Aumiller Reinstatement -Proposed Arts and Science Committee Recommends Contract Renewal

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1 Vol. 99, No. 41 University of Delaware, Newark, Delaware Tuesday; March 16, 1976 Aumiller Reinstatement -Proposed Arts and Science Committee Recommends Contract Renewal By DENSE ANTONELL Theatre director Richard Aumiller has received a vote of approval in his fight for reinstatement. The Arts and Science Senate Committee on Academic Freedom and Responsibility recommended yesterday that "Richard B. Aumiller should receive an open ended, that is non-terminal, one year contract for ". The committee, in considering Aumiller's grievance, cite-d violations of the Faculty Handbook, and the Collective Bargaining Agreement, as well as a lack of evidence as the reasons for its decision. "The case for advocacy in the sense of... promotion of homosexual behavior has not been substantiated in any of the written documents or testimony at the hearing," the committee report states. University President E.A. Trabant refused to renew Aumiller's contract in January on the grounds that the theatre director openly advocated homosexuality. The report cites Trabant's decision for non-renewal to be in violation of Article ll-n-1 of the Faculty Handbook which requires notice of non-renewal to be tendered in writing no later than December 15. AumiUer received his notice of non-reappointment on January 6. Thus, the report states, neither the notice nor the reasons for non-renewal reached Aumiller by the December 15 deadline. The committee said that Aumiller's public discussion of homosexuality (in articles in the Philadelphia Sunday Bulletin, Wilmington Sunday News-Journal, and the Review) was consistent with his role as advisor to the Gay Community, "a recognized student organization." "t was also clear that in his discussions of homosexuality he (Aumiller) was speaking as an individual and not as a spokesman for the University," the report says. Citing the implications of Aumiller's case for the future of the university, the report continues, "even had the alleged advocacy been proved beyond a reasonable doubt, the actions of University authorities would still have been without justification. f ~he University... is to be other than a reflection of the sentiments and biases of society at la'rge, if it aspires to be a leader rather than a follower in the pursuit of truth, it must be prepared... to protect the right to responsibility advocate all ideas." Aside- from the recommendation of contract renewal, the committee proposed that Aumiller be given a contract as Summer Theatre Program director, a position -which he held previously. t also recommended that "any reference to non-renewal of contract and all such records be expunged from Richard B. Aumiller's personal file." " am very grateful for the amount of time which this committee spent and the very commendable way with which they conducted the hearing," Aumiller said. " And naturally," he added, " think this (decision) is wonderful." Dr. Helen Gouldner, dean of the College of Art and Sciences, and Trabant declined to comment on the committee's recommendations. University Files Response to Suit Document Answers Aumiller's Complaint Registered in District Court The university's answer to theatre dire-ctor Richard Aumiller's lawsuit has filed yesterday in U.S. District Court, according to universty attorney James Burnett. The document is a "formal response to the complaint" contained in Aumiller's suit, Burnett said. Aumiller filed suit on February 20, seeking reinstatement and $150,000 in compensatory damages after his contract was refused renewal in January. University President E.A. Trabant cited Aumiller's alleged advocacy of homosexuality as the reason for the non-renewal. "We're filing suit on a number of grounds," said Aumiller's attorney Sheldon Sandler in a previous interview. "The central issue iri the case is the violation of free spee-ch and freedom of association." Certain factual statements containe-d in the lawsuit are admitted by the university, Burnett explained. The response, however, denies the specific allegations that the defendant (Trabant) has deprived Aumiller of hla constitutional rights. The issue will "come down to whether or not Trabant's stated position is constituted as a denial of Aumiller's constitutional rights," Burnett said. Sandler declined to comment on the university's responl!e until he has discussed the matter with his client. He pointed out, however, that the university had invoked the doctrine of "official immunity." This doctrine states that the state (or agency thereof) cannot be prosecuted without its consent. Staff photo by Barry Seidenstat A WATCHFUL GUARDAN seems to peer over this young man's shoulder as he concentrates on his pool game in the es room of the Student Center. Housing, Food Service Announce New Rates By KATHERNE WALSH Proposed room and board rates for next year have been announced by the Office of Housing and the Food Service Department. According to Richard Hauge, the rates for rooms reflect a $70 increase over last year's rates for multiples in traditional dormitories, and an $80 increase for singles. Pencader doubles and singles will cost $82 and $72 more, respectively. Prices for doubles in Christiana Towers have been increued by $54, while a single will cost $44 more than last year's. Hauge explained that maintenuce and renovation of dormitories are two of the major reasons for the increases. He cited plumbing costs and machinery as important areas considered in the proposals. " see the requests as straightforward, reasonable, and something that can't be avoided," Hauge said. Board rates for next year were not only increased, but cuts in the number of meals in some meal plans were also proposed.. The new 19-meal, seven-day plan will cost $798 for the year, said Hauge, while the 20-meal, seven-day plan offered last year at $748 has been eliminated. This chan1e was made to save money, Hauge said. Because few students eat breakfjist on Saturday, it will be eliminate9 and a Saturday brunch initiated instead. A five-day lunch and dinner plan, available two years ago but discontinued last year, has not been restored. Although the plan was popular, students who, purchased the plan attended almost all of the meals and the service lost money, said Hauge. Costs for meal plans will increase by the following amounts: $5e for 14 meals, seven days; _.. for 15 meals, five days; for five dinners; and S22 for five lunches. A plan for four meals on weekends used b)' fraternities will cost $208. Hauge stated that present utilities increases have been taken into account in QOth department's proposals. But, he added, if the City of Newark increases utility rates next year, this will not be absorbed by the proposed figures. Ttie result of this kind of action may be a mid-year increase in rates. The Student Affairs Committee and Board of Trustees will have the final say on these proposals in early April. " feel the figures are pretty definite through," aakl Haqe.

2 REVEW, Univers of Delaware, Newark, Delaware March 16, 1976 Make the move to improve... it's easy at summer session~78 / Summer Session '76 Course Book available on campus! Easy mail registration now through April 23 Nine reasons why you should... make the move to improve 1 Graduate sooner... take courses now instead of later. 2 Lighten your regular semester lood. 3 Concentrate on a single subject. 4 Satisfy your intellectual curiosity... pursue a special interest. 5 Beat those scheduling conflicts. 6 Get a course sequence back on the track. 7 Advance your career goal... learn a helpful skill. 8 Establish your eligibility for admission. 9 Make it a productive summer for your best friendyour mind. There's never been a better time to improve your academic record. At our day / night Summer Session '76, you can even combine study with a summer job or vacation... it's never been easier! Register now for Summer Session '76. Easy selection Choose exactly the course you want, from nearly 500 credit courses in 46 departments.. Over 1 00 evening courses. Easy scheduling Match your own summer schedule to one of three sessions: First Day Session (June 14-July 20) Evening Session (June 14-August 4) Second Day Session (July 22-August 25). Easy. mail registration Just pick up a Summer Course Book on campus, (registration material available at 325 Hullihen Hall or Clayton ACCESS Center), fill out the registration form, and mail it with your payment now through April 23. Your summer schedule will be confirmed by early May, before Fall advance registration. ' SUMMER SESSONS OFFCE 325 Hullihen Hall Phone ACCESS CENTERS Clayton Hall, Wilcastle Center. Dover Air Base Phone REGSTRATON OFFCE: 011 Hullihen Hall

3 March 16, 1976, Staff photo by Barry Seidenstat SUDSVLLE S SATRCAL SOAP-Mary Hartman, Mary Hartman," as viewftd from the Cannon lounge, seems to have a faithful following ori campus. Emergency Program Developed Student Volunteers, Security Propmal Will Provide Ambulance Service -.. By TM BERNGER A new medical emergency and ambulance program involving student volunteers and Security has been developed by freshman Kevin J. O'Neill. O'Neill said he became involved with alternate approach~s to emergency treatment after witnessing the "minimal care" that Security afforded a friend who suffered a seizure last fall. "Their work is geared more toward security," O'Neill stated. Speaking for Security, nvestigator Jack Lynn said all patrolmen must take an emergency care course, but he admitted that we "don't get the necessary field experience." Students will be "complimenting the work of Security" in an effort to improve the response to, the treatment, and transport of medical emergency victims," O'Neill said. He added that the projected. service would operate on a 24-hour-a-day basis and provide coverage of all university areas. Volunteers for the service would be trained technicians who have taken the Emergency Medical Training (E.M.T.) course which is offered free of charge every semester, O'Neill said. The course emphasizes emergency vehicle driving, rescue, -and precautionary techniques. O'Neill completed the ambulance course and is a member of a New Castle County volunteer crew. The proposed system, according to O'Neill, is "just a concept" without the details of financing and administration. Lynn said appropriations for the system would, if approved come from the Security Operations Fund. nitial reaction to the proposal has been favorable. "Security endorses the project and welcomes student volunteers," Lynn said. He explained that the revamped system would enable more patrolmen to. devote time to Security matters. O'Neill cited favorable response from students who had heard about the proposal. Security plans to convert a van into a state-certified ambulance with all the proper equipment, according to Lynn. He explained that Security has already ordered $1,000 worth of equipment for it. The emergency transport vehicle currently in use does not have certification, Lynn said. He added that Security did not handle campus medical emergencies until O'Neill said he hopes to form a student committee to work with Security administrators. Lynn stressed "student interest" as the critical factor in determining the success of the program. He estimated a ten-month waiting period before the actual implementation of the proposed program. Tribbitt's Higher Education BUdget Explained By BEVERLY BLACK Governor Sherman Tribbitt and members of his cabinet and staff met thursday night in Purnell Hall to answer questions posed by the Citizens' Assembly concerning his State of the State and Budget Address. When asked about the proposed university budget request, however, Tribbitt replied, "The State Board of Education... will not be discussed tonight." University President E.A. Trabant had previously asked the state for a $5.2 million increase over the S18.5 million appropriated for the operations budget for the present fiscal year. Trabant has stated that a minimum $3.5 million increase is needed to maintain present operations. Tribbitt has recommended a $1 million increase to the state legislature. f the state does not raise its proposed allocations the university may be forced ~o increase tuition, Trabant has said. State Budget Director John Dryden, responded to the question of the budget. Dryden explained, "The state allocates money on the basis of priority." Dryden said programs such as mental retardation rehabilitation and alcoholism which aid persons in dire need -receive the greatest priority. "The state is being as fair as it can be to the university by allotting the proposed budget," he said. Dryden explained that the state is concerned with higher education and that ten and a half cents of every tax dollar is spent on public education. n his State of the State and Budget Address, in January, Tribbitt stated that many funds allocated to the state institutions are ill spent. "For example, in a state as compact as Delaware, we have six nursing programs in Page 3 Watching -the Soaps With a Faithful Eye By TOM WOLFE "On weekday afternoons when there isn't much going on }they're fun," explained Ellen Friedman, third floor Thompson Resident Assistant (R.A.). "t's gathering." After lunch, hundreds of students assemble around televisions in Pencader Commons, Thompson basement, and other T.V. rooms around campus to relax and watch their favorite soap operas (nicknamed for their detergent-selling sponsors). The soapers. fil~ each other in on new developments, scandalize the actors, and predict the outcome of the latest 'entanglement. They get to know the soaps so well that "some of us think we could write the scripts ourselves," said Friedman. "'m trying to wean myself from them now," she added, "but you get hooked." - The public's getting hooked on serials is at least as. old as television itself. Some soaps like "The Guiding Light," which is still on today, transferred from radio to T.V. when the new medium was popularized. And radio serials like "Amos 'n Andy," appealed to a diverse audience. But television has narrowed its focus, and now thay are directed almost solely at women. Sudsville citizens (especially the men) ar~ better looking, younger and more intense than real friends a~ neighbors are likely to be. This is life in the outline; exciting and unrestrained by the dreariness of daily living. The soap opera : tradition changed when Norman Lear introduced "Mary Hartman, Mary Hartman," a parody of daytime drama in a spap opera form. The three major networks wouldn't touch the show, so Lear syndicated the serial by selling it to about 90 independent' stations in the 11 p.m. time slot. While conventional soaps refuse to find humor in life, Lear's serial exaggerates soap opera tragedy and takes a farciacal look at mass murder, venereal disease, masturbation, impotency, and exhibitionism. This new kind of soap opera is attracting a new kind of audience on campus - men. Greg, Chris, and Doug, all university students, began watching the -show together when it first came on in January. "t takes all that could happen in a soap opera and satirizes it," said Greg. "The characters are riot just stereotypes," added his brother Chris. 'Your first impression is that Loretta (Mary Hartman's neighbor) is a simple, uneducated hick, but after you've seen the show a few times you see that she's more complex!' "The show is so ridiculous it's funny," said freshman Gail Stevens. n an early episode, Mary was held hostage by a crazed gunman and th._en propositioned by her rescuing officer. Mary's friend Loretta is now confined to a wheel-chair after being struck by a carload of nuns. And if that's not enough, Mary also had to deal with the fact that the local high school coach drowned in a bowl of her chicken soup. Mary was sad and confused to find that her huband Tom was having an affair with a girl from the office while he was impotent with her. She was equally dismayed when her daughter gqt serfous with a deaf mute. Meanwhile, Mary's father (the notorious Fernwood Flasher) used these diversions to don his raincoat and sneak out for a night on the town. t's hard to say whether the writers will be able to keep up this pace. The most constant criticism the institutions of higher learning. That strikes me as extremely wasteful of our limited financial resources," he said. Tribbitt has proposed a short-term commission to study higher education. The commission would establish priorities for support and set guidelines on tuition fees for r various institutions. The commission will report its findings to. the governor and the General Assembly by December These findings will be used to determine the state's education budget for the next fiscal year. (Continued to Page 7) GOV. SHERMAN TRBBTT

4 Page4 REVEW, University of Delaware, Newark, Delaware March Student to Run for Council Van Tijn Declares Candidacy for 6th District Seaf An undergraduate student studying economics at the university has declared his candidacy for Newark City Council from the 6th district. Dr. David Van Tijn, who has a doctorate in mathematics from ndiana University and 20 years of experience in research and management, is running on a platform of "putting more work into the community." He said the council needs a representative who will speak for students as well as Newark residents. The 6th district encompasses the area north of Main St., including North Campus and Paper Mill Apartments. Van Tijn said he realizes that previously, City Council has not listened to the complaints of students. He said he is willing to present any ideas that students may have. ; f you're getting married in March, April, May,. ' ; June... come in and SAVE ~0% on all 1411 ~ ~. )! white or yellow gold wedding bands. A large selection of bridal and usher's gifts., Place Your _. Confidence in the "Ring leaders", STUDENT DSCOUNT CARD ~~~~ ili~~.;.;~i ~ ~.i,~~~i...-~~ ~~~~,~ir i.:.'d~ iie!~t~ MUST BE PRESENTED UPON PURCHASE AND SGNED BY l~~~:~~~~~ ! 4377 Kirkwood Plaza Wllm., Del Market Sl, Wilm West Gay Sl, West Chester, Pa Dally su.,day 12-7 Daily ~5:30 Friday Ti19 The Newark Merchants Association has and political support for Van Tijn. The candidate said the merchants want a representative who will work for Newark so it will not become "just another'urban community." Van Tijn said he feels it is important to concentrate on the center of town, and do something for the beautification of Main St. He has suggested that benches and public restaurants be installed along Main St. Van Tijn said he would also like to see something done about Newark's traffic and public transportation problems.. Opposing Van Tijn in the election is Owen Thomas, the university bursar. Thomas has been on the City Council for 12 years. University students living in the 6th district may register to vote in the upcoming election on March 19 at the A&P market and both Acme markets in Newark from 11 a.m. until 7 p.m. On March 20, City Hall will be opened from 9 a.m. until 7 p.m. for those who are registering late. Elections for City Council will be held on April13. Most emplo~rs think twice about hiring people with. criminal records. b Phone fraud will result in a criminal record. Think twice. Campus Briefs Relief Funds for Guatemala A relief assistance fund drive for earthquake stricken Guatemala, sponsored by Delaware's chapter of nter-varsity Christian Fellowship, is being held today through Thursday. Donation tables will be set up in the Student Center from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. for the three days of the drive. and in 1 Rodney dining hall from 4:30p.m. to 7 p.m. on Thursday. The quake caused at least 22,000 deaths and 74,000 injuries. The main problems in Guatemala include contaminated water, scarcity of food, wound infection, inadequate housing and large amounts of dust causing eye and throat diseases. Newark to ssue Arrest Warrants On March 19, 1976, warrants for the 81'rest of 350 persons who neglected to pay parking tickets during the period November 1, 1975 to February 15, 1976 will be issued by the Alderman's Court of the city of Newark. Persons arrested, largely- university students and personnel, will pay a fine of $10 per ticket plus court costs. Additional fines and possible jail sentences will be given 'to second offenders. Professor Joins Business Faculty Dr. William Markell, c~hairman of the department of business administration in the College of Business and Economics, has announced the appointment of Dr. William E. Scott to the faculty of business administration at the university. Scott, an organizational psychologist, is a well-known author in his field. He was previously a professor of organizational behavior at the ndiana University Graduate School of Business. Professor's Artwork Accepted Delaware art professor Charles Rowe will have one.of his paintings displayed in the C.M. Russell Western Art Auction. The auction, the largest of its type dealing specifically in Western art, will be held from March 18 through March 20 at the C.M. Russell Museum in Great Falls, Montana. The painting, "Cheyenne Sun Dance," is an acrylic on canvas depicting a ceremonial Cheyenne buffalo skull floating against a landscape. Youth Goodwill Mission to Perform The Youth Goodwill Mission of the Republic of China will give a free performance in the Loudis Recital Hall of the Amy. dupont Music Building on Tuesday, March 23, at 7:30p.m. The performance, sponsored by the university Chinese Student Association, will include folksongs, folkdances, instrumental music, Kung-fu, and costumes representing different periods of Chinese history. The 14 college students who compose the Youth Goodwill Mission are currently visiting academic institutions in the United States with the purpose of promoting intercultural exchange and understanding. A public reception for the touring students will be held from 1:30 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. on the day of the performance in the Rodney Room of the Student Diamond State Telepfl9ne..

5 March 16, 1976 REVEW, University of Delaware, Newark, Delaware PageS Tuesday, March 16 FLM- Edward Sutherland's "Palmy Days" will be shown in 115 Purnell Hall at 8 p.m. as part of the "Films of the Depression" series. Free and open to students. CANCELLATON The Mistislav Rostopovich concert scheduled for 8:15p.m. tonight in Mitchell Hall has been cancelled. Please hang on to your tickets and further details pertaining to refunds will be announced at a later date. PARTY - There will be a fondue rush party at the Pan hellenic House;- sponsored by Alpha Phi SOrority at 9:30 p.m. Free.". NTERNATONAL LUNCH - United Campus Ministry will sponsor a lunch with Philippine food at noon at 20 Orchard Rd. Cost is $1.50. EXHBT - "Selected Student Prints" by university students will be on display through the month at Gallery 20, 20 Orchard Rd. Weekday hours are from 12 :30 p.m. to 3 p.m. EXHBT - Cyril Lee Rennel's rubber sculptures will be shown through March 26 in the West Lounge of the Student Center. LECTURE-Rick Brooks will speak on "Opportunities with the Handicapped and Summer Employment" at 7 p.m. in 028 Purnell ' Hall. The free talk is sponsored by the Student Council for Exceptional Children. LECTURE-Belmont Hall will sponsor a free talk entitled "A Different System : The Role of Science and Education in the People's Republic of China" at 7:30p.m. in 114 Purnell Hall. MEETNG - There will be a Computing Center Users' meetmg at 3:30p.m. in 020 Smith... c e TH~S~.... ta\ S. Latin American film, will be shown at 7:30 p.m. in 120 Smith Hall. Free and open to the public. The film contains subtitles. FLM - "Mythopoeia," by Stan Brakhage, will be shown at 7:30 p.m. in Bacchus as part of the American -Avant-Garde Cinema series. Free._ PUB-ON-THE-HLL "Forecast" will be featured at this St. Patrick's Day celebration from 9 p.m. to 1 a.m. in Pencader dining hall. Cost is 50 cents. PROGRAM - There will be a demonstration in self-defense and the martial arts at 8 p.m. in the Dickinson E-F Commons. Free. Participation is encouraged. LECTURE A free introductory lecture on Transcendental Meditation will be held in 02B Drake Hall at 8 p.m. LECTURE Professors Dominguez and Mcinnis will present an introduction to the one-act plays of Cervantes and Lope de Rueda at 8 p.m. in the Kirkbride Room of the Student Center. Free. A limited number of copies of the plays will be distributed. LECTURE - A free public panel on environmental planning will be held at 7 p.m. in 007 Willard Hall Education Building as part of the "People and the Planet" lecture series.. MEETNG-The Outing Club will hold a meeting at 7 p.m. in 120 Memorial Hall, The film "Patterns of tbe Wild" will be shown afterwards. SEMNAR - The College of Business and Economics will hold a panel discussion on job interviews as part of a four-part program designed to assist students in preparing for careers at 3 p.m. in 118 Purnell Hall. Hall. Thursday, March 18 Wednesday, March 17.FLM - "Ali~e s Restaurant" w1th Arlo Guthne will be shown FLM - " Blood of the in 140 Smith Hall at 7:30 p.m. ~ondor," a prize-winning 1969 and 10 :04 p.m. Cost is 50 cents. ST. PATRCKS DAY PARTY PUB ON THE HLL FEATURNG: FORECAST 9-1 ADMSSON: 50c THNK GREEN The film is sponsored by the Coed Steering Committee. LECTURE - A free public lecture on "Women in American Government" with soeaker Reo. Patricia Schroeder (D-Col.) will take place at 8 p.m. in John M. Clayton Hall. LECTURE - Dr. James McLaren will speak on Sartre and existentialism at 4 p.m. at the French House on 189 West Main St. Free and open to all. LECTURE - Noted Austrian author Dr. Hilde Spiel will give a free public lecture on contemporary Austrian literature at 8 p.m. in the Rodney Room of the Student Center. NOTCE - A "Can Food Drop" campaign for needy elderly families in Newark will be held in the dining balls from 4:30p.m. to 6 p.m. Sponsored by Mu Pi Chapter and Delta Sigma Theta. Events to be published n "These Days" may be brought to The Review, 301 Student Center from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Friday. COMNG SOON: THE GLASS MUG SUMMER ROUNDTRP New York to London $265 Must Reserve 65 Days in Advance Call Toll Free from9-9 (800), NOVA CHARTER CORPS thaca, New York retrospect Columbia Legalizes Pot Use The Columbian government has decided to legalize marijuana use and decriminalize possession of up to 28 grams (about an ounce)' of the drug. According to a government spokesman, the decision is based on the National Drugs Council's recommendation that possession of a small amount of marijuana should not be a criminal offense. Po.ssession of more than 28 grams can result in a charge of drug trafficking. The spokesman said the government believes that users of the drug are sick people, not delinquents. Ford's Manager Benched President Ford's national campaign manager, Howard H. Callaway, has been accused of using a government office to benefit his own business interests. He was put on paid leave Saturday pending investigation. Callaway is accused of using his office as Secretary of the Army to expand his ski resort onto land _controlled by, the National Forest Service. Permission to expand was at. first denied him but NBC reports that approval was granted after three forest service officials opposing the expansion were transferred. One of the men was replaced by a man based in Georgia, Callaway's home state. Ford expressed "full faith" in Callaway, adding that he is -a "man of integrity." He named Stuart Spencer as acting chairman of the campaign. Rizzo Sues nquirer A $6 million libel suit was filed Saturday against the Philadelphia nquirer by Mayor Frank L. Rizzo for a purported interview in the magazine section of last Sunday's edition. Desmond Ryan's column "Our Mayor Speaks" is the target of the libel suit. Complied from Dlopatch FNANCAL AD APPLCATON Students desiring to apply for financial aid for the academic year should secure application materials NOW. APPliCATONS ARE AVALABLE N THE FNANCAL AD OFFCE, 207 HULliHEN HALL. n order to meet the priority deadline of MAY 1st all applications should be submitted by March 25th. Students having National Direct Student or Nursing Loans for the current semester must sign their promissory notes in the Office of Financial Aid prior to spring vacation. CAMP HE LP WANTED Outstanding Pocono Co-ed Private Summer Camp WLL BE NTERVEWNG College undergrads and grads SUNDAY, MARCH 21st 12 noon to 4 p.m. U. of D. Hillel Center, 70 Amstel Ave. OPENNGS NCLUDE: Dramatics Supervisor,. Nature, Arts and Crafts, lakefront, Horseback, Riflery, Nurses (2), Unit Supervisor (Girls-11-12), Fine Arts, Photography. Gymnastics, Tennis and GeAftt~ Counselors.. Call for Appt Daily

6 Page 6 REVEW, University of Delaware, Newark, Delaware March 16, 1976 Editorial Cheers and Jeers A Job Well Done Another Student Center Day came and left this weekend, and once again it proved to be a huge success - a fact to which the estimated 5,800 persons Who attended will attest. Months of preparation went into making Student Center Day a success and the tireless efforts of the Student Center Council should not go unnoticed. The council's members ~bviously can be proud of a job well done. At.Last We would like to sincerely thank whomever was responsible for the new grilled cheese machine in the Scrounge. Although it was a bit overdue, the news of the new machine was the cause of much celebration for our. hamburged-out stomachs. While we're passing out compliments, a round of applause is in order for the milkshakes in the Scrounge, which up until four weeks ago could have been passed off as flavored milk. For the past month, however, the Scrounge shakes have been consistently standing up to a straw (like they did in the good ol' days). Whatever the.reason, keep up the good work. _ Boss Rizzo We would like to send an especially loud chorus of boos out to Philadelphia Mayor Frank L. Rizzo, who this past weekend made it clear that he considers himself above fair comment and criticism. On Saturday the mayor filled a $6-million libel suit against the Philadelphia nquirer for running a column by Desmond Ryan entitled.: our Mayor Speaks." n his column Ryan included a mock dispatch from Mayor Rizzo in which the mayor discussed the man_y problems facing his administration. The mock dispatch was cleverly written and an obvious piece of fiction. Mayor Rizzo 's lawyer, however, claimed that the nquirer was trying to " lie, cheat and defraud the public" through the column. We find such a conclusion absurd. There could never be any doubt in the mind of any reasonable person that the column was a parody and not an actual dispatch from the mayor. We can see no way for the mayor to win his libel suit. The whole incident will probably go down as another unfortunate chapter in the sad era of the Rizzo administration. nternational Friendship To the Editor: The campus branch of the American Field Service feeis that the Cosmopolitan Club would greatly benefit from the reopening of Daugherty Hall. Foreign students would once again have a convenient gathering place where ping pong, T.V. and opportunities to meet new people are available. The comfortable size of the fellowship room would encourage more activities involving both American and foreign students. We feel that the reopening of Daugherty Hall would foster positive interaction among foreign students, and be~ Al'derican and foreign students. The development of international friendship on campus is a particular concern of our organization. - Sincerely, The members of the American Field Service _ r Public Editor By John G. Martin.ez Two weeks ago yesterday, the university Faculty Senate passed a resolution approving the new drop-add policy. The policy changes the deadline for changing registration from eleven weeks to six weeks. This matter is of obvious importance to the student body. / Yet it was just last Friday that The Review reported on this matter. What were they doing witb this information for a week and a half? They simply didn't know about it until recently. n the case of the Faculty Senate article, someone called in and told The Review about the drop-add proposal. This has been and will continue to be a major way to obtain story leads. But a newspaper cannot expect to have a lot of news simply placed in its lap. They must go out and actively look for it.. A great deal of the university community depends on The Review for the news on and about campus. How does the paper go about giving even coverage to the To the Editor: The three articles by Pete Simon and the subsequent editorial regarding the plight of foreign students and the adverse effect that the closing of Daugherty Hall had on all international students.were very apropos. As one who worked in the Greystone Building for four years say that a very fair description was provided concerning that building and the one which currently houses the nternational Center. n one of the articles it was brought out that Daugherty Hall was "like an old car." ndeed it was, but an old car that had been taken care of well, still useful and usable, in contrast to the current nternational Center which is more "like a junk car." various news centers such as the myriad segments of the administration, the faculty, various student groups and activities, the City of Newark, and other areas that concern the readers? Many newspapers use a "beat" system which extends throughout its sphere of concern to seek out the news. Each individual repo!"ter on a beat is responsible for knowing exactly what is going on in his or her specific area. When something does come up, the public can be informed about it as quickly as possible. No area should be ignored. As far as The Review goes, this system is still in the works. Some segments are getting very good coverage while others are being virtually ignored. Crime on campus, student government (or lack of it), major faculty concerns, and activities of various offices such as Winter-Summer Session are simply not receiving adequate coverage. _ Good coverage in some areas can not make up for deficiencies in others. The readers should have the news, all the news, when it happer1s. They deserve to have the entire picture. H you hove any questions or comments concerning occurocy. fairness or coverage p/eose contact: The Public Edftor- The Review, 30 r Student CenlfK, Newark, Del, Readers J:lespond "Old Car" Still Useable Throughout this year we are being constantly bombarded with statements that due to the bad financial status of the university conservation of resources, including space, is a must. Yet, stunningly, a proposal is being submitted, as The Review reported recently, to turn the Greystone Building "into a dining hall complex." Does anyone have any idea how many thousands of dollars it would take to convert that structure into something of the other extreme of the previous "beer hall' - which caused. all the problems in the first place? Also, is the university becoming a "country club," considering changing a central facility, very usable by international students, commuter students, and other students, faculty and staff in a "true" academic interaction, for use by a "select" group during "specified" hours? The university should quit stalling and reopen the building as it was before, without the "beer hall," providing students, faculty and staff a fine place of meeting and interacting, providing international students, commuter students, and clubs which had offices there previously with much needed space, and providing itself (the university) with a profitable operation (which the Snack Bar was) and a service to those using it. Sincerely, Elrod Ferreira AS76 Vol. 99, No. 41 Tuesday, Marc:h 16, 1976 Carol T rasatto managing.ditor Richard Hoffman editorial editor Robert Dutton Edit«Joseph Marsilii business manager Cynthia Deutsch advertising manager

7 REVEW, University of Delaware, Newark, Delaware More Readers Respond ***************** 1 ***** ~ CO-ED STEERNG COMMinEE * More on the 'Suns.hine Bill'. 1! PRESENTs : To the Editor: We would like to elaborate on your article describing the hearings in Dover on February 24 regarding the Sunshine Bill. t is true that the hearing dealt with two bills. His true that Senate Substitute 1 for Senate Bill 256, sponsored by Senator Holloway, would open to the public the meetings and records of the University's Board of Trustees. t is true that Senator saacs' SB 391 would not. The article also says that Holloway's bill would give the public access to "information concerning private contributors to the university and the amount of their donations." This university concern is actually covered in SS 1 for SB 256 in that it would be legitimate to close discussions and records "... which would disclose the identity of a contributor of a bona fide and lawful contribution... whenever public anonymity has been requested...'' Also overlooked in the article is a major objective of sunshine legislation. SB 39 1, according to your article "is fundamentally the same as SS 1 for SB 256. As all of the Soap Operas (CGttlnuM front... 3) students have of "Mary Hartman, Mary Hartman" seems to be that the humor is inconsistent. Stevens said she used to watch the show almost every night with a group of friends but lost interest in it because it "has a tendency to get boring." nconsistency can be the kiss of death for soap operas that depend on attracting a loyal following. But for now, the women are still gathering to watch their soaps in the afternoon, and the men are watching "Mary Hartman, Mary Hartman" at 11 p.m. Concert Cancelled The Miatllilav Roatopovicb concert scheduled for 8: 15 p.m. tonltbt in Mitchell Hall baa been cancelled. Please ban1 on to your tickets and further details pertalnln1 to refunds wlll be announced at a later date. Page7 A1 1ce's Restauran...,.. testimony presented by the citizens lobby groups made clear, there is a vast difference. T* between the bills,. a difference sizeable., enough to warrant firm support for. Holloways' bill and opposition to saacs'. saacs' bill would open only regulatory bodies of the state. t would NOT provide access to legislative, advisory or executive bodies. City and county councils, school boards and advisory commissions, as well as the University's Board of Trustees, are of vital * concern to the voting public. These agencies "'- are covered in SS 1 for SB 256. t is because of...- this that local good government groups and many representatives of the public media urged passage of SS 1 for SB 256 and not of SB. * 391. THURSDAY, MARCH 18 Th~ reason senator saa~s called the! 140 SMTH 7:31 and 10:04 P.M. soc* hearmg was to enable comparison of the two ~ * bills. He is now aware of the public's intere&t!**********************~ in broad, comprehensive. freedom of information legislation. He has promised to sign SS 1 for SB 256 out of committee. Hopefully, with more wide-spread citizen endorsement, he will lend it his support. /_. Sa League of Women Voten owelawar\ Mng the Green. 20% OFF everything in stock Wed. thru Sat. EX TON MAN STREET 59 E: Main St~ **JUST ARRVED ** NEW SPRNG SHOES at Part-time help w/car - early AM. Earn extra $40. to $50. a week before school or regular job. Must be dependable. For info call MR WAYNE '. -.! ' c.., LADES DESGNERS CANCELLATONS Mon., Tues., Thurs., Sat., 10-6 Wed. and Friday, 10-9 Closed Sunday -1!'551 Kirkwood Highway Millcreek Shopping Center Wilmington, Del Phone ""':" Cl1976 California Avocado Advisory Boord, Newport Beach. Cohforn1o We'll send you a free booklet on Avocado Seed Growing if you'll send us 25 for handling and postage. Address it: Seed Growing, P.O. Box 2162, Costa Mesa, CA Allow 4-6 wks for del~very. Offer expires Dec. 31, 1976.

8 REVEW, UniversitY of Delaware, Newa~. Delaware March 16, 1 Twelve Hours of Crazy Fun t started at 7 p:m. By 9:30 p.m. walking through the Student Center with a destination in mind became ridiculous. By 10:30 p.m., arriving at that destination was impossible. Student Center Day - 12 hours packed solid with a potpourri of activities and people. nsanity running rampant throughout the boiling mass of bodies crammed wherever a body could conceivably fit. Taking tiny wiggles with a driving force behind you meant you were on your way. Tough luck if your nose happens to be arm-pit high and you're ~urrounded. The cartoons-bugs Bunny, Little Red Riding Hood, Chilly Willy and Betty Boop. Students laugh harder and longer than the handful of children wedged parents and their balloons. The Rodney Room stuffed with j1tter11es, to Whale and Fast Eddy Under dim The Brooklyn Dodgers, Bill Haymes play to a warm, appreciative crowd Munching on tacos, cr~es, Juggling food, schedules and cokes. inner jacket pockets, quic~ly returned. Dead quiet in one room. Tarot paper folding next door. Seven folding precisely. They create airjff..,. tt Masterpieces gently removed from Text by Elaine Caliendo StaH photos by Holly Hoopes and Barry Seidenstat PERFORMNG ARTS SERES UNVERSTY OF DELAWARE MTCHELL HALL Proudly Presents NTERNATONALLY CELEBRATED SOVET CELLST And Conductor of The National Symphony, Washington, D.C. MSTSLAV ROSTROPOVCH TUESDAY, MARCH 16 8:15P.M. MTCHELL HALL General Public $5.50 Students $4.50 STUDENTS PLEASE NOTE: UNCLAMED STUDENT SEASON SEATS WLL BE RESOLD. GET YOUR SEASON TCKETS OUT OF THE MOTHBALLS. DON'T MSS THS RARE EVENT! THE NAVY S COMNG! Your Navy ' information team will be on campus Monday, March 15 through Friday, March 19 in 131 Sharp lab to conduct interviews and answer questions concerning officer opportunities in the Navy. Presently all officer programs are open including Nuclear Power, Civil Engineering, Aviation, Supply Corps, Nurse Corps, and Regular Unrestricted line Officer. f you are interested in obtaining further information please contact your placement office or call us collect at or write to OFFCER NFORMATON TEAM PresldentlarBidg. Rm Belcrest Rd., Hyattsville, Maryland Be Someone Speclafl GoNAVY

9 Marchli REVE\Y. University of Delaware, Newark, Delaware Page 9 f Comic Confusion thumbs, pink fingers and multi-colored towels everywhere. Pity the clean-up committee. Gambling for the 10-pound Hershey bar. Dripping chunks thrown to the crowd. A prize to be coveted. Never did get to see the 16-foot sub. Had to run an obstacle course around three lounging ladies on the stairway just to see.some poor clod shuffle through the obstacle course upstairs. Obviously forced into the act by several heckling females. Sexy legs and hairy chests everywhere, not just in the contests. Foosball. Furious ping pong matches. Pool sharks looking for an easy mark. Morning will bring the janitors. Pushing mops, brooms. Clutter everywhere. The aftermath of a bizarre 12 hours. ARABS "~Roots of the toblem" Beoneofthe New Minutemen. Sunday, March 21, 7:30P.M. Clayton Hall, Univ. of Del., Newark Speakers: Ahmed Abushedi Egyptian Embassy, Washington, D.C. David Peleg sraeli Embassy, Washington, D.C. Paul T. Durbin Dept. of Philosophy, University of Delaware James K. Oliver Dept. of Political Science, University of Delaware Moderator: Jay L. Hallo English Dept., University of Delaware Sponsored by B'nai B'rith Hillel foundation of Temple Beth El, Department of Political Science, Cosmopolitan Club, and nter national Students Association, University of Delaware. Support ed by a grant from the Delaware Humanities Forum. Guardsmen are like America's first Minutemen. Civilians. / Men and women ready to protect the good things about America. And you can be one of them. You can learn a trade. earn extra pay. help the country and community. A great opportunity for veterans. too. t may be the most important part-time job in America. CONTACT YOUR LOCAL NATONAL GUARD ARMORY FOR DETALS.

10 Page 10 REVEW, University of Delaware, Newark, Delaware March 16, 1976 "GET YOUR HEAD TOGETHER" Want a Great Haircut? Be a Model for the Academy Hair Cutting Team Day and Evening Hours ACADEMY OF HAR DESGN 6 E. 8th St., Wilmington, Del.. ***************** NUCLEAR PROPULSON SEMNAR ic The University of Delaware Physics Depart-t ment and the U.S. Navy are sponsoring a seminar on Nuclear Propulsion today at 4 :00P.M. in the lecture hall of Sharp~ la'boratory. All University of Delaware "J' students and guests are welcome. For further ic information please contact Dr. Miller at 738-~ 2660 or call us collect at or ic write to ~ :?}:}:t>> t ~.i Three Professors Lauded Delaware Educators Named to First Black Who's Who Three university educators have been included in the first edition of Who's Who Among Black A~erlcans for achievements in their fields. They are Louis. J. Murdock. associate dean of students, Dr. James E. Newton, director of black American studies, and Dr. Gloria T. Hull, assistant professor of English. There are over 10,000 listings in the boqk, including 19 individuals from Delaware. Other notables inclu9e Henry Aaron, Eldridge Cleaver, Aretha DR. GLORA HULL Franklin, and Coretta Scott King. The standards and criteria for selection depended upon an individual's reference value, stated William C. Matney, editor of the book. Reference value was defined as "... the unique contributions of black Americans in an evolving but still restricted society." This focuses on two factors : the position of responsibility held and the level of significant acheivement attained in a career of meritorious activity. Discussing their selection, Murdock said, "There are some commonalities among the three of us. We are all OFFCER NFORMATON TEAM '"" ~~~~~~~ Presidential Bldg., Rm Belcrest Road... Hyattsville, Maryland ****************** DR. LOUS J. MURDOCK ~ ---- )' relatively new at the university, each of us having been here five years or less. We are all concerned with quality education and projects within the community." " think of us being black Americans and am struck by the similarity of our backgrounds and how it wasn't necessarily easy to get in a book like this," added Hull. Newton believes the book "gives us an estimate of the wealth of talent and contributions by black Americans." =. i N ' L NN OPENS TS NEW SEASON WTH A POWER-PACKED SCHEDULE OF PARTY NTES 1..THS WEEK'S BAND -= i. HT& RUN. i ~ MONDAY NTES: 11 No Minimum" = Shrimp Feast ;. = TUESDAY NTES: Ladies Nite = 1f2 price for Ladies Drinks Crab Feast = WEDNESDAY NTES: College.D. Nite = No minimum with college.d./.. 1 Pitchers of Beer (32 oz.) $1 Clam Feast THURSDAY NTES: Ever Popular Ram-Nite = i LVE MUSC MON., THURS., SAT. / = KTCHEN OPEN EVE~Y NTE UNTL. 2:00A.M. (CLOSED SUNDA YSJ = M PZZA 'S-STEAK SANDWCHES-!'fOAGES-~TROMBOL.'S-iJEATBA..S... M, RT. ll<ennen SQUARE, PA ,. : M ~. ~,'1._,. a).. ~-';.. :"< ~..,, /o' 4., '"~ -,,,._-,..,.,.....,.,.... '.... *'

11 March 16, 1976 REVEW, University of Delaware, Newark, Delaware Getaway Guide to Europe Economical Tips for Overseas Study and Travel By KAREN WENTZ Magnificent golden cathedrals, Michaelangelo's David, brie, Swiss white wines, Lipizon stallions, snow frosted Alps, the Louvre, street markets, French Patisse- Europe! f hamburgers, Delaware, and "All in the Family" have somehow lost their novelty, take off and travel. Opportunities for a semester or a year of studying and traveling abroad are almost limitless - for about the same price an out-of-state student pays at the university. To begin a study-trip to Europe, choose the country and the subjects you'd like to study. Then visit Dr. Dean C. Lorn is, adviser on nternational Student Affairs; at the "nternational Center, 54 W. Delaware Ave. He supplies addresses a~cording to chosen specifications, leaving it up to the individual to write the various schools for catalogues and application forms. Replys. take a minimum of two weeks, and most European universities. accept apphcations until late December for the following fall semester. So, although there's still a chance of being accepted for the fall semester, it's not too early to send spring semester applications. When deciding where to study, don't eliminate Paris, Vienna, and other non-english speaking cities simply because you don't know the language. European universities give one enough time to learn the language before graded work is required. By the end of a four month semester it's usually possible to produce passable work. f the work load turns out, to be from any major European heavier than y 0 u train station. expected, one condolence is Once purchased, rail travel that only credits are is "'ree". not only on the transferred to this university, continent (Europe proper), grade point av~rages aren't but also in Norway, reported. Denmark, Sweden, Greece, Once things are settled Morocco, and the United with a European Kingdom. However, half fare university, don't forget is charged for rail travel to settle things here. within the country where the To a void problems, pass is bought. For further take time to talk to information write NUS university officials about a Travel (a student travel leave of absence and related service provided by Brttain's subjects before leaving. National Union of Students), Credits transfer readily to at Compass House, Lypiatt the university if the proper R o a d, C h e 1 t e n h a m, forms are completed and the Gloucester, England GL 5 proper dean, adviser, and 200. departm~nt chairmen have When traveling, three been notified. necessities besides the basic Travel is recognized as 'a jeans, backpack, and major reason for European traveler's checks are: study. At England s Thomas Cook's Continental University of Bath, which Timetable, an nternational attended last semester, most Student dentity Card, and of the 30 Americans there Let's Go Europe. had at least Friday (if_ not First, so that you are not Monday also) free of classes caught in a foreign city and thought nothing of taking wondering when what train off more days if necessary to leaves for where, invest 1.50 see something "we might in Cook's book. Available never have the chance to see only at Cook's Tavel again." Agencies in Britain, it Surprisingly, you don't contains accurate listings of have to be loaded with money all European train schedules. to enjoy Europe. Train travel' Planning is impossible is the safest, cheapest and without it. most reliable means of Second, in all Europe, but European transportation and especially in taly, an three package deals exist: nternational.d. card the Eurarail pass, the proves to be well worth its $2 Britrail pass, and the cost. Students with cards nter-rail pass. Each pass enjoy reduced fares, or free provides unlimited travel at (C... tlnum to Page ts) 6-10 P.M. Call for more information MARCH 17, HANES STREET (behind Russell "A") LUTHERAN HOUSE OF STUDES NOW SHOWNG, 7 & 9 P.M. countries a set price during within a given specified time -:=~~~~~=~!!!!!~!!!!!!!!~~ ~qw.qw.qw.qw.qw.qw.qw.qw.qw.qw.h><><o>t. period. nter-rail is far superior to the others for second-class, one -- month travel, but is virtually unheard of in the States. The pass can be purchased by anyone under 23 years old with a vslidated passport for $135 JfRF.ESRr With 1 some Razamatazz, a bit of Jaz~ and magical Pizazz, we would like to thank. Mr. Pizza The Graduate Newark.Farm & 'Home Supplies Stock Pile Blue Hen Grocery & Novelties New England Pizza Newark Schwinn Cycle Hall's Happy Harry's Sharrah's Fabrics Newark Newsstand Rhodes Pharmacy Newark Stationers u.s. Optlcais Brandywine Music Center Wynn's Gift Shop Lee's Oriental Rape of the Lock National 5 & 10 Abbott's Shoe Repair Exit on Main Street Record Ranch Town & Country Village Shop U of D Bookstore KraiMusic Card and Gift Shop Book Store in Horseshoe Lane with purchase of any two or more t!atlv items,.an a 165 E. Main St. Newark, Del. R D Systems, Jim Godwin, Mark Laubach, Bob Cannon, Larry Stephan, Matt Severns, Doug Wyman, Pat McDonough, Mark Stutman and Mike Donnelly. the Student Center stah, the ' Student Center Council members, all volunteers, Frisbee Club, Blue Hen 11, Lane Hall, Alpha Phi Omega, Commuter Association, French House, Spanish House, German House, Sky Diving Club, American Field Service and Food Service Department. and hope that ya'll will thank these m~rchants too. The Stud~nt Center Council

12 Page 12 The Review 301 Student Center Newark, Del announcements, Yes, here it is gang. t's this week'sad for All you Can Eat. No, we aren't gonna make anx silly jokes or sly sexual references. But if you're not there for our big May concert, we'll put the Mafia on your tail. So watch it. Troy Celerini. Tired of the same old dining hall grind? Remember, it's Daffy Deli for the empty <or grossly abused) belly. Call Tired of that old dining hall grind? Why don't ya just starve then, clown? available Weddings and portraits; color or B/W. Reasonable rates, Call Dennis Available for odd jobs- painting, carperitry. Reasonable rates. Leave message at 009 Brown Lab. Weddings and other types of photograpby. Reasonable rates. Call David TypinJ by a professiooal secretary. Thesis expenence Resumes-prepared and typed by professional personnel analyst. Reasonable. 47l> Need term papers typed? Call or Newark Area. Special gifts, portraits, nexpensive. Call Mike for sale Sale-Craig 8-track car tape deck, 4 speakers. Excj!llent condition. $ Sale-New audio equipment. Prices/makes-eall '74 Honda 450, 1200 miles. Extras. Donna Realistic turntable <new) and 2 Pioneer speakers-$125. Maytag apt. sized dryer. coppertone, good condition- $30. Guitar - $20. Call Charlotte after 6 p.m. Sale by owner - Cavalier townhouse condominium, 3 bedrooms, finished basement, l'h baths, air conditioning, wallto-wall carpeting, adjacent golf course, many extras. $29, ' ifl Willys, runs good. $ evenings. Sale-TEAC A auto reverse R-R deck. DBX117 compander. SWTP ~band audio equalizer. PONEER TX-9100 tuner. YAMAHA FG string guitar. Call Mark 453-<1173. FM CAR CONVERTER, used, $15 call Mark Audio Equipment Outlet, new, most popular brands carried, prices call Mark «;3-{)793. lost&found FOUND-Gold loop earring found Monday a.m. between Lane and Russell E room212. FOUND-man's watch on Friday, March 5, on Student Center tennis courts. Please call , Katie. LOST-Purple and orange psychedelic Boog. Answers to "Ciiumbo," last seen in vicinity of Christiana East. Denise, LOST-Pet rock, brown w/gray speckles. Has papers, 25-cent reward REVEW. University of Delaware, Newark, Delaware C.LASSFED Personal There will be no Bruce Springsteen gags this issue because be's now a PARODY OF!!lll!!! lllll!l ll!!l lllll!~...-.!"""!"~~"'!1"- HMSELF! How 'bout it, guys, do win the To Elwood - Happy Eleventh. love you. prize? B. Dylan. Geoffrey Sam U. -.'m o~t ofoefl!lies. Try chewing on Happy :Jlth Birthday Kathy from the gang. a dollar bill unhl the pam subsides. Jim Shira,look behind you. Happy Birthday Jim. Love, Kitt Ernie: Happy Birthday and LOTS of Love. 3/18D. Happy Birthda'-y.-;D,-.J~ David, that three-piece suit equaled a dozen dozen roses_. LEARN TO MEDTATE. Two methods, six simple instructions. Helps relax, be less anx1ous, more alert. $1. Meditime, Box 7556UWB, Newark, Del Learn to relax, settle down, and slowly slide into unconsciousness ; hold your breath. Tired of insecticides that just don't do the job? Now, YOU can learn to swat bugs with a rolled-up newspaper in the privacy of your own bathroom. Send for details Pennsylvania Ave., Washington, D.C. This issue's odds: HH-AM 75:1 Cladies' choice) ; RD-KS 1: 1 <anyone gonna bet against U.S. Steel? l; BS-Nikon 1~1 <BB in a boxcar) ; TJO-JGM 30-1 (only their hairdresser knows for sure); CT-JC 3-2 (a match made in purgatory l..voluptuous-hope you're better very soon. Dr. Feelgood. KB-8orry if hurt your business, just call 'em as!see 'em. R,alph, f anyooe out there has seen Fred Harris, doo't tell me about it. The ooly support he'll EVER get is a truss. Suicide club desperatel:t needs new members. Reasonable rates. Steve & Nina-When in doubt, punt. Mason AURAL SEX-That's the only thing that approaches the level of excitement to be generated by All You Can Eat. t's like thousands of tiny pneumatic jackhammers urging you to he there or else_ Celery. Paul- got rhythm, got pregnant. told you to get yourself fixed. Sadie s nothing sacred! Of course it is. You'll never see a nothing joke in Review classifieds. TME OUT-OK, students and other readers. Do you think 'm gonna waste my time and money writing insane ads for this column forever? Oh yeah? Wanna buy a bridge? C'mon, know there's clowns out there. Speak up! You have nothing to lose but a little spare change. Besides, they woo't let me out of this closet until we break even. Help free N«rm DePiume! r , : How to Use Review Classifieds March 16, 1976 Send your ad to us with payment Rates: 5C/word roommates Need a new roommate <or thinking about getting rid of an old onel? Use Review classifieds. Most people without homes use them while they sack out on park benches and such. Wanted Pet Rocks, all bre:js and mmeraj groups. Please, no gravel or pebbles. We run a respectable establishment here..f. Rizzo, City Hall, Philadelphia. HOSTESS NEEDED MMEDATELY. Weekends now, full time summer. Apply in person. Fran O'Brien's Restaurant Rehoboth Bea ih. ' Wanted Student Government repairman to work on the turkey we're presently stuck with. Must have experience in emergency treatment and turkey carving. Wanted-Two tickets for Janis an concert. Call Carol and... Earn $250. Possible from stuffing 1000 envelopes. Work at home; own hours. Many companies need your service. For information, rush $2 and self-addressed envelope to: Johnson-3, 258 Atwood St., Pittsburgh, Pa Euro)>e-no friiis flights-write Global Travel, 521 Ave. N.Y., N.Y NTERESTED N NO-FRLLS LOW COST JET TRAVEL to Europe, Africa, the Middle East, the Far East? EDUCATONAL FLGHTS has been helping people travel oo a budget with maximum flexibility and minimum hassle for six years. F«r more info., call toll free bink of what you want the ENTRE campus to know or hear. ways that work and some that doo't: 1 3. Count up the number of words and multiply by 5t/word per c.storbyouroffice(301studentcenterlandgiveittosomeone 1 excellent pay, require no experience and 2. Write it down on a piece of paper, or anytliing else that you care a. Put it in U.S. Mail. Men! Women! nformation about JOBS ON to part with (a comb?>. \ b. Put it in Campus Mail. SHPS! Learn to find jobs that have issue. (Th3t'sdirt cheapwhenyouthinkaboutitl. orslipi under the door. offer worldwide travel on American and 4. ndicate which SSUes you want your ad in, and put your ad, d. Put it in your ear. 1 Foreign shops ; Perfect summer joo or your mooey, and whatever elsejou want us to have into an 5. At st/ word, it's better than playing foosball, cheaper than career. Send $3 for information guide. 1 envelope (or an old dirty sock) an then you just have to get it to cigarettes, and just plain old more fun than anything you can do 1 SEAFAX. Dept. C-8, Box 2049, Port Angeles, us. <Oil yea, we~ your address also.). Here are somecommoo for a nickel these days (sn't that right, Ralph? l. Wash., Money Back guarantee. Hair dryer-mighty max hairdryer, brand new. $22. Call Roo at ~ r ~----- Jeans: Levi's, Lee, : "the ias~n store"! J~ l! 46 E. Main Street, Newark! t 1 Mon. thru Sat. 9-5:30 Weds./ Fri. 9-9 ~ t l

13 March 16, 1976 Can Food Drive A "Can Food Drop," which will benefit needy elderly families in the Newark community, begins March 18. "Drop stations" will be open in the dining halls from 4:30 p.m. to6p.m. The food drop is being sponsored by Mu Pi Chapter and Delta Sigma Theata, nc. REVEW, University of Delaware, Newark, Delaware BEE HVE CO. NC. Tobacconists Since 1907 MPORTED PPES, CGARETTES AND CG,ARS Specializing n CUSTOM TOBACCOS Page 13 D.C.S. Co. POTTERS SUPPLES - CLAYS, CHEMCALS, TOOLS, K LNS,WHEELS. SHMR:l-LOCKERB E BRENT-SOLDNER-L & L CRUSADER-KEMPER. Tel: ( 302) OGLEDWN ROAD NEWARK, DEL Quality you can trust... Texas nstruments electronic calculators. More math power for your money You need math power, no matter what your major. And T puts more math power at your fingertips more economically. How can T give you greater value? The answer lies beneath the keyboard. There, major technological advances have achieved greater and greater power at lower and lower costs. Tl-1200 and Tl real quality in low-cost calculators with replaceable batteries. The Tl-1200 gives you percentages at the touch of a key, has an automatic constant in the four basic functions for performing repetitive calculations, full floating decimal, and 8-digit display. You can carry it to class or lab in pocket, purse, or briefcase... $12.95*. (AC adapter optional.) The T-1250 does everything the Tl-1200 does-plus a full-function, four-key me m ory. You,also get a change-s ig-n key... all for $18.95*. (AC adapter optional.) Tl ; great looks, great performance. And it's rechargeable. A crisply st yled portable with percent key, full-floating decimal, autom a tic cons t a nt in the four basic functions, and an easy-to-read 8- digit display. The Tl-1500 slips neatly into pocket or purse, operates on rechargeable batteries and AC... $29.95*. Why Tl calculators are quick and easy to use. All T calculators described here use algebraic entry. This allows you to key-in a problem just as you would state it... in the same natural manner in which you think. No system is easier to master. T-2550-D... a versatile powerhouse with memory. This eight-ounce, 8- digit portable does percentages automatically, and has a four- key memory system..,... ~ til! Science keys, too. Reciprocals, squares, square roots, and a reverse to invert fractions and recall next-to-last entry. Automatic constant in all four basic functions and a two-place or full-floating decimal. Rechargeable batteries and AC... $49.95*. SR-16-D... multifunction scientific calculator , This portable wizard will not only whip ; ~ 1... through mere arithmetic but also.. 't! ' through complex, t echnical proble ms. : ~!fi l Solves sum-of-products or quotient-ofsums without re-entering intermediate results or rewriting the problem for sequential operation. Special function keys include square root, square, reciprocal, raise a displayed number to a power (y ), raise "e" to a power (e'), logs and natural logs. A,utomatic constant, independent memory, full-floating decimal, and scientific notation. Replaceable batteries (AC adapter optional)... $39.95 *. SR-50A and SR-51A... slide-rule calculators. The SR-50A solves complex scientific calculations as easily as simple arithmetic. Algebraic entry system with sum-of-products capability. The SR-50A performs all classical slide-rule calculations- roots, powers, reciprocals, factorials, common and natural logarithms and their inverses, trigonometric (sin, cos, tan) and hyperbolic (sinh, cosh, tanh) functions and their inverses-all in full-floating decimal point or in scientific notation. The versatile electronic memory allows data to be stored and retrieved or added to memory... $79.95*. The SR-51A performs all classical sliderule functions, then goes on to statistical functions. Such as mean, variance, and standard deviation. Factorials, permutations, slope and intercept. Trend line analysis. And ther e is a random number generator as well as 20 preprogrammed conversions and inverses. The SR-51A allows decimal selection of from 0 to 8 places and has three user-accessible memories... $119.95*. 4P A lasting investment in the future, a T calculator will not only serve you well as you work toward your degree... but w,ill stay with you as you pur-. sue your career. See them n wherever quality. calcula" U/ tors are sold. TEXAS NSTRUMENTS Sugg ested retail pnce <1)1976 Texas nstruments ncorporated NCORPORATED (;

14 Page 14 REVEW. University of Delaware, Newark, Delaware March 16, 1976 OPEN HOUSE at La Maison Francaise Sunday Afternoon March 21 - ANew Experience: THE GLASS MUG Richard Chamberlain-Raquel Welch Michael York-Oliver Reed in THE THREE MUSKETEERS Saturday, March20 Use Review Classifieds 140Smith $1.00w/.D. 7: 30 9: midnight Tickets on Sale Thursday and Friday 12-3 East Lounge Student Center Spectrum David Bowie, March 15 and 18,8 p.m. $8.50, $7.50,$8.50 Electric Light Orchestra, Journey, Wishbone Ash March 23 at 8 p.m. $5.50 in advance $8.50 day of show Robin Trower, Stampeders March 30 at 8 p.m. $8.50 in advance ~iiiiiiiiiiii~iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil SANDALS! SANDALS! SANDALS! 1003 West St. Wilm. O'Jays, The Commodores April4 at 8 p.m. $5.50, $8.50,$7.50 Bad Company, Ted Nugent AprillO at 8 p.m. $8.50 in advance $7.50 day of show Lynyrd Skynyrd, Outlaws, Steve Marriott's All Stars A~ril18 at 8 p.m. $5.50 in advance - $8.50 day of show Tony Orlando and Dawn Aprilll at p.m. $8.50, $7.50 ; $8.50 Tower Theater Leo Kottke, Emmy Lou Harris March 20 at 7:30p.m. $4.50, $5.50, $8.50 George Carlin, Travis Shook and the Club Wow March 21 at 8 p.m. $5, $8,$7 Patti Smith, Johnny's Dance Band March 27 at 7:30p.m. $4.50, $5.50,$8.50 Nils Lofgrin, Steve Gibbons April 9 at 8 p.m. $4,$5,$8 Gil Scott- Heron, Flora Purim and Airto April10 at 7:30p.m. $5,$8,$7 Uriah Heep, Skyhooks April12 and 13 at 7:30p.m. $5, $8,$7 Academy of Music Smokey Robinson April2 at 8:30p.m. $6, $7,$8 Valley Forge Music Fair Jay BlacR and the Americans Dion March 20 and 21 $7:50, $8.50, $5.50 STATE. AfilmbyBERNARDOBERTOLUCC THE RTRE MARCH 18, 19, 20 Thursday, Friday, Saturday 11:30 P.M. Saturday Matinee 2 P.M. f you're looking for a ring, now you know where to look. (..--:-... «c;; ) M(MB 0 AMEOCAN ~ GO SOCETY u\ai~gteft~g JEWELERS SNCE E. Main St.-Elkton Newark Shopping Ctr.-Newark ~ ~

15 March 16, 1976 REVEW, University of Delaware, Newark, Delaware ;... Tips for Study and Travel Abroad (Contlnuedfram ""' admission to many museums, palaces and gardens. To obtain one, write the Council on nternational Educational Exchang_e, 777' United Nations Plaza, New York, Consider when deciding when to buy the card that it must be renewed each January 1. Finally Let's Go Europe, written annually by Harvard students,. is a student ttaveler's bible. t is divided into sections by country and ltsts places to see, live, and dine, along with personal impressions of both major and minor towns. This budget watchers' handbook to Europe is generally unavailable in Europe, so buy it before you go. Although these are just a few ~tuidelines for the student with some extra cash who wants to study abroad, it is possible to travel with almost no money. A friend of mine, having already bought his nter--rail pass, traveled 8,000 miles in one month on $108. But, wouldn't suggest this, since he made it home to England with only 20 cents in his pocket. But then again, you only live once. Cook Named to A-ECC Cagers Bob Cook, who led this year's University of Delaware basketball team in scoring and was runnerup in rebounding, was named Second Team All-East Coast Conference as selected by the Conference's basketball coaches. 'TS ANOTHER CHLDREN'S PROGRAM HGHLAND PPNG AND DANCNG. Glenn Pryor, Gladys MacDonald, Linda McConnell. --- Selection of Marches, Airs, Straphspeys, Reels, and Jigs. With audience participation in dancing! 25 For One and All Of the two teams selected, only three players capte from the Western Section Cook, Lafayette's Todd Tripucka and Rider's Russ Stroemel, and both of them were named to the First Team. / BEGNNNG HATHA YOGA CLASS Taught by Carmellta DiMichael Mondays 7:30 P.M. UNTARAN CHURCH L ~. Wed., Thur.,Fri., & Sat. Sweat Shirts SweatPants $3.00 MARCH20 BACCHUS "the jean store" JL

16 Page 16 REVEW, University of Delaware, Newark, Delaware. Spikers Halted in Tourney Competition Leaves Hens Fourth Bv HENNY ABRAMS Penn State won the Eastern Open Volleyball Tournament at Carpenter Sports Building on Saturday by defeating Rutg~rs-Newark 15-8 and Delaware finished fourth. The tournament was played with four teams competing in each of two divisions. Division A was Army, Nyack, Princeton, and Rutgers-Newark. Springfield, East Stroudsburg, Penn State, and Delaware made up Division B. Rutgers-Newark went undefeated in their division to advance to the semi-finals. West Point compiled a 2-1 record for the day and also advanced. n Division B Penn State,~ Springfield, and Delaware had identical 2-1 records. Springfield was eliminated due to a loss to Delaware and a small margin of victory over Penn State. The semi-finals pitted the Blue Hens against Rutgers-Newark and West Point against Penn State. The Blue Hen spikers showed tpat they meant business by building up a commanding 12-4 lead in the first game. Rick Wood scored the last three points for the Hens by blocking two shots and smashing the final point away. n the second game Rutgers took an 11-8 lead and never looked back. They won n the deciding game the serve switched six times before anyone scored. After ten minutes of play, Delaware led by only 4-2. The game see-sawed until the Hens were behind Delaware scored but one more, losing Penn State did not have such problems with their opponents. They dusted off Army 15-3 and Army and Delaware battled for third place. Army beat the Hens last week, and Delaware wanted revenge. They didn't get it.. n the first game the Blue Hens blew an 11-4 lead to lost The second half of the contest Tenacious Net Work Rescues Hen Effort By ROD BEATON They came. They saw. They tied. Three times the Delaware ce Hockey Club has clashed with the Scarlet Knights of Rutgers. Three games ended in a stalemate. Last Saturday's meeting at the Delaware ce Arena ended in a 2-2 tie. Twice the Blue Hens tallied to erase a one-goal 'deficit. n the first period, Chris Savage wristed a marker to compenhte for John McClellan's Knight goal. n the middle period Steve McPhee stuffed a one-foot goal on a shot by Ron Bouchard that bounded in front. Earlier, John Majehrzak, who spent more time in the penalty box than on the ice, slipped a shot past Stu Dixon for the temporary Rutgers lead. Although the Hens were stymied on their sixteen-shot third period barrage by Rutgers goalie Jim Skibin, it was hot- handed Dixon who caught the attention. Snuffy Dixon repeatedly short-circuited Rutgers on outstanding efforts, including one-and two-man breakways. The excellent goaltending at both ends preserved the two-all tie. Next Friday the Hens face the dynamic challenge of the league all-stars at the Delaware ce Arena starting at 10 p.m. All the funds collected from this exhibition will be donated to the U.S. Olympic Committtee. Cagers Upset in Regionals The women cag~rs were knocked out of the Eastern Regional Tournament in their first game by Josing to Loch Haven in Pittsburgh last weekend. mmaculata took the crown for the fourth straight year. Guard Kathy Tompkins was injured in the first five minutes of the game. Her teammates fought to tie the game at the half n the second half, Loch Haven increased pressure, taking advantage of fast breaks to outscore the Hens Coach Mary Ann Hitchens commented, "t seemed for a while that everything they shot went in." The_ Bald Eagles shot 47 per cent from the floor while Delaware laued behind witb 37 ernat. Karen Conlin lead the Hens with 22 points while Sue Sowter and Sharon Howett tallied 13 points each. After losing to Loch Haven, Delaware moved on to the consolation bracket of the double elimination tournament where they crushed Rutgers Friday afternoon but fell to Penn State on Friday night, Against Rutgers, Delaware shot 53 per cent, but in the match with Penn State, co-captain Karen Homey said, "They just weren't going in." The top two teams, mmaculata and Montclair, advance to the Women's National Championship '"'oumament at Penn State from Mardl 11 to Mareb 27# saw Army outlast Delaware Coach Barbara Viera said she felt her team should have beaten the Cadets. "We weren't in the game mentally," she commented. "The guys weren't concentrating." n the finals Penn State used a time-tested set-up to overcome Rutgers-Newark. Captains Larry Wile and Tom Hahn picked apart their opponents by coming in from the left side of the court near the net. They utilized this method to win the first game RUtgers-Newark was lead by Fruichi Surusawa, William Savary, and a charged-up Nestol Paslawsky. Paslawsky got several warnings from the referee and came close to losing a few points. The Nittany Lions of Penn State went up 12-6 in the second game. The best Rutgers-Newark could do was come.back to lose by a deficit. Staff photo by Henny Abrams RCH ZAWSHA GOES up for a smash against Rutgers Newark as teammate Rick Wood looks on in Saturday's volleyball tournament at Carpenter Sports Building. Delaware placed fourth in the competition. Bullp~n ;..._----,. Greens and Taris By Buck Mulrine Everybody grabs their checkbook and their baby lotion and heads south during the spring migration. Coach Scotty D1,1ncan and 14 of the 26 men currently out for Delaware's golf team will do the same. The 11-year coach who has amassed an astounding "somewhere near 140 wins and 31 losses" record will be traveling south with a seasoned squad. Last year's 18-1 team will return virtually intact, having lost to graduation only Andy Smith and Charlie Hom, last season's co-captains. So John Siegle, a senior, and juniors Shaun Prendergast, Hank Kline, B~rnie Fyrwald and sophomore Mike Bourne are almost assured of a little sun, but will be hard-pressed for it by the 21 other aspirants, 14 of whom are freshmen. Nags Head, North Carolina and Tallal}assee, Florida are the destinations for the lucky duffers. Seven of Duncan's linksmen (preferably freshmen, in order to gain experience) will compete at the Seaside nvitational at Nags Head. Meanwhiie. the other half of the squad will continue south to Tallahassee to play in matches at Southern Florida University, where the pro circuit plays the Tallahassee Open. The strength of this team, something it hardly lacks, will result from the freshmen trying out, Duncan asserted. "Right now we could be probably seven or eight men deep in strength. lf we could find that ninth man we could be real strong." Howev~r, it is a rarity to see a freshman on Duncan's squad. n 11 years as head coach, only two freshmen have played for him, Bourne in 1975 being one of them. "n high sc.hpol, team pluers only go nine holes," Duncan explained. "The intensity Df 18 holes can be too much to hack." Although progress was slowed by last week's snow, Duncan still feels practice is essential for progress. "Those who play everyday will win. Of course, 'll take Lady Luck anytime," he added. Lady Luck may be going south with them! Let's see, can sign in as Mr. Luck... Ruggers Drop Second Straight The Delaware Rugby Club dropped its second match of the season last Saturday, losing to the Chesapeake Rugby Club, As in their opening game loss to Doylestown, the ruggers failed to generate any offense. Nevertheless, the Hens broke the ice with A Stiles' penalty kick early in the first half. Delaware dominated the rest of the half, driving d~p into Chesapeake territory on several occasions, whue not allowing Chesapeake to cross midfield. The Hens could not convert this momentum into poillta though, and held a delicate 3-0 lead. Chesapeake clinched the match in the second half by scoring penalty kicks, a four-point try, and by frustrating Delaware's offense., Assistant coach Tony Bevel attributed the setback to "stupid penalties," although he said that the team gained confidence and moved the ball better than in the past. Next week the ruggers ~ill travel to Norfolk, Va., for a match with the Norfolk Rugby Club. They will return home on March 1:1 for a match qainat Delaware Law S~bool.

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