this time are to also call the Duty Officer on in order for the gate to be unlocked. A sign on the main gate will also provide the Duty Officer s contact number. Any security breaches noticed by cadets or staff are to be noted and the Duty Officer informed, so that the duty log can be updated. The gate will be opened again at the end of a Parade Night at 2110h. The gate will be locked at 2200h in conjunction with the conclusion of the nights close down activities. The security of the base is the responsibility of the SQNXI and the Duty Officer. 39. Dress. A high standard of personal dress is required from all members of the AAFC when in uniform. The CO s parade will be held on dates as shown in ANNEX H. On these parades, all members of 322SQN will wear service dress (SD) uniform (the order of which is designated in ANNEX H). Cadets will wear uniform IAW ANNEX E and ANNEX H for the remaining parade nights throughout the month. 40. Dress will vary for particular parades and activities throughout the training year as specified by the SQNXI. The correct care and wearing of each uniform can be found at ANNEX O. 41. DPCU ranks slides must be worn on DPCU s by all cadet ranks at all times. Air Force Blue rank slides must be worn on SD uniform by all ranks. 42. It is recommended that cadets wear a broad brimmed hat where available. Hat Fur Felt is to be worn on all parade nights with the chinstrap worn correctly at all times, regardless of wind conditions. Bush hats are to be worn on bivouacs and range shoots. AAFC Baseball caps are not to be worn. 43. When in uniform, correct footwear is to be worn. Black cadet boots may be worn when in DPCUs or SDs. Alternatively, SD parade shoes may be worn in SDs. New style green cadet boots may only be worn with DPCU s if not issued black boots by 322SQN when on SQN premises. No school shoes are to be worn SQN AAFC Unit Standing Instructions 2016

7 44. Uniform cannot be worn in public due to Commonwealth security requirements. If a cadet is required to catch public transport to an activity or parade night, they are to wear civilian attire and bring their uniform in a concealed suit bag. If a cadet is travelling to and from an activity or parade night by private means (i.e Parents car), they are allowed to wear uniform as long as the commute is directly to and from the parade night/activity and involves no stops in between. 45. On activities that require civilian attire, cadets are required to wear polo style T-shirts without rude or offensive designs, preferably a Squadron shirt. Shorts are to be at or below the knee. Cadets are to always wear a hat when outdoors in civilian attire. Females are to have their hair up and out of their face. Males are to have the correct haircut. All requirements for jewellery are still to be observed. 46. The SQNXI is responsible for maintenance of dress standards and may, with the approval of the CO, vary the above requirements at certain times. 47. Jewellery. Visible necklaces, chains, bracelets or bands are not permitted in uniform this includes items of religious significance, unless required by a particular faith (e.g. Sikh headdress). When in uniform a maximum of four rings on no more than two of the eight fingers may be worn. Such rings are to be of subdued appearance and design and of a moderate size. Female members may wear gold, silver or clear stone studs 4mm or less in diameter (one in the lobe of each ear) or plain sleepers, either gold or silver, of 1cm in diameter (one in each ear lobe). To be designated a sleeper, the ring must be able to rotate fully through the hole in each ear lobe. No other form of piercings are permitted at any time when on duty. For more information consult the AAFC Manual of Dress. 48. Haircuts. Members, male and female will maintain their hair style/cut to acceptable AAFC standards at all times. This standard includes hair grooming/combing. These standards are set out in ANNEX P. 49. Flight Structure. The purpose of the flight structure is to place cadets in an environment which will enhance their learning of the values and skills taught by the AAFC whilst being fun, challenging, competitive and team-based. The aims of the flight structure are, in regards to: a. Cadets: 1. To develop initiative, self-reliance and good character. 2. To develop teamwork skills. 3. To improve self-discipline and morale. 4. To instil a sense of professionalism, pride and passion for the corp. 5. To develop skills to maintain a professional uniform. 6. To develop a thorough understanding of the Chain of Command / SQN rank structure. 7. To instil/develop knowledge of SQN procedures. b. NCOs: 1. To develop leadership skills. 2. To ensure minimum rank role is being fulfilled. i. JNCO participation and example setting/passing on skills. ii. SNCO supervision/mentoring of JNCOs 3. To develop teamwork and communication. c. Squadron: 1. To increase retention rate. 2. To increase discipline, morale and esprit de corp. 3. To increase attendance at both weekly parade and extra-curricular activities SQN AAFC Unit Standing Instructions 2016

8 50. Structure. The Squadron is split into four (4) flights named after RAAF Victoria Cross Recipients. They are Edwards, McNamara, Middleton and Newton. 51. Each Cadet and Leading Cadet is assigned to one of the four flights. SNCOs have been appointed as Flight Commanders (FLTCDRs) and Assistant Flight Commanders (ASSTFLTCDRs). JNCOs have been appointed as Section Commanders (SECCOs) and Second-in-Charge (2IC) SECCOs. The allocation of cadets in each flight are detailed in ANNEX Q. 52. Discipline Section will oversee the Flight Commanders and they will report to the CSQNWOFF. 53. During Squadron daily parades, including COs parade, cadets will parade as flights. NCOs will assume executive positions in charge of their own flight, unless there is a shortage in other flights. 54. In the time before parade, FLTCDRs, SECCOs and 2ICs are expected to be inspecting their sections, ensuring cadets have complete and correct uniform, and any cadets on sick parade have a note/medical certificate. 55. A point system has been implemented where flights earn points. These points will tally up, and the flight with the most points at the end of the year will receive the Most Outstanding Flight Trophy. Discipline section is responsible for the tallying and recording of points. Points can be earned (or taken away) for most actions. However, some points are established for certain actions. ANNEX R outlines some of the defined point opportunities. 56. CWOFFs and above can recommend to give or take points for actions not detailed in ANNEX R. Only the CO or SQNXI can accept these recommendations. Discipline section will be responsible for determining how many points are awarded/deducted. 57. When giving or taking points, the member is to fill out and sign the Flight Point Recommendations sheet in the Drill Room detailing which cadet the points are for, what they are for and what time the action took place. This form is attached as ANNEX S. Discipline section will then award the correct amount of points to the correct flight. Cadets and staff issuing points are to write down the correct information as soon as possible so they do not forget, and should record all actions they believe warrant points. However, cadets and staff should not be going out of their way to search for points. Points will not be awarded if one week lapses between the time of the event warranting the points, and the submission of the Flight Point Recommendation form. 58. If a cadet believes there is a discrepancy in the points or that points were given or taken unfairly, they are to use the correct chain of command to inform discipline section. 59. Duty Section. The Duty Section roster is attached as ANNEX T. If the Duty Member is away on the night they are rostered, it is their responsibility to appoint a replacement Duty Member, and similarly for the Duty Corporal. A checklist of duties for the Duty Section to complete, is attached at ANNEX J. This checklist is to be completed each week and handed to the Duty Officer. Duty Officer responsibilities are attached as ANNEX U. 60. Fire Orders. In various locations around Timor Barracks are Fire Orders, usually found attached to the rear of major exit doors. The Squadron will be briefed on fire procedures. Fire Orders will be posted and all members are to make themselves aware of those orders. Fire drills will be conducted at various times throughout the training year. A Cadet Fire Warden and two (2) Assistant Cadet Fire Wardens will be appointed each month. Refer to ANNEX V for the responsibilities of the Cadet Fire Warden and to ANNEX T for the Cadet Fire Warden roster. 61. Fire Extinguishers and hoses are provided for the protection of life and property. Under no circumstances is this equipment to be interfered with except for the purpose of fire fighting. Any malfunction is to be reported immediately to any staff member. Refer to ANNEX W for the locations of fire fighting equipment around Timor Barracks SQN AAFC Unit Standing Instructions 2016

9 62. Lockdown Procedure (SAFEBASE ECHO). In the event that Timor Barracks becomes insecure and there is a threat to the safety of personnel, the base lockdown procedure may be initiated. The lockdown procedure is in place as part of the Base Emergency Control Organisation managed by Headquarters 8 Brigade. The 322SQN Lockdown Warden is LAC(AAFC) Jack Hampton, or if unavailable the Duty Officer who will initiate the lockdown procedure and maintain control, however, it is the responsibility of all members to remain alert and vigilant and to raise the alarm in a manner that does not put themselves or others at risk. If a threat is apparent, but no communication is forthcoming from the Warden, members should still adhere to the procedure. The lockdown procedure is outlined in ANNEX X. 63. Hospital Evacuation Procedure. In the event of an emergency that requires immediate hospitalisation of personnel, those personnel should be transported to Westmead Hospital. This procedure is ONLY in place for emergencies where time is critical to the survival rate of the affected personnel (e.g. anaphylaxis) or in less serious cases where an ambulance would not normally be called but specialised medical treatment is necessary. Refer to ANNEX Y for a map and written directions of the route from Timor Barracks to Westmead Hospital. 64. The Key Register is provided for all staff and NCOs and must be used when taking and returning keys to and from the key safe. Every key taken must be signed for and upon returning signed back in by a member working in the orderly room. 65. Receipt of Monies. No member is to receive monies on behalf of the Squadron unless prior approval is given by the CO. Payment of any money owing to 322SQN will be via the CO. There is also a payment lock-box located on the Orderly Room service window in which money may be deposited. All monies are to be in an envelope with your name, amount and intention of the payment e.g. Fees. 66. Mobile Phones. The use of mobile phones by cadets is limited to stand down and drinks break. This includes the use of mobile phones to play games, send, receive and read SMS. At no time are mobile calls or SMS to be made or received during instructional lessons, as they are to be switched off during these times. If a mobile phone is used during a class, the instructor may confiscate this item, and will pass this to the SQNXI. The SQNXI will have the discretion as to whether the member may retain the item or whether it will be held in safe custody until the end of the activity/parade evening Any member sending out an for general direction is to have it approved by the staff member in charge of their cell, e.g. SQNXI. Once approved by the staff member, the must contain the following at the conclusion of the , for example, This has been approved by LAC(AAFC) Jack Hampton. All s should have their respective cell head carbon copied (CC d) into the . Members should be aware that what is written in an can be printed and disseminated to the public, and as a result, a common sense rule is to only write what would be acceptable for you to say out in public. 68. Photography. All photography on base is strictly prohibited. Timor Barracks is a defence facility and as such is subject to commonwealth photography restrictions unless approved. Any violation of this policy will be referred directly to the SQNXI and CO and appropriate disciplinary action may be taken. Staff have permission to take photos for the purposes of capturing events/pr purposes. 69. Social Media. Members should be aware that activity on social websites is considered to be in the public domain, and thus members should consider whether it is appropriate for you to note your affiliation or post content on social media sites that are related to 322SQN or the AAFC in general. Social media communications are held to the same standards of other forms of electronic communication and as such, breaches of the AAFC policy in regard to social media will be referred to the SQNXI to begin the formal grievance process. 70. In order to ensure that all current and potential members are aware of their obligations as an AAFC member regarding the responsible use of social media, Cadet Support Directorate has produced an information video. The video is loaded on the AAFC YouTube Channel and can be viewed here: 9 322SQN AAFC Unit Standing Instructions 2016

10 Please refer to Vol 2, Pt 5, Ch 3 of the AAFC Manual of Management for the full Social Media Policy. 71. AAFC Identification Cards are to be carried on the person of all members at all times when on Timor Barracks or other defence bases/establishments. For AAFC activities that are not conducted on Timor barracks or other defence bases/establishments, there is no requirement to carry your ID card (with the exception of shooting activities on civilian ranges). In the instance where you believe your ID card has been lost or stolen, you are to inform the CO as soon as possible. All members are required to wear their ID cards IAW AAFC Manual of Dress. ID cards are not permitted to be worn below the waist whilst on SQN premises. ID cards are to be clipped to the centre of the left breast pocket when wearing an SD shirt, DPCU shirt or a utility jacket. When wearing an item of uniform that does not have breast pockets i.e. (jumper), The ID card is to be clipped to the centre of the left rank slide so the card hangs down the front of your left shoulder. The ID card must be worn so that the photograph is clearly visible and not back to front. 72. Visitors to 322SQN premises are to be escorted to the Orderly room where they are requested to complete a visitor s book. All non-members of 322SQN who have the intention to enter Timor Barracks are defined as visitors. The CO is to be advised of their arrival and departure. The Duty Officer is to log the arrival and departure details of any visitor into the Squadron log. It is the responsibility of the SQNXI and the Duty Officer to ensure all visitors sign in and out of the Squadron. 73. It is the responsibility of any member inviting a guest to the Squadron, to get prior approval from the CO and make sure their guest is aware of any procedures outlined in these instructions. All visitors must sign the visitors book on arrival and on departure, which is located in the Orderly room. 74. Duty Log. It is the responsibility of the Duty Officer to maintain the duty log and to ensure it is kept up to date. Any member of the Squadron who arrives first for an activity or Wednesday night parade must fill out the Duty Log (refer to ANNEX Z for the form) which is located in the Discipline room. The last to leave must fill out the duty log at the next available time. During activities not conducted on a Wednesday Night, every member must fill out their arrival and departure times along with any time they left the base and for what reason. 75. Any occurrence that is not normal, for example, base left unsecure, doors open etc. must be reported to the SQNXI or Duty Officer where it will be noted in the duty log. The duty log is to be signed off by the CO at the conclusion of each month. 76. Conduct. All members will conduct themselves in a manner that reflects credit on the AAFC and 322 SQN. Practical jokes, initiation ceremonies and the like are prohibited. 77. Unacceptable Behaviour. All members, including cadets are to be familiar with the AAFC policy on unacceptable behaviour as outlined in the AAFC Manual of Management Vol 2, Pt 1, Ch 10, and the ADFC Behavioural Policy Training Manual. In general terms unacceptable sexual behaviour includes, but is not limited to; a. Unwelcome sexual advances, b. Unwelcome requests for sexual favours, c. Unwelcome conduct of a sexual nature including written or oral statements, which a reasonable person would anticipate to offend, humiliate or intimidate the person harassed. 78. Sexual Harassment can include gender harassment, which stereotypes a person or sexual preference rather than judging on individual merits. It must be clearly understood that the conduct, giving rise to sexual harassment may constitute a civil, criminal and/or disciplinary offence. It must also be understood that the RAAF and the AAFC employ a policy of zero tolerance to any form of sexual harassment or unacceptable sexual behaviour. Unacceptable behaviour includes, but is not limited to; a. Bullying, b. Putting down c. Intimidation SQN AAFC Unit Standing Instructions 2016

11 79. The most effective way to prevent harassment is for the person offended to state clearly to the harasser, Stop! Fair Go. Should the harasser continue after this warning, the person offended is to state Stop, Stop, Stop!. It is recognised, however, that this may not always be possible. Any member subject to harassment will be provided with all possible support to resolve the situation. Members are advised that in matters of sexual harassment or complaints of sexual harassment the chain of command need not be followed and the matter may be reported directly to any adult member or officer with whom the member feels most comfortable. 80. Smoking/ Alcohol/ Unauthorised Drugs. Smoking tobacco or illicit drugs or the consumption of alcohol or unauthorised drugs whilst in transit to/from the base, or on any AAFC activity regardless of whether the member is in uniform or not is strictly prohibited. Any cadet found in controlled possession of cigarettes, alcohol, or unauthorised drugs or consuming cigarettes, alcohol, or unauthorised drugs will be the subject of disciplinary action, which may include termination of enrolment from the AAFC. 81. Any member on any activity taking prescribed medication is to inform staff. 82. Weapons. Any knives, pocket knives, machetes, projectile firearms of any description, lasers, explosive weapons and any other form of unauthorised pyrotechnics or other dangerous implements, which may be considered to be offensive, are to be surrendered to the SQNXI. The SQNXI will have the discretion as to whether the member may retain the item or whether it will be held in safe custody for the duration of the activity. 83. Security and Valuables. The Duty Member, Duty Corporal and the last Instructor using a lecture room are jointly responsible for closing windows, securing the doors and buildings and returning classroom equipment. The Duty Member and Duty Corporal are to physically check buildings are secure and that all equipment (OHPs, Laptops etc), training aids, etc are returned and signed in. They must report to the Duty Officer on the status of these rooms at the conclusion of the activity or parade night. 84. Items of a personal nature i.e. books, bags, clothing, etc are not to be left unattended outside any building. Cadets may leave personal belongings in the classroom allocated to their stage. NCOs are to put belongings neatly in the offices of their working cell (if applicable), otherwise in their classrooms. 85. All members are responsible for the security and safety of their personal affects. Any loss of personal property is to be reported to the Duty Member of the day, after the member has thoroughly searched their personal belongings. 86. Theft. Cadets are reminded that removal of property without consent of the owner, whether as a practical joke or not, will be regarded as theft and dealt with accordingly. Souveniring is also regarded as theft. 87. Commonwealth Property. Members are reminded that the Timor Barracks facility is Commonwealth Property. Any damage or unnecessary destruction is strictly prohibited. 88. Discipline. All members are reminded that they are at all times subject to the rules and regulations contained in the Manual of Management as well as these instructions. Any breach of discipline will be dealt with as follows: a. Adult Staff: IAW AAFC Manual of Management. b. Cadets: Breaches of discipline will be dealt with by the SQNXI or CO and will take the form of one of the following: i. Incident Report: Any breach of discipline or failure to follow rules and regulations contained in these instructions may be recorded on an incident report. All completed incident reports will be forwarded to the SQNXI who SQN AAFC Unit Standing Instructions 2016

12 will take necessary action. Incident reports may be completed by CCPLs and above. ii. Formal Warning: If a breach of discipline recorded by an incident report is deemed to warrant counselling, a formal warning will be issued as a record of the counselling session. A cadet on a formal warning is effectively placed on a probation period of five (5) weeks. At the end of this period a review takes place. If the required standard is achieved, the cadet will be released from the formal warning. If a cadet has received three (3) incident reports in the previous six (6) months, a formal warning will be issued automatically. Only the SQNXI may initiate a formal warning. Only the CO may issue a formal warning. iii. Adverse Report: When a cadet fails to respond to a formal warning or is guilty of serious misconduct. The CO will raise an adverse report. In all cases other than a serious misconduct an adverse report will be preceded by a period of formal warning. An adverse report will be held on a cadet s personal file. Only the CO may initiate and issue an adverse report. By Order of: M. G. THOMPSON J. A. HAMPTON Squadron Leader (AAFC) Leading Aircraftman (AAFC) Commanding Officer Squadron Executive Instructor 322 SQN AAFC 322 SQN AAFC 04 Feb Feb SQN AAFC Unit Standing Instructions 2016

13 Annexes: A. COs Commitment Policy B. Wednesday Night RAMP C. Weekly Parade Timetable D. Staff and NCO Meetings E. Squadron Home Training Program F. Driving Permission Form G. Guide to Protocol H. Uniform / Section Timetable I. Sick Parade Letter J. Duty Personnel Checklist K. Annual Schedule L. Explanation of Absence Letter M. Chain of Command N. Drop Off Pick Up Procedure O. Guide to Uniform P. Guide to Personal Grooming Q. Section Rolls R. Defined Points for Flights S. Flight Point Recommendations Form T. Duty Section U. Duty Officer Responsibilities V. Responsibilities of the Cadet Fire Warden W. Locations of Fire Fighting Equipment on Timor Barracks X. Timor Barracks Lockdown Procedure (Not available for public download. Posted in all 322SQN office spaces and notice boards around Timor Barracks) Y. Hospital Evacuation Procedure Z. Duty Log SQN AAFC Unit Standing Instructions 2016

14 Annex A to Unit Standing Instructions 2016 AUSTRALIAN AIR FORCE CADETS 322 (CITY OF RYDE) SQUADRON 322 SQUADRON COMMANDING OFFICER S WORK HEALTH AND SAFETY POLICY STATEMENT As Commanding Officer of 322 (City of Ryde) Squadron AAFC, my primary commitment is to ensure the safety and wellbeing of all Cadets, Staff and others who interact with the Squadron. To achieve this, I require that, in all circumstances, we all apply our pre-eminent guiding principle RESPONSIBLE CARE. We all have a Duty of Care. All 322 Squadron Cadets and Staff should expect to enjoy safely conducted, attractive, challenging, adventurous, and Air Force-based fun activities. Achieving this requires a sensible balance in managing risk inherent in our pursuits and avoiding risk altogether by not undertaking an activity. All Staff and Cadets have a duty to report all hazards, incidents, injuries and near misses and to act in a safe manner at all times. AAFC Staff must also take all reasonably practicable steps to protect the health and safety of all persons involved in the conduct of AAFC activities, by implementing effective risk management processes and following safe work practices, responding to all safety concerns and acting promptly to resolve any Work Health Safety (WHS) issues. These safety responsibilities are not negotiable. I also require all Cadets and Staff to continue to foster the positive safety culture within the Squadron, where safety is imbedded as the way we do things around here. AAFCSafe is the system designed to guide us through the effective management of WHS risks in planning for and the conduct of AAFC activities, and to ensure our compliance with the WHS Act I, the Staff and Cadets, are committed to implementing and embedding AAFCSafe into 322 Squadron. I know I have your continued commitment to a safe, challenging, adventurous and fun environment at 322 Squadron. [Original signed] SQNLDR (AAFC) M.G. Thompson Commanding Officer 322 Squadron Australian Air Force Cadets Date of Issue: 01 Jan 16 Date of Next Review: 01 Jan 17 AUSTRALIAN AIR FORCE CADETS I AUSTRALIAN AIR FORCE CADETS

15 ANNEX B to Unit Standing Instructions 2016 Annex B to Unit Standing Instructions 2016 Risk Assessment Tool - User Instruction Warning - Embedded hidden code is structured in this document. Only input data into the fields that require it. Attempting to change or modify this tool in any other way other than in the areas that are intended for data input may affect the risk outcome and void this risk assessment. Do not attempt to unlock or modify this document, doing so may void the risk assessment. Introduction The AAFC Risk Assessment tool has been developed for use by AAFC units. The way this tool has been designed means that the user can quickly complete the fields required Page 1. Instructions This section provides an overview of each page and its significance within the Risk Assessment Tool. Page 2. Cover This is a cover page which allows the user to insert the title of the activity and also provides a sign off area for review. Page 3. Preamble The preamble is an introductory statement that explains the document's purpose and underlying philosophy. Explanation of terms and relevant references are outlined accordingly. Page 4. Matrix The matrix has been designed to incorporate all AAFC activities. This allows a single RAMP to be created for all AAFC activities. Page 5. Measures This page explains each rating that is available for the Likelihood and Consequences assessment. These are benchmark tests that the user can refer to when conducting the assessment. There is nothing to complete on this page. This is an information page only. Page 6. Overview This page allows the user to provide brief details about the assessment they are making. There is a text field to input information in relation to Scope, Background and General information about the activity. There is no need to go into great detail about the activity unless an ADMIN INSTR or other operational document has not been completed. Page 7. Hazard-Risks Once you have completed the Job Safety Analysis review identified hazards and holistically assess and enter associated risks and assess the likelihood of this hazard occurring. Use the drop down menus to select the appropriate likelihood rating. Refer to Page 2 for definitions and benchmarks if needed. Do the same for the consequences rating. The final risk rating is automatically shown. Page 8. Risk Management The risk are automatically populated. For each risk, provide detail about how the risk is going to be managed at your activity. Once the risk controls and management have been entered assess the residual risk. Finally assign a person/position that will be responsible for the management listed.

16 Risk Assessment Registered No: Nil AAFC ACTIVITY 322SQN Weekly Parade Activity Dates Wednesday Evenings To Cadet One OA86 Nbr: Nil Prepared by: Jack Hampton Approved by: Merridy Thompson Rank: LAC(AAFC) Rank: SQNLDR(AAFC) Date: 01 Jan 16 Date: 01 Jan 16 Signature: Signature: Date produced: 01 Jan 16 Review Due: 31 Jan 16

17 RISK ASSESSMENT AND MANAGEMENT PROCESS (RAMP) Introduction 1. A risk management process is the key to successfully managing the health and safety risks of any Australian Air Force Cadet (AAFC) activity. Risk management principles apply to the development, planning and conduct of tasks and activities at all levels. Hazard 2. A hazard is a source or situation with a potential for harm in terms of human injury or illness, damage to property, damage to the environment, or a combination of these. Risk 3. Is the likelihood of injury, illness or disease arising from exposure to any hazard (including hazardous substances). Risk Management 4. Is the systematic application of management policies, procedures and practices to the tasks of identifying, analysing, assessing, controlling and monitoring risk. 5. A risk assessment must be conducted to identify whether a risk is: a. acceptable (the task or activity can continue), or b. unacceptable (the task or activity must cease until the risk can be eliminated or minimised). 6. If the risk can not be eliminated or minimised to an acceptable level, the task or activity must cease. 7. OH&S management focuses on eliminating or minimising hazards and therefore reducing the risk to an acceptable level, as far as is reasonably practicable. This allows tasks or activities to take place with a very low likelihood of personal injury or damage to equipment occurring. Reasonably Practicable 8. Reasonably practicable means taking all reasonable steps to address particular hazards and risks, taking into account the: a. severity of the hazard or risk b. state of knowledge about the hazard or risk, and any ways of removing or reducing that hazard or risk, c. availability and suitability of ways to eliminate or minimise that hazard or risk, and d. cost of removing or reducing the hazard or risk

18 Risk Management Policy 9. IAW AAP Part 6 Chap 3 Div 1, page 4-4, risk management must be applied to any AAFC task or activity. Risk Assessment and Management Process 10. Detailed in the Manual of Ground Training Part 1, Chapter 2, duty of care is the legal responsibility for a person to exercise reasonable care towards another, to avoid some form of harm which is reasonably 11. The OIC of an activity and all staff owe a duty of care to their subordinates for the conduct of AAFC authorised activities. Therefore the following Risk Assessment and Management Process (RAMP) has been conducted IAW the relevant policy requirements for this document and will: a. identify associated risks for the scheduled task or activity b. determine the casual factors that will contribute to such a risk c. detail the management strategies to eliminate or minimise such risks

19 Risk Matrix Consequence Likelihood Catastrophic Critical Major Moderate Minor Likely Extreme Extreme Very High High Medium Probable Extreme Very High High Medium Low Possible Very High High High Medium Low Improbable High Medium Medium Low Low Rare Medium Low Low Low Low

20 Risk Measures Measure of Likelihood Likelihood Description Likely Expected to occur during the activity under consideration. Probable Possible Improbable Rare Could occur during the activity under consideration. Occurrence conceivable but only expected infrequently in a 10 year period. Occurrence conceivable but it is highly unlikely to occur during the activity. Occurrence conceivable but it is not expected to occur during the activity. Measure of Consequences Consequence Catastrophic Critical Major Moderate Minor Description Death Extreme breach of legislative or policy requirement Extreme property damage Extreme harm to the government and/or Defence and/or AAFC Extreme financial loss Systemic serious misconduct Substantial medical treatment to person/s Substantial breach of legislative or policy requirement Substantial property damage Substantial harm to the government and/or Defence and/or AAFC Substantial financial loss Injuries requiring medical treatment other than first aid. No breach of legislative or policy requirement Major property damage Major harm to the government and/or Defence and/or AAFC Major financial loss Moderate injuries requiring first aid treatment No breach of legislative or policy requirement Moderate property damage Moderate harm to the government and/or Defence and/or AAFC Moderate financial loss Minor injuries requiring first aid treatment No breach of legislative or policy requirement Minor property damage Minor harm to government and/or Defence and/or AAFC

21 Risk Level Description Low Minimal potential impact to personnel, equipment, the activity or public image/morale. Medium Has the potential to degrade capability, injure personnel, damage equipment or compromise the activity. High A moderate potential for serious degradation of an AAFC capability, fatal injury, equipment damage/loss, activity failure, or short term impact to public image/morale. Very High A considerable potential for serious degradation of an AAFC capability, fatal injury, equipment loss, activity failure, or significant degradation of public image. Extreme A considerable potential for loss of an AAFC capability, fatality, activity failure, or serious long term degradation of public image/morale.

22 Low 1. Manage by administrative / workplace procedures. 2. Routine response as dictated by SOPs/Policy should be sufficient. 3. Local supervision of risk by Supervisor. 4. Monitor and Report if Risk increases. Medium 1. Management responsibility must be specified. 2. Planning to deal with these risks must occur. 3. Support services considered if required. 4. Risk allocated to an individual and personally managed. Action Required High 1. Management attention required. 2. Management responsibility must be specified. 3. Planning to deal with these risks must occur. 4. Facilities for dealing with hazardous occurrences should be examined and response procedures set in place. 5. Key personnel should be well rehearsed in execution of plans. 6. Treatments to be endorsed by CO/DETCDR or delegate. 7. Unit to consider external resources. 8. Requires OC Wing approval for activity to commence. Very High 1. Priority action required. 2. Facilities for dealing with hazardous occurrences should be examined and response procedures set in place. 3. Key personnel should be well rehearsed in execution of plans. 4. Treatments to be endorsed by CO/DETCDR or delegate. 5. Unit to consider external resources. 6. Requires CB-AF approval for activity to commence. Extreme 1. Immediate action required. 2. Activity is not to commence. 3. Activity is not to be approved. 4. CO/DETCDR to personally manage and refer activity to CB-AF.

23 Risk Assessment - Overview Scope This risk assessment seeks to identify, assess and treat risks in respect of the execution of a 322SQN weekly parade nights held on Wednesday evenings (during school term) between 1800 and 2130 at Timor Barracks, corner Kissing Point Road and Stewart Street, Dundas, with all staff and all cadets. Objective Execute weekly parade nights at Timor Barracks and with minimal risk to personnel, public and Defence. Background In this section include a brief background of the relevant circumstances. Only include significant information which you rely upon in undertaking this risk assessment. This information will be produced in significantly more detail in the corresponding operational orders. This information will form the basis of your "likelihood" determination later.

24 Identify Hazards and Risk Quantification Once you have completed the Safety Analysis for the activity review identified hazards and holistically assess hazards and associated risks within the categories below. Personal Risk Likelihood Consequence Risk Rating 1 Allergies in General Improbable Moderate Low 2 Anaphylaxis Rare Major Low 3 Asthma Rare Moderate Low 4 Blisters Rare Minor Low 5 Cuts and Abrasions Rare Minor Low 6 Illness (Cadet) Rare Minor Low 7 Strains and Sprains Rare Minor Low 8 Falls Rare Minor Low Activity Risk Likelihood Consequence Risk Rating 21 Cadet Staff Ratio Negative Balance Rare Minor Low 22 Injury (Cadet) Rare Minor Low 23 Injury (Staff) Rare Minor Low Transport Risk Likelihood Consequence Risk Rating 31 Vehicle Accident whilst en route to cadets Improbable Minor Low

25 Environment Risk Likelihood Consequence Risk Rating 41 Environment (Weather Changes) Possible Minor Low 42 Birds Rare Minor Low

26 Risk Management In some cases standard SOPs and policy will be sufficient to treat risk. A list of SOPs and policy referred to must be contained within this assessment. Below the recognised risk insert control measures that are currently in place plus any additional measures that will reduce risk to a tolerable level and how any residual risk will be managed. Personal Allergies in General Low All cadets are required to carry any medication for allergies on them at all times. A second dose of medication will be stored at HQ if available and used in accordance with the cadets Action Management Plan. In the case of a serious reaction, evacuation to Westmead Hospital will occur. Residual Risk after control measures Improbable Moderate Low Responsible Person SQNLDR(AAFC) M. Thompson Anaphylaxis Low All cadets are required to carry any medication for allergies on them at all times. A second dose of medication will be stored at HQ if available and used in accordance with the cadets Action Management Plan. In the case of a serious reaction, evacuation to Westmead Hospital will occur. Residual Risk after control measures Rare Major Low Responsible Person SQNLDR(AAFC) M. Thompson Asthma Low All cadets are to carry personal puffers or medication on them at all times. In the case of a serious reaction, evacuation to Westmead Hospital will occur. Residual Risk after control measures Rare Moderate Low Responsible Person SQNLDR(AAFC) M. Thompson Blisters Low In the case that blisters occur first aid treatment will be sought from the first aid officer. Residual Risk after control measures Rare Minor Low Responsible Person SQNLDR(AAFC) M. Thompson Cuts and Abrasions Low In the case that any cuts or abrasions occur first aid treatment will be sought from the first aid officer. Residual Risk after control measures Rare Minor Low Responsible Person SQNLDR(AAFC) M. Thompson Illness (Cadet) Low In the case that a cadet falls ill during the evening, the cadet s parents will be contacted by a staff member to collect the cadet if required. The cadet will be rested until the parent arrives and First Aid will be administered if necessary. Residual Risk after control measures Rare Minor Low Responsible Person SQNLDR(AAFC) M. Thompson Strains and Sprains Low In the case of a strain or sprain, first aid treatment will be sought from the first aid officer. Residual Risk after control measures Rare Minor Low Responsible Person SQNLDR(AAFC) M. Thompson

27 Falls Cadets are to be wary of their surroundings at all times. In the case that a cadet falls, if mobile, they are to advise a staff member of the incident. In the case that the cadet is immobile, another cadet is to send for assistance and an assessment of the cadet will be made by a staff member. In that case of a serious injury, the cadet will be evacuated to Westmead Hospital. Low Residual Risk after control measures Rare Minor Low Responsible Person SQNLDR(AAFC) M. Thompson Activity Cadet Staff Ratio Negative Balance The AAFC Policy on cadet / staff ratio will be adhered to at all times. Low Residual Risk after control measures Rare Minor Low Responsible Person TRGO Injury (Cadet) Low Any injury will be assessed and treated by the first aid officer. If deemed necessary, evacuation to Westmead Hospital will occur. Residual Risk after control measures Rare Minor Low Responsible Person SQNLDR(AAFC) M. Thompson Injury (Staff) Low Any injury will be assessed and treated by the first aid officer. If deemed necessary, evacuation to Westmead Hospital will occur. Residual Risk after control measures Rare Minor Low Responsible Person SQNLDR(AAFC) M. Thompson Transport Vehicle Accident whilst enroute to cadets Low In the case that a cadet has a vehicle accident enroute to cadets, a staff member is to be contacted. The parents of the cadet are to be contacted and an AC563 for to be completed. The CO will inform the OC of 3 Wing of the incident. Residual Risk after control measures Improbable Minor Low Responsible Person SQNLDR(AAFC) M. Thompson Environment Environment (Weather Changes) Low Staff will continually assess weather conditions during any outdoor activities. In the case that weather hinders the activities, the instructor will move the group undercover for the completion of the remainder of the activity. Residual Risk after control measures Possible Minor Low Responsible Person SQNLDR(AAFC) M. Thompson Birds Low Staff and senior cadets have been briefed on the behaviour of local birds. As the birds can become territorial and attack when the young are threatened. Cadets are to be aware and avoid the birds if possible. Residual Risk after control measures Rare Minor Low Responsible Person SQNLDR(AAFC) M. Thompson

28 Annex C to Unit Standing Instructions 2016 AUSTRALIAN AIR FORCE CADETS 322 (CITY OF RYDE) SQUADRON Weekly Timetable Parade Night: Wednesday 1800 hours to 2130 hours Roll Call and Parade Section Time or Drill move to classes FIRST Period Drinks Break move to classes SECOND Period move to classes THIRD Period Final Parade

29 Annex C to Unit Standing Instructions 2016 AUSTRALIAN AIR FORCE CADETS 322 (CITY OF RYDE) SQUADRON Weekly Timetable CO s Parade Parade Night: Wednesday 1800 hours to 2130 hours Roll Call and Section Time move to classes FIRST Period move to classes CO s Parade Drinks Break move to classes SECOND Period move to classes THIRD Period Final Parade

30 Annex D to Unit Standing Instructions 2016 AUSTRALIAN AIR FORCE CADETS 322 (CITY OF RYDE) SQUADRON Staff and NCO meeting: 27 Jan 16 STAFF MEETINGS 2016 Venue: CO s Office Time: Period 3 Attendance: CWOFFs and above. *Attendance is compulsory Term One Term Two Term Three Term Four 24 Feb & 23 Mar 27 Apr, 11 May & 22 Jun 27 Jul, 31 Aug & 07 Sep 26 Oct & 23 Nov STAFF EXECUTIVE MEETINGS 2016 Venue: CO s Office Time: Period 1 Attendance: CO, XO, TRGO, ADMINO *Attendance is compulsory Term One Term Two Term Three Term Four 24 Feb & 23 Mar 27 Apr, 11 May & 22 Jun 27 Jul, 31 Aug & 07 Sep 26 Oct & 23 Nov NCO MEETINGS 2016 Venue: Lecture Room 1 Time: Attendance: ALL NCOs *Attendance is compulsory Term One Term Two Term Three Term Four 17 Feb & 16 Mar 11 May & 08 Jun 03 Aug & 07 Sep 19 Oct & 16 Nov

31 322 (City of Ryde) Squadron Australian Air Force Cadets 2016 Training Program Semester 1 Version 5.2 Wed 11 May 16 RCT RM BASIC RM PROF B RM PROF A RM ADV RM ( ) Section Time TERM PERIOD 1 DCB2 PG AVB6 ORM AN Fieldwork Grass SVP6 ORM DIN Drill TCP 2 ( ) LAC Baker AB Richards Mr Baskerville CUO Thompson CSGT Edwards FALSE PERIOD 2 SKR10(E) ORM DIN Fieldwork Grass DCP5a PG DCP5a TCP SKA7a ORM AN WEEK ( ) LAC Hampton Mr Baskerville CSGT Goopy CSGT Edwards LAC Baker 3 PERIOD 3 Fieldwork Grass Drill TCP DCP5b PG AVP7 ORM DIN AEE 6c ORM AN (DPCU) ( ) Mr Baskerville CSGT Norris J CSGT Goopy CUO Ehret Mr Lewis 1/16 Pre Course May 16 3WG.22 Rifle Shoot - 15 May 16 Wed 18 May 16 RCT RM BASIC RM PROF B RM PROF A RM ADV RM ( ) Drill TERM PERIOD 1 ARB2b ORM DIN SKB7(ER) ORM AN DCP5c TCP DCP5b PG Fieldwork Grass 2 ( ) CSGT Colaco CUO Cowan CSGT Goopy CSGT Edwards Mr Baskerville TRUE PERIOD 2 DCB3a PG FCB8b ORM DIN SVP6 ORM AN Fieldwork Grass Drill TCP WEEK ( ) LAC Baker CSGT Goopy CSGT Norris C Mr Baskerville CSGT Edwards 4 PERIOD 3 DCB3b PG Drill TCP Teambuilding Grass SVP7 ORM DIN SVA7a ORM AN (SD) ( ) LAC Baker CSGT Edwards CUO Cowan + CSGT Norris J CUO Thompson CPL Keen Pilot Experience Weekend May 16 Wed 25 May 16 RCT RM BASIC RM PROF B RM PROF A RM ADV RM ( ) Section Time TERM PERIOD 1 Teambuilding Grass Drill PG SVP7 ORM DIN SVP(R) ORM AN Drill TCP 2 ( ) CSGT Norris J CSGT Goopy CSGT Norris C CUO Thompson CSGT Edwards FALSE PERIOD 2 ARB2c ORM DIN Teambuilding Grass DCP(R) TCP DCP5c PG SVA7b ORM AN WEEK ( ) CSGT Colaco CSGT Norris J CSGT Goopy CSGT Edwards CPL Keen 5 PERIOD 3 ARB3 ORM DIN Drill PG DCP(R) TCP Teambuilding Grass SKA7b ORM AN (DPCU) ( ) CSGT Colaco CSGT Edwards CSGT Goopy CSGT Norris J LAC Baker Metro Region Sports Competition 28 May 16 3/16 Wing Competition Practice - 29 May 16 3WG.22 Rifle Shoot - 29 May 16 Wed 01 Jun 16 RCT RM BASIC RM PROF B RM PROF A RM ADV RM ( ) Drill TERM PERIOD 1 ARB4a LR4 FCB(R) LR3 SVP(R) ORM DIN DCP(R) PG SKA(R) ORM AN 2 ( ) CSGT Colaco CSGT Goopy CSGT Norris C CSGT Edwards LAC Baker TRUE PERIOD 2 DCB4a PG AVB7 LR3 AVP7 ORM DIN AVP8 LR4 SVA(R) ORM AN WEEK ( ) LAC Baker AB Richards CSGT Norris J CUO Ehret CPL Keen 6 PERIOD 3 DCB4b PG AVB(R) LR3 AVP8 ORM DIN AVP(R) LR4 AEE 7a ORM AN (SD) ( ) LAC Baker SMN Richards CSGT Norris J CUO Ehret Mr Lewis State of Origin I - 01 Jun 16 3/16 Wing Competition Practice - 04 Jun 16 3WG.22 Rifle Shoot - 05 Jun 16 Wed 08 Jun 16 RCT RM BASIC RM PROF B RM PROF A RM ADV RM ( ) Section Time TERM PERIOD 1 ARB4b LR3 Drill TCP AVP(R) LR4 Study ORM DIN AEE 7b ORM AN 2 ( ) CSGT Colaco CSGT Goopy CSGT Norris J CCPL Lyons-Uhl Mr Lewis FALSE PERIOD 2 DCB5a PG FCB10(E) LR3 SVP8(E) LR4 SVP8(E) ORM DIN SVA8(E) ORM AN WEEK ( ) LAC Baker CSGT Goopy CSGT Norris C CUO Thompson CPL Keen 7 PERIOD 3 DCB5b PG AVB9(E) LR3 AVP9(E) LR4 AVP9(E) ORM DIN SKA8(E) ORM AN (DPCU) ( ) LAC Baker AB Richards CSGT Norris J CUO Ehret LAC Baker 75th Anniversary Comp, Parade and Ball Jun 16 Wed 15 Jun 16 RCT RM BASIC RM PROF B RM PROF A RM ADV RM ( ) Drill TERM PERIOD 1 ARB5(R) ORM DIN Drill TCP AVP10(ER) LR3 AVP10(ER) LR4 AEE(R) ORM AN 2 ( ) CSGT Colaco CSGT Goopy CUO Ehret + CSGT Norris J CUO Ehret + CSGT Norris J Mr Lewis TRUE PERIOD 2 ARB6(E) LR3 AVB10(ER) ORM DIN DCP6(E) TCP DCP6(E) TCP AEE(E) ORM AN WEEK ( ) CSGT Colaco AB Richards CSGT Goopy CSGT Edwards Mr Lewis 8 PERIOD 3 DCB6(E) PG Teambuilding Grass DCP6(E) TCP DCP6(E) TCP SKA9(ER) ORM AN (SD) ( ) LAC Baker CSGT Norris C CSGT Goopy CSGT Edwards LAC Baker Wed 22 Jun 16 ( ) TERM PERIOD 1 2 ( ) FALSE PERIOD 2 WEEK ( ) 9 PERIOD 3 (DPCU) ( ) RCT RM BASIC RM PROF B RM PROF A RM ADV RM Section Time Supplementary Exams / SFHN State of Origin II - 22 Jun 16 3WG.22 Rifle Shoot - 26 Jun 16 School Holidays PG=Parade Ground LR3=Upstairs HQ (Kitchenette end) LR4=Upstairs HQ (White Building end) TCP=Top Car Park ORM DIN - Other Ranks Mess Dining Room ORM AN - Other Ranks Mess Ante Room (R) = Revision; (E) = Exam; (ER) = Exam Review Revised: 18 May 2016

32 Annex F to Unit Standing Instructions 2016 AUSTRALIAN AIR FORCE CADETS 322 (CITY OF RYDE) SQUADRON Driving Permission Form Please complete for cadet drivers and passengers of cadet drivers: I give consent for my son/daughter/ward SERVICE NUMBER RANK SURNAME To drive a motor vehicle with cadet passengers on board if consent has been approved by both the passengers parent/guardian and 322SQN s Commanding Officer. PARENTAL/GUARDIAN CONSENT: SIGNATURE DATE CAR 1 MAKE/MODEL REGISTRATION DRIVING INSTRUCTOR (Learners Only) CAR 2 I give consent for my son/daughter/ward SERVICE NUMBER RANK SURNAME To travel as a passenger of the above mentioned cadet if consent has been approved by both the drivers parent/guardian and 322SQN s Commanding Officer. PARENTAL/GUARDIAN CONSENT: SIGNATURE DATE I give consent for my son/daughter/ward SERVICE NUMBER RANK SURNAME To travel as a passenger of the above mentioned cadet if consent has been approved by both the drivers parent/guardian and 322SQN s Commanding Officer. PARENTAL/GUARDIAN CONSENT: SIGNATURE DATE SQUADRON CONSENT: Permission is hereby granted by 322 SQN for the above mentioned cadets to travel as described above to and from SQN parade nights. SQNXI S SIGNATURE DATE CO S SIGNATURE DATE

33 Annex G to Unit Standing Instructions 2016 AUSTRALIAN AIR FORCE CADETS 322 (CITY OF RYDE) SQUADRON PROTOCOL The following has been prepared to assist AAFC members understanding the correct use of protocol within the Australian Air Force Cadets (AAFC). Reference: DI (AF) AAP Manual of Drill. Compliments: AAFC Members only 1. Officers, Instructors, Auxiliary Instructors, Cadet Under Officers, Cadet Warrant Officers (or other members visiting) should pay compliments to the Commanding Officer of the Squadron at the beginning and conclusion of each activity or Parade Night. When a Commanding Officer first arrives in a Squadron work area for the day/night, members should stand fast if appropriate. The same compliments are fitting for the Officer Commanding at Headquarters. 2. It should be noted that the general rule of thumb is stand fast for senior officers, sit fast for junior officers. Should the environment be such that standing fast would not work, i.e. auditoriums can be rather small and desk tops make it difficult to stand, then sit fast would be appropriate for senior officers. 3. Lecture room / Classroom: a. When a junior Officer enters a lecture room or class room to facilitate a lesson, members should sit fast with a sit fast being given. A salute, if appropriate, is only given to the officer should there be someone in charge of the lecture/class i.e. course orderly, highest ranking member or nominated person. b. When a senior Officer enters a lecture room or class room to facilitate a lesson, members should stand fast with a stand fast being given. A salute, if appropriate, is only given to the officer should there be someone in charge of the lecture/class i.e. course orderly, highest ranking member or nominated person. c. When a Cadet Under Officer enters a lecture room or class room to facilitate a lesson, members should sit fast with a sit fast being given. A salute, if appropriate, is only given to the Cadet Under Officer should there be someone in charge of the lecture/class i.e. course orderly, highest ranking member or nominated person. d. All other ranks, i.e. Cadet Corporal Cadet Warrant Officer or Aircraftman/Aircraftwoman Warrant Officer should be acknowledged with a sit fast when they enter a lecture room or class room if they are the instructor of the class/lecture. e. To gain attention of the room in these situations, a member may call sit fast or stand fast. However, this is not a drill movement and should not be called

34 Annex G to Unit Standing Instructions 2016 as one. It needs only be as loud as to get the attention of only those in the room. f. Should a class be underway and a superior to the facilitator of the class enters, the facilitator should acknowledge this with a sit/stand fast (where appropriate) only if this visit to the class was pre-arranged. If the superior is simply slipping into the room, there is no need to interrupt the class and therefore no acknowledgement is required. A sit/stand fast (where appropriate) should also be observed if the superior is leaving the class, only if the visit was pre-arranged. g. When entering a class/lecture as a student, an observer, or for some other prearranged means. If the facilitator of the class is of superior rank, you are to pay the appropriate compliments to the facilitator. For the purpose of not interrupting the class, it is appropriate to simply just brace up and salute(where appropriate) without verbally acknowledging their rank as long as the facilitator of the class has acknowledged you entering the class. i.e. via eye contact. If the facilitator of the class has not acknowledged your presence, you are to pay full compliments by bracing up and saluting(where appropriate) and verbally acknowledge their rank to ensure they are aware of your presence in the class/lecture. h. When exiting a class/lecture as a student, an observer, or for some other prearranged means. If the facilitator of the class is of superior rank, you are to pay the appropriate compliments to the facilitator. For the purpose of not interrupting the class, it is appropriate to simply just brace up and salute(where appropriate) without verbally acknowledging their rank as long as the facilitator of the class has acknowledged you exiting the class. i.e. via eye contact. If the facilitator of the class has not acknowledged you leaving, you are to pay full compliments by bracing up and saluting(where appropriate) and verbally acknowledge their rank to ensure they are aware of your departure from the class/lecture. 4. Outdoors: a. In an outdoor situation, the call of stand fast may be used in a group if an Officer, Warrant Officer, Cadet Under Officer or Cadet Warrant Officer approaches or passes by within 3 paces of the group (only officers and Cadet Under Officers are saluted). This is not to be accorded to Airmen or Cadet Non Commissioned Officers. b. Cadet Under Officers and Cadet Warrant Officers are not to be accorded this compliment if they are in the company of an Airman. c. Saluting areas should always be observed. d. When a subordinate passes by an officer within 3 paces, they are to salute to the left or right. The member is not required to halt and are to salute whilst moving. If in close contact, acknowledging with Sir or Ma am is also appropriate. e. When a subordinate passes by any rank that is not saluted, eye contact should be made, the subordinate should brace up and acknowledge with the appropriate rank or title. The member is not required to halt and are to brace up whilst moving. f. When in a group with an officer or Cadet Under Officer. If a member approaches the group and pays compliments to the most senior member being an officer or Cadet Under Officer by saluting and acknowledging with a Sir or Ma am, all members of the group are to brace up when the compliments are being paid.

35 Annex G to Unit Standing Instructions 2016 Methods of Address: 5. The correct method of address is to be used in all conversations with superiors, irrespective of the environment. This includes electronic correspondence ( and text messages) and hand written notes. If a member is given an instruction or spoken to briefly, they should respond with Yes, Sir, No, Sergeant, Thank You, LAC etc. In a longer conversation, it is not expected that the subordinate use the correct method of address after every exchange, however should be included regularly and liberally in the natural flow of conversation. 6. There are different situations, which require a different degree of formality among members of the same rank (e.g. in front of groups of cadets), however superiors are always accorded the correct method of address. 7. Formal situations: (e.g. parade ground, final parade, in public view or in front of visitors, etc) a. When addressing subordinates, and between members of the same rank; i. All personnel should be addressed by their rank and surname. ii. Warrant Officers and Cadet Warrant Officers are not to be addressed as warrant, but may be addressed as Mr, Ms, Miss (as appropriate) followed by the surname. iii. Slang shortenings such as sarge and corp are not to be used. b. Addressing superiors; i. Officers, Warrant Officers, Cadet Under Officers and Cadet Warrant Officers are to be addressed as Sir or Ma am. ii. Airmen and Cadets are to be addressed by their rank and surname. c. If a subordinate member wishes to gain the attention of a superior among a group, they should excuse themselves to the highest rank in the group then they may address the person politely by their rank and surname, followed by Sir or Ma am (if officers, warrant officers, or cadet under officers). 8. Less Formal Situations: (e.g. office, classes, tea room, stand down period etc) a. Members of the same rank addressing each other may be addressed as per formal work situations or by first name / nickname, if they have been invited to do so. b. Superiors are still to be addressed as per formal work situations. c. If a peer or subordinate is being called for, their rank and surname is to be used. 9. Common sense is to be exercised in determining as to what constitutes a formal or less formal situation. 10. As a general rule, superiors expect to be addressed by their correct method of address, so too do subordinates have the right to be addressed by rank and surname. It is a two-way street. It is considered especially inappropriate for a superior to address a subordinate by first name when the subordinate is a good degree older than the superior. 11. When addressing a superior or subordinate, simple courtesies such as please, thank you and excuse me should not be overlooked. A little bit of politeness will go a long way in creating goodwill across the Wing. 12. When being addressed by superiors, the subordinate rank should stand to attention unless otherwise directed.

36 Annex G to Unit Standing Instructions 2016 Referring to superior members in spoken conversation or correspondence: 13. In these situations, members are to be referred to by their rank and surname. It is impolite to refer to a superior by their surname or nickname. Telephone Technique: 14. When an AAFC telephone is answered, Officers, Instructors, Auxiliary Instructors and Cadets are to clearly state the Squadron title, followed by their full rank and surname. 15. Cadets are to use the full cadet rank to avoid any confusion to the caller. Eg: 350 Squadron, Cadet Corporal Bloggs speaking. 16. On AAFC detachments, phones should be answered AAFC Detachment followed by their full rank and surname.

37 Annex H to Unit Standing Instructions 2016 AUSTRALIAN AIR FORCE CADETS 322 (CITY OF RYDE) SQUADRON Section Timetable Term Date Short Sleeve SD Long Sleeve SD DPCU Focus 1 03 Feb x DST/Uniform and Personal Bearing 10 Feb x Paying Compliments 17 Feb x DST/CO s Parade/Roll Call 24 Feb x Fire Orders 02 Mar x DST/Open Order March/Slow March 09 Mar x Bivouac Preparation 16 Mar x DST/Dressing of a flight 23 Mar x History of the VC Winners 30 Mar x DST/ANZAC Day Preparation 06 Apr x DPCU Uniform 2 27 Apr x DST/CO s Parade/Roll Call 04 May x Inter-Section Competition 11 May x DST/Static Drill 18 May x Polishing Shoes/Boots 25 May x DST/Lockdown Procedure 01 Jun x Wing Comps Drill 08 Jun x DST/Changing Step 15 Jun x Fire Orders 22 Jun x Inter-Section Competition 29 Jun x Dining in Night protocol 3 20 Jul x DST/CO s Parade/Roll Call 27 Jul x HFFK Maintenance 03 Aug x DST/Mark Time Position 10 Aug x Field Camp Craft 17 Aug x DST/Turns on the March 24 Aug x Fire Orders 31 Aug x DST/Uniform and Personal Bearing 07 Sep x Bivouac Preparation 14 Sep x DST/Open/Close Order March and Right Dress 21 Sep x Lock Down Procedures 4 12 Oct x DST/CO s Parade/Roll Call 19 Oct x Inter-Section Competition 26 Oct x DST/Turns on the March 02 Nov x GSTs and Promos 09 Nov x DST/Forms on the March 16 Nov x Dining-In Night Protocol 23 Nov x Final Parade Practice 30 Nov x Final Parade Practice

38 Annex I to Unit Standing Instructions 2016 AUSTRALIAN AIR FORCE CADETS 322 (CITY OF RYDE) SQUADRON Explanation of Sick Parade Layout: EXPLANATION OF SICK PARADE 1. I, LCDT Wherevibeen CM373111, am unable to perform my duties on 09 Feb 14 up to 16 Feb 14 due to illness. 2. I cannot participate in long periods of drill without a break as informed by my doctor. See attached for a doctor s certificate. (Signature of cadet) (Signature of parent or guardian) A.U WHEREVIBEN H. WHEREVIBEN Leading Cadet Mother 23 Feb Feb 15 A medical certificate may be required as well as the above letter.

39 ANNEX J to Unit Standing Instructions 2016 AUSTRALIAN AIR FORCE CADETS 322 (CITY OF RYDE) SQUADRON RESPONSIBILITIES OF DUTY SECTION DATE: DM: DO: DC: TIME TASK DESCRIPTION 1730 Gate is to be opened and manned by two adult cadets wearing high-vis vests. The SQNXI contact sign must be attached to the gate when opened. NLT 1800 Names of Duty NCOs are on the whiteboard in the Discipline Room. Ensure Duty Member and Duty Corporal are present and made known to the Duty Officer. Any changes to the roster must be directed to the SQNXI. NLT 1800 Ensure that the doors to Building 2 are open. Doors must be locked in the open position, so the building can be easily secured at the end of the night. NLT 1800 Using the duty phone, take photos of the original condition of Lecture Room 1 and the Tea Room. NLT 1800 Make a note below of the status of all internal doors within the building: Door between main corridor and Tea Room: Open/Closed Locked/Unlocked Door between Tea Room and Gym: Open/Closed Locked/Unlocked Door between Tea Room and Lecture Room 1: Open/Closed Locked/Unlocked Door between Lecture Room 1 and back corridor: Open/Closed Locked/Unlocked Door between back corridor and Gym: Open/Closed Locked/Locked NLT 1800 Sign out 2x litepros and place them in Lecture Room 1 and the Tea Room. NLT 1800 Distribute classroom packs (containing whiteboard markers, duster etc.) to all classrooms. NLT 1800 Move student chairs from the storeroom to the gym and set up. WHO TO COMPLETE DM or delegate DM DM Initials

40 ANNEX J to Unit Standing Instructions 2016 NLT 1800 Distribute class rolls to their respective classrooms (or hand directly to instructors teaching outdoor lessons). NLT 1800 Ensure ensign is raised Ensure sections are formed up ready for the Squadron Daily Parade and the DM is to act as Parade Warrant Officer unless told otherwise by SQNXI. Ensure the current Roll (in Sections) is printed The two cadets manning the gate are to be rotated and replaced with two different adult cadets. DM 1820 Ensure all CNCOs and cadets are present at Section Time. DM 1820 Lock main gate Ensure all cadets are moving to first period. Advise ALL staff and senior cadets that First Period will commence in five minutes Advise all staff and cadets that it is time for First Period to commence. NLT 1925 Ensure Drinks Break is setup (Mess cash box and key, and fridge key brought to store, tables outside store) and oversee sales Advise all class instructors and cadets that there is five minutes left for First Period Advise all staff, class instructors and cadets that it is time for Drinks Break to commence and ensure all cadets are moving to Drinks break. The Duty Corporal is to run drinks break under the supervision of the DM. No LCDT will run the canteen. DM to ensure that NCOs not assisting in drinks break are not loitering behind the table or in the store. DM DM 1940 Ensure that the Mess Cash Box and both keys are returned to their respective locations. Take note of any deficiencies in canteen stock and provide a list to the SQNXI. NLT 1940 Ensure that the staff fridge has been restocked. (Located in Training office) DC 1940 Ensure all cadets are moving to Second Period. Advise all staff and senior cadets that Second Period will commence in five minutes Advise all staff and cadets that it is time for Second Period to commence.

41 ANNEX J to Unit Standing Instructions 2016 NLT 1955 Bring the cash tin with CORRECT FLOAT and the canteen s takings in an envelope with the counting sheet and correct money total written to the bottom drawer of the CO s cabinet Advise all class instructors and cadets that there is five minutes left for Second Period. DM 2025 Ensure all cadets are moving to Third Period. Advise all staff and senior cadets that Third Period will commence in five minutes Advise all staff and cadets that it is time for Third Period to commence Ensure the Final Parade Announcement Sheets are taken to all staff and senior cadets and any announcements are recorded. DM 2105 Advise all class instructors and cadets that there is five minutes left for Third Period, and Final Parade will commence then Advise all staff and cadets that it is time for Final Parade to commence and ensure all cadets are moving to Final Parade immediately. Unlock and man the gate with two cadets. Remove SQNXI contact sign and return it to Discipline Office. NLT 2200 Ensure the ensign is lowered and returned (folded correctly). NLT 2200 Ensure the external door at the front of Lecture Room 1 (behind the project screen) is closed. NLT 2200 Tea Room is cleaned and laid out in accordance with the photos taken at the beginning of the night, with windows closed, floor cleaned, bins emptied and furniture neat/straight in the exact position in which it was found. NLT 2200 Return student chairs from the Tea Room to the storeroom. NLT 2200 Return portable whiteboard from the Tea Room to the storeroom. NLT 2200 All bins within Building 2 have been emptied this includes the classrooms and toilets. NLT 2200 All areas of Building 2 (including classrooms, kitchenette, gym) have been thoroughly checked for any equipment or documentation belonging to 322SQN e.g. litepros, extension cords, classroom packs, class rolls, activity handouts. All returned to their correct locations.

42 ANNEX J to Unit Standing Instructions 2016 NLT 2200 Using the duty phone, take photos of Lecture Room 1 and the Tea Room in the condition to which they have been returned. NLT 2200 Male and female toilets in Building 2 checked: clean and tidy, all taps off, toilets flushed, toilet seats down, bins emptied. NLT 2200 Internal doors within Building 2 are left open/closed and locked/unlocked in the position they were found (refer to note above). NLT 2200 Main corridor in Building 2 has been cleaned. NLT 2200 All lights within Building 2 have been switched off (excluding main corridor if Army Cadets are present). NLT 2200 Storeroom door is locked with door left open. If there is a need to open it. NLT 2200 Front door to Building 2 is locked with door left open. NLT 2200 Parade ground lights are switched off. NLT 2200 Oversee the emptying of bins in Building 10 this includes the classrooms, 322SQN offices, toilets and outside next to the 322SQN Q-store. NLT 2200 Public Relations/Special Projects Room door is closed with lights switched off (unless still occupied by staff). Door remains unlocked. Window is closed and locked. NLT 2200 Orderly Room door is locked with door left open. Window is closed and locked. NLT 2200 Admin Room door is locked with door left open. Window is closed and locked. NLT 2200 Training Room door is locked with door left open. Window is closed and locked. NLT 2200 Discipline Room door is locked with door left open. Window is closed and locked. NLT 2200 CO s Office door is locked with door left open. Window is closed and locked. NLT 2200 Clothing Store cage is closed and padlocked. Clothing store shutter is closed and locked.

43 ANNEX J to Unit Standing Instructions 2016 NLT 2200 Front door to Building 10 (front the verandah) is locked with door left open. NLT 2200 Male/unisex downstairs toilets in Building 10 checked: clean and tidy, all taps off, toilets flushed, toilet seats down, bins emptied. NLT 2200 All areas surrounding 322SQN HQ offices (e.g. hallways, photocopy room) have been thoroughly checked for any equipment or documentation belonging to 322SQN e.g. litepros, extension cords, classroom packs, class rolls, paperwork. All returned to their correct locations. NLT 2200 Student chairs in Lecture Rooms 3 and 4 have been counted (there should be 60) and the number noted below. Chairs stacked neatly in equal-sized piles on the side of the room. No of student chairs: NLT 2200 Lecture Rooms 3 and 4 are clean and tidy. Training cabinets are locked and moved to the side of the room with all loose material removed. NLT 2200 Female upstairs toilets in Building 10 checked: clean and tidy, all taps off, toilets flushed, toilet seats down, bins emptied. NLT 2200 Male upstairs toilets in Building 10 checked: clean and tidy, all taps off, toilets flushed, toilet seats down, bins emptied. NLT 2200 All areas around Lecture Rooms 3 and 4 have been thoroughly checked for any equipment or documentation belonging to 322SQN e.g. litepros, extension cords, classroom packs, class rolls, paperwork. All returned to their correct locations. NLT 2200 Conference Room upstairs in Building 10 has been left in a neat condition. Chairs tucked in and arranged evenly around the table. NLT 2200 Conference Room and kitchenette upstairs in Building 10 has been thoroughly checked for any equipment or documentation belonging to 322SQN e.g. litepros, extension cords, classroom packs, class rolls, paperwork. All returned to their correct locations. NLT 2200 All corridors and stairwells (north and south) in Building 10 have been cleaned. NLT 2200 All lights upstairs in Building 10 are switched off Building 10 verandah lights are switched off NLT 2200 Ensure all keys have been returned to the Key Cabinet in Orderly Room, and signed off in the key register. DM

44 ANNEX J to Unit Standing Instructions 2016 NLT 2200 Ensure all litepros and laptops have been returned to the Training Room cupboard and signed in on the sign-out sheet. Ensure Training Room cupboard is closed and locked with key returned to the CO s key cabinet. NLT 2200 Check that all cadets have either been picked up or their parents are en-route to collect them. NLT 2200 Update the duty board in the discipline room with the details of next week s Duty Section DUTY MEMBER to present themselves and checklist to the Duty Officer or, if unavailable the SQNXI. Do not leave the barracks without first reporting to the Duty Officer. Lock the gate before you leave. DM DM SQNXI / DO Time:

45 AUSTRALIAN AIR FORCE CADETS 322 (CITY OF RYDE) SQUADRON TRAINING OPERATIONS Squadron Activities 2016 Terms 1 & 2 Version 2 (as at 3 February 2016) Activity Location Date(s) Notes Staff/NCO Meeting Timor Barracks 27 Jan 16 CCPL and above only 3WG.22 Rifle Shoot (3WG) SISC Cecil Park 07 Feb 16 FTE qualified cadets only 1/16 Recruit Course Timor Barracks Feb 16 CIA Tall Ship Sailing Experience Sydney CBD 05 Mar 16 3WG.22 Rifle Shoot (3WG) SISC Cecil Park 06 Mar 16 1/16 Enrolment Day Timor Barracks 06 Mar 16 1/16 Bivouac Douglas Park Apr 16 Required for completion of FC/SV 1/16 ANZAC Day Sunday Parade Epping 17 Apr 16 COMPULSORY ATTENDANCE 2/16 ANZAC Eve Service St Mary s Cathedral 24 Apr 16 3/16 ANZAC Day Dawn Service Epping 25 Apr 16 COMPULSORY ATTENDANCE 4/16 ANZAC Day Dawn Service Kellyville 25 Apr 16 Selected NCOs only 5/16 ANZAC Day City Parade (3WG) Sydney CBD 25 Apr 16 1/16 Wing Competition Practice Timor Barracks 30 Apr 16 Drill team only 1/16 Pre Course Timor Barracks May 16 3WG.22 Rifle Shoot (3WG) SISC Cecil Park 15 May 16 FTE qualified cadets only Pilot Experience Weekend Bathurst Aviation Centre May 16 Metro Region Sports Competition (3WG) RAAF Richmond 28 May 16 2/16.22 Rifle Shoot Hornsby Rifle Range 29 May 16 FTE qualified cadets only 2/16 Wing Competition Practice Timor Barracks 29 May 16 Drill team only 3/16 Wing Competition Practice Timor Barracks 04 Jun 16 All comp teams 3WG.22 Rifle Shoot (3WG) SISC Cecil Park 05 Jun 16 FTE qualified cadets only Wing Competitions & Sports Day (3WG) RAAF Richmond 11 Jun th Anniversary Parade (3WG) RAAF Richmond 12 Jun 16 COMPULSORY ATTENDANCE 75 th Anniversary Ball (3WG) Windsor Function Centre 12 Jun 16 3WG.22 Rifle Shoot (3WG) SISC Cecil Park 26 Jun 16 FTE qualified cadets only

46 AUSTRALIAN AIR FORCE CADETS 322 (CITY OF RYDE) SQUADRON TRAINING OPERATIONS Squadron Activities 2016 Terms 3 & 4 Version 2 (as at 3 February 2016) Activity Location Date(s) Notes Ashfield Parade (3WG) Ashfield 07 Aug 16 COMPULSORY ATTENDANCE VP Day Parade Epping 14 Aug 16 COMPULSORY ATTENDANCE 2/16 Recruit Course Timor Barracks Aug 16 Firearms Training Elective Timor Barracks 20 Aug 16 3/16.22 Rifle Shoot (FTE) Hornsby Rifle Range 21 Aug 16 FTE Course only 2/16 Enrolment Day Timor Barracks 27 Aug 16 Freedom of Entry Parade (3WG) Sydney CBD 28 Aug 16 COMPULSORY ATTENDANCE 3WG.22 Rifle Shoot (3WG) SISC Cecil Park 11 Sep 16 FTE qualified cadets only 2/16 Bivouac Douglas Park Sep 16 Required for completion of FC DEA Adventurous Journey Greater Sydney Area Oct 16 3WG.22 Rifle Shoot (3WG) SISC Cecil Park 23 Oct 16 FTE qualified cadets only 2/16 Pre Course Timor Barracks Oct 16 3WG.22 Rifle Shoot (3WG) SISC Cecil Park 06 Nov 16 FTE qualified cadets only 4/16.22 Rifle Shoot Hornsby Rifle Range 06 Nov 16 FTE qualified cadets only Remembrance Day Service Lindfield 06 Nov 16 Parade Practice Timor Barracks Nov 16 COMPULSORY ATTENDANCE 65 th Anniversary Parade Timor Barracks 03 Dec 16 COMPULSORY ATTENDANCE 65 th Anniversary Celebration Ryde-Eastwood Leagues Club 03 Dec 16

47 Annex L to Unit Standing Instructions 2016 AUSTRALIAN AIR FORCE CADETS 322 (CITY OF RYDE) SQUADRON Explanation of Absence Layout: Subject: LCDT Wherevibeen explanation of absence LAC(AAFC) Daboi, I, LCDT Wherevibeen CM321456, was absent from 322 Squadron parades on 09 Feb 15 and 16 Feb 15 due to school and family commitments. I realise it is my responsibility to catch up on any class work I may have missed due to this absence. Regards, Joe Wherevibeen Leading Cadet 322 (City of Ryde) Squadron Australian Air Force Cadets T:


49 Annex N to Unit Standing Instructions 2016 AUSTRALIAN AIR FORCE CADETS 322 (CITY OF RYDE) SQUADRON Timor Barracks Drop Off and Pick Up Procedure This procedure applies from Wednesday 18 May 2016 until further notice. Traffic flows in one direction only with entry through the side gate and exit out the main gate. The main gate is sensor activated and will open automatically when a vehicle approaches to exit. Speed limit and right of way The speed limit whilst on base is 10 km/h. This is a serious safety issue and must be adhered to at all times. Marching troops have right of way on all Australian Defence Force bases. Vehicles are not to overtake flights of marching cadets at any time.

50 Annex N to Unit Standing Instructions 2016 Dropping off The side gate will be opened at 1730 h (5:30pm) on Wednesday nights. Cadets are to avoid arriving prior to this time however if you do arrive early, please park away from the gate in the areas indicated on the diagram above and do not block traffic on Kissing Point Road. Vehicles are to drive onto base following the arrows in the diagram above and cadets are to be dropped off on the left hand side of the bottom roadway. Cadets are to wait for a safe gap before crossing the road to move to the parade ground and drivers are to be vigilant in this area. Cars are then to drive out the main gate. Do not use the main carpark or cadet carpark. The gate is locked at approximately 1820 h (6:20pm). If you are late and the gate is closed, call the Squadron on so that it can be opened. Picking up The side gate will be opened at approximately 2115 h (9:15pm). If parents/guardians arrive prior to this time and the gate is not open, please refrain from calling staff as it will be opened as soon as practically possible. Vehicles are to drive onto base following the arrows in the diagram above. Parents/ guardians are to park in the main carpark and remain in their vehicles as they do not have authority to move around the base unless officially signed in as a visitor. After the cadets have been dismissed they will be marched up to the main carpark to depart. Vehicles are to exit from the bottom of the main carpark, adhering to the Give Way sign, and loop back up to the main gate to leave the base. All cadets below the rank of Cadet Warrant Officer are to vacate the base no later than 2200 h (10:00pm) and the gate will be locked at this time. If for some reason a cadet is still on base at 2200 h they are to make their way to 322SQN HQ to wait to be collected. The gate will be opened for the cadet to depart once their parent/guardian has arrived. Both gates will be manned during designated drop off and pick up times, however please note if exiting the main gate at times when it is NOT manned, individual vehicles or the last in a line of vehicles are required to pass through the gate and then stop and wait for it to automatically close behind them before moving off. Please be aware that all movements through the main gate are video recorded and this security procedure will be enforced. Cadet drivers Cadets below the rank of Cadet Warrant Officer who have their provisional license and have been authorised by their parent/guardian and the Commanding Officer 322SQN to drive, are to park in the small carpark in front of Building 2, but not in reserved spaces. If that carpark becomes full, cadet drivers are to park in the main carpark. WE THANK YOU FOR YOUR COOPERATION IN CREATING A SAFER ENVIRONMENT FOR OUR CADETS

51 Annex O to Unit Standing Instructions 2016 AUSTRALIAN AIR FORCE CADETS 322 (CITY OF RYDE) SQUADRON SERVICE DRESS LONG SLEEVE (1B) The following diagram has been prepared to assist members understand the correct standard for wearing Service Dress (SD) Long Sleeve. Reference: AAFC Manual of Dress Chapter 2.

52 Annex O to Unit Standing Instructions 2016 The Blue/White Shirt. The shirt is to be freshly laundered after each time it is worn. It is to be ironed with an iron aide to produce a professional look. Threadbare, stained, ill-fitting or damaged shirts should be exchanged and are not to be worn. Point 1 - Sleeve crease. The crease on the sleeve is to follow the natural cut of the garment and usually extends from the rear of the epaulette to the end of the sleeve with the crease forming opposite the inside seam. Care is to be exercised to ensure that there is a SINGLE sharp crease. Point 2 - Breast pocket. The button is to be done up at all times. Carrying large and bulky items in the pockets is not permitted. Point 3 - Breast pocket flap. The breast pocket is to be carefully ironed to remove the row of ridges that form at the top of and above the flap, and to stop the pocket edges from curling upwards. Point 4 - Epaulette and slide. Epaulettes are to be ironed. The slide is to be pushed down to the bottom of the epaulette. Slides should be ironed with a damp handkerchief on the underside only. Slides which become soiled may be carefully hand washed in a gentle laundry detergent. Plastic inserts may be used to keep the slide flat, but they are not to be visible. Point 5 - Cuffs. The cuffs are to be buttoned up at all times. It is recommended that the shirt be tucked into boxers/underwear. This will prevent bunching. Hint ensure shirt is flat in front and back, and any excess is gathered at the side. There is to be no bunching of the shirt at the front or back. The bunching of the shirt is to be at the sides. This is done by inserting both thumbs under the top of the trousers in the centre of the body, and dragging the bunching around to the side of the body. This gives the front and back of the uniform a flat appearance where it is tucked in. The SD Tie. The SD tie is to be dry cleaned at least once every six months or whenever it becomes soiled. The tie is not to be starched. If it is to be ironed, it is to be done under a damp handkerchief. The tie should be kept in a hanging position so that ironing is not generally required. When the tie is to be worn on a parade, the bottom of the tie is recommended to be pinned down to the shirt so that it does not blow around. Point 6 - The tie is to be tied in a small Windsor-type knot. When the tie is worn, the top button of the shirt is to be fastened. The tie is to be pulled up to the top of the collar. The tie is not to have valleys where the front of the tie drops out of the knot. Point 7 - The point of the bottom of the tie is to be in line with the top of the belt buckle. The SD Belt. Point 8 - The belt is to be worn around the waist. It is not to be worn around the hips. The shirt is carefully tucked into the pants so that there is no shirt overhanging the belt. Point 9 - The belt buckle is to be in the centre, the pin aligned with the centre line of the shirt. It is nickel-plated and is not to be polished. The belt should not be scratched. Point 10 - The end of the belt is to be on the left side of the body. The belt is to be adjusted so that the end metal tab extends 2cm beyond the first belt loop on the trousers.

53 Annex O to Unit Standing Instructions 2016 The SD Trousers. Point 11 - The SD trousers should be dry cleaned monthly (when worn on parade nights only), and every 2-3 days when worn on camp. Trousers should always be stored on hangars which use grips, hanging upside down. They should never be hand washed or machine laundered as this damages the material. If ironing is necessary, it is to be done under a damp handkerchief. Starch is not to be used. There is to be a single crease down the front (extending from the pleat) and back of each leg. Threadbare, stained, ill-fitting or damaged trousers should be exchanged and are not to be worn. Point 12 - The hem of the trousers is to sit neatly on the third lace of the shoes without excessive bunching. Cadets who are growing are to ensure that the hems are regularly adjusted, or trousers exchanged. Sweater During cold weather, the Air Force Blue Sweater may be worn over the Long Sleeve Service Dress. The collar and tie are to be tucked into the neck of the sweater. The cuffs of the sweater are to be turned back at the wrist. The waistband is to be hidden by the body of the sweater by turning the waistband inwards. The waistband fold must cover the belt of the trousers. Rank is to be displayed on the Air Force blue epaulettes with SD rank slides.

54 Annex O to Unit Standing Instructions 2016 AUSTRALIAN AIR FORCE CADETS 322 (CITY OF RYDE) SQUADRON SERVICE DRESS SHORT SLEEVE (1C) The following diagram has been prepared to assist members understand the correct standard for wearing Service Dress (SD) Short Sleeve. Reference: AAFC Manual of Dress Chapter 2.

55 Annex O to Unit Standing Instructions 2016 The Blue/White Shirt. The shirt is to be freshly laundered after each time it is worn. It is to be ironed with an iron aide to produce a professional look. Threadbare, stained, ill-fitting or damaged shirts should be exchanged and are not to be worn. Point 1 - Sleeve crease. The crease on the sleeve is to follow the natural cut of the garment and usually extends from the rear of the epaulette to the end of the sleeve with the crease forming opposite the inside seam. Care is to be exercised to ensure that there is a SINGLE sharp crease. Point 2 - Breast pocket flap. The breast pocket is to be carefully ironed to remove the row of ridges that form at the top of and above the flap, and to stop the pocket edges from curling upwards. Point 3 - Breast pocket. The button is to be done up at all times. Carrying large and bulky items in the pockets is not permitted. Point 4 - Epaulette and slide. Epaulettes are to be ironed. The slide is to be pushed down to the bottom of the epaulette. Slides should be ironed with a damp handkerchief on the underside only. Slides which become soiled may be carefully hand washed in a gentle laundry detergent. Plastic inserts may be used to keep the slide flat, but they are not to be visible. Point 5 Collar. The top button is to remain unfastened to ensure the collar remains naturally open sitting up, not flat. It is recommended that the shirt be tucked into boxers/underwear. This will prevent bunching. Hint ensure shirt is flat in front and back, and any excess is gathered at the side. There is to be no bunching of the shirt at the front or back. The bunching of the shirt is to be at the sides. This is done by inserting both thumbs under the top of the trousers in the centre of the body, and dragging the bunching around to the side of the body. This gives the front and back of the uniform a flat appearance where it is tucked in. The SD Belt. Point 6 - The belt is to be worn around the waist. It is not to be worn around the hips. The shirt is carefully tucked into the pants so that there is no shirt overhanging the belt. Point 7 - The belt buckle is to be in the centre, the pin aligned with the centre line of the shirt. It is nickel-plated and is not to be polished. The belt should not be scratched. Point 8 - The end of the belt is to be on the left side of the body. The belt is to be adjusted so that the end metal tab extends 2cm beyond the first belt loop on the trousers. The SD Trousers. Point 9 - The SD trousers are to be dry cleaned monthly (when worn on parade nights only), and every 2-3 days when worn on camp. Trousers should always be stored on hangars which use grips, hanging upside down. They should never be hand washed or machine laundered as this damages the material. If ironing is necessary, it is to be done under a damp handkerchief. Starch is not to be used. There is to be a single crease down the front (extending from the pleat) and back of each leg. Threadbare, stained, ill-fitting or damaged trousers should be exchanged and are not to be worn. Point 10 - The hem of the trousers is to sit neatly on the third lace of the shoes without excessive bunching. Cadets who are growing are to ensure that the hems are regularly adjusted, or trousers exchanged.

56 Annex O to Unit Standing Instructions 2016 Sweater During cold weather, the Air Force blue Sweater may be worn over the Short Sleeve Service Dress. The top button of the collar is to be undone and the shirt collar turned out over the neck of the sweater. The cuffs of the sweater are to be turned back at the wrist. The waistband is to be hidden by the body of the sweater by turning the waistband inwards. The waistband fold must cover the belt of the trousers. Rank is to be displayed on the Air Force blue epaulettes with SD rank slides. Shoes The entire shoe, including the tongue is to be clean. The welts are to be blackened and kept clean. An old toothbrush and a small amount of polish cleans welts effectively. A black permanent marker must be used to blacken any visual white leather edges, i.e. around the opening and along the lace line. SD shoes are to be bar-laced. 1 Point 1 The sole. The outer edge of the sole is to be kept black and clean with a permanent black felt tip marker. 2 Point 2 Edges of the leather. On new shoes, the edge of the leather appears white. All white edges are to be made black with a black permanent felt tip marker. No white edges are to be visible when wearing the shoes. 3 Point 3 - Laces. All SD shoes are to be bar-laced. Diagram A shows the correct method, showing the cutaway of the lacing, with grey and black colours denoting the direction of each side of the lace from the bottom eyelets. Diagram B shows the laces as viewed on the shoe. No laces are to be visible other than the bar laces across the top of the shoe. 4 Point 4 Welts. Welts (the crevice between the sole and the upper) are to be kept clean, black and free of dust. This is achieved by cleaning with polish and old toothbrush. Socks Thin plain black dress socks are to be worn with Service Dress shoes.

57 Annex O to Unit Standing Instructions 2016 Badges The following diagrams have been prepared to assist members understand the correct method of wearing insignia and other accoutrements on the Service Dress shirt pockets. The above diagrams show insignia generally available to cadets (upper diagram) and staff (lower diagram). Refer to points below for detailed instructions on the wearing of insignia. These instructions also apply (with certain amendments as noted) to Ceremonial Dress, Tropical Dress, and Red Sea Rig and the Service Dress Jacket. These instructions do not apply to Mess Dress Jackets, or Disruptive Pattern Combat Uniform (DPCU), or jumpers. Point 1 Commendation. Worn by entitled cadets and staff. When worn by itself, it is positioned 5mm above the name badge and centrally over the right pocket. When worn with another commendation, the area is divided into equal sections and each insignia is positioned 5mm above top of the name badge, in the centre of the section. When worn

58 Annex O to Unit Standing Instructions 2016 with DEA and/or ATA, any Commendation badge(s) are worn in another row, 5mm above the DEA/ATA. Point 2 Duke of Edinburgh Badge (DEA). Worn by entitled cadets. Positioned in the same manner as the Commendation, but always on a lower row to any Commendations. Point 3 Army Adventure Training Award (ATA). Positioned in the same manner as the DEA badge. Point 4 Name badge. The Name Badge is to be worn centrally with the lower edge along the top of the right pocket. Point 5 AAFC Firearms Qualification Insignia / Individual Proficiency Badge. Worn by entitled cadets and staff. When a single pocket flap insignia is worn, it is worn centrally on the right pocket flap. If more than one pocket flap insignia is worn the pocket flap is divided into sections of equal width and each insignia is positioned, in the centre of the section, in the order as shown. Only one firearms badge is to be worn. Point 6 Individual Proficiency Badge (IPB) Worn as per Firearms insignia. The diagram shows the correct procedure when both IPB and firearms badge are worn. Point 7 AAFC Flying Badges (cadets). Worn by entitled cadets. Brevets are worn centrally above the left pocket flap, with the bottom of the brevet in line with the top of the pocket. Point 8 See Point 1. Point 9 Unit Citations (or other authorised awards). Worn by staff if entitled. Worn centrally above the right pocket, the bottom of the badge in line with the top of the pocket. When citations are worn, the name badge is worn 5mm above the citation(s). Point 10 See point 5. Point 11 Flying Badge (Staff) The metal version is worn on shirts, the cloth version on utility jackets, and the gold bullion version on the SD Jacket. When a Flying Badge is worn with ribbons, it is placed 5mm above the top row of ribbons. Point 12 Medal Ribbon Bars. Worn by entitled members. Ribbons are worn centrally and immediately above the left breast pocket. They are placed in rows of four (males) and 3 (females). Additional rows are placed directly above, with no gap. Incomplete rows are to appear at the top. Ribbons must be worn in the correct order, starting with the highest award on the top left (from the observers view) down to the bottom right.

59 Annex O to Unit Standing Instructions 2016 AUSTRALIAN AIR FORCE CADETS 322 (CITY OF RYDE) SQUADRON DISRUPTIVE PATTERN CAMOUFLAGE UNIFORM (WORKING DRESS) The following diagram has been prepared to assist members understand the correct standard for wearing Disruptive Pattern Camouflage Uniform (DPCU). Reference: AAFC Manual of Dress Chapter 5.

60 Annex O to Unit Standing Instructions 2016 Cadet Boots Point 1 The toe cap and sides of the boot are to be highly polished. The entire boot, including the tongue is to be clean. The welts are to be blackened and kept clean. An old toothbrush and a small amount of polish cleans welts effectively. A black permanent marker must be used to blacken any visual white leather edges, i.e. around the opening and along the lace line. Laces are to be cross-laced. Lacing (Boots/Shoes) Boots are to be cross laced (see diagram above). The bottom bar is to be on the outside of the boot. From there the boot is to be laced under then over and repeated all the way to the top of the boot with the outer lace going over the inner lace. When the laces are pulled tight, they should make an upside down V or chevron facing up the boot. The laces are to be pulled as tight as possible and secured when the boot is worn. Socks - DPCU Thick Black/Green/Tan socks are to be worn with Cadet Boots.

61 Annex O to Unit Standing Instructions 2016 DPCU Trousers Point 2 Blousing. The bottoms of the DPCU trousers are to be bloused. This is done by tucking the pants up under an elastic/lackey/draw string. The blousing should cover the top 2.5 centimeters of the boots. The trousers are NEVER to be tucked into the boot. The bloused trouser leg must only be around the actual boot. If the trousers are too short exchange. Point 3 Pockets. The large front pockets on the trousers are to be ironed flat. Care should be taken to ensure the pocket flaps are not curling upwards. Carrying large and bulky items in the pockets is not permitted. Point 4 Trousers. The DPCU trousers are to be lightly pressed. No creases are to be present. The trousers are to be laundered after every second wear (unless they have become unduly soiled, then they are to be laundered after each time they are worn). Threadbare, stained, ill-fitting or damaged trousers should be exchanged and are not to be worn. DPCU Shirt Point 5 Cuffs. The cuffs on the DPCU Coat are to be closed so the sleeve does not slide past the wrist (The button flap should be attached to the furthest button). If need be the cuff buttons can be moved. Point 6 DPCU Shirt. The DPCU Shirt is to be lightly pressed. No creases are to be present. The shirt is recommended to be laundered after every second wear (unless it has become unduly soiled, then it is to be laundered after each time it is worn). Threadbare, stained, ill-fitting or damaged coats should be exchanged and are not to be worn. Point 7 Pockets. The shirt pockets are to be ironed flat. Care should be taken to ensure the pocket flaps are not curling upwards. Carrying large and bulky items in the pockets is not permitted. Point 8 Patches. The cadets name patch is to be sewn on neatly, inline and just above the right breast pocket. The Air Force Cadets patch is to be sewn on neatly, inline and just above the left breast pocket. The AAFC biscuit is to be sewn neatly onto the left sleeve, directly in the middle and 2cm down from the seam where the arm meets the epaulette. Point 9 Collar. The top button is to remain unfastened to ensure the collar remains naturally open. Point 10 Epaulette and slide. Slides should be ironed with a damp handkerchief on the underside only. The slide is to be pushed down to the bottom of the epaulette. Slides which become soiled may be carefully hand washed in a gentle laundry detergent. Plastic inserts may be used to keep the slide flat, but they are not to be visible. Blue AAFC bar DPCU rank slides must now be worn at all times whilst DPCU s are being worn. Note: An undershirt may be worn with the DPCU Shirt. It is to be either brown (for example, the SQN undershirt) or DPCU and neatly pressed. The DPCU Shirt must be worn over an undershirt at all times unless participating in physical work (e.g. in the store or similar). Undershirts are not to be worn without the DPCU Shirt whilst marching, in the field or in public.

62 Annex O to Unit Standing Instructions 2016 It must also be noted that it is best to keep a shirt and trouser as one set. Hint mark a shirt with A or 1 and mark a set of trousers with A or 1. This will ensure that if you wear that shirt you will also only wear the designated trousers. They will fade together and will look like a set. This stops the horrible looking combination of faded shirt and new trousers. DPCU Field Variations All cadets on field activities, and all staff on all occasions, may wear any boot issued or previously issued by the AAFC or the RAAF, or any of the following boots approved by CAF: a. ALTAMA LC Hot Weather; b. BELLEVILLE M590 Hot Weather; c. BATES Durashock Desert; and d. CROSSFIRE Peacekeeper Plus Brown, tan, or khaki coloured boots should be polished with a neutral leather polish. Excessively muddy, dirty or ash covered boots should be brushed with a stiff brush, hot water and detergent, then let dry before polishing. Laces are to be cross-laced on all variants of boots. A thick protective layer of polish should be applied before heavy duty field activities. Patches. A low visibility SQN patch should be affixed to the Velcro that is sewn onto the shirt, 2cm from the shoulder seam.

63 Annex O to Unit Standing Instructions 2016 AUSTRALIAN AIR FORCE CADETS 322 (CITY OF RYDE) SQUADRON HAT FUR FELT KHAKI The Hat Fur Felt Khaki (HFF-K) is the primary headdress for all cadets, which is worn with both SD s and DPCU s. The HFF-K is to be kept clean and properly maintained at all times Brim The brim is to be free of lint, threads, stains and be perfectly flat. This can be achieved by using a hat flattener or placing the hat on a flat surface with heavy weighted objects sitting on the brim. Chinstrap The chinstrap is to be worn at all times. It is worn with the buckles on the left hand side of the face. The upper buckle is to be inline with the corner of the eye, and the lower buckle inline with the corner of the lip. Stretched and cracked straps should be replaced. Puggaree / Cap Badge The AAFC cap badge is to be mounted on an AFB puggaree. The base of the AAFC badge is to sit on the stitching at the bottom of the puggaree, and placed so that it is centred with the line of the face.

64 Annex O to Unit Standing Instructions 2016 Peak The peak of the HFF-K should be bashed so that the vents run in line with the centre of the face. To bash your hat, the peak should be submerged in warm water and then moulded into the desired shape. The hat then needs a good amount of time to thoroughly dry out on a flat surface. It is recommended to not try this without first being given a demonstration.

65 Annex O to Unit Standing Instructions 2016 AUSTRALIAN AIR FORCE CADETS 322 (CITY OF RYDE) SQUADRON OTHER ITEMS Necklaces, Chains and Medic Alerts Visible Necklaces, wristbands or chains are not permitted when in uniform. Medic Alert or other similar bracelets may be worn with approval, on right hand wrist. Compulsory religious items may be worn if a letter in writing to the Squadron Executive Instructor has been approved. Watches and Rings Wrist watches and rings of a subdued appearance and practical design may be worn when in uniform. Watches are to be worn on the left hand wrist For females a maximum of four rings may be worn on no more than two fingers. For males one ring is able to be worn. Earrings Female members may wear gold silver or clear stone studs, of 4 mm or less in diameter (one in each ear lobe) or plain sleepers, either gold or silver in colour, of 1cm diameter (one in each ear lobe). To be designated a sleeper; the ring must be able to rotate fully through the hole in each ear lobe. Sunglasses Sunglasses may be worn during daylight hours at non-ceremonial events only. They are to be of a colour and design which is appropriate to military dress.

66 Annex P to Unit Standing Instructions 2016 AUSTRALIAN AIR FORCE CADETS 322 (CITY OF RYDE) SQUADRON PERSONAL GROOMING - MALE The following diagram has been prepared to assist members understand the correct standard of personal grooming. Reference: AAFC Manual of Dress. Hair Hair is to be kept neatly trimmed and in a conservative style which does not interfere with the correct wearing of Service headdress. Radical styles such as stepped haircuts and styles which have an uncombed appearance are not permitted styles for personnel in uniform. There are two methods of male haircuts. The first - the hair is to be gradually tapered to the neckline and is not to cover, touch or overhang the ears or collar. The other the square cut and is not to cover, touch or overhang the ears or collar. Only conservative and natural tones of artificial hair colours are permitted with all hair being of the same colour. The acceptability of hair styles is to be based on neatness, cleanliness and general appearance when wearing uniform. Sideburns Sideburns are not to extend below the level where the ear lobe joins the head. They are to be neatly trimmed and of the same width throughout their length. Bushy sideburns are not to be grown. Moustache A moustache is to cover the entire top lip and is to be kept neatly trimmed. The moustache is not to extend below the upper lip. As a general rule, the face is to be shaven daily prior to reporting for duty. However, beards and whiskers (defined as facial hair other than sideburns or moustaches) may be worn if there is a medical reason which temporarily prevents shaving. In such cases approval from a medical officer must be obtained. During the period that a member has been given approval not to shave, the resulting growth of hair is to be kept short and neatly trimmed.

67 Annex P to Unit Standing Instructions 2016 AUSTRALIAN AIR FORCE CADETS 322 (CITY OF RYDE) SQUADRON PERSONAL GROOMING - FEMALE The following diagram has been prepared to assist members understand the correct standard of personal grooming. Reference: AAFC Manual of Dress. Hair Hair is to be conservative in style, and neatly groomed at all times. Radical styles such as stepped haircuts or perms and styles which have an uncombed appearance are not permitted to be worn by personnel in uniform. The hair is not to sit or sweep across the shoulders and is to be above the rear lower level of the buttoned collar. Long hair is to be tied back in a bun or worn in a single braid or plait, pinned against the rear of the head and not extended below the bottom of the collar. The bulk of hair is not to interfere with the correct wearing of Service headdress or protective equipment. Females may wear their long hair styled in a French Roll/Twist with all orders of dress. Irrespective of the hairstyle worn, the hair may not extend below the base of the rear lower level of the buttoned collar. Only conservative and natural tones of artificial hair colours are permitted with all hair being of the same colour. Heavy mesh nets or an excessive number of hair pins are not permitted when in uniform or on duty. The acceptability of hair styles is based on neatness, cleanliness and general appearance when wearing uniform. Hair Combs A member in uniform may wear up to two hair combs in her hair, provided the combs are transparent, black, brown or tortoiseshell in colour, are of a plain design and no more than eighty (80) millimetres in length.

68 Annex P to Unit Standing Instructions 2016 Headbands Headbands may be worn by females with working dress unless Occupational Health and Safety or other considerations preclude their use. They are to be no wider than two and a half (2.5) centimetres in width and of the same or similar colour as the hair. Tortoiseshell headbands are acceptable. Headbands may not be worn with ceremonial dress nor when undertaking representational duties. Pony Tails Female members may wear a ponytail only in the interim period between having hair short enough to wear down and long enough to wear up in approved styles without excessive hair clips or stray hair. Female members should inform the Squadron Executive Instructor or Squadron Warrant Officer or equivalent of their intention to grow their hair and should not wear a pony tail for a period greater than two months. Pony tails should be worn between the crown of the head and the base of the hair line. The hanging hair should not extend below the base of the rear lower level of the buttoned collar. Pony tails may not be worn with SD Cap, ceremonial dress, nor when undertaking representational duties.

69 Annex Q to Unit Standing Instructions 2016 AUSTRALIAN AIR FORCE CADETS 322 (CITY OF RYDE) SQUADRON McNamara Flight Commander / Asst Flight Commander CSGT Jayden Norris CCPL Hannah Lyons-Uhl jayden.norric@aafc.org.au hannah.lyons-uhl@aafc.org.au Alpha Section Bravo Section Commander Commander CCPL Hannah Lyons-Uhl CCPL Hayden Thompson hannah.lyons-uhl@aafc.org.au hayden.thompson@aafc.org.au Second In Charge Second In Charge CCPL Benjamin O Brien CCPL Samantha Fraser CCPL Grace Junkkari Cadets Cadets LCDT Nicholas Black LCDT Ben Salvador LCDT Philip Folland LCDT Charn Sandhu LCDT Rahul Hatiskar LCDT Maxwell Shepherd LCDT Derek Liu LCDT Tankaran Singh LCDT James Miller LCDT Terence Stephenson LCDT Ameya Pradhan LCDT Ivan Tam LCDT Bashneel Rajput LCDT Aakersh Verma LCDT Harry Robb LCDT Mitchell Wilmot CDT Rajuta Banhatti CDT Lothan Miranda CDT Bentsen Dias CDT Anusha Rana CDT Lukas Eichler CDT Josha Runde CDT Layna Huang CDT Zachary Saric CDT Anthony Lo Ricco CDT Guillauma Stevelinck CDT Stefan Wu

70 Annex Q to Unit Standing Instructions 2016 AUSTRALIAN AIR FORCE CADETS 322 (CITY OF RYDE) SQUADRON Middleton Flight Commander / Asst Flight Commander CSGT Mia Goopy CSGT Dylan Colaco mia.goopy@aafc.org.au dylan.colaco@aafc.org.au Alpha Section Bravo Section Commander Commander CCPL Josephine Tran CCPL Bennet McKertich josephine.tran@aafc.org.au bennet.mckertich@aafc.org.au Second In Charge Second In Charge CCPL Berke Yanmaz CCPL Lauran Strickland Cadets Cadets LCDT Davinder Arora LCDT Veronica Nicolich LCDT Kurt Davoren-Whereat LCDT Eleanor Rocha LCDT Troy Davoren-Whereat LCDT John Rogers LCDT Harpeet Flora LCDT Timothy Shen LCDT Gaurav Gholkar LCDT Jaison Thamilarasan LCDT Inika Gholkar LCDT Amelia Walsh LCDT Rosa Gil LCDT Joshua Wilcockson LCDT Urav Kalra LCDT Tyler Wills LCDT Jacob Minty LCDT Jordan Wills LCDT Richard Mo LCDT David Z'Graggen CDT Shrey Bansal LCDT Luke Zaccaria CDT Karisma Broota CDT Rodger Liang CDT Jackson Cochrane CDT Angela Maeng CDT Mailinh Dinh CDT Ethan Sebastian CDT David Jelic CDT Dev Thakur CDT Marshal Zvidzo

71 Annex Q to Unit Standing Instructions 2016 AUSTRALIAN AIR FORCE CADETS 322 (CITY OF RYDE) SQUADRON Newton Flight Commander / Asst Flight Commander CSGT Christie Norris CSGT Jake Jamieson christie.norris@aafc.org.au jake.jamieson@aafc.org.au Alpha Section Bravo Section Commander Commander CCPL Hayley Vesperman CCPL Emilee Collins hayley.vesperman@aafc.org.au emilee.collins@aafc.org.au Second In Charge Second In Charge CCPL Joel Newton CCPL Braeden White-Jennings CCPL Steve Turnbull Cadets Cadets LCDT Thimmiah Baduvanda LCDT James Hill LCDT Anika Biljuh LCDT Mohak Issar LCDT Hoson Chan LCDT Thomas Karam LCDT Josiah Chapman LCDT Zachariah Malakellis LCDT Jeffrey Chiang LCDT Fergus McLellan LCDT Leonard Chiang LCDT Harjaap Singh LCDT Gabriele Da Silva LCDT Deborah-Joy Wilson LCDT Eric Fan LCDT Sarah-Grace Wilson CDT Shannara Berriman CDT Sharon Liu CDT Benjamin Cheetham CDT Oliver Quinn CDT Shannon Cuthbert CDT Thinura Ranaweera CDT Harrison Hale CDT Adithya Senthil CDT Prabhleen Kaur CDT Miles Simpson CDT Andrew Kenny CDT Hugh Travers

72 Annex Q to Unit Standing Instructions 2016 AUSTRALIAN AIR FORCE CADETS 322 (CITY OF RYDE) SQUADRON Edwards Flight Commander / Asst Flight Commander CSGT Jack Edwards CCPL Harry Tompsett jack.edwards@aafc.org.au harry.tompsett@aafc.org.au Alpha Section Bravo Section Commander Commander CCPL Rhys Hughes CCPL Harry Tompsett rhys.hughes@aafc.org.au harry.tompsett@aafc.org.au Second In Charge Second In Charge CCPL Edmond Liu CCPL Aryan Chawla CCPL Reece Papworth Cadets Cadets LCDT William Campbell LCDT Grace Papworth LCDT Alessandro Cappetta LCDT Jack Pettit LCDT Rochan Chitale LCDT Cameron Pettit LCDT Anabelle Clark LCDT Reynard Selke LCDT Kailev Dulay LCDT Mehak Sethi LCDT Tony Huang LCDT Raunak Sethi LCDT Cameron Hucker LCDT Thomas Sewell LCDT Tulizo Mkali LCDT Prabjot Singh LCDT Antonio Panebianco LCDT Elizabeth Williamson CDT Charlotte Anderson LCDT Jonathan Wong CDT Richard Batoure CDT Trent Duncombe CDT Hanaa Cader CDT Emily Hansen CDT Anant Dhatt CDT Amruta Kumbhari CDT Asrita Kumbhari

73 Annex R to Unit Standing Instructions 2016 AUSTRALIAN AIR FORCE CADETS 322 (CITY OF RYDE) SQUADRON DEFINED FLIGHT POINTS + 2 points for extra-curricular attendance. - 3 points for non-attendance at a compulsory activity without leave. + 2 points for attendance at non-compulsory remembrance parades. - 3 points for absence without leave. + 5 points for 100% attendance each term points for 100% attendance for the year. + 5 points for attendance on Wing camps (excluding promotion courses) points for applying for an activity and then not attending an activity without notifying activity organisers. 50 points to the section that attains first place in the intersection competitions 25 points to the section that attains second place in the intersection competitions 10 points to the section that attains third place in the intersection competitions Other points can be added or subtracted due to a variety of reasons, including being submitted by use of a Section Point Recommendation Form. The number of points can only be decided by the SQNXI or CO.

74 Annex S to Unit Standing Instructions 2016 AUSTRALIAN AIR FORCE CADETS 322 (CITY OF RYDE) SQUADRON FLIGHT POINT RECOMMENDATIONS Edwards Middleton Edwards Middleton Edwards Middleton Edwards Middleton Edwards Middleton Edwards Middleton Edwards Middleton Edwards Middleton Edwards Middleton Edwards Middleton Edwards Middleton Edwards Middleton Edwards Middleton Edwards Middleton Edwards Middleton Section Cadet Points* Reason Signature McNamara Gain Newton Lose McNamara Gain Newton Lose McNamara Gain Newton Lose McNamara Gain Newton Lose McNamara Gain Newton Lose McNamara Gain Newton Lose McNamara Gain Newton Lose McNamara Gain Newton Lose McNamara Gain Newton Lose McNamara Gain Newton Lose McNamara Gain Newton Lose McNamara Gain Newton Lose McNamara Gain Newton Lose McNamara Gain Newton Lose McNamara Gain Newton Lose *Discipline Section to determine points

75 Annex T to Unit Standing Instructions 2016 AUSTRALIAN AIR FORCE CADETS 322 (CITY OF RYDE) SQUADRON DUTY ROSTER DATE DM DC DATE DM DC 03 Feb Norris. J Lyons-Uhl 29 Jun Norris. J Thompson 10 Feb Goopy Thompson 20 Jul Goopy O Brien 17 Feb Colaco O Brien 27 Jul Colaco Fraser 24 Feb Norris. C Fraser 03 Aug Norris. C Junkkari 02 Mar Jamieson Junkkari 10 Aug Jamieson Tran 09 Mar Edwards Tran 17 Aug Edwards McKertich 16 Mar Norris. J McKertich 24 Aug Norris. J Yanmaz 23 Mar Goopy Yanmaz 31 Aug Goopy Strickland 30 Mar Colaco Strickland 07 Sep Colaco Collins 06 Apr Norris. C Vesperman 14 Sep Norris. C Newton 27 Apr Jamieson Collins 21 Sep Jamieson White-Jennings 04 May Edwards Newton 12 Oct Edwards Turnbull 11 May Norris. J White-Jennings 19 Oct Norris. J Tompsett 18 May Goopy Turnbull 26 Oct Goopy Hughes 25 May Colaco Tompsett 02 Nov Colaco Chawla 01 Jun Norris. C Hughes 09 Nov Norris. C Papworth 08 Jun Jamieson Chawla 16 Nov Jamieson Lyons-Uhl 15 Jun Edwards Papworth 23 Nov Edwards O Brien 22 Jun Norris. J Lyons-Uhl 30 Nov Norris. J Fraser CADET FIRE WARDEN ROSTER MONTH CADET FIRE WARDEN ASSISTANT CFW February Norris. J McKertich March Goopy Collins April Colaco Vesperman May Norris. C Thompson June Jamieson Hughes July Norris. J White-Jennings August Goopy Tran September Colaco Lyons-Uhl October Norris. C Tompsett November Jamieson Strickland December Norris. J Newton

76 Annex U to Unit Standing Instructions 2016 AUSTRALIAN AIR FORCE CADETS 322 (CITY OF RYDE) SQUADRON RESPONSIBILITIES OF THE DUTY OFFICER The appointed Duty Officer is to: Be aware of who is the appointed Duty Member on the night and ensure the member has made themselves known to Duty Officer. Attend the Squadron Daily Parade. Act as the Deputy Squadron Fire Warden for the duration of the parade night or activity. Act as the First Aid Officer for the duration of the parade night or activity. This includes updating the Medical Log if necessary. Assist with the Squadron Fire Warden with the co-ordination of and execution of lock down procedures for the base in the event of a lock down Have the Duty Member report to them at the conclusion of the night once all the Duty Roster tasks have been completed. Ensure all tasks assigned to Duty Section have been performed to the required standard or to take actions to ensure the task is done to a satisfactory standard. To ensure that the barracks is secured during all activities and parade nights. This includes locking the gate when not needed and ensuring that the DM has organized the manning of the gate. Hold the keys for the Orderly Room and CO Office Key Cabinet. Update the Duty Log as required, including noting abnormal events, fire drills, lockdowns, security issues, and medical emergencies. DATE DUTY OFFICER DATE DUTY OFFICER DATE DUTY OFFICER 27 Jan FLTLT Lim 15 May* FLTLT Lim 31 Aug FLTLT Lim 03 Feb LAC Baker 18 May LAC Baker 07 Sep LAC Baker 10 Feb ACW Sherry 25 May ACW Sherry 14 Sep ACW Sherry 17 Feb LAC Hampton 29 May* LAC Hampton 21 Sep LAC Hampton 24 Feb FLGOFF Parfait 01 Jun FLGOFF Parfait 12 Oct FLGOFF Parfait 27 Feb* SGT Mane 04 Jun* SGT Mane 19 Oct SGT Mane 28 Feb* CPL Keen 08 Jun CPL Keen 26 Oct CPL Keen 02 Mar FLTLT Lim 15 Jun FLTLT Lim 29 Oct* FLTLT Lim 06 Mar* LAC Baker 22 Jun LAC Baker 30 Oct* LAC Baker 09 Mar ACW Sherry 29 Jun ACW Sherry 02 Nov ACW Sherry 16 Mar LAC Hampton 20 Jul LAC Hampton 09 Nov LAC Hampton 23 Mar FLGOFF Parfait 27 Jul FLGOFF Parfait 16 Nov FLGOFF Parfait 30 Mar SGT Mane 03 Aug SGT Mane 23 Nov SGT Mane 06 Apr CPL Keen 10 Aug CPL Keen 26 Nov* CPL Keen 27 Apr FLTLT Lim 17 Aug FLTLT Lim 27 Nov* FLTLT Lim 30 Apr* LAC Baker 20 Aug* LAC Baker 30 Nov LAC Baker 04 May ACW Sherry 21 Aug* ACW Sherry 03 Dec* ACW Sherry 11 May LAC Hampton 24 Aug LAC Hampton 14 May* FLGOFF Parfait 27 Aug* FLGOFF Parfait * Dates are weekend activities

77 Annex V to Unit Standing Instructions 2016 AUSTRALIAN AIR FORCE CADETS 322 (CITY OF RYDE) SQUADRON RESPONSIBILITIES OF THE CADET FIRE WARDEN 1. Ensure that all cadets are aware of who is the Cadet Fire Warden for the month. 2. Ensure that fire orders and fire fighting equipment exists in all buildings and/or areas used by 322SQN. 3. Ensure that all cadets are aware of the correct procedures to be followed in the event of either a real fire or a fire drill, and that Duty Corporal & Member have read the fire orders. 4. Be aware at all times of an evening parade or activity, precisely how many cadets, staff and visitors are present for accountability reasons. 5. Bring to the attention of a staff member any defects noticed in any fire fighting equipment. In the event of a fire or fire drill all Cadets and Staff are to: 1. On becoming aware of a fire, any member is to verbally raise the alarm by calling out FIRE, FIRE, FIRE. The CNCO s are responsible for making sure all personnel within Building 2 have been evacuated and safely moved to the evacuation point (Parade Ground) and if safe to do so, are to ensure doors are closed (not locked) before exiting the building. The SQN Fire Warden (SQNXI) is responsible for making sure all personnel within the AAFC HQ building have been evacuated and safely moved to the evacuation point. Rushing and running is to be avoided. 2. Once all personnel have been safely evacuated the Fire Brigade is to be called on 000 to raise the alarm. Only attempt to fight the fire if it is safe to do so. 3. ALL cadets are to form up in their sections. CWOFF s, CUO s and staff are to remain outside of the flights and move to an area that will not disrupt number counting. 4. Numbers will then be counted by the Fire Warden and available staff. 5. The Duty Officer is to meet the Fire Brigade at the gate to direct vehicles to the site of the fire.

78 Annex W to Unit Standing Instructions 2016 AUSTRALIAN AIR FORCE CADETS 322 (CITY OF RYDE) SQUADRON Locations of Fire Fighting Equipment around Timor Barracks Included are: 1. HQ Building Ground Floor 2. HQ Building Top Floor 3. Building 2 1. TOILETS Lecture Rooms 8 CSSB OCCUPIED ROOMS

79 Annex W to Unit Standing Instructions LECTURE ROOM/ TEA ROOM BASE OCCUPIED ROOMS

80 Annex Y to Unit Standing Instructions 2016 HOSPITAL EVACUATION PROCEDURE TIMOR BARRACKS Action Control situation/apply immediate first aid Refer to cadets Action Management Plan Decision to initiate evacuation procedure OIC either Contacts Emergency Services o Designate 1 staff to go with casualty & Emergency Services Designate staff to drive to Hospital o 2 staff to evacuate casualty (Driver & First Aider) Collect TR66 or Personnel File, AMP, evacuation directions and any further medication Clear base roadways and open front gate Collect casualty and first aider in personal vehicle Depart Timor Barracks Telephone Westmead Hospital Emergency Department to advise casualty en route (if medical emergency) Decision to continue/discontinue activity Arrive Westmead Hospital Notify OIC once status of casualty is determined Notify Next of Kin (or Emergency Contact) Notify Chain of Command Responsible Person FAO or nearest staff/nco FAO or nearest staff/nco OIC Driver Duty Officer/Duty Member Driver Driver & First Aider OIC OIC Driver & first aider OIC Driving Directions 1. Turn right out of the front gate of Timor Barracks 2. Immediately turn left onto Kissing Point Road (at traffic lights) 3. Turn right onto James Ruse Drive (at traffic lights) 4. Stay left on Briens Road Old Windsor Road veers to the right (3 lanes) 5. At the roundabout take the 1st exit (left) onto Darcy Road 6. At the roundabout take the 3rd exit (right) onto Darcy Road 7. Turn left into main entrance to Westmead Hospital Route distance: 10km Route time: 12 minutes (approx)


AUSTRALIAN AIR FORCE CADETS 335 SQUADRON ROUTINE INSTRUCTIONS 335SQN RI 1/11 AUSTRALIAN AIR FORCE CADETS 335 SQUADRON ROUTINE INSTRUCTIONS RAAF Base Williamtown NSW 2314 (P O Box 87 RAAF Williamtown NSW 2314) Tel: (02) 403 47561 (Tue 1800-2200) Email: co.335sqn@aafc.org.au

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