Regional Action Plan towards Building an Information Society in Asia and the Pacific

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1 Annex 2 Regional Action Plan towards Building an Information Society in Asia and the Pacific ESCAP, the regional commission of the United Nations developed a Regional Action Plan towards Building an Information Society in Asia and the Pacific which was the outcome of series sub-regional conferences, expert group meeting and first regional conference, and inputs of regional interagency working group on ICT. The Regional Action Plan was adopted by the Asia-Pacific Regional Conference on WSIS, held in Tehran in The regional action is presented below. Declaration, outcome of other major regional events such as the Bangkok Agenda, outcome of the ESCAP first Regional Conference, and with due regard to the emphasis given to certain activities and priorities assigned by the ESCAP member countries at the subregional events, organized for the purpose, at Bali, Bishkek, Kathmandu and Suva, the following Regional Action Plan has been formulated. The Regional Action Plan covers specific programmes/projects, with specific objectives, expected outputs, activities, indicative time frame for implementation and indicators for Short-term: till 2007 end Medium-term: till 2010 end 1. Role of government and all stakeholders in the promotion of ICTs for development Long-term: till 2015 end Objectives Expected Output Actions Indicati ve Time 1.1 To develop National e-strategies taking into account local, regional and national needs and concerns and private sector to be engaged in concrete projects to develop the Information Society at local, regional and national levels; Significant progress in development and adoption of strategies in all countries of the region for mainstreaming ICTs across all sectors, with special reference to gender issues; Social and economic development Initiatives, including the e-communities, while at the same time ensuring that traditional models are recognized and respected, so that the non-users of ICTs are not marginalized; - To assist Governments in the development of policies for ICT development and e-strategies to promote investment in the establishment of broadband infrastructure and the provision of e-services with incentives for extending the reach of the network to cover rural and remote areas; - Number of countries with e-strategies; - Number of meetings/ workshops conducted in a year at subregional and regional levels; 1.2 To identify mechanisms at national, regional and international levels for Establishment of voluntary coordination mechanism on subregional basis for exchange of ideas and experiences success factors and lessons learnt, on action themes. - To encourage these strategies to be designed and implemented through collaboration and participation of all stakeholders; - Number of publicprivate, buyer-supplier (e.g. e-chaupal of India) and such other

2 Objectives Expected Output Actions Indicati ve Time promotion of partnerships among stakeholders; partnerships; 1.3 To publish successful experiences of mainstreaming of ICTs. Accessibility to information on best practices on the Internet. - To raise awareness by holding meetings and workshops at subregional and regional levels to present policy targets, examples of success stories, exchange information on best practices, to realize the vast potential of the positive use of ICTs. Case studies to be put on the web; - Number of countries with their success stories put on the website; 2-21

3 2. Information and Communication Infrastructure: an essential foundation for the Information Society Objectives Expected Output Actions Indicat ive Time 2.1 In the context of national e-strategies, to devise appropriate access policies and strategies and their means of implementation, targets and development of ICT connectivity for schools, universities, health institutions, libraries, post offices, community centers, museums and other institutions accessible to the public, and to address special requirements of disadvantaged people; Improved and countrywide access to telecommunication and Internet services to all people including those in rural, remote, isolated, hitherto unserved or underserved areas; - To develop a secure and reliable ICT infrastructure with efficient connectivity to the regional and international Internet backbone network; - To assist developing countries in adopting policies that offer incentives to investors in building ICT infrastructure covering the rural and remote areas; with a target to cover 90% of the population and thus narrow down the digital divide within a country; - To emphasize the use of ICTs for empowering disadvantaged social groups and people with disabilities; - To promote pilot projects for connecting schools, universities, health institutions, libraries, post offices, community centers, museums and other institutions accessible to the public; - Fixed telephone lines per 100 inhabitants; - Internet subscribers per 100 inhabitants - Percentage of localities with public Internet access centres; - Number of primary, secondary and tertiary schools connected to the Internet and those with broadband access; - Frequency to use open source software by government, industry and individuals; 2.2. To design and produce of affordable ICT access equipment [software]; Open and flexible international and interoperable standards to ensure that all can utilize the technology and associated content and services to their maximum potential; Increased development and deployment of open-source software and open standards for ICT networking; - To seek low cost PCs through technological breakthrough or by negotiations with industry; - Prices of PCs; 2.3 To promote the use of wireless capacity including that of satellite, particularly for remote Application of new technologies, such as wireless and satellite networks to improve access to ICTs in remote areas, including small island - To assist in efficient use of radio-frequency spectrum and encourage use of wireless technologies and available satellite capacity, and promote access to rural, remote, isolated, hitherto un-served or underserved areas; Mobile cellular subscribers per 100 inhabitants;

4 Objectives Expected Output Actions Indicat ive Time areas; developing countries, to facilitate access; 2.4 To improve connectivity among major information networks, the development of regional ICT backbones and Internet exchange points. Establishment of regional and international broadband network infrastructure of adequate capacity to meet the rapidly growing needs of the countries in the region in the emerging scenario of convergence; Increased national, regional and international bandwidth, one of the critical factors in cost of access to the Internet at competitive price to promote broadband access. - To encourage use of wireless access technologies like Wi Fi and Wi Max to extend access to rural and remote areas in conjunction with fixed and 3G and beyond 3G mobile network infrastructure; - To enhance negotiating power, through concerted efforts and to evolve a mechanism for assisting the Pacific islands, land-locked developing and least developed countries in negotiating better deals for leasing bandwidth for international connectivity with international bandwidth suppliers; - To encourage policies that foster competition in the domestic and international long distance communication with a view to reducing cost of leasing of bandwidth for Internet connectivity and consequent impact on Internet access costs. - Percentage of population covered by mobile cellular telephony; - Number of wireless LANs and WANs. - International Internet bandwidth per inhabitant; - Cost of Internet access and broadband as a percentage of GDP (PPP); 4-21

5 3. Access to Information and Knowledge Objectives Expected Output Actions Indicativ e Time 3.1. To put policy guidelines for the development and promotion of access to information in the public domain; Availability of government information to the public. Improved access to ICTs through public institutions, such as, schools, libraries, post offices and multi-purpose community centres; - To promote the development of integrated systems and conversion of information and knowledge in digital format; - To promote the adoption of appropriate software, including free/open source software and open standards; - Number of countries with information access policies. 3.2 To improve access to public official information through various communication resources, notably the Internet; Increased application of ICTs to benefit the disadvantaged, through innovative initiatives; - To promote access to government information most demanded by the public; - To promote the development of computer interfaces that are not text based to facilitate public access to ICT; Mediumterm Mediumterm 3.3 To establish sustainable multi-purpose community public access points for affordable access to various communication resources, notably the Internet; Establishment of multi-purpose Community Telecentres, to ensure access to information and other services to general public, particularly in rural areas; - To promote establishment of multipurpose public and community access points by fostering partnerships between local entrepreneurs and telecommunication, cable TV and Internet Service providers; - Percentage of localities with public Internet access centres within 5 km reach they served; 3.4. To develop appropriate low cost software that will best contribute to achieving the development goals. Establishing of systems and content in digital format created to help better deliver essential services required to meet basic human needs through applications such as e- education and e-health, as well as e-business and other ICT applications. - To promote the development of appropriate software, including free/open source software, that will best contribute to achieving the development goals. 5-21

6 4. Capacity Building Objectives Expected Output Actions Indicativ e Time 4.1 To develop domestic policies for the integration of ICT in education and training including curriculum development, teacher training and institutional administration and management; Skills for deriving benefits from ICTs by students and teachers; Coherence of ICT integration improved; - To encourage introduction of ICT as a subject in school curriculum to improve understanding and acquisition of skills in ICT usage; - To enhance levels of ICT literacy and ICT skills, relevant education and training to be promoted at every level, from primary to adult, to open up opportunities for as many people as possible, and especially for the disadvantaged; - Number of schools /institutions with ICT in curricula, computer labs for training in ICTs and Internet access; - To promote the development of standards and accreditation for informal education; Mediumterm 4.2 To formulate, adopt and implement educational policies to eradicate adult illiteracy and ensure that young are equipped with knowledge and skills to use ICTs. Upgraded quality of education in Science and technology to enable people to make the most of the Information Society; - To hold high level seminars for ICT policy makers, to inform them about why ICTs in education systems, and to develop a training kit; - To conduct training of personnel engaged in network infrastructure development and operation, which is critical to the availability of efficient, reliable, and secure ICT network services; - Number of policies created/revised, and of new initiatives launched; - Number of virtual schools/universities and Open schools/universities using ICT for delivery of courses and management; - Number of countries where qualification on ICT literacy is a prerequisite for trained graduate teachers employed in middle/secondary schools. 4.3 To conduct pilot projects using ICT based Significant importance in the application of ICT based education delivery systems To enhance capacity of developing and least developed countries to apply ICTs effectively through Short and Medium- - Number of ICT projects on

7 Objectives Expected Output Actions Indicativ e Time education delivery towards the achieving literacy targets; regional and international cooperation; term systems Learners, teachers and educators, and managers and leaders empowered to effectively use ICTs for expanding learning opportunities, ensuring educational quality and relevance, and furthering the quest for equality. - To formulate and implement pilot projects in e- training and using ICT based education delivery systems; - To extend existing teacher training, technical and vocational education, schoolnet and non-formal education projects, and to create new projects; - To enhance the quality of teaching and sharing of knowledge and information through pilot projects; education; - Number of Teletraining/education projects; - Degree of integration of pilot projects into national programs. 7-21

8 5. Building confidence and security in the use of ICTs Objectives Expected Output Actions Indicative Time 5.1 To encourage the domestic assessment of national laws for overcoming obstacles to the effective use of electronic documents and transactions including electronic means of authentication; 5.2 To set-up focal points for real-time incident handling and developing a cooperative network between these focal points for sharing information and technologies; Policy and legislation for security, preventive measures and penal action for cyber crimes; An observatory /clearinghouse cum a portal to address the ethical, legal and societal challenges of the information society in Asia and the Pacific; Promotion of international convention on security of ICT networks and systems; Regional/international cooperation mechanism on security issues, incidents and law enforcement. - To develop network security policy, and laws with enforcement mechanisms at national, regional and global levels; - To create regional and local observatories to provide updated information for countries in Asia Pacific on the evolution of the knowledge society in terms of ethical, legal and societal aspects; - To encourage harmonization of national cyber laws on regional basis to prevent the use of ICT for terrorist, transnational crimes or other activities harmful to the society and promote an international convention in this regard; - To take steps by all stakeholders to enhance security, user confidence and other aspects of information and system/network integrity in order to avoid the risk of wholesale disruption and destruction of the network systems on which they are increasingly dependent; Mediumterm - Number of countries with information security and Cyber laws; - Number of countries with local observatories, and number of countries providing inputs for the regional observatory; - Number of cyber crimes. 5.3 To develop guidelines with respect to rights to privacy, data and consumer protection; In the long term, development of a global culture of cyber security, based on a common understanding of regulations and appropriate mechanisms for information and technology exchange and international cooperation; - To formulate guidelines with respect to rights to privacy, data and consumer protection. - Progress in preparation of the guidelines; 5.4 To develop secure and reliable applications to facilitate online transactions; Migration from cash economy to electronic transactions, To encourage SMEs to develop and use secure and reliable ICT applications for on-line transactions. - Percentage of on-line banking and commercial transactions to the respective totals.

9 6. Enabling Environment Objectives Expected Output Actions Indicativ e Time 6.1 To create supportive, transparent, pro-competitive and predictable policy, legal and regulatory framework which provides the appropriate incentives to investment and community development in the Information Society; Establishment of policy, regulatory framework conducive to investment in the development of ICT infrastructure network and services; - To review policy, legal and regulatory frameworks of developing countries in the region, and prepare a report on FDI, FII in the ICT sector; Mediumterm - Percentage of foreign equity allowed in ICT sector in each country of the region; - Investment in ICT and market capitalization; - Value of ICT and related Hardware and Software export; 6.2 To increase capacity of countries to participate effectively in Internet governance; Informed engagement by all stakeholders in the discussion of IG issues in the lead-up to the Tunis WSIS. - To provide tools and content for informed participation at all levels in discussion of IG issues; - To undertake effective and efficient processes to raise awareness and understanding of IG issues; - Tools and content; - Processes, awareness, understanding; - To undertake effective and efficient processes involving all stakeholders to advise on formulation of national policies and positions on Internet governance; - Processes, participation; Effective and efficient implementation of the outcomes on IG agreed by the Tunis Summit in November To undertake effective and efficient processes to raise awareness and understanding of the Tunis Summit s decisions IG issues; Mediumterm - Processes, awareness, understanding; - To undertake, as appropriate, the effective and efficient implementation of the outcomes on IG agreed by the Tunis Summit; Mediumterm - Effective and efficient implementation of WSIS outcomes; 6.3 To participate in international ICT forums and creating opportunities Greater participation and acquisition of information on ICT sector development To enhance resource mobilization to support participation in international ICT forums; Mediumterm - Number of countries participating in international ICT

10 Objectives Expected Output Actions Indicativ e Time 6.5 To promote government as model users and early adopters of e- commerce. Establishment of e-commerce culture; - To provide opportunities for governments with advanced systems for e-procurement or online tax/fee collection to exchange information with governments of developing countries. for exchange of experience; forums from the ASP region; 6.4 To develop a Formulation of national strategies to - To mobilize resources for advocating the Mediumterm - Number of ICT framework for the secure develop ICT services; storage and archives of development of national ICT services for electronic storages and archives; services for document storage in a country; documents and other electronic records of information; - Turn over for e- commerce of the countries of the region and as percent of the total trade

11 7. ICT applications: benefits in all aspects of life Objective Expected Output Actions Indicati ve Time evaluating progress 7.1 To strengthen ICT applications in the fields of public administration, business, education, health, employment, environment, agriculture and science within the framework of national e- strategies. Increased capacity of developing countries to formulate and implement policy initiatives to promote ICT applications and establish effective and sustainable e- government programmes; Progressive increase in on-line services provided by the e-government initiative; Empower communities and citizens and enable them to participate effectively in the democratic process; Development of skills in digitization of records; Improvement in efficiency and productivity by introduction of methods, processes and procedures employing ICTs in the government after due system analysis and design; Improved level of satisfaction of consumers resulting from e-business allowing for on-line purchase from a very wide choice on the Internet regardless of their location; - To conduct regional/ subregional seminars/ workshops to assist the developing countries in the development of policies, strategies and legal framework to promote ICT applications by individuals, businesses, educational and research organizations, health /medical care institutions, environment agencies, agricultural sector, etc., so that the benefits of ICTs are available across the entire cross-section of society; - To conduct workshops on e-governance; - To develop toolkits on e-governance for the region; - To prepare guidelines for developing generic framework for automating core processes for digitizing and securely storing and archiving documents; - Internet activities undertaken by individuals for dealing with government organizations/public authorities, business/commercial transactions, education, health care, getting agricultural information; - Various activities undertaken by citizens in a democratic process; - e-commerce turn-over of the region compared to its total trade turnover respectively for intraregion and with the rest of the world; Improved access to education and knowledge for personal empowerment, economic, social and cultural development; Empowerment of women through e-education; Improvement in health standards as specialists consultation is enabled by e-health network without the need for patient physical visit, which is vital for people living in remote and inaccessible areas; Improvement in agricultural productivity and environment by accessing the respective information systems through the Internet; - Number of persons employed and % to total population in the ITenabled and IT application services sector; - Number of persons employed and % to total population in the ICT equipment hardware and software production; 11-21

12 Objective Expected Output Actions Indicati ve Time evaluating progress 7.2 To establish monitoring systems to forecast and monitor the impact of natural and manmade disasters, and alert disseminating systems, particularly in developing countries, LDCs and small island developing states. Enhanced capacity of least developed countries in utilizing ICST tools for national disaster early warning, management and emergency communications, including their integration in the global networks, and dealing with related policy and institutional issues - To conduct expert meetings, workshops and seminars to bring experts of ICST tools, regional initiatives and national disaster management authorities to discuss policy and institutional issues on effective use of ICST enabled tools for multi-hazard disaster early warning, management and emergency communication; - Number of countries using ICST enabled tools in national disaster management practices; - To organize training activities on ICST enabled tools for disaster management; Improved access to and sharing of technical and information resources provided by relevant initiatives for disaster management; - To harmonize and coordinate with relevant international organizations and initiatives on activities for easy accessing to and sharing of technical and information resources for ICST enabled disaster management; Medium -term - Number of countries having access to technical and information resources provided by related initiatives for disaster management. - To promote regional/international cooperation on establishment and use of satellite systems in the Asia-Pacific region, such as disaster monitoring and alert dissemination satellite constellation, GTS, and to explore resources for easier participation of developing countries. Medium -term 12-21

13 8. Cultural diversity and identity, linguistic diversity and local content Objectives Expected Output Actions Indicative Time 8.1 To formulate, adopt and implement policies to respect and preserve cultural and linguistic diversity and identity; 8.2 To share experiences and best practices on policies and tools designed to promote cultural and linguistic diversity and identity at regional and subregional levels; Enrichment of society by linguistic and cultural diversity and identity that gives expression to a range of different values and ideas and facilitates the spread and use of information by presenting it in the language and cultural context most familiar to the user, thereby further encouraging the use of ICTs; Broadband networks promoted in the Asia- Pacific region not only to support research, business and personal activities, but also to help to preserve cultural diversity and identity and indigenous knowledge and traditions; - To conduct regional seminars on policies and strategies to preserve cultural identity in the global environment with most content developed in the advanced countries; - To assist the developing countries in preserving their audio/visual heritage on sustainable basis by digitization of archives of Radio, TV broadcasts and the print media; - To promote exchange of information on the best practices of contribution of ICT to cultural diversity and identity, linguistic diversity and local content among the countries of the region; Short-term Mediumterm Short-term - Number of countries in the region with websites dedicated to showcasing their cultural development and diversity and identity; - Number of seminars/ workshops held for the exchange of information on best practices from the region. 8.3 To increase contribution of ICT to cultural exchange and interaction at the regional level. - To enhance efforts to support the use of Internationalized Domain Names, local content development, digital archives, diverse forms of digital media, content translation and adaptation; - To assess the need of digitization of archives in the region and formulate a regional project to assist countries in need of it. Short-term - Number of countries in need of assistance in digitization of archives; - Number of character sets and language codes developed and standardized. - To support the development of standard and recognized character sets and language codes

14 9. Media. Objectives Expected Output Actions Indicative Time 9.1 To promote the role and responsibilities of media in the development of the information society. Increased coverage of Radio and TV broadcast, media being inherently the deliverer of information; Improved quality and coverage by introduction of digital broadcasting, directto-home and other technological innovations; Increased opportunity for development of arts and culture; Alternate technology for access to Internet; - To encourage policies for private sector participation in Radio and TV broadcasting, particularly to cover hitherto unserved areas including remote and mountainous region and small islands; - To encourage use of media for creating awareness of ICTs benefiting all aspects of life by disseminating information on best practice; - To promote innovations in broadcasting technologies, Internet broadcasts and innovative applications such as alternate access mechanism to Internet and multimedia broadcasting; Mediumterm - Percentage of population covered by radio and TV broadcasts; - Digital Radio and TV broadcast coverage; - Number of direct-tohome broadcast systems. Prompt dissemination of information to warn against disasters, epidemics, etc. - To enhance collaboration among meteorological agencies and civil defence organizations as well as TV and radio stations to prompt dissemination of information to warn against disasters, epidemics, etc

15 10. Ethical dimension of the Information Society Objectives Expected Output Actions Indicative Time evaluating progress 10.1 To uphold universally held values and prevent abusive uses of ICTs. Reduction of unethical and abusive uses of ICTs to preserve social, cultural and traditional values of every community. - To conduct a regional workshop on harmonization of policies and legal framework aimed at maintaining the ethical values of the information society, in peace, harmony and equity. Short-term - Number of cases involving the violation of ethical values

16 11. International and Regional Cooperation Objectives Expected Output Actions Indicative Time 11.1 To strengthen international and regional cooperation promoting universal access and bridging the digital divide by provision of means of implementation; Increasing trend of investment in telecommunication and ICT infrastructure, capacity building, policy frameworks and the development of local content and applications; - To encourage networking of research and development organizations and centres of excellence to support development of ICTs in the region; Medium-term - Total investment in ICT sector. - Total foreign investment in ICT sector. - World Bank and IFC lending To promote the public-private partnerships focusing on the use of ICTs in development; Increased cooperation and partnerships are created between governmental and intergovernmental organizations, the private sector and civil society, for effective design and implementation of various initiatives, by giving priority to locally-available human resources; Establishment of innovative and mutually rewarding partnerships in cross-sectoral ICT projects at country, regional and international level; - To encourage and promote partnerships and emphasize its importance at regional/subregional events by citing results achieved by such partnerships as evident from best practices case studies; Medium-term - Number of partnership projects with NGOs and civil society entities. - Number of partnership projects in ICT sector. - Number of multipurpose community Telecentres established by public/private and other partnership arrangements To encourage international and regional organizations to mainstream ICTs in their work programs and to assist developing countries in achieving the WSIS targets Greater role of international and regional organizations, including financial and development institutions, in integrating the use of ICTs in the development process. - To encourage developing countries in prioritizing ICT projects while seeking financial assistance on infrastructure development projects; Short-term - Regional collaborations in ICT network infrastructure

17 Summary of Actions: As appropriate, stakeholders should undertake the following activities to help advance the WSIS goals and the MDGs within or ahead of the respective time-frame: A. Regional/Subregional Conferences/Meetings/Workshops/Seminars: 1. To raise awareness by holding meetings and workshops at subregional and regional levels to present policy targets, examples of success stories, exchange information on best practices, to realize the vast potential of the positive use of ICTs. Case studies also to be put on the web; 2. To conduct annually a regional conference for exchange of experience on ICT development issues; 3. To hold high level seminars for ICT policy makers, to inform them about why ICTs in education systems, and to develop a training kit; 4. To conduct regional/ subregional seminars/ workshops to assist the developing countries in the development of policies, strategies and legal framework to promote ICT applications by individuals, businesses, educational and research organizations, health /medical care institutions, environment agencies, agricultural sector, etc., so that the benefits of ICTs are available across the entire cross-section of society; 5. To conduct workshops on e-governance; 6. To conduct expert meetings, workshops and seminars to bring experts of ICST tools, regional initiatives and national disaster management authorities to discuss policy and institutional issues on effective use of ICST enabled tools for multihazard disaster early warning, management and emergency communication; 7. To conduct regional seminars on policies and strategies to preserve cultural identity in the global environment with most content developed in the advanced countries; 8. To conduct a regional workshop on harmonization of policies and legal framework aimed at maintaining the ethical values of the information society, in peace, harmony and equity; B. Pilot Projects: 9. To promote pilot projects for connecting schools, universities, health institutions, libraries, post offices, community centers, museums and other institutions accessible to the public; 10. To formulate and implement pilot projects in e-training and using ICT based education delivery systems; 11. To extend existing teacher training, technical and vocational education, schoolnet and non-formal education projects, and to create new projects; 12. To enhance the quality of teaching and sharing of knowledge and information through pilot projects; 17-21

18 C. Guidelines: 13. To prepare Guidelines for developing generic framework for automating core processes for digitizing and securely storing and archiving documents; 14. To formulate guidelines with respect to rights to privacy, data and consumer protection; D. Other Initiatives: 15. To assist Governments in the development of policies for ICT development and e- strategies to promote investment in the establishment of broadband infrastructure and the provision of e-services with incentives for extending the reach of the network to cover rural and remote areas; 16. To encourage these strategies to be designed and implemented through collaboration and participation of all stakeholders; 17. To develop a secure and reliable ICT infrastructure with efficient connectivity to the regional and international Internet backbone network; 18. To assist developing countries in adopting policies that offer incentives to investors in building ICT infrastructure covering the rural and remote areas; with a target to cover 90% of the population and thus narrow down the digital divide within a country; 19. To emphasize the use of ICTs for empowering disadvantaged social groups and people with disabilities; 20. To seek low cost PCs through technological breakthrough or by negotiations with industry; 21. To assist in efficient use of radio-frequency spectrum and encourage use of wireless technologies and available satellite capacity, and promote access to rural, remote, isolated, hitherto un-served or underserved areas; 22. To encourage use of wireless access technologies like Wi Fi and Wi Max to extend broadband access to rural and remote areas in conjunction with fixed and 3G and beyond 3G mobile network infrastructure; 23. To encourage policies that foster competition in the domestic and international long distance communication with a view to reducing cost of leasing of bandwidth for Internet connectivity and consequent impact on Internet access costs; 24. To promote the development of integrated systems and conversion of information and knowledge in digital format; 25. To promote the adoption of appropriate software, including free/open source software and open standards; 26. To promote access to government information most demanded by the public; 27. To promote the development of computer interfaces that are not text based to facilitate public access to ICT; 18-21

19 28. To promote establishment of multipurpose public and community access points by fostering partnerships between local entrepreneurs and telecommunication, cable TV and Internet service providers; 29. To promote the development of appropriate software, including free/open source software, that will best contribute to achieving the development goals; 30. To encourage introduction of ICT as a subject in school curriculum to improve understanding and acquisition of skills in ICT usage; 31. To enhance levels of ICT literacy and ICT skills, relevant education and training to be promoted at every level, from primary to adult, to open up opportunities for as many people as possible, and especially for the disadvantaged; 32. To promote the development of standards and accreditation for informal education; 33. To conduct training of personnel engaged in network infrastructure development and operation, which is critical to the availability of efficient, reliable, and secure ICT network services; 34. To enhance capacity of developing and least developed countries to apply ICTs effectively through regional and international cooperation; 35. To develop network security policy, and laws with enforcement mechanisms at national, regional and global levels; 36. To create regional and local observatories to provide updated information for countries in Asia Pacific on the evolution of the knowledge society in terms of ethical, legal and societal aspects; 37. To encourage harmonization of national cyber laws on regional basis to prevent the use of ICT for terrorist, transnational crimes or other activities harmful to the society and promote an international convention in this regard; 38. To take steps by all stakeholders to enhance security, user confidence and other aspects of information and system/network integrity in order to avoid the risk of wholesale disruption and destruction of the network systems on which they are increasingly dependent; 39. To encourage SMEs to develop and use secure and reliable ICT applications for on-line transactions; 40. To review policy, legal and regulatory frameworks of developing countries in the region, and prepare a report on FDI, FII in the ICT sector; 41. To provide tools and content for informed participation at all levels in discussion of IG issues; 42. To undertake effective and efficient processes to raise awareness and understanding of IG issues; 43. To undertake effective and efficient processes involving all stakeholders to advise on formulation of national policies and positions on Internet governance; 44. To undertake effective and efficient processes to raise awareness and understanding of the Tunis Summit s decisions IG issues; 45. To undertake, as appropriate, the effective and efficient implementation of the outcomes on IG agreed by the Tunis Summit; 19-21

20 46. To enhance resource mobilization to support participation in international ICT forums; 47. To mobilize resources for advocating the development of national ICT services for electronic storages and archives; 48. To provide opportunities for governments with advanced systems for e- procurement or online tax/fee collection to exchange information with governments of developing countries; 49. To develop toolkits on e-governance for the region; 50. To organize training activities on ICST enabled tools for disaster management; 51. To harmonize and coordinate with relevant international organizations and initiatives on activities for easy accessing to and sharing of technical and information resources for ICST enabled disaster management; 52. To promote regional/international cooperation on establishment and use of satellite systems in the Asia-Pacific region, such as disaster monitoring and alert disseminating satellite constellation, GTS, and to explore resources for easier participation of developing countries; 53. To strengthen and expand regional cooperation in ICT based initiatives for assistance in disasters and emergencies, including the knowledge based disaster management system and its integration in the global network; 54. To assist the developing countries in preserving their audio/visual heritage on sustainable basis by digitization of archives of Radio, TV broadcasts and the print media; 55. To promote exchange of information on the best practices of contribution of ICT to cultural diversity and identity, linguistic diversity and local content among the countries of the region; 56. To enhance efforts to support the use of Internationalized Domain Names, local content development, digital archives, diverse forms of digital media, content translation and adaptation; 57. To assess the need of digitization of archives in the region and formulate a regional project to assist countries in need of it; 58. To support the development of standard and recognized character sets and language codes; 59. To encourage policies for private sector participation in Radio and TV broadcasting, particularly to cover hitherto unserved areas including remote and mountainous region and small islands; 60. To encourage use of media for creating awareness of ICTs benefiting all aspects of life by disseminating information on best practice; 61. To promote innovations in broadcasting technologies, Internet broadcasts and innovative applications such as alternate access mechanism to Internet and multimedia broadcasting; 62. To enhance collaboration among meteorological agencies and civil defence organizations as well as TV and radio stations to prompt dissemination of information to warn against disasters, epidemics, etc; 20-21

21 63. To encourage developing countries in prioritizing ICT projects while seeking financial assistance on infrastructure development projects; 64. To encourage networking of research and development organizations and centres of excellence to support development of ICTs in the region; 65. To encourage and promote partnerships and emphasize its importance at regional/subregional events by citing results achieved by such partnerships as evident from best practices case studies; E. Special Initiative for SIDSs, LLDCs, and LDCs: 66. To enhance negotiating power through concerted efforts and to evolve a mechanism for assisting the Pacific islands, land-locked developing and least developed countries in negotiating better deals for leasing bandwidth for international connectivity with international bandwidth suppliers. Monitoring and evaluation In order to assess the attainment of targets enshrined in the MDGs and analyze the impact of information and communication technologies on bridging the digital divide and building the Information Society, every country at the national level may undertake monitoring of the progress against each MDG target and indicator by means of surveys, measurements, etc., and prepare statistics, in harmony with the common set of core ICT indicators to be developed by the Partnership on Measuring ICT for Development 1 and agreed upon internationally, where appropriate. Priority should be given to setting up coherent and internationally comparable 1 The Partnership s objectives involve achieving a common set of core ICT indicators, to be harmonized and agreed upon internationally, enhancing the capacities of national statistical offices in developing countries as well as developing a global database on ICT indicators. Partners include the ITU, the OECD, UNCTAD, UNESCO Institute for Statistics, the UN Regional Commissions (ECLAC, ESCWA, ESCAP, ECA), the UN ICT Task Force, the World Bank, and EUROSTAT. (

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