Since 1918 encephalitis lethargica has also similarly been recognised in this country. Each of these diseases is now notifiable as soon as the

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1 measles is reported, unless it has been ascertained that a doctor is in attendance. The nurse must, of course, be thoroughly familiar with the symptoms of the disease, and her reports should be available simultaneously to the Health and School Medical Departments (see para. (32) above). This is the most effective available means of checking diagnosis made by a parent or teacher and of determining the need for, and period of, exclusion. The nurse, when visiting a home, will naturally take the opportunity of advising parents as to the care of children suffering from this disease, and as to the avoidance of the spread of infection both within and without the home. GERMAN MEASLES. (66) In this mild disease (Rubella, Roteln) children need not be excluded from school for more than a week, dating from the first appearance of the rash. Immediate child-contacts in the home who have not had German measles should be excluded from school for three weeks from date of last exposure to infection by a patient in the eruptive stage. WHOOPING COUGH. (67) The rules as to exclusion from or closure of School for this disease should be similar to those for measles, except that the infection of whooping cough probably lasts six weeks, and the children in the house who attend the Infant School should therefore be excluded from School for this period or as long as the cough continues. SMALL POX. (68) Children suffering from small pox should be excluded until all scabs and seeds have disappeared. All contacts should be vaccinated or revaccinated, and should be kept under medical observation for a period of 16 days : for this purpose exclusion of contacts from school is not generally necessary or desirable.* CHICKEN POX. (69) Children suffering from this disease should be excluded for three weeks or until all scabs have disappeared. The possibility of small pox should always be kept in mind, and inquiry should be made in all instances as to the state of vaccination of supposed cases of chicken pox. Infants, and other children who have not had chicken pox, should be excluded from School for three weeks from the date of the last exposure to infection.

2 MUMPS. (70) Children suffering from mumps should be excluded and not readmitted until one week after the subsidence of the swelling. In this disease, owing to its character and long incubation period, exclusion may, as a rule, be confined to the patient himself. INFLUENZA. (71) Children showing symptoms of influenza should be excluded from School during the period of attack, and should not be readmitted until a careful medical examination of the heart and lungs has been made to eliminate possible latent complications and sequel.* In epidemics of influenza closure of schools may be employed occasionally with advantage, particularly in rural and small urban districts where the excluded children have few opportunities of coming in contact with each other outside the School. TUBERCULOSIS. (72) Puhnonary tuberculosis in a recognisable form is seldom a large factor in school life. Children known to be suffering from this disease should, at the discretion of the School Medical Officer, be excluded from School. All cases of open tuberculosis other than pulmonary should of course be excluded. A teacher found to be suffering from pulmonary tuberculosis is not regarded by the Board as a suitable member of the staff of a Public Elementary School, or of a Secondary, Technical or other school, and if he is recognized by the Board under the Code his continued recognition is conditional on his abstaining from teaching until he can submit two consecutive medical certificates, viz., one stating that the disease is quiescent, and the other, six months later, stating th a t the im provement in his general and local physical condition has been m aintained. If these are satisfactory he is then regarded as fit to resume the duties of a teacher but his continued recognition is subject to reconsideration in the light of subsequent medical certificates, which are required (a) six months after the last report, and then (6) after a period of one year, (c) after a period of another year. The Board, however, do not object to the employment in a certified Open Air School or a Sanatorium for tuberculous children of a teacher suffering from pulmonary tuberculosis provided either that a medical report has been submitted to the Board stating that the disease has become quiescent, or that the medical Superintendent of the Institution can certify th at the employment is not likely to prove injurious to the teacher or to the children in his charge. Local Education Authorities should take steps to ensure th at the general conditions outlined above shall govern the employment of Teachers, Caretakers or other members of the staff of schools in their areas. EPIDEMIC DISEASES OF THE CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM. (73) Within the past ten years there has been an increased prevalence of cerebro-spinal fever and acute poliomyelitis in England and Wales, in epidemic as well as in sporadic form.

3 Since 1918 encephalitis lethargica has also similarly been recognised in this country. Each of these diseases is now notifiable as soon as the diagnosis has been made. Cerebro-Spinal Fever. (74) The incubation period is variable ; twenty-four hours to ten days have been assigned as its limits ; the majority of authorities consider the average duration of incubation to be four days. Healthy persons may harbour the meningococcus for seven weeks or longer ; it is exceptional for such persons (who have become carriers through contact with patients) to develop the disease although they may transmit the germ to others, some of whom will be susceptible to infection. A child suffering from cerebro-spinal meningitis will not even in favourable circumstances be in a fit state of health to attend school until three months have elapsed from the onset of the illness. Immediately the disease is recognised in a school, the classcontacts should be kept under close medical observation for two weeks. If it can be arranged such contacts should be accommodated in open-air classes. Home-contacts should be excluded from school for a period of three weeks. The disease has a high degree of fatality ; in the event of recovery, sequelae are not often present. Some patients display mental instability and irritability of temper, and it is desirable that all such cases should be kept under special medical observation for a year. Acute Poliomyelitis. (75) The incubation period is usually placed at from two to ten days, the average period being three to four days. A child developing the disease should forthwith be excluded from School. If the paralytic signs are absent or extremely slight and the general health is good, the child may be readmitted to School at the expiration of six weeks. Careful watch should be maintained in non-paralytic cases for the supervention of paralysis, as recurrent cases occur in which the paralysis is manifested after the acute symptoms have subsided. Paralytic cases will require a much longer period of school exclusion and are afterwards better treated, if practicable, in special orthopsedic institutions. In times of epidemic prevalence, exclusion of all children in a particular class, closure of Infant Departments, and even of the whole School, may be required. It is highly important in epidemic periods to recognise mild and abortive cases of poliomyelitis, as they are largely instrumental in spreading the disease. The class-contacts of a child suffering from poliomyelitis should be carefully examined from this point of view, and any such child showing symptoms of gastro-intestinal disorder (vomiting, mild diarrhoea, etc.), catarrh of the upper respiratory passages, or muscular twitchings, neuritic pains, etc., should be regarded

4 provision ally with suspicion, and should be kept under supervision and, if necessary, excluded from School. Home-contacts should be excluded from School for a minimum period of three weeks. Encephalitis Lethargica. (76) In this disease the duration of the incubation period cannot be specified at present. If the disease develops in a School, the child should at once be sent home and care be taken to see that it is receiving suitable medical care in hospital or otherwise. Search should be made for school-contacts of the case. These contacts should be medically examined and watched. Any child exhibiting signs and symptoms suggestive of a mild or abortive form of encephalitis lethargica should be excluded from School for a minimum period of six weeks* Home-contacts in the affected household should be kept from School for three weeks after the isolation of the patient. Children who have suffered from the disease take a long time to recuperate, and they should not be allowed to resume school attendance until a careful medical examination pronounces the general health completely restored. In favourable circumstances a child may be permitted to resume School after the lapse of six months from the time of school exclusion ; in many instances this period has to be extended to a year or even longer. All children who have suffered from epidemic encephalitis, whether in the abortive, mild or severe forms of the disease, should be kept under careful medical observation for a period of two years after the attack, as sequelse may appear at any time within this period. Sequelae may be found : (1) in the course of the original acute malady, and persist after partial or complete disappearance of all other symptoms ; or (2) after the original acute attack has apparently terminated or possibly has passed unrecognised. The more important of these after-effects may include mental symptoms, symptomatic paralysis agitans, excitomotor sequelae, and various sensory conditions. As a rule, children showing after-effects, unless in the mildest possible degree, should be excluded altogether from School, partly for their own sake and partly on account of the effect upon other children. Signed on behalf of the Board of Education and the Minister of Health. GEORGE NEWMAN, M.D. W h i t e h a l l, July, 1927.

5 APPENDIX. Incubation and Exclusion Periods of the Commoner Infectious Diseases. It should be understood, when this table is used, that infectious disease is a process, not an entity, and that the process is liable to modification by many circumstances, such as the intensity of the infection, and the condition and resistant power of the body. As human beings vary in their general and special characteristics, it is probable that in no two persons will the process be precisely similar. The visible signs, by which alone the disease is manifested, are accelerated or retarded, accentuated, diminished or suppressed in accordance with these conditions! The periods indicated in the second and third columns of this table should therefore be regarded as approximate only, and liable to variation. Disease. Incubation Period. Interval between Period of Exclusion. onset of illness and appearance of rash. Patients. Contacts. Scarlet Fever. Diphtheria days. Measles days. German Measles. 1-8 days. 1-2 days. Two weeks after return from hospital, or, in the case of patients treated at home, two weeks after release from isolation days. Two to three weeks after end of a t tack ; or until pronounced free from infection by a medical practitioner. 4 days Three weeks from date of appearance of rash. 0-2 days. One week from date of appearance of rash. One week after removal of patient to hospital, or, in the case of patients a t home, one week after release from isolation. Two weeks after removal of patient to hospital, or, in the case of patients treated at home, ten days after release from isolation. Negative swabs should be obtained. Infants, and other children who have not had the disease, three weeks from date of onset of last case in house. Infants, and other children who have not had the disease, three weeks from date of last exposure to patient with rash.

6 APPENDIX continued. Disease. Incubation Period. Interval between Period of Exclusion. onset of illness and appearance cf rash. Patient. Contacts. Whooping Cough days. Mumps days. Chicken Pox days. Small Pox 10-14, but usually 12 days. 0-2 days. Six weeks from commencement of cough. Until one week after s u b s i d e n c e of swelling. Three weeks, or until all scabs have disappeared. Infants only, for six weeks from date of onset of last case, or three weeks from date of last exposure to infection. No exclusion. Infants, and other children who have not had the disease, three weeks from date of last exposure to infection. 3 days Six weeks, or until the patient is certified free from infection by a medical practitioner. Sixteen days, unless recently vaccinated, when exclusion is unnecessary. Printed by H.M.S.O. Press, Harrow.

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8 Reprinted from the Third Annual Report, A PPEN D IX I. SOUTH A FRICA N COUNCIL FO R SCIEN TIFIC AND IND U STRIA L RESEARCH. REGULATIONS GOVERNING THE AW ARD OF RE SEARCH BURSARIES, A SSISTA N TSH IPS AND GRANTS. (A) GENERAL REGULATIONS. 1. The Council provides assistance to research w orkers in the form of: (i) b u rsaries and senior bursaries; (ii) laboratory assistants; (iii) grants for running expenses; (iv) g ra n ts for m ajor or specialised equipm ent. 2. B ursaries are provided for the encouragem ent of research w ork and not for the support of study for a higher degree, w ithout research work. They w ill be aw arded only to those candidates who have shown distinct evidence of capacity for original research or (in th e case of B.Sc. graduates) who have at least won distinction d uring th e ir u n d ergraduate studies. Evidence of this capacity, w hich is the m ain qualification m ust be provided, preferably by the presentation of a report on research already perform ed. 3. The fields covered by the aw ards are the m athem atical and experim ental sciences, m edicine, engineering, architecture and applied psychology. 4. A w ards can only be m ade to candidates who are already graduates of an approved university. 5. As a general rule aw ards w ill only be m ade for investigations w hich w ill be conducted in established laboratories w hich possess the fundam ental apparatus and facilities necessary for research of the n atu re proposed, and w here the norm al overhead charges are provided for. They w ill not be m ade for the provision of services or for the purchase of stan d ard app aratus w hich a properly equipped laboratory should possess. 6. As a general rule aw ards are m ade for research in the Union of South A frica by persons resident in th is country. O ther applications m ust be regarded as exceptional and req u irin g special supporting in fo r m ation. 7. The C.S.I.R. w ill not aw ard bursaries or grants for purposes of advanced study w ith o u t research or for in fo rm ativ e visits to overseas

9 research institutions. An exception can only be m ade in the case of an applicant who can comply w ith the term s of parag rap h When a bursary assistant!ship 01 grant is aw arded for a specific purpose it shall be used tor th at purpose only. If the holder desires to change the subject of research, a new application shall be subm itted. 9. The bursaries, assistantships and grants m ay be renew ed on application, if reports received on the quality of the w ork are satisfactory The holder of any C.S.I.R. award who has finished his work under the award, m ust subm it to the Council not later than the 1st April in the year succeeding the year for which the award was made a fu ll typew ritten report in duplicate on the w ork done. If the aw ard is held under a consolidated university research grant, the university concerned w ill be responsible for furnishing the report. (For regulations governing lenew al of bursaries and assistantships refe r to sections concerned). V assi,stantshlp or grant may at any tim e be w ithdraw n by the C.S.I.R. (or in the case of consolidated grants, by the organisation adm inistering the aw ard) if the w ork or conduct of the holder is considered unsatisfactory. 11. The C.S.I.R. shall be notified of the lapse of a bursary, assistantship or gran t w ithin one m onth. If the aw ard is held under a consolidated u n iversity research grant, the university concerned w ill be responsible for notifying th e C.S.I.R. 12. A cknow ledgem ent of the assistance received Jrovi the C.S.I.R. m ust be made in all publications by holders of awards and three copies of such publications m ust be forw arded to the C.S.I.R. as soon as thev are available. 13. The Council w ill not consider applications from organisations sponsoring applications, for financial assistance for the adm inistration of research aw ards. 14. The regulations w hich apply to university consolidated grants w ill apply to organisations other th an universities sponsoring applica- 11UI1&. (B) ROUTING OF APPLICA TIO N S. REPORTS AND ENQUIRIES. A pplications for research aw ards m ust be m ade in duplicate, pioviding the inform ation set out on the Council's specim en form of application. 16. A pplications m ust be subm itted through a university if possibl" in special circum stances applications may be m ade through recognised

10 organisations such as technical colleges, independent institutes, and museums. A pplications m ade directly to the Council by individuals will be considered only in exceptional circum stances. 17. The Council w ill not norm ally deal direct w ith in dividual applicants. A ll correspondence and enquiries about aw ards, and applications for them, should pass through the sponsoring organisations. 18 C.S.I.R. research bursaries, assistantships and grants w ill be aw arded only w ith the know ledge and consent of the executive head of the in stitu tio n at w hich they are to be held. A pplications m ust th e re fore be forw arded to the C.S.I.R. through the executive of th e applicant s institution, and as evidence of consent should be countersigned by or on behalf of the executive head. (C) CONSOLIDATED UN IV ERSITY RESEARCH GRANTS. 19. Each university w ill subm it a consolidated statem ent of the total am ount applied for through the university in respect of C.S.I.R. research bursaries, assistantships and grants, supported by the individual applications. This w ill be considered as an application from the university for a C.S.I.R. Consolidated U niversity Research Grant. The am ount approved by the C.S.I.R. w ill be paid to the university as a block grant w hich w ill be adm inistered by the university. A pplications for the support of research in the clinical aspects of m edicine and dentistry should for convenience be separated from the othets. 20. Applications as above m ust be subm itted by the university on or before N ovem ber 1st of each year for aw ard in the follow ing year. These should include provisional applications for bursaries. F inal applications for bursaries w ill be accepted up to Decem ber 31st and not later. 21. U niversities w ill assist the Council by screening applications, reports and enquiries, and by using their norm al adm inistrative m achinery for: (i) obtaining estim ates of the cost of m ajor equipm ent applied for; (ii) purchase, m arking and control of m ajor equipm ent provided by the Council; (iii) the appointm ent and control of research assistants; (iv) ensuring that grants for running expenditure are properly used. 22 If any portion ot a consolidated university research grant rem ains unexpended, the university m ay apply to the C.S.I.R. to have th e un expended am ount carried over to the succeeding year.

11 (D) SPECIA L REGULATIONS GOVERNING BURSARIES. 23. B ursaries are of th ree types: Post-B.Sc. 100 Post-M.Sc. 200 Senior B ursaries 200 1,000 Senior B ursars m ust be persons of high standing and experience in research but possession of a doctor s degree is not essential. The essential qualification is proved ability to conduct independent research. H olders of degrees w hich involve four or m ore years of study are eligible for the same type of bursaries as holders of the degrees of B.Sc. (Hons.) or M.Sc. 24. The holders of C.S.I.R. bursaries and senior bursaries w ill be designated C.S.I.R. B ursars and C.S.I.R. Senior Bursars. 25. The m axim um am ount of teaching allow ed to the holder of a bursary w ill be six hours p er week, and only in exceptional cases w ill this be extended to nine hours per week. The university in question w ill be asked to provide assurances th a t this w ill be observed. (Teaching is defined in p aragraph No. 38). 26. N orm ally the research w ill cover the whole academic year for w hich the bursary is aw arded, and assurances w ill be required that this condition w ill be observed. In certain special cases a bursary m ay be held for p art of a y ear only, the am ount of the aw ard being adjusted accordingly. 27. A pplications fo r renew als of bursaries together w ith supporting ty pew ritten progress reports on the w ork done under the aw ard, m ust be subm itted in duplicate not later than the 1st N ovem ber of the year for w hich the bursaries were awarded. If the aw ard is held under a consolidated university research grant the university in question w ill be responsible for furnishing such reports. 28. In certain special cases recom m endations for aw ards of bursaries to persons not dom iciled in the Union of South A frica who w ill w ork in the U nion m ay be considered. Such recom m endations are to be regarded as exceptional, and the Council reserves the rig h t to decide on the in stitu tio n at w hich w ork un d er such an aw ard w ill be conducted. 29. The holder of a bursary who wishes to w ork in a laboratory overseas m ust subm it a program m e indicating th a t he w ill devote at

12 least six m onths to full-tim e research at one particular institution and statin g the n a tu re of the research. 30. H olders of C.S.I.R. research aw ards overseas w ill be required to sign an undertaking th a t they w ill re tu rn to South A frica or otherw ise w ill repay th e w hole or such p a rt of the bursaries as the C.S.I.R. m ay determ ine. 31. The Council m ay m ake aw ards to cover the passages from and to South A frica of bursars, w orking overseas. Each case w ill be dealt w ith on its m erits, and paym ent w ill not bs m ade in fu ll u n til satisfactory rep o rts have been received on the research conducted by th e bursar. 32. If any inventions, discoveries or im provem ents w hich m ay be, or have been, covered by patent applications or patents, arise as a result of w ork carried out by the holder of a C.S.I.R. bursary, the C.S.I.R. in term s of its Act shall be deem ed to have an interest in any p aten t rights covered by such p ate n t applications or patents. 33. For purposes of continuing titu la r control and adm inistration of any p a ten t rig h ts covering inventions, discoveries or im provem ents arising as m entioned in paragraph No. 32, such p aten t rights shall be assigned to the C.S.I.R. and the parties, com prising th e C.S.I.R., th e inventors and the sponsor, if any, of facilities used by the inventors, shall together determ ine the respective interests of the parties in the said p atent rights or in the net proceeds, if any, of exploitation of the said rights. 34. It is the intention of the C.S.I.R. to use any proceeds w hich the Council m ay acquire, by reason or in consequence of its interests (as defined in paragraphs Nos. 32 and 33) for the furtherance of extram ural research. 35. G rants to supplem ent research scholarships or to supplem ent grants from other sources m ay be aw arded by the Council if it is fully inform ed of the circum stances of the applicant. Before such applications can be considered the body w hich aw arded the original scholarship or grant m ust have been approached for fu rth e r assistance, and its reply m ust be placed before the Council. (E) SPEC IA L REGULATIONS G OVERNING A SSISTA N TSH IPS. 36. C.S.I.R. g ran ts fo r research assistants w ill be m ade only to p e r sons of proved research standing who have adequate tim e for research and w ho need technical or specialised help to carry out th e ir research. 37. The assistantships provided for are: Skilled lab oratory assistants salary scale G eneral laboratory assistants salary scale

13 An application for an assistantship m ust bo supported by a full statem ent of the reasons for the em ploym ent of a research assistant and of the proposed salary. 38. Research assistants appointed under C.S.I.R. grants can be used only for the particular w ork detailed in the application. They m ust be full-tim e research assistants and do no teaching or laboratory p rep a ration w ork at all. In these regulations, teaching is defined as lecturing or practical dem onstration, including preparation tim e and m arking exercises. The institutions at w hich assistantships are held w ill be asked *o provide assurances th a t this condition w ill be observed. 39. The institutions at w hich such g ran ts are held w ill provide details of the qualifications and experience of the persons appointed and give assurances th a t th ey are appropriate to the salaries approved. 40 A pplications for renew als of assistantships together w ith supporting typ ew ritten progress reports on the w ork done under the award, m ust be subm itted in duplicate not later than 1st N ovem ber of the year for w hich the award was made. In order to ensure continuity in the services of assistants aw arded for more than one year, it is advisable th at these applications be made, if possible, by 1st Ju ly ra th e r th an 1st Novem ber of the year in w hich the aw ard was made. If the aw ard is held under a consolidated u n iversity research grant, the un iv ersity in question w ill be responsible for fu rnishing the necessary reports. (F) SPECIAL REGULATIONS GOVERNING GRANTS FOR RUN NIN G EX PENSES. 41. R unning expenses for laboratory m aterials can only be considered in the case of applicants who are not actual full-tim e m em bers of the teaching staff of the university or sim ilar institution unless the item s concerned are of an unusual n atu re and not norm ally supplied by a laboratory. D etails of such item s m ust be given. 42. H olders of bursaries who are not m em bers of the university staff and who apply for renew al of bursaries m ust also apply for renew al of ru n n in g expense grants. (G) SPECIAL REGULATIONS GOVERNING GRANTS FOR PUBLICATION. 43 Financial support for the publication of the results of all types of research w hich fall w ithin the Council s scope w ill be considered, w hether these results have been achieved through its assistance or not. The Council m ay also support publication in suitable form of m onographs of outstanding m erit.

14 44. A pplication may bp made for a grant tow ards the total or partial cast of publication. 45. C.S.I.R. grants for publication w ill be m ade only for publication in approved scientific journals and not in publications w hich are issued by G overnm ent D epartm ents or universities. The C.S.I.R. w ill m ake grants in aid of publication of abstracts only if th eir form has been approved by th e Council. 46. C.S.I.R. grants w ill not be aw arded to defray expenses incurred in the preparation of a thesis for a degree. 47. In considering the provision of support for publication, the C ouncil w ill be guided chiefly by: (i) the scientific value of the subject; (ii) the originality or previous inaccessability to South A frican research w orkers of th e subject; (iii) conciseness and accuracy of expression. 48. W here the Council pays the w hole cost of publication it reserves the rig h t: (i) to req u ire a t least three estim ates of the cost of publication; (ii) to approve the publish er selected; (iii) to approve the sale price; (iv) to require a statem ent of cost of publication; (v) to decide the num ber of copies to be given free to the applicant; (vi) to re-im burse itself from profits on sale up to the am ount which it has spent; (vii) to pay publication costs d irect to th e publisher. 49. Public.ations assisted by C.S.I.R. grants m u st acknowledge, the support received. (H) SPECIA L REGULATIONS GOVERNING M AJOR EQUIPM ENT. 50. The C.S.I.R. w ill not provide funds for standard apparatus, norm ally p a rt of a properly equipped laboratory. U nder this head applications for equipm ent of a m ajor and specialised character only w ill be considered. 51. In special cases sm all item s of equipm ent ancillary and essential to an approved item of m ajor equipm ent m ay be treated as one m ajor item. 52. A ll m ajor equipm ent purchased w ith C.S.I.R. grants w ill rem ain the property of the C.S.I.R., and holders of such grants w ill be required to furnish the C.S.I.R, w ith originals of invoices and receipt vouchers

15 or statem ents of cost certified by the organisation adm inistering the aw ard. They w ill also be asked to certify th a t the equipm ent is clearly m arked w ith the letters C.S.I.R., in appropriate paint or engraving, unless the equipm ent already bears perm anent num bers and m arks by w hich it can easily be identified. (I) SPEC IA L REGULATION S GOVERNING AW ARDS TO PUBLIC SERVANTS. 53. A C.S.I.R. g ra n t m ay be considered in the case of a Public S ervant, provided th a t: (a) p rio r approval has been received from the H ead of th e D ep artm ent concerned, together w ith a statem ent as to w hy the D epartm ent is not p rep ared to support th e w ork a t its ow n expense; (b) the g rant is not required for the purposes of the ordinary w ork of the applicant in the D epartm ent. (J) SPECIAL REGULATIONS GOVERNING GRANTS TO C S I R O F F IC E R S F O R N O N -E S S E N T IA L ST U D Y O V E R S E A S. 54. W here an officer wishes to go overseas to study u n d er conditions valuable but not essential to the Council, he m ay be granted unpaid leave and be considered for a bursary; in such case he w ill be required to sign an un d ertak in g to re tu rn to the Council s service, and the Council w ill undertake to protect his contributions to the U niversity T eachers P rovident Fund. $ Printed by G oldfields Press.

16 Herdruk van die Derde Jaarverslag, BYLAE I. SUID-AFRIKAANSE W ETENSKAPLIKE EN NYW ERHEID- NAVORSINGSRAAD. REGULASIES BETREFFENDE DIE TOEKENNING VAN NAVORSINGSBEURSE. A SSIST EN TSK A PPE EN TOELAES. (A ) A LG EM ENE R EG U LA SIES. 1. Die R aad verleen hu lp aan navorsers in die vorm v an: (i) beurse en senior beurse; (ii) laboratorium assistente; (iii) toelaes v ir lopende uitgaw es; (iv) toelaes v ir g ro ter of gespesialiseerde toerusting. 2. Beurse w ord beskikbaar gestel te r aanm oediging van navorsingsw erk en nie om studie m et die oog op n hoer graad, sonder navorsingswerk, te bevorder nie. H ulle w ord slegs, aan die kandidate toegeken w at besliste bewys van bekw aam heid vir oorspronklike navorsingsw erk getoon het of (in die geval van gegradueerdes in die G raad B.Sc.) w at m instens gedurende hulle voorgraadse studies onderskeiding behaal het. Bewys van sodanige bekw aam heid, w at die vernaam ste kw alifikasie is, m oet gelew er word, by vcorkeur deur die voorlegging van n verslag oor reeds gelew erde navorsing. 3. Die gebiede ten aansien w aarvan die toekennings geskied, is die wiskundige en proefondervindelike w etenskappe, geneeskunde, ingenieursw ese, arg ite k tu u r en toegepaste sielkunde. 4. T oekennings kan alleen geskied aan k an d id ate w at reeds gegradueerdes van n goedgekeurde u n iv e rsiteit is. 5.. In die algem een sal toekennings slegs geskied v ir navorsing w at uitgevoer w ord in gevestigde laboratoria w at die fundam entele apparaat en geriew e besit w at noodsaaklik is vir navorsing van die voorgestelde aard en w aar daar v ir die norm ale adm inistrasiekoste voorsiening gem aak is. H ulle sal nie toegeken w ord te r voorsiening van dienste of vir die aankoop van standaardapparaat w at n behoorlik toegeruste laboratorium behoort te besit nie. 6. In die algem een geskied toekennings vir navorsing in die Unie van Suid-A frika d e u r persone w at h ie r te lande w oonagtig is. D it w ord

17 , J -?*?. W N ^ R kan nie beurse of toelae vir doeleindes van gevoreide Svudie sonder navorsm g of vir bloot leersam e besoeke aan buitelandse navorsingsinrigtings toeken nie. behalwe ingevolge paragraw e, en, ~9 hieronder. n U itsondering kan slegs gem aak w ord in die 09 Vy n]'^f 1enn app]lkant w at aan die vereistes. soos uiteengesit in p arag raaf 8 W anneer n beurs. assistentskap of toelae vir?n bepaalde doe! oegeken word, m oet dit slegs vir daardie doel aangew end w ord Indien die besitter die navorsm gsonderw erp wens te wvsig. m oet n nuw e aansoek m gedien word. 9. Die beurse, assistentskappe en toelaes kan, by aansoek, vernuw e word, as die ontvange verslae oor die gehalte van die w erk bevredigend is Die besitter van enige toekenning van die W.N.N.R. w at sy w erk in verband m et die toekenning voltooi het. m oet aan die Raad, op sy laaste teen 1 A pril gedurende die jaar w at volg op die jaar waarvoor die toekenning geskied het^ n volledige g etikte verslag in duplikaat oor die gelewerde w erk, voorle. Indien die toekenning ingevolge n gekonsolideerde universiteitsnavorsingstoelae geskied het, is die betrokke universiteit vir die voorlegging van die verslag verantw oordelik. (Slaan die betrokke afdelings na insake regulasies betreffende die vernuw ing van beurse en assistentskappe). 10. n Beurs, assistentskap of toelae kan te eniger tyd deur die W.N.N.R. teruggetrek w ord (of. in die geval van gekonsolideerde toelaes, deur die organisasie w at die toekenning bestuur). indien die w erk of gedrag van die b esitter onbevredigend geag word. 11. Die W.N.N.R. m oet binne n m aand van die verval van n beurs,, assistentskap of toelae.verw ittig word. Indien die toekenning ingevolge n gekonsolideerde universiteitsnavorsingstoelae geskied h et is die betrokke u n iversiteit vir die verw ittiging van die W.N.N.R. verantw oordelik. 12. Besitters van toekennings m oet in alle publikasies die hulp w at van die W.N.N.R. ontvang is, erken. en drie kopiee van sodanige publikasies m oet, sodra hulle beskikbaar is. aan die W.N.N.R. gestuur word. 13. Die Raad sal nie, van die kant van organisasies w at aansoeke steun, aansoeke om geldelike hulp vir die adm inistrasie van navorsingstoekennings oorw eeg nie. 14. Die regulasies w at op gekonsolideerde universiteitstoelaes van toepassing is, is van toepassing op nie-universitere organisasies w at aan soeke steun.

18 15. Aansoeke om navorsingstoekennings m oet in duplikaat geskied en inligting v erstrek ooreenkomst.ig die R aad se proefaansoekvorm. 16. Aansoeke moet. indien m oontlik, langjj die weg van n universiteit geskied. O nder besondere om standighede kan aansoeke langs die weg van erkende organisasies soos tegniese kolleges, onafhanklike inrigtings en m useum s geskied. Alleen onder buitengew one om standighede word aansoeke w at regstreeks deur indiw idue aan die R aad gerig is, oorweeg. 17. O nder norm ale om standighede handel die R aad nie regstreeks m et indiw iduele applikante nie. Alle briefw isseling en navrae om trent toekennings, asook aansoeke daarom, behoort te geskied langs die weg van die organisasies w at te r ondersteuning daarvan optree. 18. Die W.N.N.R. se navorsingsbeurse, assistentskappe en toelaes w ord slegs toegeken m et die m edew ete en toestem m ing van die uitvoerende hoof van die inrigting w aar hulle sal geld. Aansoeke m oet derhalw e aan die W.N.N.R. gerig w ord langs die w eg van die uitvoerende am ptenaar van die applikant se inrigting en m oet ten bew yse van toestem m ing deur. of nam ens die uitvoerende hoof m ede-onderteken wees. (C) G EK O N SO LID EER D E U N IV ERSITEITSN A V O R SIN G STO ELA ES. 19. Elke universiteit le n gekonsolideerde staat voor van die hele bedrag w aarvoor langs die weg van die universiteit ten aansien van die W.N.'N.R. se navorsingsbeurse. assistentskappe en toelaes aansoek gedoen w ord deur indiw iduele aansoeke gestaaf. D it w ord beskou as n aansoek van die kant van die U niversiteit om 'n G ekonsolideerde U niversiteitsnavorsingstoelae van die W.N.N.R. Die bedrag w at deur die W.N.N.R. goedgekeur word, w ord aan die universiteit oorbetaal by wyse van n gesam entlike toelae w at deur die u n iversiteit bestu u r m oet w ord. A ansoeke ter ondersteuning van navorsing in die kliniese vertakkings van die geneeskunde en die tandheelkunde m oet gerieflikheidshalw e apart van die ander aansoeke gehou w ord. 20. Aansoeke van voorgaande aard m oet deur die universiteit op of voor 1 Novem ber van elke jaar vir toekenning in die volgende jaar voorgele word. H ulle behoort voorlopige aansoeke in te sluit v ir beurse na B.Sc. Finale aansoeke om beurse na B.Sc. sal tot 31 D esem ber ingewag w ord en nie later nie. 21. U niversiteite behoort die R aad behulpsaam te w ees deu r aansoeke, verslae en navrae te sif en deur hulle norm ale adm inistratiew e m asjinerie aan te w end ten einde:

19 (i) beram ings te verkry van die koste van groter toerusting w aarvoor aansoek gedoen w ord; (ii) die g roter toerusting w at deur die R aad voorsien word, te koop, te m erk en te beheer; (iii) navorsingsassistente te benoem en te beheer; (iv) te verseker d at toelaes v ir lopende uitgaw es behoorlik aangew end word. 22. Indien enige gedeelte van n gekonsolideerde universiteitsnavorsingstoelae onbestee bly, kan die universiteit by die W.N.N.R. aansoek doen om die onbestede bedrag na die volgende ja a r te laat oordra. (D ) BESONDERE R EG U LA SIES B ETR E FFEN D E BEU RSE. 23. D aar is drie tipes b e u rse : Na B.Sc. 100 Na M.Sc Senior B eurse 200 1,000 Senior B eurshouers m oet persone van n hoe status en ervaring in navorsingsw erk wees m aar die besit van n doktorsgraad is nie noodsaaklik nie. Die noodsaaklike vereiste is bewese bekw aam heid om onafhanklike navorsingsw erk te verrig. B esitters van grade w at vier of m eer studiejare verg, kom in aanm erking v ir dieselfde tipes beurse as besitters v an die grade B.Sc. (H onns.) of M.Sc. 24. B esitters van die W.N.N.R. se beurse en senior beurse staan bekend as die W.N.N.R. se B eurshouers en die W.N.N.R. se Senior B eurshouers. 25. Die m aksim um hoeveelheid onderrigw erk w at aan n beurshouer toegestaan word, is ses uur per week, en slegs in buitengew one gevalle sal dit tot nege u u r per week verleng word. Die betrokke universiteit sal gevra w ord om die versekering te gee dat dit nagekom sal word. (O nderrigw erk w ord in p ara g raaf No. 38 om skryw e). 26. N orm aalw eg m oet die navorsing die hele akadem iese ja a r dek w aarvoor die beurs toegeken is, en versekering w ord verlang dat hierdie voorw aarde nagekom sal word. In bepaalde, besondere gevalle kan n beurs slegs gedurende n gedeelte van n jaar geniet w ord en sal die bedrag van die toekenning dienooreenkom stig aangepas w ord. 27. Aansoeke om hem uw ings van beurse, asook staw ende getikte vorderingsverslae oor die gelew erde w erk in v erb and m et die toekenning, m oet op sy laaste teen 1 N ovem ber van die jaar waarvoor die beurse

20 toegeken is, in duplikaat voorgele word. Indien die toekenning ingevolge n universiteitsnavorsingstoelae geskied het, is die betrokke universiteit vir die voorlegging van sodanige verslae verantw oordelik. 28. In bepaalde, besondere gevalle k an aanbevelings v ir die toekenning van beurse aan persone w at nie dom isilie in die U nie van Suid- A frika h e t nie, m aar w at bereid is om in die Unie van Suid-A frika te werk, oorweeg word. Sodanige aanbevelings m oet as buitengew oon beskou word, en die R aad behou hom die reg voor om te beslis oor die inrigting w aarin w erk ingevolge sodanige toekenning uitgevoer sal w ord. 29. 'n B eurshouer w at in n oorsese laboratorium wens te w erk, moet!n w erkprogram voorle w aaruit blyk dat hy m instens ses m aande aan voltydse navorsing by een besondere inrigting sal w y en w aarin die aard van die navorsing verm eld word. 30. Van besitters van die W.N.N.R. se navorsingstoekennings in oorsese gew este w ord vereis om n ondernem ing te ondarteken dat hulle na Suid-A frika sal terugkeer of dat hulle anders die hele beurs sal terugbetaal of sodanige gedeelte daarvan as w at die W.N.N.R. m ag bepaal. 31. Die R aad kan toekennings m aak om die reiskoste van en na Suid- A frika te dek van beurshouers w at in oorsese gew este w erksaam is. Elke geval sal ooreenkom stig sy eie verdienstes behandel word, en voile uitbetalings geskied nie aleer bevredigende verslae oor die navorsing w at deu r die beurshouer v errig is, ontvang is nie. 32. As enige uitvindings, ontdekkings of verbeterings w at m oontlik gedek w ord of gedek is deur patentaansoeke of patente w at voortvloei uit die w erk w at deur die besitter van die W.N.N.R. se beurs verrig is, w ord die W.N.N.R. ingevolge sy W et geag, n belang te besit in enige p aten treg te w at deur sodanige patentaansoeke of p a te n te gedek w ord. 33. M et die oog op die voortsetting van beheer van die regstitel en adm inistrasie van enige p ate n tre g te u it hoofde van uitvindings, on t dekkings of verbeterings w at ooreenkom stig paragraaf No. 32 ontstaan, word sodanige p atentregte oorgedra aan die W.N.N.R. en die p artys, bestaande u it die W.N.N.R., die uitvinders en die bevorderaar, indien daar is, van die fasiliteite w at deur die uitvinders gebruik is, m oet gesam entlik die onderskeie belange van die partye in die ganoem de p atentregte of in die netto opbrengste, indien daar is, van die eksploitasie van die genoem de regte vasstel. 34. D it is die bedoeling van die W.N.N.R. om enige opbrengste w at die R aad m oontlik verkry uit hoofde of ten gevolge van sy belange, soos in paragraw e Nos. 32 en 33 om skrywe, vir die bevordering van buitem uurse navorsing aan te wend.

21 35. Toelaes te r aanvuliing van navorsm gstudiebeurse of te r aanvulling van toelaes u it ander bronne kan deur die R aad toegeken w ord indien dit ten voile op hoogte van die om standighede van die applikant is. V oordat sodanige aansoeke oorweeg kan word, m oet die liggaam w at die oorspronklike studiebeurs of toelae toegeken het, om verdere hulp genader gew ees h et en sy antw oord m oet aan die R aad voorgele word. (E). BESONDERE REGULASIES BETREFFENDE ASSISTED TSK A PPE. 36. Die W.N.N.R. se toelaes vir navorsingsassistente w ord alleen toegeken aan persone van beproefde status in navorsingsw erk w at oor toereikende tyd vir navorsing beskik en w at tegniese of gespesialiseerde hulp nodig h et om hulle navorsings uit te voer. 37. Die assistentskappe w aarvoor voorsiening gem aak is, is: Geskoolde L aboratorium assistente salarisskaal, A lgem ene L aboratorium assistente salarisskaal, n Aansoek om n assistentskap m oet vergesel gaan van n volledige uiteensetting van die redes vir die indiensnem ing van n navorsingsassistent en van die voorgestelde salaris. 38. Navorsingsassistente w at ingevolge die W.N.N.R. se toelaes benoem word, mag slegs vir die besondere w erk gebruik word waarom trent besonderhede in die aansoek verm eld word. Hulle m oet voltydse navorsingsassistente wees en hoegenaam d geen onderrig- of laboratorium voorbereidingsw erk verrig nie. In h ie rd ie ' regulasies w ord onderrig om skryw e as die gee van lesings of praktiese dem onstrasiew erk, m et inbegrip van voorbereidingstyd en die nasien van oefeninge. Van die inrigtings w aarin daar assistentskappe bestaan, w ord versekering verlang dat hierdie voorw aarde nagekom sal word. 39. Die inrigtings w aarin sodanige toelaes geld, moet besonderhede verstrek van die kw alifikasies en ervaring van die benoemde persone en versekering gee dat hulle aan die goedgekeurde salarisse voldoen. 40. Aansoeke om hernuw ings van assistentskappe, vergesel van staw ende getikte vorderingsverslae oor die w erk ingevolge die toekenning verrig m oet op sy laaste teen 1 N ovem ber van die jaar waarvoor die toekenning geskied het, in duplikaat voorgele word. Ten einde kontinuiteit in die dienste van toegekende assistente oor m eer as een jaar te verseker, is dit raadsaam dat hierdie aansoeke, indien m oontlik, teen 1 Julie voorgele w ord liew er as teen 1 Novem ber van die jaar w aarvoor die toekenning geskied het. Indien die toekenning ingevolge n gekonsolideerde universiteitsnavorsingstoelae geskied het, is die betrokke universiteit vir die voorlegging van die nodige verslae verantw oordelik.

22 (F) BESONDERE KEGULASIES BETHEFFEN DE TOELAES VIR LOPEN DE UITGAW ES. 41. Lopende uitgawes vir laboratorium m ateriaal kan slegs oorweeg w ord in die geval van applikante w at nie w erklik voltyase lede van die doserende personeel van die universiteit of dergelike inrigting is nie, tensy die betrokke artikels van n buitengew one aard is en nie onder norm ale om standighede deur n laboratorium verskaf w ord nie. Besonderhede b etreffende sodanige artik els m oet verm eld word. 42. Beurshouers w at nie lede van die universiteitspersoneel is nie en w at aansoek om hernuw ing van beurse doen, m oet ook aansoek doen om hernuw ing van toelaes vir lopende uitgaw es. (G) BESONDERE REGULASIES BETREFFEN D E TOELAES VIR PUBLIKASIES: 43. G eldelike steun vir die publikasie van die resultate van alle tipes navorsing w at binne die R aad se gesagsgebied ressorteer, sal oorweeg word, of sodanige resultate kragtens sy hulp bereik is, al dan nie. Die Raad kan ook steun verleen aan die publikasie in n geskikte vorm van m onografiee van besondere verdienste. 44. Aansoek kan gedoen w ord om n toelae ten aansien van die publikasiekoste as n geheel of n gedeelte daarvan. 45. Die W.N.N.R. se toelaes vir publikasies w ord slegs toegeken vir publikasie in goedgekeurde w etenskaplike tyd sk rifte en nie vir publikasies w at deur S taatsdepartem ente of u n iversiteite uitgegee w ord nie. 46. Die W.N.N.R. se toelaes w ord nie toegeken om die koste te bestry w at m et die voorbereiding van n verhandeling vir n graad opgeloop w ord nie. 47. By die oorweging van hulpverlening aan publikasie sal die Raad hom hoofsaaklik laat lei deur: (i) die w etenskaplike w aarde van die onderw erp; (ii) die oorspronklikheid of voorm alige ontoeganklikheid vir Suid- A frikaanse navorsers van die onderw erp: (iii) saaklikheid en noukeurigheid van uitdrukking. 48. In gevalle w aar die Raad die hele publikasiekoste bestry, behou dit hom die reg voor: (i) om m instens drie beram ings van die publikasiekoste te verlang; (ii) om die verkose uitgew er goed te keur; (iii) om die verkoopprys goed te keur; (iv) om- n staat van die publikasiekoste te verlang; (v) om te beslis oor die aantal eksem plare w at gratis aan die applik an t v erstrek sal word; (vi) om hom self w eer terug te betaal uit die w inste van die verkoop to t die bedrag w at dit bestee het; (vii) om publikasiekoste regstreeks aan die uitgew er te betaal.

23 49. Publikasies w at deur die W.N.N.R. se toelaes gesteun is, m oet die ontvange hulp erken. (H) BESONDERE REG ULASIES BETREFFENDE GROTER TOERUSTING. 50. Die W.N.N.R. stel nie fondse beskikbaar vir standaardapparaat w at norm aalw eg deel van n behoorlik toegeruste laboratorium uitm aak nie. O nder hierdie hoof sal slegs aansoeke om toerusting van n groter en gespesialiseerde aard oorw eeg word. 51. In besondere gevalle kan klein toerustingsartikels w at aanvullend by en noodsaaklik vir n goedgekeurde grorer toerustingsartikel is, as een g ro ter artik el behandel word. 52. A lle groter toerusting w at m et toelaes van die W.N.N.R. aangekoop word, bly die eiendom van die W.N.N.R., en van die ontvangers van sodanige toelaes w ord verlang om aan die W.N.N.R. die oorspronklike stukke insake fak tu re en ontvangsbew ysstukke of state van koste, gesertifiseer deur die organisasie w at die toekenning adm inistreer, voor te le. V an hulle sal ook verlang w ord om te sertifiseer dat die toerusting m et gepaste v erf of graveerw erk duidelik m et die letters..w.n.n.r. gem erk is, tensy die toerusting reeds perm anente nom m ers en m erke h e t m et behulp w aarv an dit m aklik uitgeken kan word. (I) BESONDERE REGULASIES BETREFFENDE TOEKENNINGS AAN STAATSAM PTENARE. 53. n Toelae van die W.N.N.R. kan in die geval van n Staatsam pten aar oorweeg word, m et dien verstande dat: ' (a) goedkeuring vooraf van die Hoof van die betrokke D epartem ent verkry is, vergesel van n verklaring w aarom die D epartem ent nie bereid is om op eie koste die w erk te steun nie; (b) die toelaa nie vereis w ord m et die oog op die gewone w erk van die app lik an t in die D epartem ent nie. (J) BESONDERE REGULASIES BETREFFENDE TOELAES AAN BEAM PTES VAN DIE W.N.N.R. VIR NIE-NOODSAAKLIKE STUDIE OORSEE. 54. W anneer n beam pte w ens om hom oorsee te begeef om onder om standighede te stu d eer w at vir die R aad w aardevol dog nie noodsaaklik is nie, kan aan hom onbetaalde verlof toegestaan w ord en kan hy vir n beurs in aanm arking kom; in sodanige geval w ord van hom verlang om n ondernem ing te ondertekeni om in die R aad se diens terug te keer, terw yl die Raad onderneem om sy bydraes to t die U niversiteitsonderw ysersvoorsorgfonds te beskerm. * G edruk deur Goldfields Press.

24 The W ashington Intercollegiate Club of Chicago [Incorporated] Third Annual Cosmopolitan Dinner, Conference, and International Exhibit AT s. j w. c. a labasi) gtoenue (One block from Pershing Road L., 38th and State Street Car, or Michigan Ave., Bus) FRIDAY, MAY 10, 6:30 and SUNDAY, MAY 12, P. M. (D inner Reservations alt thru W ednesday) 7 5 c PER PLATE CONFERENCE THEME WORLD PEACE, RACE AND BROTHERHOOD OUR GOAL P eace oil earth, good will to m an All Races are as one great and beautiful flower Garden with their m any Colors. "The Idealism of youth m ay rem ake the world".

25 Introductions and Exhibit Introductory Remarks Dinner Reed Players Vocal Solo Piano Solo Reading from Negro Poets Negro Spirituals V ivian Garth, President Elmer Stirm an s Rythm Kings Maurice Cooper Clarence Porter Corinne Tenon Marie Brooks Quartette W elcom e F. H. Robb, International Student Speakers and Discussion Leaders "Can Youth Bring About World Peace? (A ttitu d e of Youth and Students in My Country) Dr. A. De Lucas.. Consul, Brazil Dr. Doninquez.. V ice Consul, M exico Martha Jaeger. Educational Director Metropolitan Y.W.C.A S. C. Psao.. President Chinese Student A ssn U. S. A. Vocal Solo Mabel Malarcher Kenshuli Kawachi Dr. Dasannachaya A kintuude Dipeolu Harry Gannes H. Rocholl Jam es V alete Mrs. E. H. Lunde Vocal Solo President Japanese Students Assn. U.S.A. Indian Scholar West African Students Union Anti-Im perialist League German Youth Movement Phillipine Student Association Em inent Peace Organizer Hortense Love Discussion Group INTERMISSION 9-10 P. M.

26 International Exhibit and Book Display. Words of G r e e t i n g... V ivian Garth, President Piano S o l o...m- Blaf,k -A m e r ic a n Vocal S o l o...mrs. Doninquez M exican Violin S o l o...santos Valera Phillipino Accordion Solo. Abbott Sayre Solo Dance... Vivian Mason A m erican Negro Spirituals. Chorus Unison China and World Peace. Mary Jen, President and Founder Kowloon A cadem y, Canton, China Violin Solo -. ' W alter D yett, Am erican A nnouncem ents Next Page Is World Peace a Dream?.. Mrs. E. H. Lunde Vocal Solo. Mrs Sefl C zechoslovakia Russian Singers and D ancers. Ballarko Group INTERMISSION Discussion Group.. l1-111 Leaders from Africa, Asia, Australia, Europe, N. & S. America and Islands FINDINGS REPORT

27 SPECIAL VISITORS Capt. H. Dean Mr, and Mrs. Hollister Rufus E. Clement Mrs. Hugo Thompson Charles Blooah A. Burgess Author and World Traveler Executive Sec y Y. M. C. A N. U. McKlinloch Campus Interracial Commission N. U C. U Liberia, Africa C. U. International Foyer, C. U Frederic H. Robb, Director I. M. Griffin G. B. Lee C. Bouyer E. Burgess H. Glover G. Vaughan V ivian Garth, President Vice President 2nd Vice President Ex. Secretary Cor. Secretary Recording Sec y. Treasurer May 14th S p e c ia l Program FORGET ME NOrS Pilgram Tem ple Fair May 16th - D ebate Oxford Circle vs N. U. Campus and Intercollegiate Club in Evanston May 19th., 0 All Club Sunday May 26th -., Girls D ebate May 3 0 th -C lo Se of Popularity Contest and Student and Alum ni Reception at Bmga Arcade. June 2nd ' Hon r Students of City High Schools Guests and Alpha Phi A lpha Fraternity June 9 th -In te r fr a te r n ity Debate and Liberty Life Insurance Trophy June ll)th-14th - Creative Week - High School Students June 16th Educational Day and Award of $ Scholarships J"ne Visitings Student W elcom e and New M embership Socials August 12th-18th - National Student Conference, Chicago and Camp W abash

28 ^Uhe Bantu <%Zen s Social Centre invites you to a grand Non-Stop Dance On fey-, I stjune, 1942 ( P U B L I C HOLIDAY) ^ Admission 21- All round Merry B LA C K B IR D S Band in attendance Africans Own

29 SOUTH AFRICAN POLICE AND CIVIC GUARD CAVALCADE Police Sports Ground, Rissik Street Extension JOHANNESBURG 2 9 th N o v e m b e r, cun, tin Midnight 1. This Great Cavalcade will be open from 10 a.m. to 12 m idnight, during which you can buy at the low est possible prices A L L your household and personal require* m ents from stalls o f every variety; M eat, Poultry, V egetab les, G roceries, Sw eets, Flowers, Fancy Goods, N ovelties of every description, etc., etc. 2. In addition to this there will be A m usem ents of every variety; Games, Sports, Com petitions, D onkey Derby (including D oubles), Invasion o f Berlin, Open Air Dancing (dress optional) and num erous other Side Shows. 3. Drinks, Teas, and Luncheons will be served throughout the day, and in the evening you can partake in the good old fashioned B raaivleis, Supper and other refreshm ents. 4. Put this day and evening aside and roll up in your thousands and enjoy the pleasures which are being provided for you which will surpass anything yet put on the W itwatersrand. 5. Diet on Friday and fill up in every direction on Saturday. 6. By kind perm ission of M ajor W. S. E lliott and Officers o f the 3rd Battalion, National V olunteer Brigade, the R egim ental B rass B and under Bandm aster Trauneck will be in attendance. 7. W e are expecting you by the thousands. Drop us an acceptance by com pleting the form below and returning it to us. T h u does not bind you in any way. It helps us to cater for all of you and not to disappoint you. It will only cost you a halfpenny stam p the sale o f these stam ps will also help the W ar Effort. 8. If you cannot turn up, send your contributions, which will be acknowledged. 9. D on t worry about your car. F ree parking has been arranged on the W em m er Compound R ecreation Ground adjoining the P olice Sports Ground which is in R issik Street Extension. 10. W e will charge you Gd. adm ission fee, children under 16 free, which will entitle you to participate in a Prize Schem e which m ay return you 1 Is. Od. 11. The Cavalcade will be officially opened by the H onourable the M inister of Justice, Dr. C. F. Steyn, K.C., at 3 p.m. I WILL BE PRESENT for LUNCH, SUPPER and/or BRAAI- VLEISAAND and, with my friends, my party will number... (D elete which is inapplicable). R.S.V.P.: The Hon. Secretary, Police Cavalcade, P.O. Box 1149, Marshall Square, JOHANNESBURG. Morford gfield 53.

30 V Q o J f c n f a f v ju B rtjd B B MCVWNT and GIRL WAYFARERS' ASSOCIATION al P r e s «r;vs <»,.» k -«<-> n-p t h f 2 T r a n s v a a l D i v i s i o n - *... *... a t a C o m b i n e d H^ l y i n h o n o u r o f S E S «* "» «* S " J u n e 1 3, a t Q a. m. ADMISSION TC THE RESERVED ENCLOSURE BY THIS INVITATI ON ONL/

31 The Deputy Commissioner, Commanding IVitwatersrand Divisiofi of the South African Police, and Officer Commanding the Civic Guards, Johannesburg, have pleasure in extending to < D. A.E. X u m a... * family and friends, a very hearty invitation to attend the A L L D A Y F E T E organized by the South African Police (IVitwatersrand Division) and Civic Guards (Johannesburg) in aid of the Liberty Cavalcade, to be held at the Police Sports Ground\ Rissik Street (South End), Johannesburg, on Saturday the 29th of November, 1941, /raw 10 a.m. to midnight. The opening Ceremony will be performed by the Honourable the ^Minister o f Justice (fdv. Colin Steyn, K.C.) at 3 p.m. R.S.V.P.: T he Hon. Secretary, Police Cavalcade, P.O. Box 1149, M arshall Square, Johannesburg. M orford & Field 5308.

32 T e l e p h o n e : H i l i b r o w N o ^ ^ j THE LIBRARY,- UNIVERSITY OF THE WITWATERSRAND, JOHANNESBURG. Dec,... ts^4.0 Mrs. M.H. Xuma, 85 Toby Street, Sophlatovm /% ' A VJK' JOHANNESBURG -!2% ( z r ' Madam, LIBRARY PERMIT. cz?i,/s a-t-e^...31flt...december../ & & 1 i / / ^/z& 2,r?is< <?.

33 THE PEOPLE'S THEATRE PRESENTS "STORMBIRDS" A Play, "W aiting for Lefty," by Clifford Odets With Music and Songs from "The Cradle Will Rock" by Marc Blitzstein and other Songs by Bert Brecht and H. M. Basner with Music by Hanns Eisler and Leo Kerz Produced by LEO KERZ Musical Arrangements : HERMAN HERZ Musical Direction: HANNAH HEARN 18th, 20th, 22nd, 23rd, 24th, 25th AUGUST, 1938 at the JEWISH GUILD THEATRE Is ALSO : at the JEWISH GUILD THEATRE on ihe 1st, 3rd, 5th, 6th, 7th and 8th September, 1938 "Y O U CANT TAKE IT WITH YO U " The Pulitzer Prize Comedy By M OSS HART and GEORGE S. KAUFMAN * - Produced by LEO KERZ BOOKING MACKAY AT BROS.

34 VANGUARD "STORMBIRDS" BOOKSELLERS (PTY.)» LTD. The Songs: "NICKEL UNDER THE FOOT." JOE WORKER." "HONOLULU." "THE CRADLE WILL ROCK" are Words and music by MARC BLITZSTEIN. "THE SACKSLINGERS." "SOLIDARITY," "DO YOU HEAR THE WORKERS MARCHING" are W ords by BERT BRECHT, adapted and translated by H. M. BASNER, Music by HANNS EISLER. MEN WHO KNOW PREFER PLAYS. "LEAD OR BREAD." "THE DEVIL IS THE JEW." "WHAT'S THEM BLUES" are W ords by H. M. BASNER, Music by LEO KERZ *» BOOKS ON ART, CAST: U A V A N A C I G A R S PERIODICALS FROM MODERN PRINTS. Britain, U.S.A., France, Czecho-Slovakia, Switzerland, U.S.S.R., etc. 57a VON BRANDIS STREET, JOHANNESBURG. Phone P.O. Box 54G3 JOIN The Left Book Club P rologue RUFUS A. PRESS F att MAURICE OPERT Joe SIDNEY JAMES E dna MINNIE JED WICK Miller EDOUARD DU TOIT F ayette BERNHARD BLIEDEN Irv... *... A. J. MARSHALL Sid RUFUS A. PRESS C layton SIMMIE J. BLUMBERG A gate Keller FELIX AICHELL H enchm an BERNHARD BLIEDEN S ecretary CECILIA COLLEY Florrie PAT SENIOR Actor A. J. MARSHALL Director MAURICE OPERT Dr. B a r n e s T. W. JOHNSON Dr. B enjam in MAURICE MONK A Voice T. W. JOHNSON At the Pianos: HANNAH HEARN a n d CYRIL GOODM AN Book **YOU CAN'T TAKE IT WITH YOU" for Directors of the People's Theatre : LEO KERZ and H. M. BASNER Foremost amongst Havana Cigars of the higest grade are, and have been for many decades, the products of Henry Clay Sole South African A g en ts: L. FELDMAN (PTY.), LTD. BO, Sauer Street, Johannesburg. WHOLESALE TOBACCONISTS AND CONFECTIONERS


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